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OMICRON Test Universe 1.

OMICRON Test Universe

 OMICRON electronics
September 2000, All rights reserved.

The product information, specifications, and all technical data contained within this manual are not
contractually binding. OMICRON electronics reserves the right to make technical changes without
announcement. OMICRON electronics is not to be held liable for statements and declarations given in
this manual. The user is responsible for every application described in this manual. OMICRON
electronics explicitly exonerates itself from all liability for mistakes in this manual.
Copying or reproducing this manual, wholly or in part, is not permitted without the expressed written
consent of OMICRON electronics.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents
Table of Contents ....................................................................................iii

1 Introduction ............................................................................................ 1
1.1 The Protection Package software .................................................................................... 1
1.2 Scope of the Protection Package software....................................................................... 2
1.2.1 Test Modules.......................................................................................................2
1.2.2 Testing tools .......................................................................................................5
1.2.3 Utilities................................................................................................................ 5

2 QuickCMC ............................................................................................... 7
2.1 QuickCMC Features ........................................................................................................ 8
2.2 QuickCMC Example: Pick-up, Drop-out, and Trip Time .................................................... 9
2.2.1 Establishing the Wiring Between the Relay and the CMC ......................................9
2.2.2 Starting QuickCMC ............................................................................................10
2.2.3 Entering the Test Object Parameters ..................................................................10
2.2.4 Configuring the Hardware .................................................................................11
2.2.5 Entering the Default Voltages ............................................................................14
2.2.6 Manually Stepping the Voltages ........................................................................15
2.2.7 Automatic Ramping of the Voltages ..................................................................16
2.2.8 Using the Hold Function ....................................................................................16
2.2.9 Performing a Trip Time Test ...............................................................................16
2.2.10 Defining the Report Format ...............................................................................18
2.2.11 Compiling a Report ...........................................................................................20
2.2.12 Printing a Test Report .......................................................................................22
2.2.13 Saving the Test .................................................................................................23

3 State Sequencer .................................................................................... 25

3.1 State Sequencer Views.................................................................................................. 25
3.1.1 Z Shot ...............................................................................................................26
3.1.2 Z State ..............................................................................................................26
3.2 Example 1 State Sequencer: Fuse-Fail Function.............................................................. 27
3.2.1 Establishing the Wiring Between the Relay and the CMC ....................................27
3.2.2 Starting the OMICRON Control Center ...............................................................28
3.2.3 Entering the Test Object Parameters and Settings ..............................................28

OMICRON Test Universe

3.2.4 Configuring the Hardware .................................................................................29

3.2.5 Inserting the State Sequencer Module into the Test Document...........................32
3.2.6 Defining State 1: Healthy System .......................................................................32
3.2.7 Defining State 2: Fuse-Fail State.........................................................................33
3.2.8 Defining State 3: A-N Fault ................................................................................33
3.2.9 Defining the Report Format ...............................................................................35
3.2.10 Performing a Test ..............................................................................................36
3.2.11 Printing a Test Report ........................................................................................38
3.2.12 Saving the Test..................................................................................................38
3.3 Example 2 State Sequencer: Feeder Auto-reclosure........................................................ 40
3.3.1 Establishing the Wiring Between the Relay and the CMC ....................................41
3.3.2 Starting the State Sequencer Test Module..........................................................42
3.3.3 Entering the Test Object Parameters ..................................................................43
3.3.4 Configuring the Hardware .................................................................................44
3.3.5 Defining the Pre-Fault State ...............................................................................46
3.3.6 Defining the A-N Fault State ..............................................................................47
3.3.7 Defining the Remaining States ...........................................................................49
3.3.8 Defining Timing Measurements .........................................................................51
3.3.9 Defining the Report Format ...............................................................................52
3.3.10 Performing a Test ..............................................................................................53
3.3.11 The Time Signal View ........................................................................................54
3.3.12 Printing a Test Report .......................................................................................55
3.3.13 Saving a Test .....................................................................................................55

4 Ramping ................................................................................................ 57
4.1 Ramping Features......................................................................................................... 57
4.1.1 Test View ..........................................................................................................58
4.1.2 Detail View........................................................................................................59
4.1.3 Report View ......................................................................................................59
4.1.4 Signal View .......................................................................................................59
4.1.5 Additional Functions in the Signal View .............................................................60
4.1.6 Navigation Toolbar ............................................................................................61
4.2 Example Ramping: Pick-up Test for a Generator Protection............................................ 62
4.2.1 Considerations Prior to the Test .........................................................................62
4.2.2 Establishing the Wiring Between Generator Protection and CMC........................63
4.2.3 Starting the OMICRON Control Center ...............................................................63

Table of Contents

4.2.4 Entering the Test Object Parameters ..................................................................64

4.2.5 Hardware Configuration ....................................................................................64
4.2.6 Inserting the Ramping Test Module into the Test Document ..............................65
4.2.7 Defining the Ramp States ..................................................................................66
4.2.8 Defining the Static Output Values......................................................................67
4.2.9 Defining the Trigger Conditions .........................................................................67
4.2.10 Enter Nominal Values and the Tolerances ..........................................................69
4.2.11 Defining the Drop-Out Ratio Calculation ............................................................69
4.2.12 Testing ..............................................................................................................70
4.2.13 Defining the Test Report ....................................................................................71
4.2.14 Saving and Printing the Test Report ...................................................................71

5 Overcurrent ........................................................................................... 73
5.1 Overcurrent Features .................................................................................................... 73
5.1.1 Fault Simulation ................................................................................................73
5.1.2 Characteristic Definition.....................................................................................74
5.1.3 Testing the Trip Characteristics ..........................................................................74
5.2 Overcurrent Example: Pick-Up and Trip Times................................................................ 75
5.2.1 Establishing the Wiring Between the Relay and the CMC ....................................76
5.2.2 Starting the OMICRON Control Center ...............................................................76
5.2.3 Entering the Test Object Parameters and Settings ..............................................76
5.2.4 Configuring the Hardware .................................................................................80
5.2.5 Inserting the Overcurrent Test Module into the Test Document ..........................83
5.2.6 Defining the Test for the A-N Fault Loop............................................................83
5.2.7 Defining the Trigger Conditions .........................................................................85
5.2.8 Defining the Report Format ...............................................................................85
5.2.9 Copying and Pasting Test for All Other Fault Types.............................................86
5.2.10 Performing a Test ..............................................................................................88 Testing from Inside a Test Module ........................................................89 Testing from the Control Center ...........................................................90 Running a Fully Automatic Test from the Control Center .......................91
5.2.11 Printing the Test Report .....................................................................................91
5.2.12 Saving the Test..................................................................................................92
5.2.13 Converting the Test Report to a Test Template ...................................................92

6 Distance ................................................................................................ 95

OMICRON Test Universe

6.1 Example: Distance ........................................................................................................ 97

6.1.1 Preparing The Test.............................................................................................99
6.1.2 OMICRON StartPage and the Distance Test Module ...........................................99
6.1.3 Selecting the Distance Module.........................................................................100
6.1.4 Entering Test Object Parameters ......................................................................101 Manual Entry .....................................................................................102 Automatic Entering of Relay Data .......................................................103
6.1.5 Hardware Configuration ..................................................................................107
6.1.6 Test Procedures and Report Definition .............................................................108 Test Procedure ...................................................................................108 Report Format....................................................................................112
6.1.7 Running The Test.............................................................................................114
6.1.8 Signal View .....................................................................................................115 Single Shot Test Without Recording the Results ..................................115 Signal Views.......................................................................................115
6.1.9 Printing the Report ..........................................................................................116
6.1.10 Tips.................................................................................................................118 The Contant Test Current Model.........................................................118 Entering Characteristics ......................................................................118 Editing an Existing Zone .....................................................................120 Relay Settings.....................................................................................120

7 Differential .......................................................................................... 121

7.1 About Differential....................................................................................................... 121
7.2 Example Differential: Transformer Differential Relay..................................................... 123
7.2.1 Establishing the Wiring Between the Relay and the CMC ..................................124
7.2.2 Starting the OMICRON Control Center .............................................................124
7.2.3 Entering the Test Object Parameters ................................................................124
7.2.4 Configuring the Hardware ...............................................................................127
7.2.5 Inserting the Differential Test Module into the Test Document .........................128
7.2.6 Defining the Test for the Operating Characteristic ............................................129
7.2.7 Defining the Test of the Inrush Characteristic ...................................................130
7.2.8 Performing the Test .........................................................................................131
7.2.9 Defining the Test Report ..................................................................................133
7.2.10 Saving and Printing the Test Report .................................................................133

8 Testing tools ....................................................................................... 135

Table of Contents

8.1 TransPlay .................................................................................................................... 135

8.1.1 TransPlay Features ...........................................................................................135
8.1.2 Example TransPlay ...........................................................................................136 Starting TransPlay ..............................................................................136 Hardware Configuration.....................................................................137 Loading the Signal File .......................................................................139 After Loading the Signal File...............................................................140 Preparing the Signal Output ...............................................................141 Graphical Display of Signal File(s)........................................................145 Playing the Signal File(s) .....................................................................145 Logging the State Changes of the Binary Outputs ...............................145
8.2 CMGPS....................................................................................................................... 147
8.3 Harmonics.................................................................................................................. 149
8.3.1 Features of Harmonics .....................................................................................150
8.3.2 The Harmonics Comtrade Options ...................................................................150

9 Utilities ................................................................................................ 153

9.1 TYP Converter............................................................................................................. 153
9.2 AuxDC........................................................................................................................ 154
9.3 ScanLic (Scan for Licences).......................................................................................... 155
9.4 AddLic (Add Licences)................................................................................................. 156

10 OMICRON Contact Addresses ............................................................. 159

Index .....................................................................................................161

OMICRON Test Universe


1 Introduction
This Protection manual provides a detailed overview of the Protection Package
software as well as one or more specific test examples for each test module
that is part of the package.
Reference information about the test modules is found in the module-specific
online help systems. You are encouraged to use this reference first whenever
you have a question or need further explanation about a specific topic.
If this does not meet your needs, please e-mail your question(s) to us or
contact us directly by fax or phone (refer to section “Contact Addresses”).
For reference information about the OMICRON Control Center (OCC), please
refer to the manual “OMICRON Test Universe - The Concept” which was
shipped with your software.
If you need to install the OMICRON Test Universe software, you will find a
detailed installation guide in CD booklet form shipped with your software.

1.1 The Protection Package software

The Protection Package software provides full-range functionality to define and
perform comprehensive tests of any protective relay according to the
manufacturer’s guidelines or actual relay settings and usage.
It contains several function-oriented test modules that can operate in stand-
alone mode for simple tests.
The test modules are designed to automate tests and provide automatic
assessments. To create complete, multi-functional tests, all test modules can
also be embedded into an OMICRON Control Center document (test plan) any
number of times. The unique OMICRON Control Center is the dominant
automation tool taking advantage of the document-oriented approch to

) Tip for new users: Begin with the QuickCMC test module to become familiar
with the new windows test software.

OMICRON Test Universe

1.2 Scope of the Protection Package software

The Protection Package software consists of the following components:

OMICRON Control Center Automation tool to manage creation of tests

and their execution. OMICRON test modules can
be embedded into a test document to create
multi-functional tests.
Test Wizard Efficient tool for supporting the automatic
generation of test documents in the OMICRON
Control Center.
The basis of Test Wizard is its “knowledge base”,
a database of pre-defined test plans for
individual protective functions. This database
can be customized and extended by the user.
Like an assistant, Test Wizard guides the
engineer through the process of selecting the
required testing functions in an application-
orientated way and automatically combines
them for a complete OCC test document.

1.2.1 Test Modules

QuickCMC Interface allowing manual control of all voltage

and current generators of the connected CMC
test equipment. Step-wise, manual, or
automated variation of an amplitude, frequency,
or phase. Manual assessment of trip time or
pick-up / drop-off values. Controls the binary
outputs and measures on the analog small
signal inputs.
State Sequencer Output of a sequence of states. Can be used to
determine trip times or other time
measurements with automatic assessment.
Permits setting of amplitude, frequency, and
phase of each generator in each single state.
Includes automatic report creation and Z Shot
function for distance applications.


Ramping Variation of amplitude, frequency, and phase

along a staircase (or ramp) function. Automatic
assessment and reporting of pick-up / drop-off
values. Simultaneous ramps of two signal
parameters (e.g. amplitude and frequency).
Calculation of pick-up / drop-off ratio.
Automatic repetition of tests with average
calculation. Step back and zoom function for
higher resolution at the threshold.
Overcurrent Designed for overcurrent relays. Tests the
operation characteristic to verify the trip time
with automatic assessment. Includes automatic
pick-up / drop-off test and automatic report
creation. Simulates phase-ground, phase-phase,
three-phase, negative sequence, and zero
sequence faults.
Differential Provides a compact testing solution for
generator, busbar, and transformer differential
protection relays. Performs single-phase tests of
the operating characteristic (pick-up value, slope
test) and the inrush blocking function (harmonic
restraint test).
For the test of the operating characteristic, test
points are defined in the Idiff/Ibias plane either
using the mouse or entering from the keyboard.
A graphic user interface makes the test
definition easy.
Differential also provides an appropriate testing
environment for testing the harmonic restraint
function. The amplitude of the fundamental and
the percentage of the superimposed harmonic
can be defined for each test point. The test
currents belonging to the test points are injected
to the relay and the reaction of the relay is
By inserting several Differential modules into an
OMICRON Control Center document, different
fault loops can be tested automatically.
Distance Provides the functionality to define and perform
tests of distance relays by impedance element
evaluations using single-shot definitions in the Z-
plane with graphical characteristic display.

OMICRON Test Universe

Distance cont. Definition of relay characteristics

A graphical editor makes the definition of the
nominal relay characteristics and settings quick
and easy. Start, trip, extended, and no-trip zones
can be defined by using predefined elements. A
complete overview of all defined zones is
The standard RIO interface, supported by various
relay manufacturers, makes it possible to directly
import the relay data from relays’ parameter
setting software.
The impedance settings for the zones are
entered and displayed in primary or secondary
values, as chosen by the user:
Definition of tests
Tests are defined in the impedance plane: Test
points are added to a test point table with the
mouse or by entering from the keyboard. This
table is separated into several tabs, each tab
belonging to a fault loop (e.g. A-N, B-N, C-N, A-
B,...). Test points can be defined for several fault
loops at the same time (e.g. for all single-phase
loops) or for every fault loop separately.
When a test is performed, the test point lists
belonging to the individual fault loops are
worked off. The reaction of the relay is
compared to the specified nominal settings and
an assessment is made. The results are displayed
graphically in the impedance plane as well as
numerically in the test point table.
For a more in-depth analysis of the results, the
voltages and currents belonging to a test point
and the relays reaction (switching of output
contacts) can be graphically displayed. Time
measurements by using cursors are possible.
Distance automatically generates a test report
containing the relay settings, the test settings,
the test points, and the results in both tabular
and graphical form.


1.2.2 Testing tools

TransPlay Plays back transient data using a CMC test set.

Comtrade files are supported for the transient data.
CMGPS Controls the triggering a CMC test set at a precisely
defined moment in time using the Global Positioning
System (GPS) satellite signal.
Harmonics Generats signals with superimposed harmonics.

1.2.3 Utilities

TYPConverter Converts test object parameter files stored in the TYP

format (from the OMICRON DOS software) to the new
RIO format (Relay Interface by OMICRON).
AuxDC Controls the DC auxiliary voltage outputs of a CMC 256
test set.
ScanLic Searches for available OMICRON license information
stored on the hard disk and on demand displays the
contents of these license files.
AddLic Permits manual entry of a test module license to the
OMICRON license file.

OMICRON Test Universe


2 QuickCMC
QuickCMC is a test module that can be used to output binary or analog
In addition, the CMC binary inputs are monitored. Thus, basic measurements
can be performed using the binary inputs.
QuickCMC is very simple and intuitively to use. The StartPage of the OMICRON
Test Universe provides a hyperlink for starting QuickCMC in standalone mode.
Figure 2-1:
QuickCMC user interface.

OMICRON Test Universe

2.1 QuickCMC Features

y Numeric or graphic specification of analog values (absolute or relative to
nominal) for up to 12 generators.
y Manual specification of binary outputs.
y Display of the measured values for the analog inputs
(±20 mA / ±10 VDC) as well as the binary inputs
y Manual or automatic step (Auto-step) of the analog output quantities.
y Measurement of binary input. This means, the first state transition at
any binary input after the last change of an output. Shows slope and
y User-defined reports and assessment.


2.2 QuickCMC Example: Pick-up, Drop-out, and Trip Time

Sample file: QuickCMC_times_undervoltage_relay.qcm
Stored at:
...OTU installation path\Test Library\Samples\SW Manual Examples\Protection

The pick-up, drop-out, and trip times need to be tested for a generic
under-voltage relay. Because no automatic test is necessary, the test is
to be conducted manually. A report should be compiled.
The following settings are given:
Pick-up: 50 V
Pick-up / Drop-out Ratio: 0.9
Trip time: 100 ms.

9 Solution
The OMICRON Test Universe offers a dedicated test module to perform
manual tests. QuickCMC offers the advantage, that it is simple and easy
to operate, yet provides the functionality to independently adjust up to
twelve voltage or current generators in terms of amplitude and phase
angle, to vary the system frequency, to manually step or automatically
ramp all quantities and to perform simple timing tests. A vector diagram
shows the specified quantities graphically. Also a reporting function is
QuickCMC is designed to be used for quick and easy tests, and is ideally
used stand alone, although it can also be used as part of the OMICRON
Control Center.

