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Neurotherapeutics: The Journal of the American Society for Experimental NeuroTherapeutics

Hypokalemic Periodic Paralysis: A Model for a Clinical and

Research Approach to a Rare Disorder

Bertrand Fontaine,*‡ Emmanuel Fournier,*† Damien Sternberg,*‡ Savine Vicart,*†‡ and

Nacira Tabti*‡

*Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM), UMR S546, Paris, France; ‡Université Pierre et Marie
Curie-Paris 6, UHR SS46, Paris, France; †Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris, Center de référence des canalopathies
musculaires, Fédération de Neurophysiologie and Département de génétique, cytogénétique et embryologie, Paris, France

Summary: Rare diseases have attracted little attention in the offer the unique possibility of developing high quality clinical
past from physicians and researchers. The situation has recently research studies, not otherwise possible because of the geo-
changed for several reasons. First, patient associations have graphic dispersion of patients. This is the case in France where
successfully advocated their cause to institutions and govern- national referral centers for rare diseases were created, includ-
ments. They were able to argue that, taken together, rare dis- ing one for muscle channelopathies. The aim of this center is to
eases affect approximately 10% of the population in developed develop appropriate care, clinical research, and teaching on
countries. Second, almost 80% of rare diseases are of genetic periodic paralysis and myotonia. In this review, we plan to
origin. Advances in genetics have enabled the identification of demonstrate how research has improved our knowledge of
the causative genes. Unprecedented financial support has been hypokalemic periodic paralysis and the way we evaluate, ad-
dedicated to research on rare diseases, as well as to the devel-
vise, and treat patients. We also advocate for the establishment
opment of referral centers aimed at improving the quality of
of international collaborations, which are mandatory for the
care. This expenditure of resources is justified by the experi-
ence in cystic fibrosis, which demonstrated that improved care follow-up of cohorts and conduct of definitive therapeutic trials
delivered by specialized referral centers resulted in a dramatic in rare diseases. Key Words: Ion channel, periodic paralysis,
increase of life expectancy. Moreover, clinical referral centers hypokalemia, rare disease, electromyography.

INTRODUCTION ated with decreased blood potassium levels.2 There are

several causes for this disorder; hypoPP can be second-
We owe the recognition of periodic paralysis as a
ary to renal or gastrointestinal potassium loss.3 In this
distinct entity and the understanding of its muscle origin
to the early German school of the late 19th century. Early occurrence, abnormal blood potassium levels are also
in the 20th century, physicians observed that decreased observed between attacks, and muscle weakness fluctu-
blood potassium levels occurred during attacks (histori- ates in parallel with blood potassium levels. Muscle
cal review1) leading to a usable definition of the disease weakness is thought to be directly related to the degree of
in clinical practice. muscle depolarization induced by hypokalemia. In pri-
mary hypoPP, blood potassium levels are abnormal only
during attacks. Two forms of primary hypoPP have been
MUSCLE DISORDER CAUSING EPISODIC recognized: thyrotoxic hypoPP, which is associated with
MUSCLE WEAKNESS thyrotoxicosis, and familial hypoPP, which is a genetic
disorder of autosomal dominant inheritance.
Hypokalemic periodic paralysis (hypoPP) is charac- Thyrotoxic hypoPP is considered to be a complication
terized by reversible attacks of muscle weakness associ- of hyperthyroidism.4 The frequency of thyrotoxic hy-
poPP is not known. It is present in all populations but
occurs more frequently among Asians. Most cases are
Address correspondence and reprint requests to: Pr. Bertrand Fon- sporadic with a male predominance (9:1), but familial
taine, UMR S546, Faculté de Médecine Pierre et Marie Curie, 105 Bd
Hôpital, 75013 Paris, France; E-mail: bertrand.fontaine@psl.aphp.fr. cases have also been anecdotally described. Patients usu-

Vol. 4, 225–232, April 2007 © The American Society for Experimental NeuroTherapeutics, Inc. 225

