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The University ofthe State of New York * THE STATE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT « Albany, New York + wwwenysed gov Reference Tables for Physical Setting/EARTH SCIENCE Radioactive Decay Data Specific Heats of Common Materials RADIOACTIVE | DISINTEGRATION | HALF-LIFE MATERIAL SPECIFIC HEAT ISOTOPE (years) (Gauesigram=“C) Carbon-14 Mo aMN 57x10 Liquid water 4.18 a Solid water (ce) Bit Potassium-40 Ko tax? Water vapor 2.00 ca > Dry air 1.01 Uranium-238 288.28 py 45x10 Basalt 0.84 a = Grane 078 Rubidium-87, “Rp— "sr 49x10 Tron 045 Copper 0.38 Equations Lead 0.48 distance between foci Eoceniviciy = “stance petween fect Properties of Water Gradient = £h&NG® in field value Heat energy gained during meting 334 Jig distance Heat energy released during freezing «334 dig hate of ange = Stange nao Heat energy gained during vaporization ..,.. 2260 Wig " Heat energy released during condensation . . . 2260 J/g Density at 398°C To gm Average Chemical Composition of Earth’s Crust, Hydrosphere, and Troposphere ELEMENT CRUST HYDROSPHERE | TROPOSPHERE (symbol) _| Povantby mass [Paceriby aur | Pevertty vume | Poverty vous ‘Oxygen (0) 46.10 94.04 33.0 21.0 Siicon (Si) 28.20 0.88 ‘Aluminum (A 8.23 0.48 Iron (Fe) 5.63 0.49 Calcium (Ca) 415 1.18 ‘Sodium (Na) 2.36 111 ‘Magnesium (Mg) 2.33 0.33 Potassium (K) 2.09 1.42 Nitrogen (N) 78.0 Hydrogen (H) 360 Other ot 007 10 1 2011 EDITION Eiiyptons romps This edition of the Earth Science Reference Tables should be used in the classroom beginning in the 2011-12 school year. The first examination for ‘which these tables will be used is the January 2012 Regents Examination in Physical Seting Earth Science, New York Stale Fossil Rock CG; 'ycle in Earth’s Crust Relationship of Transported Particle Size to Water Velocity 8 100.0 gobo Be Boulders Se - pss 100 T Sobbies - a ‘SEDIMENTARY = ROCK & % & 10 Pebbles 2 0.2. .. 2 oon a sand 2 oo 2 a8 TeREOUS 5 sn ROCK ® 0,001 ! METAMORPHIC FE - Pt ay ROCK 0.0001 g e288 3 88 STREAM VELOCITY (cms) This generalized waph shows the water velcy Tecra ah er ett van irae Bddotecerb pte day an sap Scheme for Igneous Rock Identification fiysa] texture Obatan or 5\ (usualy appears black) Basaltic glass Glassy | vesieular Ef Panis [seers Trescaer| & | & lke et tne 2 |e Rhyalite Andesite Basalt ge ge Diabase aT é lz le, 7 ave SE] coone | en 2 \s ee Granite . a ldtite|5] E25 | © z Zs & Pegmatite EDR] tat T 8 onren}e coon +1 fonrace & Lower pe —————}. ensiry ++} |uigHer. 6 rascl Maric 3 en My oMPostTi¢n +> 1H B PS Potassium qe Mase Fern 2 Gea é : pod fo Ae é i ovine 5 ees aE Physleal SttngEarth Science Reference Tables — 2011 Editon Scheme for Sedimentary Rock Identification INORGANIC LAND-DERIVED SEDIMENTARY ROCKS TEXTURE GRAIN SIZE ‘COMPOSITION ‘COMMENTS ROCK NAME: MAP SYMBOL Pobbles, cobales, aor Boulders embedded in sand, Mostly Rounded fragments Conglomerate easily srs day guar Angular tagmens Breccia fataspar, and ciasic Sana tiny miners; | Fine couse sandstone traomeniay | (8981002 em) Gay miner si fragments ot (0.0004 to 0.006 cm) other rocks Very fine grain Siltstone Clay and minerals ‘Compact; may split ‘Shale (less than 0.0004 cm) CHEMICALLY AND/OR ORGANICALLY FORMED SEDIMENTARY ROCKS. TEXTURE GRAIN SIZE ‘COMPOSITION COMMENTS ROCK NAME | MAP SYMBOL Halte Rock salt Fine Crystals from to chemical crystalline sum jock gypsum ms coarse ov precipitates Rock aypi crystals and evaporites Dolomite Dolostone Presiiaes oT BSIOGE co ‘crystalline oF Cateite orgincr cemented shell | Limestone — Dioclastic Microscopie to fragments Coo very coarse. Compacted Bioclastic Carbon Sones Bituminous coal Scheme for Metamorphic Rock Identification Motamorphism of rexrune | Hal" | cowrosmon | meniicngiasn comments ROCKNANE | MAPSYNBOL ne Low-orade Fir metamorphism of shale Slate 8] 22 LL. Regional #| 23 (eat and |__| Folation sues shiny BIBS | ne Great ana |_| Foteten career tn rte 2/29 increases) crystals 3 st lel 2 | mesium |S]oulg [S| Piaty mica cytals velo IE ls BI fort mtarrpns fay Sehist slelelee Sriesepars - Siglglgle Bg Medium |e |g High-grade matarvorhim ze 2 ‘eal igees negopaed Gneiss B= | coarse E Fiotanl? re | caren | regonai | petamerpar Antracie cos vou | coma | vefous ok cuangeaby Tea Foe eather eat vomets — | [Sy e minerals ‘heat fragmaviava leat 5 etme of 2 varie ‘art sandstone Quartzte g | ie Ragone 2 coarse | Calcite andior or Metamorphism of dolomite limestone or dolostone matte conte cane | varous Patiesmaybe dstored_| wetaconglomerte o minerals or stretched acon! ne Settng/Earth Sclence Reference ables — 2011 Eton

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