2.2.1 Establishing the Wiring Between the Relay and the CMC
1. Connect the voltage inputs of the relay to the corresponding voltage
outputs of the CMC.
2. Connect the trip signal of the relay to binary input 1 of the CMC.

OMICRON Test Universe

2.2.2 Starting QuickCMC

1. Start the OMICRON StartPage.
2. Under Test Modules click on "QuickCMC"

2.2.3 Entering the Test Object Parameters

1. Click on the Test Object icon or select "Insert | Test Object" to open the
dialog for the test object specific data.
2. Enter the parameters on the "Device Settings" tab.
Figure 2-2:
Device Settings tab of the
Test Object parameters.

3. Click "OK" again to close the Test object parameters.


2.2.4 Configuring the Hardware

1. Click on the Hardware Configuration icon or select "Insert | Hardware
Configuration" to open the dialog for the hardware configuration.
Figure 2-3:
General tab Hardware

2. Select "None" for the Amplifiers, unless the output power from the CMC
is not enough and an external amplifier is required.
Note: To control an OMICRON amplifier (CMA 56, CMA 156 or CMS
156) with a CMC 156 / 256, the outputs of the amplifier are
to be configured to "Generators 7-9" or "Generators 10-12".
Up to twelve amplifier outputs can be specified, each of which
can independently be adjusted in amplitude and phase angle.
The software will automatically detect the amplifier in
addition to its serial number.
The external amplifiers for a CMC 56 can only be configured instead of
one of the internal generator triples "Generators 1-3" or "Generators 4-
6". A total of six generators are available.
3. Click on the "Analog Outputs" tab as shown in Figure 2-4.

OMICRON Test Universe

Figure 2-4:
Analog Output tab of
Hardware Configuration.

4. Define the displayed names for each voltage and each current signal, i.e.
V A-N, V B-N and V C-N.
The connection terminal on the protection scheme can be specified in
the third column.
5. De-select the crosses in the column for I1, I2 and I3 to specify that the
current outputs of the CMC are not used. A voltage relay does not
require any current inputs.
6. Ensure that the wiring matrix is specified correctly, i.e. that V A-N is
connected to V1 of the CMC.
7. Click on the "Binary / Analog Inputs" tab as shown in Figure 2-5.


Figure 2-5:
Hardware Configuration:
Binary Inputs

1 2

8. Define binary input 1 as "Trip".

9. De-select all other crosses in the wiring matrix to indicate, that these
binary inputs are not used.
10.Define binary inputs 1-4 as "Potential free", by selecting the relevant
check box Figure 2-5 (1).
If voltage sensing contacts are used, the trigger level of each input can
be specified separately Figure 2-5 (2).
11.Click on the "Binary Outputs" tab.
12.De-select all crosses in the wiring matrix to indicate that no binary
outputs are required for this test.
13.Click on the "DC Analog Inputs" tab.
14.De-select all crosses in the wiring matrix to indicate that no DC analog
inputs are required for this test.
15.Click "OK" to return to the Control Center.

OMICRON Test Universe

2.2.5 Entering the Default Voltages

1. Set the amplitude of V1 to 63.51V Figure 2-6 (1).
2. While pointing at the field for the amplitude of V1, click the right mouse
button. Select "Equal magnitudes".
Note how the voltages of all three phases have been set to 63.51V.
3. Set the phase angle of V1 to 0° Figure 2-6 (2).
Lagging phase angles have to be entered as negative values.
4. While pointing at the field for the phase angle of V1, click the right
mouse button. Select "Balance Angles".
Note how the phase angle displacement between the voltages are set to
a constant 120°.
5. Current amplitudes and phase angles are entered in the same way. In
this case the fields are shaded, because the current outputs were
specified as "Not used" in the hardware configuration Figure 2-6 (3).
6. The vector diagram on the right shows the voltage and current vectors
graphically. The scaling can be changed by right clicking into the vector
diagram and then selecting "Zoom In".
7. Specify the frequency to 50Hz Figure 2-6 (4).
DC can also be output by selecting the DC check box. The phase angle
fields as well as the vector diagram are disabled in this case.
8. The binary outputs can be set in steady state Figure 2-6 (5).


Figure 2-6:
Test View of QuickCMC.

1 2

4 5

9. If the PC is connected to a CMC, the status of the binary inputs would

be shown on-line Figure 2-6 (6).
10.Click on the icon from the toolbar, press the F5 key, or select "Test |
Outputs ON" to switch the voltage outputs ON.

2.2.6 Manually Stepping the Voltages

1. Select the voltage triple of the CMC as the triple to step Figure 2-7 (1).
2. Select to step all three voltages Figure 2-7 (2).
3. Specify a step size of 1V Figure 2-7 (3).
4. Click the Down button until the relay picks up Figure 2-7 (4).
In an actual real-world test the stepping would have to be done, while
monitoring the pick-up element of the relay.
Figure 2-7:
Stepping Voltages.
1 3

2 5

6 4

OMICRON Test Universe

2.2.7 Automatic Ramping of the Voltages

1. Reset the voltages to nominal voltages, i.e. 63.51V for all phases.
2. Specify a time per step of 1 s Figure 2-7 (5).
3. Select the "Auto Step" check box Figure 2-7 (6).
4. Click the Down button once Figure 2-7 (4).
Note how the voltage slowly ramps down at a rate of 1 Volt per second.
Also note how the Down button stays "pressed in". To stop the
automatic ramp, click on the Down button again, i.e. de-select it.
Note: As soon as any of the binary inputs pick-up or drop-out, the
ramp will stop. The outputs will stay ON when any of the
binary inputs pick-up.

2.2.8 Using the Hold Function

Multiple quantities can be stepped at once:
1. Specify the default voltage configuration, i.e. the pre-fault voltages.
2. Press the F9 key or select "Test | Hold Values", to freeze the outputs of
the CMC in the current configuration.
3. Enter the voltages of the new "State", e.g. V1 = 40 V @ -20°,
V2 = 40 V @ -100°.
Note that the values on the outputs of the CMC are not automatically
4. De-press the icon.
The outputs of the CMC are updated instantaneously with the new
values specified for V1 and V2.

2.2.9 Performing a Trip Time Test

The timing functionality in the QuickCMC records the time from the last
change applied to any of the outputs until any of the binary inputs pick-up or
The "last change applied" can be the manual change applied to a voltage
amplitude, current amplitude, or phase angle. These quantities can be stepped
manually, switched ON or OFF, or held. If an automatic ramp is running, the
time from the last step change, i.e. the last time the step quantity was
changed, is displayed.


1. Specify nominal voltages for all three phases.

2. Click on icon.
3. Decrease all voltages to 20 V.
4. De-press icon.
Note: The timing function only works in the on-line mode, i.e. with
a CMC connected. The trip time of the relay as well as the
binary input which triggered is then shown in the "Binary
Inputs" field Figure 2-8 (1).
5. Manually stepping the voltages up again, the drop-out time can be
Figure 2-8:
Trip Time test in QuickCMC.

OMICRON Test Universe

2.2.10 Defining the Report Format

1. Select "Parameter | Report".
2. Select "Long Form".
Figure 2-9:
Report Settings.

3. The report can be customized even further by selecting "Define...".

Figure 2-10:
Define Reports dialog box.

4. In the browser on the right hand side, the elements which should be
displayed in the report for the "Test Object", the "Hardware
Configuration" and the "Test Results" can be selected.
Note: The browser works similar to the Windows Explorer.
A "+" (1) indicates, that there are more elements under this heading
which can be displayed. Clicking on "+", all items available under this
heading will be displayed.
Clicking on "-" Figure 2-10 (2) hides the sub headings under this main
Selecting / de-selecting the check boxes before any of the elements
Figure 2-10 (3) specifies which elements should be included / excluded
from the report.


For instance, if the check box before the "Test results" heading is
selected, all test results under this heading will be displayed in the
If a check box is hashed, it indicates that some elements in the sub
heading menu under this main heading have been de-selected.
The check box before "Binary Outputs" is de-selected, for instance, which
indicates that the settings for the binary outputs will not be shown in
the report at all.
Note: Although some elements might be de-selected and
excluded from the report, the data is still available. If
this element is selected again at any later stage, the
relevant settings can be shown again.
5. Click on "Add..." Figure 2-10 (4) to define a new report template. Enter
the name "Training".
6. Click "OK" (twice) in the respective dialog boxes. The "Training" template
is now shown as the selected report template. Click "OK" one more time.
7. Select "Yes" to save these changes to the global template for all new
reports. Existing reports will not be affected by any changes to the
global report template.
By selecting "No", only this specific report will be changed.
8. Click on the Report View icon or select "View | Report" to view the

OMICRON Test Universe

Figure 2-11:
Report View.

9. The report view can be minimized by clicking on "-" or closed by clicking

on "X" in the title bar.

2.2.11 Compiling a Report

Because QuickCMC is a manual test module, the instances which should be
reported also have to be specified manually; it would be inefficient to report /
log each manual change made during a test.
The report function "Add to Report" logs a "snapshot" of all voltages and
currents, the status of the binary including any timing measurements made.
Note: It is the responsibility of the tester to activate this function
after each sensible test, or else the data will be lost without
1. Specify nominal voltages for all three phases.
2. Click on the Add to Report icon or select "Test | Add to Report".
3. Specify "Healthy system" as title and click on "Passed".


Figure 2-12:
Add to Report.

4. Automatically ramp the voltages down to determine the pick-up.

5. Add to Report: Title: "Pick-up of under-voltage function". Test is passed.
6. Ramp the voltages up again to determine drop-out.
7. Add to Report: Title: "Drop-out of under-voltage function". Test is
8. Step all voltages to 20 V. Ensure that the trip time is recorded.
9. Add to Report: Title: " Trip Time of under-voltage function" Test is passed.
10.Click on the Report View icon or select "View | Report" to view the test

OMICRON Test Universe

Figure 2-13:
Test report.

2.2.12 Printing a Test Report

1. To print the Print Report, click on the print icon or select "File | Print".
Figure 2-14:
Defining a printer.

2. Select the printer to use.

While out in the field, it might not be practical to print a report because
a printer might not be available and the CMC is connected to the
parallel port.
3. Click on "OK".


2.2.13 Saving the Test

1. To save the test report select "File | Save As".
Figure 2-15:
Saving a test.

2. Enter the directory where the test reports should be saved to.
3. Enter the file name. Use a descriptive file name for easy identification
4. Click "Save".
Note: To prevent any data loss, remember to regularly save
your data by selecting "File | Save".

OMICRON Test Universe

State Sequencer

3 State Sequencer
The test module State Sequencer allows:
y a sequence of states to be defined
y the output of each state’s values to a test object in real time.
The test object's responses can be measured and recorded as functions of time
and analyzed either automatically or manually after testing.
Trigger conditions can be specified to control the sequence progression.
These trigger conditions may be defined by:
y state duration
y change of the output state of a test object
y manual control
y external signals.

3.1 State Sequencer Views

State Sequencer comprises a total of six views:
Table View provides an overall view of the sequence whereby the
Detail View provides an in-depth view of all parameters
for one state at a time.
Report View permits using either a default report setting or a
customized setting, which includes only those elements
of the test settings and results that are of interest to
Vector Diagram View used for defining the parameters for each state of the
Measurement View allows specification of timing events and assesses the
measurements as either “passed” or “failed” based on
the expected nominal time and given deviation
margins. Interactive time measurement is also possible
within the Time Signal View.
Detail View used for defining the parameters for each state of the
Time Signal View shows voltage and current traces, binary input states (1
or 0), and state transitions as functions of time.

OMICRON Test Universe

For more detailed information about the various views and their functions,
please read the Online help accompanying the OMICRON Test Universe

3.1.1 Z Shot
The function Z Shot appends an impedance fault state to the current
This impedance state is comprised of a total 3 states, which are inserted after
the currently selected state of the sequence: a pre-fault state, a fault state, and
a post-fault state.
It allows the setting of parameters such as
y line impedance |Z| and Phi |Z|
y grounding factor |k0| and Phi |k0|
y fault type
y location of the fault (realized by a multiplier for the line impedance
value to build the actual fault impedance)
In order to insert a Z Shot, select the menu item “Edit | Insert Z Shot”
Inserting a Z Shot creates a new entry at the end of the measurement table
and sets the focus to the post-fault state to allow the entry of another shot.

) Note: the function Z Shot requires the following preconditions:

y The generator voltage triple VA-N, VB-N, VC-N is routed. This triple is
used for the output of the voltages of the three-phase model.
y The generator current triple IA, IB, IC is routed. This triple is used for the
output of the currents of the three-phase model.
In case of either a one- or two-phase fault, the fault currents start at zero at
transition. In case of a three-phase fault, IL1 (IA respectively) starts at zero.

3.1.2 Z State
Z State is a reduced version of the feature Z Shot. It inserts one fault state with
a user-defined duration after the currently selected state.
There is no trigger and measurement condition created. All other issues
mentioned in Z Shot also apply to Z State.

State Sequencer

3.2 Example 1 State Sequencer: Fuse-Fail Function

Sample file: Sequencer_Fusefail.seq
Stored at:
...OTU installation path\Test Library\Samples\SW Manual Examples\Protection

 Test the Fuse-fail (also called “Loss of Potential” or “VT Fail”) function of
a distance relay.

9 Solution
A multi-step automatic program is required for testing the fuse-fail
Step 1. Tests the conditions of the healthy system.
Step 2. Tests the fuse-fail condition, whereby one voltage is
stepped to zero Volts for a time longer than the fuse-
fail timer.
Step 3. To verify that the fuse-fail function definitely blocks the
trip signal, a ground fault (zero volts, high current)
should be injected, for which the relay is then not
allowed to trip.
This is an ideal application for the State Sequencer, where any number of
voltage or current states can be defined. Transition from one state to the next
is instantaneous and depends either on a fixed time or on a trigger condition
as defined for the binary inputs.
Because the test is to be incorporated into an automatic test for a distance
relay, the test should be embedded in a OMICRON Control Center (OCC)
document, where it can be integrated with the tests to verify the reach, trip
times, the manual close, the power swing detection, etc.
If only the fuse-fail function needs to be tested, the State Sequencer Module
can be used stand-alone. Also if a only manual test is required, the test can be
performed using QuickCMC.

3.2.1 Establishing the Wiring Between the Relay and the CMC
1. The voltage and current inputs of the relay are connected to the voltage
and current outputs of the CMC respectively. The starpoint of the input
CTs and VTs of the relay are to be connected to N of the CMC.
2. The trip contact of the relay is connected to binary input 1 of the CMC.

OMICRON Test Universe

3.2.2 Starting the OMICRON Control Center

From the OMICRON StartPage select the item “Open Empty Document” to
start the OMICRON Control Center (OCC) with an empty document.

3.2.3 Entering the Test Object Parameters and Settings

1. Click on the Insert Test Object icon or select "Insert | Test Object" to
open the dialog box for the test object specific data.
2. Enter the parameters on the "Device Settings" tab.
Figure 3-1:
Device Settings tab of Test
Object Parameters.

3. Click "OK" to return to the Control Center.

State Sequencer

3.2.4 Configuring the Hardware

1. Click on the Hardware Configuration icon or select
"Insert | Hardware Configuration" to open the dialog box for the
hardware configuration.
Figure 3-2:
General tab of Hardware

2. Select "None" for the Amplifiers, unless the output power of the CMC is
not enough and an external amplifier is required.

Note: If an amplifier is required, select the appropriate
amplifier in the selection list. When OMICRON
amplifiers (CMA 56, CMA 156 or CMS 156) are used in
conjunction with a CMC 156 or CMC 256, the software
automatically detects the amplifier and displays these
in the list.

OMICRON Test Universe

Figure 3-3:
Analog Outputs of the
Hardware Configuration.

3. Click on the "Analog Outputs" tab.

4. Define the displayed names for each voltage and each current signal, i.e.
V A-N, V B-N, V C-N, I A, IB, IC.
The connection terminal on the protection scheme can be specified in
the second column.
5. Ensure that the wiring matrix is specified correctly, specifically that VA-N
is connected to V1 of the CMC, etc.

State Sequencer

Figure 3-4:
Binary / Analog Inputs of
Hardware Configuration.


6. Click on the "Binary / Analog Inputs" tab.

7. Define binary input 1 as "Trip".
8. De-select all other crosses in the wiring matrix to indicate that these
binary inputs are not used.
9. Define binary inputs 1-4 as "Potential free", by selecting the relevant
check box Figure 3-4 (1).
If voltage sensing contacts are used, the trigger level of each input can
be specified separately Figure 3-4 (2).
10.Click on the "Binary Outputs" tab.
11.De-select all crosses in the wiring matrix to indicate that no binary
outputs are required for this test.
12.Click on the "DC Analog Inputs" tab.
13.De-select all crosses in the wiring matrix to indicate that no DC analog
inputs are required for this test.
14.Click "OK" to return to the Control Center.

OMICRON Test Universe

3.2.5 Inserting the State Sequencer Module into the Test Document
Click on the State Sequencer icon in the test modules toolbar or select
"Insert | Test Module" and then "OMICRON State Sequencer" in order to
open the dialog box for the State Sequencer test module.

3.2.6 Defining State 1: Healthy System

Figure 3-5:
Test View. Defining State 1.