ally present with paralysis of the four limbs and a pro- portant. They can be performed in the emergency room
found decrease in blood potassium levels (down to less or at home. Because serum potassium levels are normal
that 1 mEq/L). Attacks may spontaneously recover and between attacks, it is important for confirming the diag-
recur if thyrotoxocosis is not treated. In a number of nosis to obtain measurements during an attack.
cases, signs of hyperthyroidism are clinically obvious, It is now well established that hypoPP does not affect
although this is not always the case. In Caucasians, signs the heart per se. Cardiac arrhythmias may be provoked
and symptoms of thyrotoxicosis are often absent. Attacks by severe hypokalemia but the heart muscle as well as
of hypoPP occur only during states of hyperthyroidism smooth muscles are not affected by the disease, as shown
and never when thyroid function is back to normal. in two autopsied cases.6 It can be hypothesized that
Therefore, treatment is based upon the restoration of a reported cases of hypoPP with persistent electrocardio-
euthyroid state. In the meantime, potassium chloride may gram abnormalities between attacks were actually cases
be administered to improve muscle force and prevent of Andersen-Tawil syndrome.8
occurrence of new attacks. Some patients may also have
some degree of glucose intolerance.
Thyrotoxic hypoPP is thought to be related to an in-
creased activity of the sodium-potassium adenosine-
triphosphatase (Na/K-ATPase) pump, which presumably
causes an intracellular shift of potassium and hypokale- A number of hypoPP patients develop permanent mus-
mia.4 A tentative hypothesis is that thyrotoxic hypoPP cle weakness. The frequency of patients with permanent
patients have a predisposition to the Na/K-ATPase pump muscle weakness between attacks is not known. The
activation by thyroid hormones or hyperinsulinism. presence of permanent weakness is well known to clini-
The alternate form of hypoPP is familial hypoPP, cians, as well as the variability of weakness from one
commonly referred to as hypoPP. The exact frequency of examination to another. The significance of this perma-
the disease is unknown: the prevalence has been esti- nent muscle weakness has been and is still debated, as
mated at 1:100,000 in Danish registries.1 discussed below.9
Familial hypoPP is a monogenic disorder with an au- Permanent muscle weakness is rarely, but possibly,
tosomal dominant mode of inheritance. Some cases may observed in young adults. It usually fluctuates. The pa-
present as sporadic because of the incomplete penetrance tients are generally aware that they can partially control
of the disease, mostly in women.5,6 The disease is po- the intensity of the weakness by mild exercise, or by the
tentially lethal. A mortality of 10% was common before ingestion of potassium chloride salts or acetazolamide
the advent of intensive care units. Nevertheless, severe tablets. In this circumstance, permanent weakness may
cases may still occur.7 indicate a state of persistent or continuously recurring
Although the genetic defect is present throughout life, mild attacks, and may be dramatically improved by long-
the age at onset is early in the second decade. The fre- term use of carbonic anhydrase inhibitors.1,10-12
quency of attacks is higher from the second to the fourth In contrast, persistent muscle weakness is less fluctu-
decades of life, and then tends to decrease. Attack fre- ating in older patients, and is less sensitive to medication.
quency is very variable, ranging from once in a lifetime This lack of responsiveness to treatment is a sign of
to several per week. Affected women tend to have fewer muscle degeneration, a fixed myopathy. The frequency
attacks than affected men, reflecting the decreased ex- of the myopathy is not well established. This is due to the
pressivity of the disease in women. fact that hypoPP patients rarely undergo a muscle biopsy
Attacks of muscle weakness usually affect the four and there is no reliable clinical imaging method to detect
limbs. When incomplete, they often predominate in the such a myopathy.6 Some authors have proposed that it
lower limbs. Respiration, deglutition, and ocular motility affects all patients over 50 years old to some degree.9 Its
are usually spared but may be affected in the most severe severity is variable, ranging from weakness evidenced
attacks. Coughing is more difficult during attacks. At- only at clinical examination but not interfering with a
tacks usually occur several hours after strenuous exercise normal life in most patients, to wheel-chair bound pa-
or a meal rich in carbohydrates. Typically, patients tients. The myopathy arises independently of the fre-
awaken in the night paralyzed. Attacks may also be quency and the severity of the attacks. It can even occur
milder, affecting one or more limbs. Attacks last several in the absence of attacks.6,13 The onset is usually in the
hours and resolve spontaneously. Recovery may be sped fourth or fifth decade of life. The myopathy affects
up by the ingestion of potassium chloride and may be mostly the muscles of the pelvic girdle and the proximal
aborted by pursuing exercise at a moderate level. If blood muscles of upper and lower limbs.
potassium levels are measured during an attack, they are Vacuoles are regularly seen on muscle biopsies and
found to be below the normal range. For diagnostic pur- are considered the hallmark of the myopathy, which is
poses, measurements of blood potassium levels are im- termed a vacuolar myopathy. They are thought to be

