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Plant Cell Animal Cell
1. 18.
2. 13.
7. 19.
8. 14. 20.

4. 10.
11. 16. 22.

12. 17. 23.



II. Fill in the blanks the correct word below.

All forms of life are made up of (1)________. Several (2)___ ____had worked on studies regarding this biological
structure. Because of this, the Science of (3)_______ was established. It is a branch of (4)_________ that studies cells and
its processes. Cells are highly small that they cannot be seen by our naked (5)________. An extension was needed to see
the details of the cell- the (6)________. This instrument has revolutionized the study of cell.

Cells are like (7)________. They are made up of three basic parts. The (8)_________ controls the entry and exit
of the materials across the cell. The (9)______ on the other hand is the control center of the cell. Lastly, the (10)_______
includes all the cellular structures other than nucleus and cell membrane. The cytoplasm is made up of a liquid portion
known as the (11)________. It is a jelly like substance made of water, (12)______, sugars and other derivatives. It
nourishes the other parts of the cell. There are also tiny structures of the cytoplasm known as (13)_________. They are
little (14)______. Each (15)________ has a specific function.

Biologists cells cytology nucleus cytoplasm

Microscope eye factories proteins cell membrane

Organelles organs function protoplasm Science

III. Multiple Choice. Write the letter of your choice on your answer sheet.

1. In which of the following items would you expect to find cells?

a. strawberry b. silver dollar c. eyeglasses d. plastic flower

2. Plant cells often have a box-like shape because of the ____.

a. nucleus b. cytoplasm c. cell wall d. cell membrane

3. Which of the following statements is always true?

a. All cells have a cell wall. c. All cells contain a chloroplast.
b. All cells contain a nucleus. d. All cells have a lysosome.

4. A cell is observed to contain a nucleus, mitochondria and chloroplasts. From this information you can conclude that
the cell is:
a. a plant cell b. a bacterial cell c. an animal cell d. a prokaryotic cell

5. Which of the following is found in the nucleus?

a. vacuoles b. mitochondria c. chloroplasts d. chromosomes
6. Digestive enzymes or hydrolytic enzymes are terms associated with ____.
a. ribosomes b. golgi apparatus c. lysosomes d. smooth endoplasmic reticulum

7. What site regulates what goes in and out of the cell?

a. cell wall b. cell membrane c. vacuole d. nuclear membrane

8. The site of ATP production and the site of photosynthesis are the ____ and ___.
a. ribosomes and vacuoles c. mitochondria and chloroplast
b. chloroplast and lysosome d. Golgi complex and chloroplast

9. Which is the “brain” of the cell?

a. chloroplast b. golgi bodies c. nucleus d. mitochondria

10. What is the outermost boundary of an animal cell?

a. the cell wall b. the cell membrane c. the cytoplasm d. the nuclear envelope

11. Where is the site of protein synthesis?

a. nucleus b. ribosome c. lysosome d. mitochondria

12. A cell with relatively few energy needs will probably have a relatively small number of _____.
a. ribosomes b. mitochondria c. lysosomes d. chromosomes

13. A cell with relatively few energy needs will probably have a relatively small number of
a. ribosomes b. mitochondria c. lysosomes d. chromosomes

14. It is the center for the production of the ribosome.

a. nucleus b. nucleolus c. golgi bodies d. endoplasmic reticulum

15. It contains chlorophyll, the pigment needed for photosynthesis to happen.

a. ribosome b. nucleus c. lysosome d. chloroplast

IV. Cell analogy: Match column A to column B.

Column A Column B
__1. Nucleus a. Water jar
__2. Mitochondrion b. Blender
__3. Lysosome c. School principal
__4. Cell membrane d. Battery
__5. Vacuole
e. Security guard
V. Choose from the box the correct answer

Cytoplasm ribosome vacuole

Endoplasmic reticulum mitochondrion golgi apparatus

Chloroplast nucleus cell membrane lysosome

___1. The power house of the cell.

___2. The site of protein synthesis
___3. The store house of the cell
___4. The control center of all the activities of the cell
___5. It controls the entry and exit of materials in the cell.
___6. It contains the chlorophyll which enable the plant cell to photosynthesize.
___7. It contains all the cell organelles and parts.
___8. The suicidal sacs of the cell.
___9. The packaging apparatus of the cell.
___10. The protein carrier of the cell.

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