1. Define state 1 in the "Detail View" Figure 3-5 (1): Balanced nominal
voltages at 63.51V with balanced angles. Balanced load current at 0.1A
and a load angle of 5° lagging. Enter a name "Healthy system".
Note: The properties sheet (right mouse click) to equal
magnitudes, balance angles, etc. is available for all

State Sequencer

The values entered in the "Detail View" are automatically transferred to

the "Table View" Figure 3-5 (2).
2. Click on the "Trigger" tab in the "Detail View".
Figure 3-6:
Trigger tab of Hardware


3. The healthy state should be output for a fixed period of 5 seconds

Figure 3-6 (1).
Note: If the length of a state is dependent on a trigger
condition on the binary inputs, this can be defined by
selecting "Binary Trigger Condition" (2) and defining
which binary inputs are to be monitored (3).
A fixed time delay after a trigger condition can be defined (4).
4. Click on the "Analog Out" tab.

3.2.7 Defining State 2: Fuse-Fail State

1. Click on the New State icon or select "Edit | Insert State".
2. Edit the amplitude of "V A-N" to 0V. Leave all other voltages and currents
as is. Enter a name "Fuse-fail State".
3. The fuse-fail state should be output for a fixed 15 seconds.

3.2.8 Defining State 3: A-N Fault

1. Define another new state.
2. Define a new name and edit I A = 2 A at -75°.

OMICRON Test Universe

3. This state should be output for a maximum of 1 second Figure 3-7 (1).
Set a binary trigger condition (2) for the trip signal (3) for the event that
the relay trips. Also define a delay after trigger of 40 ms (4).
Figure 3-7:
Test View. Defining state 3.


Note the usefulness of the summary view of the "Table View" where all
voltages and currents for all three states are shown in one table.
Click on the Vector Diagram icon or select "View | Vector Diagram" to
display a vector diagram for the currently selected state, in this case
state 3.

State Sequencer

3.2.9 Defining the Report Format

1. Select "Parameter | Report".
2. Select "Long Form".
The report can be customized even further by selecting "Define...".
Figure 3-8:
Report Settings.

3. Click "OK".
4. The report can be viewed by clicking on the report View icon or
selecting "View | Report".
Figure 3-9:
Report View.

5. Close the report view by clicking on "X".

OMICRON Test Universe

3.2.10 Performing a Test

1. Click on the Start/Continue Test icon or select "Test | Start".
2. To view the voltages and current given out, click on the Time Signal
View icon or select "View | Time Signal".
Figure 3-10:
Time signal view.

3. The time signal display can be zoomed in and out. The signals shown
can be switched off using the properties sheet. (Right Mouse click
anywhere in the time signal view window.)
Figure 3-11:
Time signal view - voltage
signals zoomed.

4. Close the State Sequencer window and return to the Control Center.

State Sequencer

Figure 3-12:
Time signal view.

5. The test can also be run from the Control Center. Select the State
Sequencer module.
6. Click on the Start/Continue Test icon or select "Test | Start".
A test is only possible if no results are present.
Clear the results by clicking on the Clear icon or select "Test | Clear".

OMICRON Test Universe

3.2.11 Printing a Test Report

1. To print the report, click on the Print icon or select "File | Print".
Figure 3-13:
Printing a test report.

2. Select the printer to use.

While out in the field, it might not be practical to print a report because
a printer might not be available and more importantly, the CMC is
connected to the parallel port. If the report should still be printed, first
save the report, exit the Control Center, and restart the software in the
offline mode.
3. Click on "OK.

3.2.12 Saving the Test

1. To save the test report, click on the Save icon or select "File | Save As".
Figure 3-14:
Saving a test.

State Sequencer

2. Enter the directory where the test reports should be saved to.
3. Enter the file name. Enter a descriptive file name for easy identification
4. Click on "Save".

Note: To prevent any data loss, remember to regularly save
your data by clicking on the Save icon or selecting
"File | Save".

OMICRON Test Universe

3.3 Example 2 State Sequencer: Feeder Auto-reclosure

Sample file: Sequencer_ARC.seq
Stored at:
...OTU installation path\Test Library\Samples\SW Manual Examples\Protection

The auto-reclose function of a feeder protection scheme is to be tested
with an unsuccessful auto-reclose sequence for an A-N fault.
The following settings are provided:
Tripping scheme: Single pole / three pole tripping
ground fault ARC sequence: single pole trip -> three pole trip ->
Dead time for single pole trip: 500 ms
Dead time for three pole trip: 1s
Typ. instantaneous tripping time: 50 ms

9 Solution
The following sequence of states needs to be simulated for a complete
unsuccessful ARC cycle:
- Pre-fault: Nominal voltages and load currents for 1 s.
- A-N fault at 1Ω until phase A trips.
- Dead time No.1: The A pole open (i.e. no voltage and current on
phase A, but nominal voltages and load currents on phase B and C),
until the ARC signal is issued.
- Shot No.1: Same as A-N fault.
- Dead time No.2: All three poles open (i.e. no voltage or current on
any phase), until the ARC signal is issued.
- Shot No.2: Same as A-N fault.
- Lock-out: Same as dead time No.2.
Seven states need to be simulated, one after another. The transition
from one state to the next should be instantaneous. The OMICRON Test
Universe offers the State Sequencer test module, which is designed for
applications as required above.

State Sequencer

To test a complete distance protection scheme, all primary and auxiliary

functions of the scheme need to be tested sequentially. In order to test
such a scheme with one complete and automatic test procedure, the
State Sequencer test should be embedded into an OMICRON Control
Center document.
The State Sequencer can, however, also be used stand-alone.
Because the previous example (Section 3.2 ”Example 1 State Sequencer:
Fuse-Fail Function” on page 27) describes how to use the State
Sequencer Module embedded in a test document from the OCC, this
example for the State Sequencer is in the stand-alone mode.

3.3.1 Establishing the Wiring Between the Relay and the CMC
1. Connect the voltage inputs of the relay to the corresponding voltage
outputs of the CMC.
2. Connect the current inputs of the relay to the corresponding current
outputs of the CMC.
Ensure that the current “outputs” of the relay, i.e. the output side of the
current transformers, are connected together in a starpoint.
3. Connect the trip signal from the relay for phase A, B and C to binary
input 1, 2 and 3 of the CMC respectively.
4. Connect the ARC initiate signal from the relay to binary input 4 of the

OMICRON Test Universe

3.3.2 Starting the State Sequencer Test Module

1. Start the OMICRON StartPage.
2. Under Test Modules, select “State Sequencer”.

This will start State Sequencer in the stand-alone mode, i.e. not
embedded into the OMICRON COntrol Center (OCC).

State Sequencer

3.3.3 Entering the Test Object Parameters

1. Click on the icon Test Object Parameters or select "Insert | Test Object" to
open the dialog for the test object specific data.
2. Enter the parameters on the "Device Settings" tab.
Figure 3-15:
Device Settings tab of the
Test object parameters.

3. Click “OK” again to close the Test object parameters.

OMICRON Test Universe

3.3.4 Configuring the Hardware

1. Click on the icon Hardware Configuration or select
"Insert | Hardware Configuration" to open the dialog for the hardware
Figure 3-16:
General tab of the
Hardware Configuration.

2. Select “None” for the Amplifiers, unless the output power of the CMC is
not enough and an external amplifier is required.
3. Click on the Analog Outputs tab.
4. Define the displayed names for each voltage and each current signal, i.e.
V A-N, V B-N, V C-N, I A, I B, I C.
The connection terminal on the protection scheme can be specified in
the second column.
5. Ensure that the wiring matrix is specified correctly, i.e. that V A-N is
connected to V1 of the CMC.

State Sequencer

Figure 3-17:
Analog Outputs of the
Hardware Configuration.

6. Click on the Binary / Analog Inputs tab.

7. Define binary input 1 as “Trip A”, binary input 2 as “Trip B”, binary input
3 as ”Trip C” and binary input 4 as “ARC”.
8. De-select all other crosses in the wiring matrix to indicate, that these
binary inputs are not used.
9. Define binary inputs 1-4 as “Potential free” by selecting the relevant
check box Figure 3-18 (1).
If voltage sensing contacts are used, the trigger level of each input can
be specified separately Figure 3-18 (2).
Figure 3-18:
Binary Inputs tab of the
Hardware Configuration.

1 2

OMICRON Test Universe

10.Click on the Binary Outputs tab (see figure Section Figure 3-18: ”Binary
Inputs tab of the Hardware Configuration.” on page 45).
11.De-select all crosses in the wiring matrix to indicate that no binary
outputs are required for this test.
12.Click on the DC Analog Inputs tab.
13.De-select all crosses in the wiring matrix to indicate that no DC analog
inputs are required for this test.
14.Click “OK” to return to the Control Center.

3.3.5 Defining the Pre-Fault State

1. In the Detail View enter:
- Name = Pre-fault
- Voltages = 69.28 V, balanced at 0° for V A-N, 60 Hz
- Currents = 1 A, balanced at -10° for I A, 60 Hz
Note: A context menu (right mouse click) is available for all
entry fields (amplitude, phase angles, and frequency).
Figure 3-19:
Defining the pre-fault state.
Analog Out tab.

2. Click on the Trigger tab.

State Sequencer

Figure 3-20:
Defining the trigger
condition. Trigger tab.

3. Enter the maximum state time as 1 s.

4. Ensure that all other trigger conditions are de-selected, because this
state should be output for exactly 1 s.
Note: All the parameters entered are automatically copied to
the Table View.

3.3.6 Defining the A-N Fault State

1. Click on the New State icon in the Navigation tool bar or select
“Edit | Insert State”.
Figure 3-21:
Navigation toolbar

A new state is added after the first state.

Note: The parameters of this state are identical to those of
the previous state.
2. Edit the parameters for V A-N and I A to represent an A-N fault with 1 Ω
fault impedance (VA-N = 10 V @ 0°; I A = 10 A @ -75°).
Note: A special feature to insert a state in terms of fault
impedance is available: Select “Insert | Z shot”.

OMICRON Test Universe

Figure 3-22:
Defining the A-N fault state

3. Click on the Trigger tab.

Figure 3-23:
Defining the trigger

4. Define a maximum state time of 500 ms.

5. Select a binary trigger condition and ensure, that Trip A, Trip B and Trip
C are all set to “1” with a “Logic OR” trigger logic.
Note: The transition from the present to the next state can be
delayed after the trigger condition has been met, by
specifying a time for “Delay After Trigger” - in this case
set to 40 ms to simulate the relay trip time.

State Sequencer

3.3.7 Defining the Remaining States

The remaining states are defined by copying one of the present states and then
updating the relevant parameters.
The remaining states to be defined are:
y Dead time No. 1
y Fault shot No. 1
y Dead time No. 2
y Fault shot No. 2
y Lock-out
The “Dead time No. 1” state is similar to the ”Pre-fault” state with the
difference that the voltage and current of phase A is zero and the trigger
condition is set on the ARC signal. ”Dead time No. 2” and ”Lock-out” are
similar to ”Dead time No. 1” with the difference that the voltages and currents
of all phases are zero. ”Fault shot No. 1” and ”Fault shot No.2” are identical to
”Fault A-N”.
1. Select the state to be copied, i.e. the ”Pre-fault state” in the case (click
on the column of the state in the Table View).
2. Click on the icon in the Navigation tool bar.
Note: The new state, which was added after the last state, is
identical to the “Pre-fault state”.
To insert a new state between two existing states, select the state before
(or after) and then select “Edit | Insert State”.
3. Set the voltage and current of phase A to zero.
4. Set the trigger conditions to trigger on the “ARC” signal.
Figure 3-24:
Table View - All states

OMICRON Test Universe

5. Repeat step 1 to 4 for the Fault shot No.1, Dead time No. 2, Fault shot
No.2 and Lock-out.
To visualize the various states defined, a vector diagram is provided. This
shows the vector configuration of the present selected state.
6. Click on the Vector Diagram icon in the State Sequencer toolbar or
select ”View | Vector Diagram”.
The size of the vector diagram can be changed, by dragging the edges
of the window. The scaling of the vectors as well as the properties of the
diagram be changed by right mouse clicking somewhere in the Vector
7. Click on the icon in the navigation toolbar, to select the first state of the
test sequence.
8. Repeatedly click on icon in the navigation toolbar to move through the
various states, while watching the vector diagram.
Figure 3-25:
State Sequencer UI with
Vector Diagram.

State Sequencer

3.3.8 Defining Timing Measurements

The following parameters need to be defined for a timing measurements:
Name: The name of the event to be timed.
Start: The event to start the timer (e.g. start of a specific
Stop: The event to stop the timer (e.g. pick-up of a trip
Ignore before: In long test sequences repeated pick-up (or drop-outs)
of the same input signal need to be timed. A filter
function of all earlier pick-up and drop-out events up
to a specific event is available for the determining pick-
up and drop-out times.
Tnom: Theoretical pick-up / drop-out time.
Tdev-: Maximum allowed negative deviation.
Tdev+: Maximum allowed positive deviation.
In this example the following events need to be timed:
y Trip for the A-N fault, Shot No.1 and Shot No.2.
y The Auto-reclose times for Dead time No. 1 and Dead time No.2.
1. Click on the Measurement View icon in the State Sequencer toolbar or
select ”View | Measurement” to open the Measurement View window.
Enter the parameters to measure the trip time for the A-N fault:
Name: Trip 1
Start: Fault A-N
Stop: Trip A 0>1
Tnom: 50 ms
Tdev-: 40 ms
Tdev+: 50 ms
Note: The columns for the actual measured time (Tact), the
deviation of the actual time from the nominal pick-up
time (Tdev) and the Assessment, i.e. if this deviation is
within the band defined by Tdev- and Tdev+, will be
completed after an actual test was executed.

OMICRON Test Universe

2. To define a new measurement condition, right mouse click anywhere in

the Measurement View Window and select ”Insert” or select
”Edit | Insert Measurement Condition”.
3. Define the parameters for the following four time measurements:
Table 3-26:
Parameters for time
measurements Name Start Stop Ignore Tnom Tdev- Tdev+
Trip shot Fault shot Trip A 0>1 Fault shot 50 ms 40 ms 50 ms
No.1 No.1 No.1
Trip shot Fault shot Trip A 0>1 Fault shot 50 ms 40 ms 50 ms
No.2 No.2 No.2
ARC No.1 Dead time ARC 0>1 Dead time 500ms 100ms 100ms
No.1 No.1
ARC No.2 Dead time ARC 0>1 Dead time 500ms 100ms 100ms
No.2 No.2

Figure 3-27:
Measurement View.

3.3.9 Defining the Report Format

1. Select ”Parameter | Report”.
2. Select ”Long Form”.
The report can be customized even further by selecting ”Define...”. Refer
to the specific chapter on this subject.
Figure 3-28:
Report Settings.

3. Click ”OK”.

State Sequencer

4. The report can be viewed by clicking on the report View icon or

selecting "View | Report".
Figure 3-29:
Report View.

5. The report view can be minimized by clicking on ”-” or closed by clicking

on ”X” in the title bar.

3.3.10 Performing a Test

Click on the Start/Continue Test icon in the State Sequencer toolbar or
select "Test | Start".
This will execute the test sequence as specified.
Note: The actual time, the deviation, and an assessment is
given for each timing measurement specified. If
running this test sequence in the offline mode, i.e.
without a CMC connected, the results shown in the
measurement view are purely random values.
If this test was embedded into the Control Center, it could also be run
from there by clicking on its icon in the OCC or selecting ”Test | Start”.

OMICRON Test Universe

Note: A test is only possible, if no results are present. The

results are cleared by clicking on its icon or selecting
“Test | Clear”.

3.3.11 The Time Signal View

A time signal view is available for displaying the voltage and current quantities
with respect to time.
Note: This view option is only available after a test has been
The time signal display can be zoomed and signals / diagrams shown can be
switched off via the properties sheet. (Right mouse click anywhere in the time
signal view window.)
For more detailed information about the time signal view, please read the
Online help accompanying the OMICRON Test Universe software.
Figure 3-30:
Time signal view.

State Sequencer

3.3.12 Printing a Test Report

1. To print the report, click on the Print icon or select "File | Print".
Figure 3-31:
Defining a printer.

2. Select the printer to use.

While out in the field, it might not be practical to print a report, because
a printer might not be available and the CMC is connected to the
parallel port.
3. Click on ”OK”.

3.3.13 Saving a Test

1. To save the test report click on the Save icon or select "File | Save As".
Figure 3-32:
Saving a test.

2. Enter the directory where the test should be saved to.

3. Enter the file name.
Note to enter a descriptive file name for easy identification later.
4. Click ”Save”.

OMICRON Test Universe


4 Ramping
The Ramping test module is designed to provide the user with a versatile tool
for performing various types of straightforward or complex ramp tests with a
CMC test set.
It is possible to ramp simultaneously two functions of any signal combination
with up to five ramp states containing individual trigger conditions and
assessments in each state.