Neurotherapeutics, Vol. 4, No. 2, 2007


markers of the myopathy, although vacuoles are seen in age analysis. This approach is based on the fact that each
patients without a permanent muscle weakness. Vacuolar gene is present in the genome at two copies with different
myopathy affects mostly muscles of the pelvic girdle and forms (alleles). The segregation of the alleles of the gene
proximal muscles of upper and lower limbs. The origin can be traced through generations. The cosegregation of
of the vacuoles has been debated. Pathological studies one allele of a specific gene with the disease indicates
suggest that the vacuoles arise from the sarcoplasmic that the tested gene is causative (linkage). In the case of
reticulum and the tubular system as the result of prolif- hypoPP, the most obvious candidates were potassium
eration and degeneration of these membranous or- channels. It became quickly obvious that none of the
ganelles.14,15 Several stages have been distinguished by alleles of potassium channels segregated with the disor-
pathological studies with different degrees of muscle der. The study was then enlarged with markers covering
fiber degeneration. Other morphologic changes are also the whole genome. Surprisingly, the first genetic markers
observed in periodic paralysis. Tubular aggregates, that cosegregated with the disease were in close vicinity
which originate for the endoplasmic reticulum, are local- with a voltage-gated calcium channel.21 Soon after, mu-
ized under the muscle fiber membrane. Other changes tations were found in the voltage-gated calcium channel
include an increase in central nuclei, abnormal variation CACNA1S, establishing it as the first hypoPP-causing
in fiber size, fiber necrosis, and proliferation of connec- gene.22,23 The voltage-gated calcium channel is made of
tive tissue. There is no animal model of vacuolar myop- four homologous domains, each of them composed of six
athy. Therefore, the exact sequence of events and the transmembrane segments. Remarkably, all mutations
pathophysiological link between the formation of vacu- changed positively charged amino-acids arginines in the
ole and muscle degeneration are still not understood. voltage sensor segment 4 (R528H or G in domain II, as
HypoPP represents a good model to understand the re- well as R1239H of G in domain IV).22-24 The phenotype
lationship between an ion channel mutation, abnormal associated with both mutations is grossly similar.5,25 The
cellular excitability, and cell death. penetrance is incomplete and tends to be lower in women
Because there was no correlation in terms of severity and to depend on ethnicity, although this latter point
between attacks and myopathy, it was proposed that needs confirmation.5,25-29 These two mutation sites in the
attacks (periodic paralysis) and myopathy (evidenced by calcium channel which cause hypoPP have now been
a fixed permanent weakness) may represent two inde- found in all studied populations.5,25,26,28-32 Mutations
pendent phenotypes with different ages at onset, and have only been observed in familial hypoPP but not
varying penetrance and expressivity.5,16 The factors, ge- thyrotoxic hypoPP, although there are anecdotal reports
netic or epigenetic, triggering and controlling the expres- of familial hypoPP revealed by thyrotoxicosis.25,32,33
sion of these phenotypes are unknown. The voltage-gated calcium channel lies within the T-
tubules, which are intracellular invaginations of the mus-
cle membrane. Their known role is to couple the action
potential with the intracellular release of calcium from
the sarcoplasmic reticulum through the activation of cal-
cium channels termed ryanodine receptors. In hypoPP
Several causes, such as a defect in potassium metab- muscle fiber, the excitation-contraction appears to be
olism, have been advocated for hypoPP. In the late normal.34,35 Expression studies of mutated calcium chan-
1980s, the group of Rüdel and Lehmann-Horn in Ger- nels have been technically difficult because of the poor
many developed a technique to record the electrophysi- expression of the muscle calcium channel in in vitro
ological activity from muscle biopsies of patients with systems. They have shown minor abnormalities pointing
neuromuscular diseases.17 This technique enabled them to a loss-of-function effect (decreased current density
to make the seminal observation that when decreasing and slowed activation).36,37 Other studies on muscle fi-
the potassium concentration in the extracellular medium, bers obtained from biopsies have pointed to a reduction
they could depolarize the muscle cells, which correlated of an inwardly rectifying or an ATP-sensitive potassium
with paralysis.17 In contrast, normal muscle cells became current.38,39 Thus, although the mutations in the calcium
hyperpolarized when the extracellular potassium was channel have been known for more than 10 years, there
lowered. This observation suggested that abnormal ion is no clear understanding of how they could provoke
fluxes might be implicated, a hypothesis that was rein- muscle fiber paralysis induced by depolarization and hy-
forced when the primary role of a sodium channel was pokalemia.40
demonstrated in the other form of periodic paralysis: Genetic linkage studies rapidly established that hy-
hyperkalemic periodic paralysis by our group and oth- poPP was genetically a heterogeneous disease. The study
ers.18-20 The same strategy used to identify the sodium of large families, demonstrated by linkage analysis and
channel in hyperkalemic periodic paralysis was applied mutation search, showed that mutations in the voltage-
to hypoPP. Large families were collected to enable link- gated sodium channel also caused hypoPP.41,42 This dis-

