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23 St. Mary´s Road.

Dublin 4, Ireland

Tuesday, 10May

Dear Stephanie

How are you? I’m very well. I came to Dublin two weeks ago to study at a language school. I want
to learn English because it is a very important language. I’m stayed with a Irish family. They´ve got
two sons and a daughter. Mr. Kendall is a teacher and Mrs. Kendall works in a hospital. The Irish
are very kind, but they speak very quickly!

I study in the morning. My teacher's name is An. She told me that my English is OK, but I have a lot
of mistakes. Ann didn’t give us too much homework, so in the afternoons I always go sightseeing.
Dublin is much bigger than my town. I like painting very much and I´m very interesting in modern
art, so I visit galleries and museums. I´ve met a girl named Martina. She come from Spain and goes
to the Trinity College. Last night we go to the cinema, but the film wasn´t very exciting.

Would you like to visit me? Why don´t you come for a weekend??

I´d love to see you.

Write me soon.

Love, Katy

P.S. Here´s my new e mail address:

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