4.1 Ramping Features

The most significant features:
y Simultaneous ramping of the magnitude, phase angle or frequency of
any two output signal combinations.
y Up to 9 generators can be varied independently from one another.
y Because each ramp state can be defined individually, complex ramp
state sequences can be constructed.
y The ramp states are immediately graphically displayed at their definition.
Thereafter, it displays online the output ramp states and the
corresponding responses acquired at the binary inputs.
y Trigger conditions can be defined at different points in the course of the
ramp state to stop the ramp state or to continue with the next ramp.
y Each ramp state has an individual trigger condition.
y The number of test repetitions can be defined.
A wide variety of tests can be performed using the Ramping module. The
following are a few examples:
y Relay pick-up test
y Relay drop-out test
y Directional test
y Synchronization test (synchro-check)
y Voltage regulator test for transformers
y Voltage regulator test for generators

OMICRON Test Universe

Figure 4-1:
User interface of the
Ramping test module.

The Ramping test module provides 4 different views:

y Test view

y Detail view

y Report view

y Signal view

4.1.1 Test View

In the Test View, you can select the shape of the ramp and set the individual
ramping and assessment parameters. The dialog box also displays the
assessment results.
Additionally you can set the number of test repetitions and specify the ramp
states to be considered for the drop-out ratio calculation.


4.1.2 Detail View

In the Detail view you can:
y determine the static values for the magnitude, phase angle and
frequency of those analog outputs of the CMC which are not changed
by the ramp state.
y activate or deactivate the binary outputs and the transistor outputs of
the CMC test set during the execution of the individual ramp states.
y set individual trigger conditions for each ramp state.

) Note Concerning the phase setting: "Force absolute phases".

Because it is not likely for a ramp state transition to take place
exactly at the signal's zero-axis crossing, phase jumps can
occur at the transition from one ramp state to the other.
In order to avoid such a phase jump, the execution of the ramp state is
stopped at this point by one of the specified options.
In this case, the Ramping module adds by default the phase angles at the
moment when the execution was stopped to the user-defined start values of
the subsequent ramp state.
However, for certain applications it may be necessary for a ramp state to start
with absolute phase angle values (i.e. the user-defined values), regardless of
the actual phase angle values of the preceding ramp state.
To do so, the feature "Force absolute phases" has to be enabled.
Please refer to the online help system of the Ramping module for a detailed
example about this subject.

4.1.3 Report View

The Report view displays the test document with data and the assessment
results from testing.

4.1.4 Signal View

The signal view displays the ramp state definition as well as the output ramp
states real-time with the responses acquired on the binary inputs.
The time and signal values can be exactly determined by two markers (cursor
The displayed values are effective values in volts for the magnitudes of voltage,
in ampere for the magnitudes of current, in degrees for the phase angles, and
in Hertz for the frequency.

OMICRON Test Universe

A context menu allows the following:

y Showing or hiding certain diagrams of the view.
y Showing or hiding certain signals in a diagram.
y Zooming.

4.1.5 Additional Functions in the Signal View

y Marker (cursor slider)
The sliders act as anchor points for the measuring cursors.
In addition they are used to move the cursor horizontally along the time
axis. This is done either by using the cursor arrow keys of the PC
keyboard or by clicking and dragging with the mouse to the desired
If you prefer to use the cursor arrow keys on your PC keyboard, use the
tab key or shift + tab to switch between the cursor sliders.
y Cursor Data dialog box
The Cursor Data dialog box appears every time the time signal view is
active. This dialog box displays the positions of the cursors 1 and 2 on
the time axis and the time difference ∆t between the cursors.
Furthermore the corresponding values of the signals are also displayed
in the Ramping test module.
Instead of moving the cursors along the time axis as described above
you can also enter the cursor positions directly into the corresponding
input fields. The value ∆t is a pure display value and cannot be

) Note: The cursors "stick" at the events to ease the definition of their
y Ramp state transitions
Ramp state transitions from one ramp state to another are represented
by vertical lines which are displayed in all diagrams of the view. The
ramp states section displayed at the top of the view shows the
transitions from one ramp state to the next. Each ramp state transition
is designated with the name of the ramp state which starts at that
point. This means that the first ramp state transition is displayed at
position t = 0 s and named "State 1".

An event is defined either as a state transition or as a change at a binary input.


y Ramped quantity
The changed signal quantities are displayed as a time function in a
diagram. A different line format is used for each quantity that is
changed. The assignment between line type and generator output is
displayed at the bottom of the diagrams. If more than one quantity is
changed simultaneously, an additional ordinate with a corresponding
scaling is displayed for the second quantity on the right hand border of
the diagram. The displayed values are effective values standing in volts
and ampere for the magnitudes of voltage and current, in degrees for
the phase and in Hertz for the frequency.
y Binary output signals
The binary output signals are labeled with the designations assigned in
the hardware configuration. The binary state 0 is represented by a thin
line and the binary state 1 is represented by a stylized rectangle.
y Binary input signals
Like the binary output signals, the binary input signals are also labeled
with the designations assigned in the hardware configuration. The
binary state 0 is represented by a thin line and the binary state 1 is
represented by a stylized rectangle.

4.1.6 Navigation Toolbar

Figure 4-2:
Ramping navigation toolbar

The navigation toolbar is used to move between the various consecutive ramp
For more detailed information, please read the corresponding topics in the
context sensitive online help for the Ramping test module.

OMICRON Test Universe

4.2 Example Ramping: Pick-up Test for a Generator Protection

Sample file: Ramping-Generator_Frequency_Protection.occ
Stored at:
...OTU installation path\Test Library\Samples\SW Manual Examples\Protection

The tester's job is to secondary-test the generator (frequency) protection
7UM511 (Siemens relay) at a power station as part of a main test. Of
particular interest is to test the pick-up/drop-out value of the first
generator protection stage which has a parameter setting of 49.5 Hz.

9 Solution
This is performed using the Ramping test module.

4.2.1 Considerations Prior to the Test

1. To carry out a pick-up/drop-out test for a generator (frequency),
protection, you have to define two consecutive ramp states in the
Ramping test module.
y Ramp state 1: Ramp state from 50 Hz to 49 Hz for the pick-up test
of the generator protection.
y Ramp state 2: Ramp state from 49 Hz to 50 Hz for the drop-out test.
2. You can automate the assessment of the pick-up/drop-out values by
entering the nominal values of the generator protection (49.5 Hz for
pick-up or 49.52 Hz for drop-out) and the corresponding tolerances
(±0.01 Hz).
During the test, the Ramping test module analyses and evaluates
whether the measured values are within the defined tolerance band and
assesses the test with "passed" or "failed". All entered values and the
measured values are recorded automatically to allow a detailed view of
the test process after completion of the test.
3. If you have to perform only one test, it may be advantageous to start
the Ramping test module as a stand-alone program (without having
started the OMICRON Control Center (OCC) previously).
Normally all the available protection functions of a relay are tested
sequentially. For these cases, it makes more sense to copy and embed
the test module multiple time in the test document. The settings for
each copied test module can be modified for a specific test.


Then the OMICRON Control Center can sequentially process all of the
tests in the test document.
In the following example, the Ramping test module is embedded in a
test document of the OMICRON Control Center.

4.2.2 Establishing the Wiring Between Generator Protection and CMC

1. The start of the first generator protection stage is attached to one
particular contact of the relay. Connect this contact to the binary input
of the CMC using suitable test cables.
In the example the binary input Bin1 is used.
2. Connect the current and voltage inputs of the relay to the
corresponding current and voltage generators of the CMC

4.2.3 Starting the OMICRON Control Center

Start the OMICRON Control Center in the StartPage of the Test Universe by
clicking on

OMICRON Test Universe

4.2.4 Entering the Test Object Parameters

Select "Insert | Test Object" in the Control Center to open the dialog for the test
object specific data.
Figure 4-3:
Device Settings tab of the
test object parameters.

4.2.5 Hardware Configuration

Select "Insert | Hardware Configuration". Set the binary input of the CMC to
which the start contact of the relay is connected on the "Binary Inputs" tab. In
the example it is "Bin1".
On this tab you also set whether it is a potential-free contact or a potential-
carrying contact. In the latter case you have to define additionally the nominal
voltage and the threshold voltage.
In Figure 4-4 the start contact is named "St_Under Freq". In the example all
other parameters have the default settings.


Figure 4-4:
Binary Inputs tab of the
Hardware configuration.

All inputs necessary prior to the test are done. You have to define the actual
test in the Ramping test module in the next step.

4.2.6 Inserting the Ramping Test Module into the Test Document
There are two possibilities to insert the Ramping test module into the test
document of the OCC:
1. Select "View | Test Modules Toolbar" to display the toolbar for the test
modules. You can start the desired test module by clicking on the
corresponding button in the toolbar.
2. Click on the start button for the Ramping test module.
1. Select the menu item "Insert | Test Module".
2. Select "OMICRON Ramping".

OMICRON Test Universe

4.2.7 Defining the Ramp States

1. In the Ramping module's test view, define two consecutive ramp states
by clicking on the corresponding icon "Dual Ramp" Figure 4-5 (1).
Figure 4-5:
Ramp Settings tab of Input
the ramp state parameters.

2 3

4 5 6 7 8

2. As shown in Figure 4-5, define the output frequency (3) of all signals (2)
as the function to be ramped.
3. Ramp state 1 has to perform the pick-up test of the generator
protection at 49.5 Hz.
y Consequently its frequency range is ramped from 50 Hz (4) to 49 Hz
y The step size ∆f of the signal is defined with 0.001 Hz (6).
y The step time ∆t shall be greater than the tripping time of the relay.
In the example ∆t was selected with 0.200 s (7).
y This results in a ramp state with a differential change df/dt (8) of
0.001 Hz/0.2 s = 0.005 Hz/s.

) Note: Instead of changing the step size ∆f, you can also input
the desired differential change of the ramp state df/dt
directly into the input field Figure 4-5 (8).
4. Ramp state 2 is defined in the same way but the ramp state 2
parameters have to be opposed to ramp state 1.


5. The defined ramp states are automatically displayed in the signal view:
Figure 4-6:
Signal view for the defined
ramp states.

4.2.8 Defining the Static Output Values

All values that are static during the output of the ramp state are defined on the
"Analog Outputs" tab in the detail view of the Ramping test module.
The ramped values are shown on a grey background; the static values are
shown on a yellow or white background. You can edit the static values
manually by overwriting them.
Figure 4-7:
Indication of the static and
the ramped output signals

4.2.9 Defining the Trigger Conditions

You have to inform the test module which contacts (i.e. binary inputs of the
CMC) react to the pick-up or drop-out of the relay.
In the example, the start contact is connected to binary input 1 of the CMC
and is named "St_Under Freq".
1. Select the "Trigger" tab in the detail view of the Ramping test module
(Figure 4-9).

OMICRON Test Universe

Please note that the trigger condition has to be defined individually for
each ramp state.
Use the navigation toolbar to change between individual ramp states.
Figure 4-8:
Navigation toolbar of the
Ramping test module.

2. During ramp state 1, the start contact should close, i.e. switch from
state "0" to state "1". Consequently, you have to set the binary trigger
condition St_UnderFreq = 1 for ramp state 1 on the "Trigger" tab.
3. Set the binary trigger condition St_UnderFreq = 0 for ramp state 2.
Figure 4-9:
Trigger tab of the detail

) Tip: With the option "On Trigger... Stop Ramp State", the ramp state can be
stopped after the trigger condition has occurred. This will accelerate
the test.
If you select this option, the Ramping module continues to the next
defined ramp state after the trigger condition has occurred
(immediately or with an adjustable time delay).
The feature "Step Back" enables a sub ramp to be executed which
makes it possible to find pick-up values in a quick and exact manner.


4.2.10 Enter Nominal Values and the Tolerances

The "Measurements Ramp State n" area of the test view shows the value of the
ramped function at the moment the trigger condition (1) is fulfilled.
After a test is completed, you can view the measured values by moving
through the ramp states using the navigation toolbar.
Nominal values and tolerances can only be entered if a trigger condition
(Binary, Key Pressed or External) is defined for the corresponding ramp state.
Prior to this, these input fields are not enabled.
An automatic assessment of the measured pick-up and drop-out values is
performed when the following values are entered:
Ramp state 1: Nominal pick-up value 49.5 Hz (2) with a tolerance of
±10 mHz (3) in Figure 4-10.
Ramp state 2: Nominal drop-out value 49.52 Hz with a tolerance of
±10 mHz.
Figure 4-10: ü
Measured values and
assessment of each ramp 3 1

This figure shows the nominal and the actual values as well as the automatic
assessment after a performed test.

4.2.11 Defining the Drop-Out Ratio Calculation

The Ramping test module allows an automatic ratio calculation for the
measured actual values of two ramp states, e.g. the ratio of pick-up value to
drop-out value of a relay.
1. Define the two ramp states for which the ratio is to be calculated with
the "General" tab.
In the example the ratio of drop-out value (Ramp 2 Signal 1) to pick-up
value (Ramp 1 Signal 1) is to be calculated. Select the corresponding
ramp state/signal combination from the list boxes shown in Figure 4-11.
Figure 4-11:
Ratio calculation of two
ramp states.

OMICRON Test Universe

2. The calculated result is shown in the test view on the "Ramp Settings"
tab after the test is completed.
Figure 4-12:
Calculated ramp state ratio.

4.2.12 Testing
You can start the actual test after you have finished the input of the relevant
data and have performed the necessary settings.
1. To start the test, click on the start button in the toolbar of the Ramping
test module.
2. After the test is complete, the result will look similar to Figure 4-13.
Figure 4-13:
Test view - test results.

3. You can move between the ramp states by using the navigation toolbar.
Thus, you can view the results and the assessment for each individual
ramp state.
4. The test results are also displayed in the signal view:


Figure 4-14:
Test results displayed in the
signal view.

4.2.13 Defining the Test Report

Now you can define the test report.
y Either directly in the Ramping test module using the menu item
"Parameters | Report".
y Or in the OMICRON Control Center using the menu item "Test | Report".
Afterwards you can print this user defined designed test report or export it to a
file in RTF format (Rich Text Format).
You can also export particular data from the OCC using the menu item "File |
Export Data". For more detailed information refer to the online help system or
the provided data export documentation "TU Data Export.doc" (Word for
Windows file) which is located at the directory
...OTU installation path\Doc\Automation
on your computer.

4.2.14 Saving and Printing the Test Report

The last step is to save the OMICRON Control Center document to the desired
location using the menu item "File | Save As...".
The test process and the test results are now saved and can be retrieved at any

OMICRON Test Universe

If you want to repeat this test at a later time, you only need to load the test
document which can be executed after deletion of the results. This saves time
and makes it possible to perform exactly reproducible standard test processes
in an easy manner.
This way it is possible to record exactly the behavior trends of protection
devices which will change in the course of time. Identical test processes have to
be defined only once and can afterwards be executed immediately at any time
and as often as desired.


5 Overcurrent
The test module Overcurrent allows manual or automatic testing of directional
and non-directional overcurrent relays with definite time and inverse time,
thermal I2T, and custom curve characteristics.
In addition, the ground fault protection functions of two- and three-phased
relays can be tested.
Figure 5-1:
User interface of test
module Overcurrent.

5.1 Overcurrent Features

The Overcurrent test module has several useful features for testing directional
and non-directional relays.

5.1.1 Fault Simulation

This test module, using a positive sequence fault model, allows the testing of
one-, two-, and three-phase faults. Using the zero sequence and negative
sequence fault models, testing of those elements found in generator and
motor protective relays is also possible.

OMICRON Test Universe

5.1.2 Characteristic Definition

The test module allows you to choose between several predefined
characteristics available in the CMC.DCC file. (Manufacturer specific definite
time or inverse time characteristics according to IEC, IEEE, etc.)
Special or custom characteristics that are not predefined can be inserted easily
in the form of a current-time table and saved.

5.1.3 Testing the Trip Characteristics

The trip time corresponding to the applied current for overcurrent relays is
tested taking the device tolerances into account. Test points and test sequences
can be defined easily by clicking on the desired point directly in the
characteristic curve. The module tests automatically whether the measured
tripping times are inside or outside of the tolerances and performs an
automatic assessment of the actual results.
Additionally, the minimum pick-up test is integrated into the Overcurrent
Overcurrent is comprised of two views:
y Test View
In the Test view all parameters and settings for carrying out the test are
y Report View
In the Report View either a default report setting or a customized
setting can be used, which will include only those elements of the test
settings and results that are of interest to you. (Preferences can be saved
as user-defined report forms.)


5.2 Overcurrent Example: Pick-Up and Trip Times

Sample files:
y Overcurrent_7SJ600.ovt
y Overcurrent_7SJ600.occ
Stored at:
...OTU installation path\Test Library\Samples\SW Manual Examples\Protection

A Siemens 7SJ600 overcurrent relay is to be tested using an automatic
The pick-up current and the trip-time are tested with a PSM (plug
setting multiplier) of 2, 5, 10, and 20 for all fault loops. Then, a
template should be created for future test procedures.
The following settings are given for a ground fault:
Pick-up I> 0.2A
Time Multiplier 1.0
Characteristic IEC normally inverse
Instantaneous I 2A
The following settings are given for a phase fault:
Pick-up I> 1.2A
Time Multiplier 0.5
Characteristic IEC very inverse
Instantaneous I 12A

9 Solution
OMICRON Test Universe has a dedicated test module for testing
overcurrent relays, called Overcurrent. This test module should be
employed here.
If only a manual test of pick-up and trip time were required, the test
could have been performed using QuickCMC.
Because an automatic test is desired, use the OMICRON Control Center
and insert the Overcurrent test module into a test document for each
fault loop or test to be run.

OMICRON Test Universe

First the test for the A-N fault loop is defined. This test is then copied six
times and modified such that the fault type is different in each test. If
only one fault loop had to be tested, the Overcurrent module could
have been used stand-alone.

