Concept of Object Oriented Programming-1

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Time allowed : 3 hours Maximum marks: 70
General Instructions:
(i) All questions are compulsory.
(ii) Question numbers 1 to 5 are very short answer questions and carry 1 mark each.
(iii) Question numbers 6 to 10 are short answer questions and carry 2 marks each.
(iv) Question numbers 11 to 22 are also short answer questions and carry 3 marks each.
(v) Question number 23 is a value based question and carry 4 marks.
(vi) Question numbers 24 to 26 are long answer questions and carry 5 marks each.
(vi) Use log tables, if necessary

Q1. Explain how vacancies are introduced in an ionic solid when a cation of higher valence is added as an
impurity in it.
Q2.For the following reaction, 2A + B ----- C , the rate of formation of C is 2.2 x 10-3 mol L-1 min-1. What
is the value of –d[A]/dt ?
Q3. Why is desorption important for a substance to act as good catalyst ?
Q4.Which compound of the following will react faster in SN2 reaction with OH-? CH3Br or CH3I
Q5. Differentiate between globular and fibrous proteins.
Q6. Calculate the efficiency of packing in case of a metal crystal for face-centred cubic.
Describe the two main types of semiconductors and contrast their conduction mechanism.
Q7. A solution is obtained by mixing 300 g of 25% solution and 400 g of 40% solution by mass.
Calculate the mass percentage of the resulting solution.
Q8. . a)Why button cell shows constancy in its voltage throughout its life span .
b) Under what conditions , Ecell =0 or ∆G◦ = 0?
Q9. Give the IUPAC name of the following compound:

i) ii)
Q10. a)Action of soap is due to emulsification and micelle formation. Comment
b)What are the two conditions for Tyndall effect to occur ?
Q11.Copper crystallises into a fcc lattice with edge length 3.61 × 10−8 cm. Show that the calculated
density is in agreement with its measured value of 8.92 g cm−3.
Q12. It is found that the reaction follows the following rate equation : Rate = k [PH3]. The half-life of PH3 is
37.9 s at 120°C. (i) How much time is required for ¾ the of PH3 to decompose ?
(ii) What fraction of the original sample of PH3 remains behind after 1 minute?
The time required for 10% completion of a first order reaction at 298 K is equal to that required for
its 25% completion at 308 K. If the value of A is 4 × 1010 s−1. Calculate k at 318 K and Ea.
Q13. Define the following terms
i) Associated colloids ii) peptization iii) Hardy-Schulz law
Q14. i) How do you explain the functionality of a monomer?
(ii) Explain the term copolymerisation with an example.
(iii)Give the names of monomers of the polymer used for preparation of unbreakable crockery.
Q15. Explain why
(i) the dipole moment of chlorobenzene is lower than that of cyclohexyl chloride?
(ii) alkyl halides, though polar, are immiscible with water?
(iii) Grignard reagents should be prepared under anhydrous conditions?
Q16.a) How do antiseptics differ from disinfectants?
b) Why is use of aspartame limited to cold foods and drinks?
c) How are synthetic detergents better than soap?
Q17. Arrange the following in increasing order of their basic strength:
(i) C2H5NH2, C6H5NH2, NH3, C6H5CH2NH2 and (C2H5)2NH
(ii) C2H5NH2, (C2H5)2NH, (C2H5)3N, C6H5NH2
(iii) CH3NH2, (CH3)2NH, (CH3)3N, C6H5NH2, C6H5CH2NH2.
Q18.a) Compare acidity of phenol with that of ethanol.
b)Explain how does the −OH group attached to a carbon of benzene ring activate it towards electrophilic
c) Give equation of Treating phenol with chloroform in presence of aqueous NaOH.
Q19. Explain the following terms: (i) Rate of a reaction (ii) Activation energy of a reaction iii) Order of
Q20. Write short notes on the following
i) Coupling reaction (ii) Acetylation (iii) Carbylamine reaction
Q21. Write the structures of products of the following reactions;



Q22.a) Write chemical reaction for the preparation of phenol from chlorobenzene.
b) Write the mechanism of hydration of ethene to yield ethanol.
Q23. Chemistry teacher taught in the class that vitamin B12 contains a metal ion, now studenst will go home
and they have to find and tell the name of the Metal ion tomorrow. But, one student Sudha during the interval
time went to the Computer lab and requested the teacher to surf the net and traced the name of the metal ion.
Write down
i)name of the METAL ion present in vitamin B-12.
ii) name the disease caused due its deficiency.
iii) state at least 2 moral virtues possessed by Sudha.
Q24.a) Depict the galvanic cell in which the reaction Zn(s) + 2Ag+(aq) → Zn2+(aq) + 2Ag(s) takes
place. Further show: (i) Which of the electrode is negatively charged?
(ii) The carriers of the current in the cell. (iii) Individual reaction at cathode electrode.
b) Calculate the cell potential of the following cell
Ag (s) │ Ag+ (0.001M) ││ Cu 2+ (0.1M) │ Cu (s)
Given that E0Ag+/Ag = + 0.80 V and E0Cu2+/Cu = + 0.34 V
a) Define conductivity and molar conductivity for the solution of an electrolyte

b) Calculate the emf of the cell in which the following reaction takes place:

= 1.05 V
Q25.a) An organic compound with the molecular formula C9H10O forms 2, 4-DNP derivative,
reduces Tollens’ reagent and undergoes Cannizzaro reaction. On vigorous oxidation, it gives
1, 2-benzenedicarboxylic acid. Identify the compound.
b) Give simple chemical tests to distinguish between the following pairs of compounds
i) Pentan-2-one and Pentan-3-one
ii) Benzoic acid and Ethyl benzoate
iii)Ethanal and Propanal
a)Examplify the following reactions:- (i) Cross aldol condensation (ii) Rosenmund’s reaction
b)How will you convert the followings:-
i) Bromobenzene to 1-Phenylethanol
ii) Benzaldehyde to 3-Phenylpropan-1-ol
iii) Benzoic acid to Benzaldehyde
Q26. a)i) Sate the main advantage of molality over molality as the unit of concentration.
ii) State Henry’s law.
b) A solution containing 30 g of non-volatile solute exactly in 90 g of water has a vapour pressure of
2.8 kPa at 298 K. Further, 18 g of water is then added to the solution and the new vapour pressure
becomes 2.9 kPa at 298 K. Calculate: -(i) molar mass of the solute (ii)vapour pressure of water at
298 K.
a) Explain the following (i) reverse osmosis (ii) Concentration of solution
b) How many mL of 0.1 M HCl are required to react completely with 1 g mixture of Na2CO3 and
NaHCO3 containing equimolar amounts of both?

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