5.2.1 Establishing the Wiring Between the Relay and the CMC
1. The current inputs of the relay are connected to the current outputs of
the CMC.
2. The starpoint of the inputs CTs is connected to N on the CMC.
3. The trip contact of the relay is connected to binary input 1 of the CMC.
In a similar fashion, the start contact of the relay is connected to binary
input 2 of the CMC.

5.2.2 Starting the OMICRON Control Center

Select the item “Open Empty Document” from the OMICRON StartPage
to start the OMICRON Control Center (OCC) with an empty document.

However, if a custom blank template were previously created, choose

“Load Template” instead.

5.2.3 Entering the Test Object Parameters and Settings

1. Position the mouse cursor in the document where the test procedures
should begin.
2. Click on the Insert Test Object icon or select "Insert | Test Object" to open
the dialog box for the test object specific data.
3. Enter the parameters on the "Device Settings" tab.


Figure 5-2:
Device Settings of Test
Object Parameters.

Note: If a RIO file is available, this can be loaded directly by

clicking on “Import”.1
RIO files can be generated by exporting the test object
parameters in this same dialog box.
4. Click on the "Functions" tab.
5. Select the "Overcurrent Protection" checkbox.
Figure 5-3:
Test Object Parameters -

RIO = Relay Interface by OMICRON. For technical background information about the RIO file
format, please refer to the RIO Format manual that is provided in PDF format with the Test
Universe installation CD (refer to the installation booklet).

OMICRON Test Universe

6. Click on "Edit".
7. Enter the tolerances allowed for the current pick-up Figure 5-4 (1) in the
Protection tab of the Overcurrent Protection Parameters dialog box.
Figure 5-4:
Test Object Parameters -
L-N Settings.

1 2 4

6 3 5

7 8

8. Enter the tolerances allowed for the trip times. The absolute value is of
relevance to the instantaneous element Figure 5-4 (2).
9. Specify if the relay has a directional element Figure 5-4 (3). In our case it
is a non-directional relay.
Note: In case of a directional relay, the location of the
potential transformers (PTs) Figure 5-4 (4) and the
direction (polarity) of the current transformer (CT)
starpoint connection (5) need to be defined.
10.Specify the fault group for which to the settings are to be entered Figure
5-4 (6).
11.Specify how many stages the fault group has by checking the
appropriate check box Figure 5-4 (7). In our case the relay has one pick-
up stage and one instantaneous stage.
12.Enter the pick-up value and trip-time or time-multiplier for each stage
Figure 5-4 (8).


Note: The pick-up of all stages is entered in multiples of

nominal current. The instantaneous stages are
therefore not entered in multiples of, say, the pick-up
of the inverse stage.
13.To define the characteristic, click on the "Characteristic Definition" tab.
14.Click on "Predefined...".
Note: If something other than the standard IEC characteristics
is required, choose it using “Import”. If a custom
characteristic is required, it can be defined by clicking
on "New". Any inversely dependent or I2t characteristic
can be defined with an equation or a table of points.
15.Select the required characteristic.
Figure 5-5:
Test Object parameters -
L-N characteristic definition.

16.Click on "OK" of the "Predefined" window.

17.Click on the "Protection Device" tab.
18.Repeat steps 9 to 15 for the phase fault group.
Note: A separate characteristic for a negative sequence and
zero sequence element can be entered for those
19.Click "OK" of the "Overcurrent Protection Parameters" window.
20.Click "OK" of the "Test Object Parameters" window to return to the
Control Center.

OMICRON Test Universe

5.2.4 Configuring the Hardware

1. Click on the Hardware Configuration icon or select "Insert | Hardware
Configuration" to open the dialog box for the hardware configuration.
Figure 5-6:
Hardware Configuration -

2. Click on “Details” next to the hardware detected entry field.

3. Select a configuration of voltage and current outputs that meet the
needs of the test. Select "None" if the output triple is not required.
(“Non-directional” means that no voltages are required.)
Note: If an amplifier is required, select the appropriate
amplifier in the “Details” selection list. When OMICRON
amplifiers (CMA 56, CMA 156 or CMS 156) are used in
conjunction with a CMC 156 or CMC 256, the software
automatically detects the amplifier connected and
displays these in the list.
4. Click on the "Analog Outputs" tab.


Figure 5-7:
Hardware Configuration:
Analog Outputs.

5. De-select the crosses in the wiring matrix for the voltage signals,
because these are not required. The relay is non-directional.
If the relay were a directional relay, the names for the voltage signals
would be defined as well, i.e. V A-N, V B-N, V C-N.
6. Define the displayed names for each current signal, i.e. I A, IB, IC.
The connection terminal on the protection scheme can be specified in
the third column.
7. Ensure that the wiring matrix is specified correctly, specifically that IA is
connected to I1 of the CMC, etc.

OMICRON Test Universe

8. Click on the "Binary / Analog Inputs" tab.

Figure 5-8:
Hardware Configuration -
Binary Inputs.


9. Define binary input 1 as "Trip" and binary input 2 as "Start".

10.De-select all other crosses in the wiring matrix to indicate that these
binary inputs are not used.
11.Define binary inputs 1-4 as "Potential free", by selecting the relevant
check box Figure 5-8 (1).
If voltage sensing contacts are used, the trigger level of each input can
be specified separately Figure 5-8 (2).
12.Click on the "Binary Outputs" tab.
13.De-select all crosses in the wiring matrix to indicate that no binary
outputs are required for this test.
14.Click on the "DC Analog Inputs" tab.
15.De-select all crosses in the wiring matrix to indicate that no DC analog
inputs are required for this test.
16.Click "OK" to return to the Control Center.


5.2.5 Inserting the Overcurrent Test Module into the Test Document
1. Click on the Overcurrent icon in the test modules toolbar or select
"Insert | Test Module." In the latter case, select "OMICRON Overcurrent"
to open the dialog box for the overcurrent relay test.
Note: By clicking on the "Test object parameter" or the
"Hardware configuration" Icons Figure 5-9 (1), the relay
settings or the hardware configuration as defined in
the Control Center can be viewed.

5.2.6 Defining the Test for the A-N Fault Loop

1. In the Test tab, select the fault type Figure 5-9 (2). In our case select an
A-N fault.
2. Define the test currents in multiples of pick-up current (3) and press
"Add". The first shot should be executed at a current of 2 times pick-up.
Note: Test points can also be defined directly in the diagram
by pointing at the required test current (i.e. vertical
line) and then pressing the Ctrl key and the Left mouse
button (or Right mouse click and select "Add test
point") to add the test point to the list.
Figure 5-9:
Overcurrent Test View.

2 3

OMICRON Test Universe

Individual manual shots can be executed from the characteristic

diagram by placing the mouse at the required test current, holding the
Shift-left mouse button (or right mouse click and select "Shot at X.xx") to
immediately execute a shot.
Note: The test current can also be entered in absolute
currents by selecting "View | Absolute Currents".
3. Repeat the last step for PSM’s of 5, 10 and 20.
The width of the columns of the test table can be adjusted with the
4. Click on the General tab.
5. Define a pick-up test for "Relays with Start contact".
Note: This test is only possible if a start or pick-up contact is
available from the relay. Also this input must be
configured as a "Start" contact in the hardware
If no Start contact is available and the relay has a delayed reset
characteristic (e.g. Electro-mechanical induction disc overcurrent relays),
the "EM relays without Start contact" pick-up test can be chosen.
First, this trips the relay at a test current specified by the "Trip value".
Then it decreases the current slowly until the relay resets, which is an
indicator that the disc is resetting.
By slowly increasing the current again, the disc motion can be reversed
and the pick-up current determined.
Figure 5-10:
Test View - General.


5.2.7 Defining the Trigger Conditions

1. Define the trigger condition for the trip test. In our case the "Trip"
contact is the only choice.
At least one relay contact must be specified as trigger, i.e. set to "1".
2. Click on the "Test" tab.

5.2.8 Defining the Report Format

1. Select "Parameter | Report".
2. Select "Long Form".
The report can be customized even further by selecting "Define".
For more detailed information about defining test reports, please read
the Online help accompanying the OMICRON Test Universe software.
Figure 5-11:
Report Settings.

3. Click "OK".
4. In subsequent dialog box, click "OK".
5. The report can be viewed by clicking on the report View icon or
selecting "View | Report".

OMICRON Test Universe

Figure 5-12:
Report view of a test for a
A-N fault.

6. Return to the "Test view" by clicking on the Test view icon in the
Overcurrent toolbar or by selecting "View | Test".
7. Return to the OMICRON Control Center by closing the Overcurrent

5.2.9 Copying and Pasting Test for All Other Fault Types
1. Select the present test module for the A-N fault by single clicking on it.
The black border around the object indicates that it is selected, refer to
Figure 5-13 (1).


Figure 5-13:
Report view of test in
Control Center.

2. Copy the object

Either click on the "Copy" button in the toolbar or Right Mouse click and
select "Copy" from the context menu.
3. Move to the bottom of the present test by pressing the Down Arrow key
on the keyboard.
4. Paste the object six times (Click on the "Paste" button or Right Mouse
click and select "Paste").
Note: Before pasting, ensure that you are at the bottom of
the document and that no object is still selected.
5. Change to "List view" by clicking on the List view icon or select
"View | List View".

OMICRON Test Universe

Figure 5-14:
List view in Control Center.

2 1

6. Open the Test view of the first test module by double clicking on the test
module object, i.e. the third line Figure 5-14 (1).
7. Select the required fault type. In this case "A-N" should already be
Note: The parameters of a test can only be changed, if no
results are present. To clear any results, click on the
clear icon or select "Test | Clear".
8. Close the Test view.
9. Repeat steps 6 to 8 for the next six test modules, such that a test for a
"B-N", C-N", A-B", "B-C", "C-A", and "A-B-C" fault is defined.
Note: A specific heading can be specified for each test by
double clicking on name "OMICRON Overcurrent" (as
opposed to its icon) and then changing the name
Figure 5-8 (2) in the same way a file name is changed
in the Windows Explorer.

5.2.10 Performing a Test

The test can be performed in either stand-alone mode or as part of a test
document from the OCC.

Overcurrent Testing from Inside a Test Module

1. Open the Test view of the A-N fault by double clicking on the test
module object in the List view.
Figure 5-15:
Running a test from inside a
test module.


2. Click on its icon or select "Test | Start".

The nominal and actual trip times are shown Figure 5-15 (1).
An assessment for the test, is also shown in the test table Figure 5-15
(2) and on the overcurrent characteristic (3).
The green plus is used if the assessment for a test passed.
The red “x” is used if the assessment for a test failed.
3. To view the report, click on its icon or select "View | Report".
4. To return to the Test view, click on the Report view icon or select
"View | Test".
5. Close the Test view to return to the Control Center.

OMICRON Test Universe Testing from the Control Center

1. The same test that was run from inside a test module can also be run
from the Control Center.
Figure 5-16:
Running a test from the
Control Center.

2. Select the test module for which a test is to be performed, e.g. the A-B
fault in this case.
3. Click on the start icon or select "Test | Start".
4. To view the results, click on the Report view icon or select
"View | Report".

Overcurrent Running a Fully Automatic Test from the Control Center

1. Click on start all icon or select "Test | Start All".
Note: The test may take several minutes to perform.
Enable the check box "Test Module visible during Test" by selecting
"Test | Settings", "Overall Test" tab, and the appropriate option for “On
Fail in Test Module”.
2. To view the results, click on the Report view icon or select
"View | Report".
3. Overall tests, which have failed, are indicated.
Run an individual test for each of these tests after the problem has been

5.2.11 Printing the Test Report

1. To print the report click on the Print icon or select "File | Print".
Figure 5-17:
Printing a test report.

2. Select the printer to use.

While out in the field, it might not be practical to print a report, because
a printer might not be available and more importantly the CMC is
connected to the parallel port. If the report should still be printed, first
save the report, exit the Control Center, and restart the software in the
Off-line mode.
3. Click on "OK.

OMICRON Test Universe

5.2.12 Saving the Test

1. To save the test click on the Save icon or select "File | Save As".
Figure 5-18:
Saving a test.

2. Browse for the folder where the test reports should be saved to.
3. Enter the file name. Enter a descriptive file name for easy identification
4. Click "Save".
Note: To prevent any data loss, remember to regularly save
your data by clicking on the Save icon or select "File |

5.2.13 Converting the Test Report to a Test Template

Before converting the test report to a test template, be sure that you have
saved the test report.


Figure 5-19:
Creating a test template
from a test report.

1. Click on the clear all icon or select "Test | Clear All".

2. Click on "Yes" to clear all test results.
3. Save the test template under a NEW file name and preferably also in a
separate directory for test templates.

) IMPORTANT: Do not click the "Save" icon, because this overwrites the test
report file with the test template file.
All results will be lost.

OMICRON Test Universe


6 Distance
The Distance test module provides the functionality to define and perform tests
of distance relays by impedance element evaluations using single-shot
definitions in the Z-plane with graphical characteristic display.
Figure 6-1:
Distance - Test View.

Definition of relay characteristics

A graphical characteristic editor makes the definition of the nominal relay
characteristics and settings quick and easy. Starting, trip, extended, and no-trip
zones can be defined by using predefined elements. A complete overview of all
defined zones is provided.
The standard RIO interface, supported by various relay manufacturers, makes it
possible to directly import the relay data from your relay parameter setting
software (ask your relay manufacturer).
The impedance settings for the zones are entered and displayed in primary or
secondary values, as chosen by the user.

OMICRON Test Universe

Definition of tests
Tests are defined in the impedance plane: Test points are added to a test point
table, with the mouse or by keyboard entry. This table is separated into several
tabs, each tab belonging to a fault loop (e.g. A-N, B-N, C-N, A-B, A-B-C). Test
points can be defined for several fault loops at the same time (e.g. for all
single-phase loops) or for every fault loop separately.
When a test is performed, the test point lists belonging to the individual fault
loops are worked through. The reaction of the relay is compared to the
specified nominal settings and an assessment is made. The results are
displayed graphically in the impedance plane as well as numerically in the test
point table.
The voltages and currents belonging to a test point and the relay’s reaction
(switching of output contacts) can be graphically displayed for a more in-depth
analysis of the results. Time measurements by using cursors are possible.
Figure 6-2:
Distance - Time Signal View.

The Distance test module automatically generates a test report containing the
relay settings, the test settings, the test points, and the results in both tabular
and graphical form.
The Advanced Distance module is available within the Advanced Protection
package for fully automated testing of distance relays.


6.1 Example: Distance

Sample files:
y Distance-LFZR111.dst
y Distance-LFZR111.ohc
Stored at:
...OTU installation path\Test Library\Samples\SW Manual Examples\Protection

As part of routine maintenance within Green Valley Transmission
substation, the operation of the primary distance protection relay on
feeder 2 has to be checked (Device21). (Refer to Figure 6-3.) The relay in
question is the LFZR 111 set with a basic Mho characteristic three zone
operation. No schemes such as POR or PUR are used.
It is assumed that the relay has previously been programmed with the
necessary data and that the relay test engineer confirms these settings
and correct operation. Testing of any DEF, Inst’ Overcurrent, IDMT
Overcurrent, or Power Swing Blocking features are not covered in this
example. However, other modules within the Protection Package are
capable of these tests.
1. The relay operates correctly for faults occurring within the respective
zones of protection. For example, zone 1 single phase to earth fault is
seen as a zone 1 event.
2. Various trip times are within nominal trip tolerances.
3. The results are displayed in both tabular and impedance plane formats.
4. The report of results is suitable for inclusion in the substation file
without alteration or editing.
5. Fault types to be tested are; single phase to earth, phase to phase, and
three phase.

OMICRON Test Universe

Figure 6-3:
Schematic diagram
showing example
transmission system. Relay
to be tested is at Green
Valley Substation.

9 Solution
This test example uses the distance test module contained within the
Protection Package.
The distance module is used in the standalone mode.
Time for this example 30 - 60 minutes (off-line or with a relay).
y Equipment Required
- OMICRON Test Universe – consisting of CMC 256 or 156 three-phase
test set, Protection Package Software, and connection leads.
- Multi-meter, i.e. EnerLyzer for CMC 256 or Fluke.
- All associated manuals for relay.
- System parameters and interconnection knowledge.
- Relay Settings Sheet – for Settings used in this example.


6.1.1 Preparing The Test

The preparation for testing requires four essential tasks.
1. Choosing the correct OMICRON test module.
2. Entering Test Object parameters – details and settings of the relay.
3. Hardware configuration – details of the wiring connections and
configuring binary inputs, etc.
4. Defining the report structure – how will the results be formated in the

) Note: All of the above can be accomplished in the office. Only

running (item 5) and saving (item 6) the test requires
the engineer to be on site.
5. Running the test.
6. Saving and printing the report.

6.1.2 OMICRON StartPage and the Distance Test Module

Start the OMICRON Test Universe using “Start | Program Files | OMICRON Test
Double click OMICRON Test Universe short cut icon which is located on the
desktop, if created during installation.
This process opens the StartPage as shown in Figure 6-4.

OMICRON Test Universe

Figure 6-4:
OMICRON Test Universe

6.1.3 Selecting the Distance Module

In this example, the Distance Module is to be used. Select it from the distance
menu box. The Distance module opens with the screen similar to Figure 6-5.

) Note: The message "NO CMC is connected to the PC" will appear on
the status bar in the bottom left hand corner if the CMC test
set is off or disconnected. No CMC test set is required for the
preparation of the test document, so we can proceed in
offline mode.


Figure 6-5:
Distance Module Opening
dialog box showing CMC
disconnected message.

) Note: Left click and drag on the window pane borders until the
screen is laid out as above.
Interaction with the functions of the Distance module is performed through
the toolbar shown in Figure 6-6.
Figure 6-6:
Distance Module Toolbar.

6.1.4 Entering Test Object Parameters

Next the Test Object Parameters (also known as EUT or Relay Parameters) need
to be entered.
Two principle methods govern this process. One is manual, the other
automated. Lets look at the manual entry of relay data first. Later, the
automated approach is described.

OMICRON Test Universe Manual Entry

Using the LFZR111 Relay Manual R5943B and power system wiring diagrams
and associated information, the engineer can proceed entering the necessary
Select Test Object button from the tool bar (refer to Figure 6-6).
The Data entry box "Parameters for Protection Device" opens. This is shown in
Figure 6-7.
Figure 6-7:
Data entry box "Parameters
for Protection Device".

Here the user can select tabs for Device Settings, System Settings, Zone
Settings, and Default Test Settings.


Device Settings Tab

The user should enter all the necessary general data concerning the relay and
its nominal values. For the LFZR111 distance relay in this example, the data
used should be similar to that shown in Figure 6-8.
Figure 6-8:
Completed "Device Settings"
in Data entry Box
"Parameters for Protection

Data entry for the remaining tabs (System Settings, Zone Settings, and Default
Test Settings) commences in a similar way. To save time and facilitate an easier
discussion of these data items, lets study the automatic loading of Parameters
for the Protection Device. Automatic Entering of Relay Data

Using the internationally accepted RIO (Relay Interface by OMICRON) format,
relay data and parameters can easily be imported (and exported) from and to
files. This is done using the import / export buttons as shown in Figure 6-8.

) Some relay manufacturers also use this format to export parameters from their
relay parameterization software for direct import into the Test Universe (e.g.
Disgi by Siemens). Ask your relay manufacturer.

OMICRON Test Universe

Click on and browse the PC hard disk (and possibly the

OMICRON Test Universe installation CD delivered with your equipment) until
the required RIO file is located. In this example the file required is
"". Double click the file name and the Parameters for
protection device data loads.
Now look through the System Settings, Zone Settings, and Default Test
Settings Tabs.

System Settings
Figure 6-9:
System Settings Tab After

System parameters and Grounding factor can be entered from the calculated
settings data. Tolerances come from the data sheets for the relay and can be
entered as absolute or relative values.

) Note: Tolerance values can also be entered or edited individually for

each zone using the "Zone Settings" Tab.
CB simulation is set to 100 ms.


Zone Settings
Figure 6-10:
Zone Settings Tab After
Loading File.

For information on how to define new characteristics or edit existing ones,

refer to Section ”Entering Characteristics” on page 118.

OMICRON Test Universe

Default Test Settings

Figure 6-11:
Default Test Settings After

The test model is "Constant Test Current" (refer to Section ”The
Contant Test Current Model” on page 118 for more information).
y Fault inception is selected as Random.
y DC offset is checked.
y Time reference is selected as Fault Inception.
y Pre-fault, Fault, and Post Fault times can be set as required.
When satisfied that all Test Object Parameters are correct, click OK and return
to the distance module window.
Note: If you want to use these parameters for other tests, “Export”
the data from the Device Settings tab into a new RIO file. This
way you can create your own relay database in a step-by-step


6.1.5 Hardware Configuration

Next the Hardware configuration should be performed.
The user can do this manually or can do this automatically by importing an
existing OHC file. In this example, the file required is "LFZR111.ohc", located
in the test library directory.
Click the Hardware Configuration button located on the main tool bar (refer to
Figure 6-6).
The Hardware Configuration window shown in Figure 6-12 appears.
Figure 6-12:
Hardware Configuration

Four tabs are available for the user to specify the hardware configuration
requirements for the test: General, Analog Outputs, Binary/Analog Inputs, and
Binary Outputs.
The general tab shows details of any CMC connected to the PC. In this case
(??????) is shown as preparation of the test document is being completed

OMICRON Test Universe

The user can search for connected CMC’s at any time using the "Search Button"
in "Connected Test Devices Selection Area"

Click and browse and locate the file "LFZR111.ohc". Double click
to import the hardware configuration data.
In this example, three voltage and three current analog channels are used and
these are seen selected in the Analog Outputs tab.
One binary input is used for each trip relay output contact connection. This is
seen in the Binary /Analog Inputs tab.
When finished, click OK and return to the Distance module, Test View Window.

) Note: Any changes in the hardware configuration can be saved to a

new OHC file and preserved for future use.
The physical connections between test set and relay under test
are not described here because they may change according to
test block configuration, secondary wiring anomalies, and
other practical engineering constraints.

6.1.6 Test Procedures and Report Definition

Now the user can define the test procedure and report format. Test Procedure

Having entered the hardware configuration and Test Object Parameters detail,
as described in previous sections, the Distance module looks like Figure 6-13. If
you are creating this file new (i.e., not using the example
"Distance-LFZR111.dst" provided on the OMICRON installation CD-ROM),
save this file using "File | Save As" command. Give the file a name of your
choice – "name.dst".
The Impedance plane shows the relevant zone data. We have no test points
and we should address the Settings and Trigger Tabs prior to entering our test
points and thus defining the test.


Figure 6-13:
Distance Module Window
Prior to Setting Test

Settings Tab
At the start, the Settings tab should reflect the settings of the "Default Test
Settings" in the "Test Object Parameters" window described in section “Default
Test Settings” on page 106. The user should at least become familiar with this

OMICRON Test Universe

Trigger Tab
The Trigger tab configures the trigger conditions for the binary inputs. Figure
6-14 shows the contents of this tab. Note that only one binary input is used for
this test. (The relay should have been set to use this contact for any trip.)
Figure 6-14:
Trigger Tab Contents.

The Logic is set to OR.

The start contact is not used in this case. This condition is denoted by the "X" in
the selection window.

Settings Tab – Input test shots for all Fault Types

Now the test shot points can be defined.
Each test shot point is first selected in the Impedance plane diagram using the
mouse and Left Click (refer to Figure 6-15).
Figure 6-15:
Select a shot using the
mouse in the impedance

To add the point to all fault types (i.e., L1-E, L2-E,L1-L2, etc.), select Add To
and click the box marked ALL in the menu which appears. Now click OK (refer
to Figure 6-16).


Figure 6-16:
Adding Shot Test Point to all
"Fault Type" Tables.

The point appears in all the fault type Tabs (refer to Figure 6-17). A Gray Tab
denotes a Shot Test Point is contained within that respective Table.
Figure 6-17:
Shot Test Point Appears in
Each Fault Type Table. Grey
Tabs Show Shot Added to

In this example, the engineer chooses test shots along the characteristic angle
of the protected line to show the accuracy of the zone reach settings. The
points are shown in Figure 6-18, with the process for entering each point
being the same as described above.

OMICRON Test Universe

Figure 6-18:
Completed Entry of Shot
Test Points (L1-L2-L3 Tab).
The Same Test Points
Appear in Each Fault Type

Save this test routine. Choose “File | Save” or the Save Button from the toolbar
(refer to Figure 6-6), which saves the file under the name previously chosen,
say "name.dst".

) Note: The above procedure can be followed for educational

purposes. However, as a time saver, the file
"Distance-LFZR111.dst" can be loaded from the test library
directory as part of the OMICRON installation. Report Format

The final stage prior to actually testing the relay is to prepare the formatting of
the results.
Several options are available to the user for formatting the report. (Covering all
of them is beyond the scope of this example.) The basic process for formatting
the report is outlined below. You are encouraged to experiment in order to
understand the many possibilities available.
Select “Menu Parameters | Report” to reveal the box in Figure 6-19.


Figure 6-19:
Report Settings Dialog Box.

Click “Define” to reveal the "Windows Explorer Like" options selection tree.
Here the user can freely modify the report contents to create a customized
report format (refer to Figure 6-20). Alternatively, predefined short and long
formats may be chosen.
Figure 6-20:
Defining Report contents
and format.

) Note: Using the Add button, a Report Name can be entered such as
"Distance_gr" for this example.
Again save the file as "name.dst" and the test is ready to begin

OMICRON Test Universe

6.1.7 Running The Test

Once at the job site, establish a clean test location, set up the equipment, and
then retrieve the test routine "name.dst". Perform some provisional wiring
checks. Then the test of the LFZR111 distance relay can begin.
Start the test by clicking the Start Button on the top toolbar (lFigure 6-6).
The test can be paused using the Pause Button.
Likewise, the test can be Stopped using the Stop Button.
As the test proceeds, each Shot Test point is highlighted as it is being tested. A
green cross following testing is a good sign because this indicates the test
point has passed (red cross - failed). Use the Context sensitive help through the
Help Button on the tool bar to learn about the other results symbols and their
The test should run automatically until the final shot test point in the tab L1-
L2-L3 has been tested.
The user can now inspect the results selecting “View | Report” or clicking the
Report Button from the toolbar (refer to Figure 6-6). Figure 6-21 shows the
report produced in this example. The user can scroll through the report to
inspect the results and finalize any report content formatting.
Figure 6-21:
Report View. Scroll Through
the Results and Check the


6.1.8 Signal View

Should the user become interested in the relay’s response to one particular test
point within the test, there are a couple of options.
y single shot test without recording results to report
y signal views Single Shot Test Without Recording the Results

Highlight the test shot point in the relevant fault type tab and press the Single
Test button on the tool bar (refer to Figure 6-6).
The Shot is made and the relay’s reaction can be repeatedly assessed. No
results are recorded. Signal Views

It is possible to view the waveforms applied to the test object by the test set in
the magnitude versus time plot of the signal view.
Select a test shot point of interest in the relevant fault type table.
Click the Signals View button on the toolbar (refer to Figure 6-6).
The waveforms output to the Test Object are displayed along with the
graphical representation of the binary inputs, which were the trip signal
condition in this case.
Measurements can be made using the cursors provided, for example an
indication of trip time can be assessed as in Figure 6-22.

OMICRON Test Universe

Figure 6-22:
Signals View Showing Test
Set Output Waveforms
applied to the EUT and the
condition of the binary
Input Trip Channel. (An
operating time can be
assessed using the cursors).

) Note: It is also possible to export one test shot signals view into the
report of results.
Choose “File | Save” and type a name of choice as the saved OCC file.

6.1.9 Printing the Report

Once back at the office or home, open the document and print it out for
processing and filing.

) A report created with “File | Export report...” may be opened in any word
processing application to allow any further formatting or additional comments
and content to be added.
Original test results in the DST file we previously saved cannot be tampered
with for data security.


Figure 6-23:
Finished Report as Printed.

OMICRON Test Universe

6.1.10 Tips The Contant Test Current Model

The Constant Test Current model assumes a theoretical current source
(infinitely high internal impedance) connected to the fault loop. The test
voltage is calculated from the product of the constant current and the total
fault loop impedance. Entering Characteristics

To enter new zone detail, click NEW in the "Zone Settings" tab of the
"Parameters for Protection Device" window. Figure 6-24 shows the resulting
screen state.
Figure 6-24:
Adding a New Zone
Characteristic in the Zone
Settings Tab. Press “New”
then “Edit...”

Now click “Edit...” to reveal the Characteristic Editor as shown in Figure 6-25.


Figure 6-25:
Characteristic Editor.

To input a zone 1 Mho tripping characteristic, first click the Mho Button in the
"Pre-defined Shapes" selection menu. Adjust the forward reach to the value
required from settings sheet. The result should be as shown in Figure 6-26.
Click OK to return to the "Zone Settings" tab.
Figure 6-26:
Defining a Mho
Characteristic Using
Predefined Shape Button
and Adjusting Forward

The characteristic is shown in the impedance plane on the right bound by the
relevant tolerance borders shown with a broken line. Highlighted in black, the
associated information is entered into the table on the left hand side. Currently

OMICRON Test Universe

Z1 is active, the Mho shown is functional for all fault loops (i.e. P-E, P-P, 3P),
and it is defined as a tripping characteristic.
The relative tolerances for Z (measurement) and T (operating time) can be set
here also along with the nominal tripping time for Z1.
Repeat the above process for adding additional zones. Editing an Existing Zone

1. Highlight the correct zone in the list.
2. Click “Edit...”.
3. Perform the necessary adjustments to data in the "Characteristic Editor"
and Click OK.
4. The edit is complete. Relay Settings

CTR/VTR = 0.38

Reach Z1 Setting
0.8 x 100 x 0.484∠80° x 0.38 = 14.71∠80° Ohms sec

Reach Z2 Setting
(100 + 30) x 0.484∠80° x 0.38 = 23.9∠80° Ohms sec

Reach Z3 Setting
160 x 1.2 x 0.484∠80° x 0.38 = 35.31∠80° Ohms sec

Offset Z3 Reverse
0.1 x 14.71∠80° = 1.41∠80° Ohms sec

Ground Fault Neutral Compensation Factor (kzn)

Kzn = (Zl0-Zl1) / 3Zl1 = 0.79∠-6.5°
Relay setting used kzn = 0.79∠74°


7 Differential
The Differential test module provides a compact testing solution for generator,
busbar, and transformer differential protection relays, performing single-phase
tests of the operating characteristic (pick-up value, slope test) and the inrush
blocking function (harmonic restraint test).

7.1 About Differential

Test points are defined in the Idiff/Ibias plane either by mouse or using the
keyboard for the test of the operating characteristic. A graphical user interface
makes the test definition easy.
Figure 7-1:
Differential - operating
characteristic diagram.

Differential also provides an appropriate testing environment for testing the

harmonic restraint function. The amplitude of the fundamental and the
percentage of the superimposed harmonic can be defined for each test point.

OMICRON Test Universe

Figure 7-2:
Differential - harmonic
restraint test plane.

The test currents belonging to the test points are injected to the relay and the
reaction of the relay is assessed.
By inserting several Differential modules into an OMICRON Control Center
document, different fault loops can be tested automatically.
In-depth and fully automated testing of numerical transformer differential
relays with a mathematical transformer model for up to 3-winding
transformers is provided in Advanced Differential in the Advanced Protection


7.2 Example Differential: Transformer Differential Relay

Sample file: Differential D21 se2.occ
Stored at:
...OTU installation path\Test Library\Samples\SW Manual Examples\Protection

The tester's job is to test a conventional transformer differential protection
relay BBC D21 SE2 (Brown Boveri’s relay) at a power station as part of a larger
test program.
This relay protects a 2 winding transformer with the following nominal data:
Vector group YD5 Y side is grounded
Power: 38.1 MVA
Nominal Voltage (primary): 110 kV
Nominal Voltage (secondary): 11 kV
Nominal Current (primary): 200 A
Nominal Current (secondary): 2000 A

9 Solution
Considerations prior to the test:
1. During the test, the Differential test module analyses and evaluates
whether the measured values are within the defined tolerance band and
assesses the test with "passed" or "failed". All entered values and the
measured values are recorded automatically to allow a detailed view of
the test process after completion of the test.
2. If you have to perform only one test, it may be advantageous to start
the Differential test module as a stand-alone program (without having
started the OMICRON Control Center (OCC) previously).
Normally, however, all the available protection functions of a relay will
be tested sequentially. In these cases, it makes more sense to embed the
test module multiple times into the test document and then change the
settings of each embedded instance for an appropriate test. Then, the
OMICRON Control Center can process the test document and sequential
perform the test.
In the following example the Differential test module is embedded in
the OMICRON Control Center.

OMICRON Test Universe

7.2.1 Establishing the Wiring Between the Relay and the CMC
1. Connect the trip contact to the binary input of the CMC using suitable
test cables. In the example the binary input 1 is used.
2. Connect the current inputs of the relay to the corresponding current
generators of the CMC.

7.2.2 Starting the OMICRON Control Center

1. Start the OMICRON Control Center selecting in the StartPage of the Test
Universe “Open Empty Document”.

7.2.3 Entering the Test Object Parameters

There are two ways of inserting the test object:
Select "Insert | Test Object" to open the dialog for the test object specific data.
Click on the associated icon.
Figure 7-3:
Differential Protection
Parameters: Device Settings.

Then on the Function tab, select “Differential”.


Figure 7-4:
Differential Protection
Parameters: Functions.

The protection relay BBC D21 SE2 has the following additional parameters:
The formulas below can be found in the manual of the relay. G and v are
adjustable parameters which define the operating characteristic.
Offset value: g = 20% g = (I1-I2)/In at Ih = 0
Slope: v = 50% v = (I1-I2)/0.5(I1+I2)
The following equations are valid according to the data sheet for the different
parts of the characteristic:
Ih/In = 0... 0.5 Id/In = 20% or 0.2
Ih/In = 0.5... 3 Id = In*g + (Ih-0.5In)*v
Entering the values into the equation:
Id = 5A*0.2 + (Ih-0.5*5A)*0.5
Hence: Ih/In = 0.5... 3 and In = 5A
Id = 0.5 Ih- 0.25 (1)
The operating characteristic can be entered by selecting “Edit“ on the Function

OMICRON Test Universe

Figure 7-5:
Differential Protection
Parameters: Protection

Figure 7-6:
Differential Protection
Parameters: Characteristic
Definition base on equation

The operation characteristic was derived experimental because the data sheet
of the relay does not contain an accurate characteristic. It is only listed that
stabilization based on the 2nd harmonic is implemented.


Figure 7-7:
Differential Protection
Parameters: Harmonic,
Experimental derived
characteristic of the inrush

7.2.4 Configuring the Hardware

1. Select "Insert | Hardware Configuration".
Figure 7-8:
Hardware Configuration:

OMICRON Test Universe

2. Set the binary input of the CMC to which the start contact of the relay is
connected with the "Binary Inputs" tab. In the example it is "Bin in 1".
With this tab, also set whether it is a potential-free contact or a
potential-carrying contact. In the latter case, the nominal voltage and
the threshold voltage have to be defined.
Figure 7-9:
Hardware Configuration:
Binary inputs.

Now we have completed all settings which need to be set prior to the test. In
the next step we have to define the actual test in the Differential test module

7.2.5 Inserting the Differential Test Module into the Test Document
There are two possibilities to insert the Differential test module into a test
document of the OCC:
Option A:
1. Click on the start button for the Differential test module.
Option B:
1. Select the menu item "Insert | Test Module".
2. Select "OMICRON Diff Simple Single Phase "
Option C:
1. Click on the appropriate icon.


Figure 7-10: Select the object type “Differential“

Insert Test Module.

7.2.6 Defining the Test for the Operating Characteristic

This test is carried out separately for every phase. If the operating characteristic
should be tested for all the three phases, the test accordingly has to be
repeated for the other phases. In the section below the test for the first phase
is described
Place the test points directly below and above the characteristic, which has
been set. The relay should stabilize for all points right and below the
characteristic; all points left and above the characteristic result in a trip in the
typical operating time.
The trip time is determined by the test module and entered into a table; the
test points in the diff-bias plane are updated, at the same time the protocol is
generated in the background on the basis of the up-to-date data.
Table 7-1:
Test points
IDiff IStab Nominal Time
0.30 I/In 0.40 I/In 0.05 s
0.10 I/In 0.40 I/In No trip
0.60 I/In 2.00 I/In 0.05 s
0.40 I/In 2.00 I/In No trip
1.20 I/In 4.00 I/In 0.05 s
0.80 I/In 4.00 I/In No trip
1.70 I/In 6.00 I/In 0.05 s
1.30 I/In 6.00 I/In No trip
1.80 I/In 8.00 I/In No trip
0.30 I/In 0.40 I/In 0.05 s

OMICRON Test Universe

Figure 7-11:
Nine test points for testing
the defined operating

7.2.7 Defining the Test of the Inrush Characteristic

This test is executed separately for every phase, too. The test for the first phase
is described.
A 2nd harmonic is superposed on the 50 Hz. The percentage of the harmonic
can be chosen according to the test point. The test points are shown in the
experimental derived characteristic (Figure 7-11) as in the test of the operating
The relay should stabilize for all points right and below the characteristic;
points left and above the characteristic result in a trip.
Table 7-2:
Test points
IDiff I2/IDiff Nominal Reaction
0.30 I/In 5% Trip
0.30 I/In 15% Trip
0.50 I/In 18% Trip
0.50 I/In 22% Stabilization
1.00 I/In 18% Trip
1.00 I/In 23% Stabilization
1.50 I/In 21% Trip
1.50 I/In 26% Stabilization
2.00 I/In 29% Stabilization


Figure 7-12:
Nine test points for testing
the characteristic of the
inrush stabilization.

7.2.8 Performing the Test

1. To start the test, click on the start button in the toolbar of the
Differential test module.
2. After the test is complete, the result will look similar to Figure 7-13.
- Test of the operating characteristic

OMICRON Test Universe

Figure 7-13:
Test result with automatic

- Test of the inrush Stabilization

Figure 7-14:
Test result with automatic


7.2.9 Defining the Test Report

Now you can define the test report
1. either directly in the Differential test module using the menu item
"Parameters | Report".
2. or in the OMICRON Control Center using the menu item "Test | Report"
in a flexible manner.
The report can be printed in this user-defined format or exported to a file in
RTF format (Rich Text Format).
From the OCC you can also export the data using the menu item "File | Export
Data". For more detailed information, refer to the on-line help system or the
provided data export documentation "TU Data Export.doc" (Word for
Windows file) which is located in the OMICRON\DOCUMENTATION directory
on your computer.

7.2.10 Saving and Printing the Test Report

The last step is to save the OMICRON Control Center document to the desired
location using the menu item "File | Save As...".
The contents of the test process and the test results are now saved and you can
retrieve and read them at any time.
If you want to repeat this test at a later time, load the test document, delete
the old results, and then run the tests. This saves time and makes it easy to
perform similar standard test procedures on multiple occasions. In this way it is
possible to record the behavior trends of protection devices which will change
in the course of time. Identical test procedures have to be defined only once
and can afterwards be executed immediately at any time and as often as

OMICRON Test Universe

Testing tools

8 Testing tools
The Testing Tools in the OMICRON Test Universe are stand-alone programs for
specific testing tasks.

8.1 TransPlay
TransPlay is a program that runs independent of the OMICRON Test Universe
and its embedded Test Module concept. It performs playbacks of transient data
using a CMC test set. Files of any duration can be played back. The only
limitation is the capacity of the hard disk of the PC.
Figure 8-1:
TransPlay user interface

8.1.1 TransPlay Features

y Multiple file playback
y Support for transient file formats 16 bit WAV and Comtrade
y Display of transient files data in a time signal view
y Specification of (external) trigger conditions for starting the playback
y Specification of the playback sampling rate in a range of 1 to 10 kHz
y Specification of transformation ratios and scaling for amplitudes
y Recording of the binary inputs
y Inversion of each channel

OMICRON Test Universe

8.1.2 Example TransPlay

Sample files:
y Aa12zf.cfg
y Aa12zf.dat
Stored at:
...OTU installation path\Test Library\Samples\SW Manual Examples\Protection

The output of a transient signal with three voltage channels and three current
channels is required. The signal is avaiable as a file in COMTRADE format (CFG
and DAT file).

9 Solution
This example is based on a failure report. The recorded signal has a maximum
current of approximately 30 A. Because of this, the current amplifier CMA156
must be used. This amplifier allows the output of the following maximum
current values in one current triple (A or B):

y 25 Arms x 2 = 35.355 Apeak

y Or 70.71 Apeak if both current triples are connected in parallel. Starting TransPlay

Start TransPlay by clicking on the hyperlink on the StartPage of the OMICRON
Test Universe.
Figure 8-2:
Starting TransPlay from the
StartPage of the OMICRON
Test Universe

Testing tools

TransPlay user interface:

Figure 8-3:
TransPlay user interface Hardware Configuration

Clicking on the Hardware Configuration icon opens the hardware
configuration dialog box with the Test Device tab.

Test Device tab

Figure 8-4:
Hardware configuration:
information about the test

During start-up, TransPlay identifies the connected test set (in the example it is
a CMC 156 with the serial number CD635C).

) Note: Click on the "Rescan" button if the software is first operated in the
offline mode and the test device is connected or switched on at a
later time. The hardware is detected and initialized automatically.

OMICRON Test Universe

Amplifier tab
Figure 8-5:
Hardware configuration:
assignment of the

Binary Inputs tab

Figure 8-6: The binary inputs are set on the tab "Binary Inputs" (potential free or with
Hardware configuration: threshold).
threshold for the binary

Testing tools Loading the Signal File

1. Click on the button "Add to list" in the TransPlay Test View.
Figure 8-7:
TransPlay Test View

2. A selection dialog box appears. Select the desired signal file (in the
example the COMTRADE file AA12ZF.CFG) and click on the "Open"
3. The dialog box for the "Comtrade Import" import filter is opened.
Figure 8-8:
Comtrade import filter

In this dialog box you perform the following settings:

y The voltage and current signals (channels) of the Comtrade file have
to be assigned to the physical amplifier outputs.
In the shown example there are one voltage triple with 125 V, one
current triple with 12.5 A, and two further current triples with 25 A

OMICRON Test Universe

y Furthermore you may have to enter the transforming ratio of the

voltage and/or the current transformer.
This is necessary, if the COMTRADE file contains primary values. In
this case, the software already suggests a value.
This example uses secondary values which the selected amplifiers can
output over the complete range. Therefore the transforming ratio
is 1.
y Clicking on the button "OK" applies the settings. Now the file is
y During the loading process the signal was converted from the
COMTRADE format to the WAV format which is used for audio
applications. From now on, this file format is used for all further
processes internal to the PC.
The file name "AA12ZF.WAV" is now displayed (see figure 8-9 on
page 140). After Loading the Signal File

1. After loading the file AA12ZF.CFG, it is shown in the playback window.
The right hand area "File Properties" lists detailed information about the
signal, e.g.
y Name (*.WAV)
y Duration of playback
y Sampling frequency
y Channels in the file
Figure 8-9:
TransPlay after loading the

Testing tools

2. If you activate the check box "Keep converted WAVE files", the converted
WAV file will be also available even after terminating the TransPlay
Otherwise the file is deleted when you are exiting the program.
3. You can also load multiple files into the playback window. These files are
then played in the assigned order. Preparing the Signal Output

Because the amplifier CMA156 is being used for the current output in this
example, you have to activate the check box "Delay Time Correction" before you
play the file.
Without this correction, a phase fault may appear of approximately 2° between
the voltage (CMC test device) and the current (amplifier).
Note: This phase fault is corrected automatically and without any user
) action for the sine-wave output signals of the remaining test
For this example, the signal output should occur on a specific trigger condition.
Mark the check box "Enable Trigger" and define "Input 1" as the trigger
If you define the trigger condition "Ext. Trigger", the TransPlay waits for a
trigger signal from the external CMGPS synchronization unit which is
connected to the circular plug on the rear of the CMC test device before it
starts the output of the transient signal.

OMICRON Test Universe

Open the Playback Properties menu by clicking on the icon.

Figure 8-10:
TransPlay playback
properties: general settings

General tab
Here you can set the playback frequency of the output. The default setting is
the frequency with which the signal was recorded. In most cases the signal will
be output with the same frequency. Therefore you can leave this value
In practice this could be used for example to adapt a fault occurrence in a
60 Hz mains supply to a 50 Hz mains supply by stretching the time axis with
the factor 60/50.

) Note: The playback frequency is adjustable between 1 and 100 kHz. But
the signals are limited to a maximum of 10 kHz by the test device.
Due to the conversion, values calculated by linear interpolations are added or
the sample frequency is reduced to 10,000 per second if the recording
frequency was higher.
If there were frequencies higher than 5 kHz included, aliasing effects can occur.
TransPlay loads the converted files (*.WAV) to the transient memory of the
CMC test device which outputs the signals.

) Note: The file to play should be stored on the hard disk if possible, to
guarantee best load time. Loading from a floppy disk or via a PC
network could result in speed problems.
Marking the check box "No Stop on Data Underflow" always continues the
signal output even if the connected PC is not able to load the output values to
the sample buffer in time.
This is only relevant for very long files or slow computers. The transient
memory is able to store temporarily

Testing tools

y 2 k of samples (2048 samples) with 6 output channels or

y 1 k of samples (1024 samples) with 12 output channels.
Marking the check box "Binary Input Recording... Enable" logs all changes on
one of the 10 binary inputs to a defined text file, when the signal is played
back (e.g. test file BIN.TXT in figure 8-17 on page 146).

Invert tab
On the tab "Invert" you can set a phase shift of 180 degrees for a channel. In
this manner, a signal can be inverted.
Figure 8-11:
TransPlay playback
properties: inverting signals

Practical use of this feature: Inverting the current flow by changing the
starpoint connection (e.g. from Towards Busbar to Towards Line).
This inversion is not used in our example.

CMx15x tab
On the tabs CMC156 U, CMC156 I, CMA156 IA and CMA156 IB you can
change the signal assignment to the amplifier outputs which was initially
defined when loading the file.
For this example, the signals were assigned as follows:
y Voltage signals to CMC156 V.
y Current signals to triple A of CMA156 I.

OMICRON Test Universe

Figure 8-12:
TransPlay playback
properties: signal
assignment to CMC 156 V

Figure 8-13:
TransPlay playback
properties: signal
assignment to CMC 156 I

Figure 8-14:
TransPlay playback
properties: signal
assignment to CMA 156 IA

Testing tools

Figure 8-15:
TransPlay playback
properties: signal
assignment to CMA 156 IB Graphical Display of Signal File(s)

The signals to play can be displayed graphically either before or after playback
by clicking on its icon.
Figure 8-16:
Signal view - graphical
display of voltage and
current signals.

Clicking with the right mouse button on the graphic opens a context menu
where you can select the zoom function. This function allows you to display
any part of the signal with an enlarged time axis. Playing the Signal File(s)

To play a loaded signal file, click with the left mouse button on the icon.
If several files were loaded to the playback window, these files will be played in
the assigned order. Logging the State Changes of the Binary Outputs

All changes to the binary inputs are logged in the text file (here: BIN.TXT).

OMICRON Test Universe

Time is referenced to the start of the output. The entries of a repeated test are
appended to the end of the file.
Figure 8-17:
Log file with the binary
inputs as test result.

Testing tools

The CMGPS synchronization unit is a system extension which controls (triggers)
a CMC test set at a precisely defined moment via the Global Positioning System
(GPS) satellite signal.
With two or more CMGPS synchronization units, two or more CMC test sets
can be started simultaneously with a maximum synchronization accuracy of
<120 µs (depending on the software settings). It is thus possible to ensure a
synchronized trigger time for the test processes of several independently
operating test units, regardless of the distance between them.
Using the CMGPS software, all the required parameters for the synchronization
unit are set.
Figure 8-18:
CMGPS user interface.

OMICRON Test Universe

The CMGPS software provides the following functions:

y Display of the actual time (at setting ”local time”) and date with GPS
y User-selectable time for the first pulse or action
y Synchronization of the internal PC clock with the displayed GPS time (at
setting "local time")
y Display of the exact geographical position (longitude, latitude and
y User-definable pulse repetition rate
y Display of the current number of satellites tracked by CMGPS
The functionality of the CMGPS software can also be utilized to externally
trigger OMICRON test modules such as the State Sequencer, Ramping, or
Transplay, i.e. these modules can be controlled by the GPS signal and, for
instance, be used to initiate the execution of the next state.

Testing tools

8.3 Harmonics
The testing tool Harmonics generates signals with superimposed harmonics.
Signals up to the 30th harmonic can be generated. The highest possible
harmonic depends on the frequency of the respective fundamental signal (the
specified line frequency), the maximum possible output frequency equals
1250 Hz.
The created signal is written to a file in COMTRADE format.
These COMTRADE files can be loaded and played back with test modules like
Advanced TransPlay or the testing tool TransPlay.
Figure 8-19:
Harmonics user interface

OMICRON Test Universe

8.3.1 Features of Harmonics

Harmonics provides the following functions:
y Ability to generate up to 6 signals (3 x voltage, 3 x current) with the
same fundamental frequency but individual amplitudes, phase shifts
and harmonics
y Signals up to the 30th harmonic can be generated, however this is
dependent upon the fundamental frequency. The maximum harmonic is
the 25th for 50 Hz and 20th for 60 Hz.
y Maximum output frequency is 1000 Hz, but no harmonic is possible.
The highest possible superimposed harmonic frequency is 1250 Hz.
y Based on the specified frequency, automatic calculation of signal
duration according to set number of periods and vice versa.
y Output format COMTRADE
y COMTRADE options can be specified (refer to 8.3.2 ”The Harmonics
Comtrade Options”).

8.3.2 The Harmonics Comtrade Options

Harmonics allows you to specify COMTRADE settings that are applied when
Harmonics exports an .HRM file (Harmonics-specific file extension) to an output
file in COMTRADE format.
There are two possible COMTRADE settings:
Default file format for the two files Harmonics outputs every time a
signal file is exported:
- Configuration file name.cfg
The data in this file is information required by the playback program
(e.g. the OMICRON testing tool TransPlay) in order to properly
interpret the transient data.
It includes items such as sample rates, number of channels, channel
information, line frequency a.s.o.
- Data file name.dat
The data file contains the value of each sample of each input
channel. Each data sample records consists of 16 Bit integers.
The number stored for a sample is usually the number produced by
the device that samples the input waveform.

Testing tools

If the option ASCII is checked, both the configuration and the data file
can be read with any text editor or word processing program.
2. Binary
For certain applications it may be desirable to have the data file available
in binary format. This is accommodated in the COMTRADE standard.
If this option is checked, Harmonics stores the data file (name.dat) in a
binary format. The binary data file uses the same structure as the ASCII
file mentioned above.
The configuration file name.cfg remains in ASCII format.
In addition, the COMTRADE settings enable you to set the playback sample
rate. Any value between 100 and 10000 Hz can e specified.
The sample frequency for playback is the rate the recorded values will be put
out by the D/A converter. It can be set independently from the sample
frequency the signal was recorded with.

OMICRON Test Universe


9 Utilities
The utilities in the OMICRON Test Universe are standalone auxiliary programs
that perform smaller tasks, such as file type conversion, viewing of a file,
searching for or adding license files etc.
They operate independent of the OMICRON Test Universe and its embedded
Test Module concept in the Control Center.

9.1 TYP Converter

TYP files contain the test object parameters. They are created by the OMICRON
DOS software.
With the introduction of the Windows-based software, the TYP format has
been replaced by the RIO format (Relay Interface by Omicron).
The utility TYP Converter (also called Typ2RIO) is used to convert test object
parameter files stored in the *.TYP format to the *.RIO format.
These TYP formatted sets of relay parameters can be converted to RIO relay
parameter data files either selectively or as a batch.
Figure 9-1:
Typ Converter TYP2Rio user

OMICRON Test Universe

9.2 AuxDC
The utility AuxDC is used to set the auxiliary DC voltage output of the CMC 256
test set by means of a slider control.

Slider control
With the slider control select either
y one of the predefined voltage values
y the setting Other, which allows you to enter any voltage value of your
choice up to the limits of the test set
y to turn auxiliary DC voltage OFF.
Set switches the currently set voltage value to the CMC 256's
auxiliary DC voltage output
Close Exits AuxDC
Help Calls up the AuxDC online help
Default Makes the currently set voltage value the power-up default.
When CMC 256 is powered-up the next time, the auxiliary DC
output is automatically set to this default value.
This default values applies until it is deliberately changed
Setting a power-up default value means, that immediately after CMC 256 is
switched on, this voltage is applied to the auxiliary DC voltage output,
regardless whether a PC is connected to it or not.
Caution: This voltage can be life-threatening!


9.3 ScanLic (Scan for Licences)

The utility ScanLic searches for available OMICRON license information stored
on the hard disk and on demand displays the contents of these license files.
Figure 9-2:
User interface of the
ScanLic utility.

) Note: Make sure that the file OMICRON.LIC is stored in the folder C:\
Program Files\Common Files\OMICRON.
If you want to use both the Windows and DOS software, you need
to copy the file OMICRON.LIC from the above mentioned folder to
the folder of the DOS software
C:\Program Files\OMICRON\CMCDOS.
The file OMICRON.LIC should only exist in these two directories.

OMICRON Test Universe

9.4 AddLic (Add Licences)

If the license file on your hard disk needs to be updated, have the new license
file ready (e.g. on the OMICRON-supplied license disk) and select “AddLic”
from the Utilities menu in the OMICRON StartPage.
After starting AddLic, there are two options to select from:
1. “Update OMICRON license from file”
Selecting this option and clicking on “Next” will open a dialog box that
prompts you to enter or browse for the path of the new license file
OMICRON.LIC (e.g. on the OMICRON-supplied license disk).
The license file that already exists on your hard disk will be updated by
appending the new information. AddLic will not duplicate entries in the
license file.
2. Selecting “Update OMICRON license manually” and clicking on “Next”
will open a dialog box where you manually enter information for the
license. Included in this information is the device type for the hardware,
its serial number, and the software component.
Figure 9-3:
Manual license update in

Repeat steps for each license disk until the main license file has all of the codes
for your OMICRON hardware and the support test modules.
ScanLic can be used at any point to view and verify the license files.
Once the main license file has been updated, it can be copied to the computers
that will host OMICRON Test Universe software.


The main license file is named “OMICRON.LIC”and it should be copied to:

“Program Files\Common Files\Omicron”
Once the license file has been copied to the respective computers, you can
proceed with installing the OMICRON Test Universe software from the CD.
If you manually created the master license, you can copy the “Omicron.lic” file
back to the 3.5” license disk.
Thereafter, this license disk can be used to install the license file on other
computers by executing the “setup.exe” from the disk.

OMICRON Test Universe

OMICRON Contact Addresses

10 OMICRON Contact Addresses

Offices with customer service centers

Europe OMICRON electronics GmbH Phone: +43 5523 507-0

Oberes Ried 1 Fax: +43 5523 507-999
6833 Klaus eMail:
Austria Web:

USA OMICRON electronics Corp. USA Phone: +1 713 830-4660

12 Greenway Plaza, Suite 1200 1-800-OMICRON
Houston TX 77046 Fax: +1 713 830-4661
USA eMail:

Asia OMICRON electronics Asia Ltd. Phone: +852 2634-0377

Room 719, Tower II Fax: +852 2634-0390
Grand Central Plaza eMail:
138 Shatin Rural Committee Road
Shatin, Hong Kong

Regional sales offices

Spain OMICRON Technologies España S.L. Phone: +34 91 652-4280

Avenida Somosierra 12 Fax: +34 91 653-6165
Escalera Derecha, Oficina 1H eMail:
28700 San Sebastián de los Reyes
Madrid, Spain

UK OMICRON electronics UK Ltd. Phone: +44 1785 251-000

Unit 9, Marconi Gate Fax: +44 1785 252-000
Staffordshire Technology Park eMail:
Beaconside, Stafford ST18 0AP

OMICRON Test Universe

Trainings, Consulting, Commissioning

Germany OMICRON electronics Deutschland Phone: +49 9195 9475-1

GmbH Fax: +49 9195 9475-39
Gewerbering 40 eMail:
91341 Röttenbach



Characteristic Definition tab

A Differential.......................................................... 126

AddLic ..................................................................... 156 Overcurrent .......................................................... 79

address of manufacturer ................................... 159 CMC 256

auxiliary DC voltage............................................. 154
A-N fault ...................................................... 33, 47, 83
Analog Outputs tab CMGPS testing tool............................................ 147

Hardware Configuration ........................................ 81 COMTRADE file ................................................... 136

auto-reclose of feeder .......................................... 40 cursor dialog box .................................................. 60

AuxDC ..................................................................... 154

auxiliary DC CMC 256 ........................................ 154

Default Test Settings tab
B test object .......................................................... 106

Bias Curve tab detail view

Differential .................................................. 121, 130 Ramping ............................................................... 59

binary Device Settings tab

QuickCMC ............................................................ 10
input signal ........................................................... 61
output logging .................................................... 145 test object .................................... 77, 102, 103, 124

output signal ......................................................... 61 Differential

example .............................................................. 123
Binary Inputs tab
hardware configuration ...................................... 127
Hardware Configuration ................................ 65, 128
inrush characteristic ............................................ 130
insert test module ............................................... 128
operating characteristic....................................... 129

overview ............................................................. 121
perform test........................................................ 131
CFG file ................................................................... 140 print report ......................................................... 133
characteristic save report.......................................................... 133
differential operating ........................................... 129 test object .......................................................... 124
inrush .................................................................. 130 test report........................................................... 133
wiring ................................................................. 124

OMICRON Test Universe

Distance example
example................................................................. 97 Differential.......................................................... 123
hardware configuration ....................................... 107 Distance................................................................ 97
overview ................................................................ 95 Overcurrent .......................................................... 75
perform test ........................................................ 114 QuickCMC .............................................................. 9
preparing test ........................................................ 99 Ramping ............................................................... 62
print report.......................................................... 116 State Sequencer .............................................. 27, 40
relay characteristics................................................ 95 TransPlay............................................................. 136
report format....................................................... 112 export
reporting ............................................................... 96 RIO ............................................................... 77, 103
select test module................................................ 100
signal view........................................................... 115
single shot ........................................................... 115
test definition ........................................................ 96
test object ........................................................... 101
test procedure ..................................................... 108
A-N .......................................................... 33, 47, 83
tips...................................................................... 118
copy and paste ..................................................... 86
simulation............................................................. 73
Ramping................................................................ 69
feeder auto-reclose .............................................. 40
drop-out time ............................................... 9, 62, 69
DST file ................................................................... 116
add license ......................................................... 156
CFG .................................................................... 140
COMTRADE ........................................................ 136
DST...................................................................... 116
E import RIO ............................................................ 77

embed RIO ............................................................. 103, 153

Differential .......................................................... 128 scan for license ................................................... 155

Overcurrent ........................................................... 83 signal for TransPlay ............................................. 139

Ramping................................................................ 65 TYP ..................................................................... 153

State Sequencer..................................................... 32 WAV ........................................................... 140, 142

report .......................................... 18, 35, 52, 85, 112
Functions tab
test object .......................................................... 125
fuse-fail .................................................................... 33
fuse-fail function .................................................. 27


General tab license files
Hardware Configuration .......................... 11, 80, 127 add..................................................................... 156
Overcurrent ........................................................... 84 scan for .............................................................. 155
generator protection ............................................ 62 loss of potential function ................................... 27

hardware configuration marker...................................................................... 60
Differential .......................................................... 127 measurement view ............................................... 25
Distance .............................................................. 107
Overcurrent ........................................................... 80
QuickCMC ............................................................. 11

Ramping................................................................ 64
State Sequencer............................................... 29, 44
TransPlay.............................................................. 137 navigation toolbar
Harmonic tab Ramping ............................................................... 61

Differential .......................................... 122, 127, 131 nominal value

hold, QuickCMC..................................................... 16 Ramping ............................................................... 69

start.................................................. 28, 63, 76, 124
RIO ................................................................ 77, 103
OMICRON addresses ......................................... 159
inrush characteristic ............................................ 130
Differential .......................................................... 128
Overcurrent ........................................................... 83
Ramping................................................................ 65
State Sequencer..................................................... 32
introduction to Protection .................................... 1

OMICRON Test Universe

Overcurrent ............................................................. 74 print

A-N fault ............................................................... 83 report ................................................................... 22
characteristic ......................................................... 74 print report .................................. 38, 55, 91, 116, 133
copy fault types ..................................................... 86 Protection Device tab
example................................................................. 75 Differential.......................................................... 126
fault simulation ..................................................... 73 Overcurrent .......................................................... 78
features ................................................................. 73 Protection Package ................................................. 1
hardware configuration ......................................... 80
insert test module.................................................. 83
overview ................................................................ 73
perform test .......................................................... 88
print report............................................................ 91 Q
report format......................................................... 85 QuickCMC
report to template ................................................. 92 default voltage...................................................... 14
report view ............................................................ 74 example .................................................................. 9
save test ................................................................ 92 features .................................................................. 8
test in OCC ............................................................ 90 hardware configuration ......................................... 11
test inside test module........................................... 89 hold...................................................................... 16
test object ............................................................. 76 overview ................................................................. 7
test view ................................................................ 74 report format........................................................ 18
trigger conditions .................................................. 85 report print ........................................................... 22
trip characteristic ................................................... 74 save test ............................................................... 23
views ..................................................................... 74 start...................................................................... 10
wiring.................................................................... 76 test object ............................................................ 10
overview trip time ............................................................... 16
Differential .......................................................... 121 voltage ramping ................................................... 16
Distance ................................................................ 95 voltage stepping ................................................... 15
Overcurrent ........................................................... 73 wiring ..................................................................... 9
QuickCMC ............................................................... 7
Ramping................................................................ 57
State Sequencer..................................................... 25

Ramp Settings tab
Ramping ............................................................... 70
P ramp state transitions ......................................... 60
pick-up time .................................................. 9, 62, 75 ramped quantity ................................................... 61
pre-fault state ......................................................... 46


define states .......................................................... 66 S
detail view ............................................................. 59 Sample file
drop-out................................................................ 69 Transducer example .. 9, 27, 40, 62, 75, 97, 123, 136
example................................................................. 62
save report .................................... 23, 38, 71, 92, 133
features ................................................................. 57
save test................................................................... 55
hardware configuration ......................................... 64
ScanLic ................................................................... 155
insert test module.................................................. 65
Shot tab
navigation toolbar ................................................. 61
Distance................................................ 95, 101, 109
nominal value ........................................................ 69
signal view
overview ................................................................ 57
binary input signals............................................... 61
perform test .......................................................... 70
binary output signals ............................................ 61
print report............................................................ 71
cursor dialog box .................................................. 60
report view ............................................................ 59
Distance............................................................... 115
save test ................................................................ 71
marker .................................................................. 60
signal view............................................................. 59
ramp state transitions ........................................... 60
static output values ............................................... 67
ramped quantity ................................................... 61
test object ............................................................. 64
Ramping ............................................................... 59
test report ............................................................. 71
test view ................................................................ 58
single shot ............................................................. 115
tolerance ............................................................... 69 start
Distance................................................................ 99
trigger condition.................................................... 67
wiring.................................................................... 63 OCC.................................................. 28, 63, 76, 124
QuickCMC ............................................................ 10
State Sequencer .................................................... 42
voltage in QuickCMC ............................................. 16
A-N fault .............................................................. 47
convert to template ............................................... 92
define in Ramping ................................................ 66
print .......................................................... 22, 38, 55
pre-fault ............................................................... 46
report format .......................................................... 85
remaining ............................................................. 49
Distance .............................................................. 112
QuickCMC ............................................................. 18
State Sequencer............................................... 35, 52
report view ........................................................ 25, 74
Ramping................................................................ 59
RIO ............................................................................. 77
RIO file ............................................................ 103, 153

OMICRON Test Universe

State Sequencer
A-N fault state ....................................................... 47 T
example 1.............................................................. 27 tab
example 2.............................................................. 40 Analog Outputs (Hardware Configuration) ............ 81
hardware configuration ................................... 29, 44 Bias Curve (Differential) ............................... 121, 130
insert in test document .......................................... 32 Binary Inputs (Hardware Configuration) ........ 65, 128
overview ................................................................ 25 Characteristic Definition (Differential) .................. 126
perform test .................................................... 36, 53 Characteristic Definition (Overcurrent) ................... 79
pre-fault state........................................................ 46 Default Test Settings (test object) ........................ 106
print report...................................................... 38, 55 Device Settings (QuickCMC) .................................. 10
remaining states .................................................... 49 Device Settings (test object) .......... 77, 102, 103, 124
report format................................................... 35, 52 Functions (test object)......................................... 125
save report ............................................................ 38 General (Hardware Configuration) ........... 11, 80, 127
save test ................................................................ 55 General (Overcurrent) ........................................... 84
start....................................................................... 42 Harmonic (Differential)........................ 122, 127, 131
state 1 ................................................................... 32 Protection Device (Differential) ............................ 126
state 2 ................................................................... 33 Protection Device (Overcurrent) ............................. 78
state 3 ................................................................... 33 Ramp Settings (Ramping)...................................... 70
test object ....................................................... 28, 43 Shot (Distance) ..................................... 95, 101, 109
time signal view..................................................... 54 System Settings (test object) ............................... 104
timing measurement ............................................. 51 Test (Overcurrent)............................................ 73, 83
wiring.............................................................. 27, 41 Trigger (Ramping) ................................................. 68
Z shot.................................................................... 26 Trigger (State Sequencer) ................................ 47, 48
Z state ................................................................... 26 Zone Settings (test object)................................... 105
static output values .............................................. 67 table view ............................................................... 25
System Settings tab template, from report ......................................... 92
test object ........................................................... 104
State Sequencer .............................................. 36, 53
test module
Differential.......................................................... 121
Distance................................................................ 95
Overcurrent .......................................................... 73
QuickCMC .............................................................. 7
Ramping ............................................................... 57
State Sequencer .................................................... 25


test object TransPlay ................................................................ 135

Differential .......................................................... 124 example .............................................................. 136
Distance .............................................................. 101 graphical display ................................................. 145
import data ......................................................... 103 hardware configuration ...................................... 137
manual data entry ............................................... 102 load signal file .................................................... 139
Overcurrent ........................................................... 76 logging binary outputs ....................................... 145
QuickCMC ............................................................. 10 playing signal files............................................... 145
Ramping................................................................ 64 preparing signal output ...................................... 141
State Sequencer............................................... 28, 43 start.................................................................... 136
test report trigger ...................................................................... 85
Differential .......................................................... 133 Ramping ............................................................... 67
Ramping................................................................ 71 Trigger tab
Test tab Ramping ............................................................... 68
Overcurrent ..................................................... 73, 83 State Sequencer .............................................. 47, 48
test view ................................................................... 74 trip time......................................................... 9, 16, 75
Ramping................................................................ 58 Overcurrent .......................................................... 74
Testing Tools TYP Converter ...................................................... 153
CMGPS ................................................................ 147 TYP file ................................................................... 153
TransPlay.............................................................. 135
drop-out...................................................... 9, 62, 69
pick-up ........................................................ 9, 62, 75
tip ........................................................................... 9
trip ............................................................ 16, 74, 75 USA, OMICRON address ................................... 159

time view ................................................................. 25 utility

AddLic ................................................................ 156
AuxDC ................................................................ 154
measurement ........................................................ 51
OMICRON Test Universe ...................................... 153
ScanLic ............................................................... 155
Distance .............................................................. 118
TYP Converter ..................................................... 153
Ramping................................................................ 69
sample file for Active Power Transducer example .........
9, 27, 40, 62, 75, 97, 123, 136
transformer differential relay ........................... 123
transient signal..................................................... 136

OMICRON Test Universe

view Z shot ....................................................................... 26
detail in Ramping .................................................. 59 Z state ...................................................................... 26
measurement in State Sequencer ........................... 25 Zone Settings tab
report in Overcurrent ............................................. 74 test object .......................................................... 105
report in Ramping ................................................. 59
report in State Sequencer ...................................... 25
signal in Distance................................................. 115
signal in Ramping .................................................. 59
State Sequencer..................................................... 25
table in State Sequencer ........................................ 25
test in Overcurrent ................................................. 74
test in Ramping ..................................................... 58
time in State Sequencer ......................................... 25
time signal in State Sequencer ............................... 54
QuickCMC output.................................................. 14
ramping in QuickCMC............................................ 16
stepping in QuickCMC ........................................... 15
VT fail function....................................................... 27

WAV file ......................................................... 140, 142
Differential .......................................................... 124
Overcurrent ........................................................... 76
QuickCMC ............................................................... 9
Ramping................................................................ 63
State Sequencer............................................... 27, 41


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