Neurotherapeutics, Vol. 4, No. 2, 2007


covery came as a surprise because it was already known paralysis. Mutations in the potassium channel gene
that mutations in the voltage-gated sodium channel KCNJ2 have indeed been established as one of the causes
caused other forms of periodic paralysis. Since then, rare of Andersen-Tawil syndrome, which is associated with
families with mixed phenotypes and voltage-gated mus- distinctive facial features, and electrocardiographic ab-
cle sodium channel mutations have been reported, show- normalities.52
ing that the border between hypoPP and other forms The implication of potassium channels causing other
of periodic paralysis is not as tight as previously forms of periodic paralysis has been debated. The KCNE
thought.43,44 genes represent a family of genes encoding for Mink-
The voltage-gated sodium channel belongs to the same related peptides that are single transmembrane proteins,
channel family as the calcium channel and shares a sim- inactive on their own but which bind and modulate bio-
ilar organization. It is made of four homologous do- physical properties of potassium channel pore-forming
mains, each of them composed of six transmembrane units. Based on a preferential expression in skeletal mus-
segments. Mutations causing hypoPP notably lie in dif- cle, Abbott and colleagues53 proposed that Mink-related
ferent regions of the sodium channel than those causing peptide 2 (from KCNE3) forms a complex with Kn3.4, a
other forms of periodic paralysis. Interestingly, they af- Shaw-type potassium channel, which results in a com-
fect similar amino acids to those mutated in the calcium plex that recapitulates biophysical and pharmacologic
channel. They indeed change arginines in position 669 properties of potassium currents implicated in the resting
and 672 in the voltage-sensor S4 of domain II,41,42,45 as potential in skeletal muscle. Abbott and colleagues also
well as in position 1132 in the voltage-sensor S4 of considered KCNE3 as a candidate for hypoPP.53 The
domain III.46 These mutations have been found in all authors looked for DNA variants in the KCNE3 gene and
populations studied so far, but at a lower frequency than found a missense mutation that changed an arginine into
the one observed for calcium channel mutations (10 vs a histidine at amino acid 83. This missense mutation was
60%).45,47,48 The penetrance of sodium channel muta- absent from 120 control individuals. It was present in
tions is probably higher than the one observed for cal- three members of a family with hypokalemic periodic
cium channel mutations, at least in the only large family paralysis and segregated with the disease within the fam-
studied so far.45 Differences have been noted in the ily. The same mutation was also present in two members
phenotype displayed by patients bearing calcium or so- of another family with an unspecified type of periodic
dium channel mutations. In patients with sodium channel paralysis. Moreover, when expressed in rodent skeletal
mutations, hypoPP tends to begin later, is accompanied muscle cell, the mutant changed the excitability of mus-
by muscle aches, shows a predominance of tubular ag- cle cells by producing depolarization.53 In support of this
gregates compared with vacuoles in the muscle biopsy, first observation, the mutation was also found in 1 of 15
and is aggravated by acetazolamide.45,49 patients with the thyrotoxic form of hypoPP.54 However,
The mutations in the sodium channel causing hypoPP the latter observation was not reproduced in the Chinese
have been introduced by in vitro mutagenesis in the population.55
channel and both mutant and control channel have been At first glance, these observations seem to be solid
expressed in in vitro systems. Biophysical parameters enough to establish KCNE3 as a causative gene for hy-
suggest a loss of function effect, an enhanced slow in- poPP. However, it must be noted that they were estab-
activation being most frequently observed, in contrast lished in too small a number of patients to enable statis-
with sodium channel mutations causing other types of tical analysis and that the number of controls was low,
periodic paralysis where a gain-of-function was demon- even if considered as adequate under current standards.
strated.42,46,49-51 Accordingly, recording of muscle fibers The study of large collections of controls and patients
obtained from muscle biopsies showed a reduced current changed the view on the role of KCNE3 in hypoPP.
density and a slower upstroke and decreased action po- Indeed, no other variant of the KCNE3 gene was ever
tentials when compared with controls.42 As for the cal- associated with periodic paralysis in contrast to other ion
cium channel, these observations are insufficient to un- channel genes. In addition, the mutation was found to be
derstand how sodium channel mutations could provoke associated in the same patient with a sodium channel
muscle fiber paralysis induced by depolarization and hy- mutation well known to cause hypoPP.56 The phenotype
pokalemia. of the patient who had both a potassium channel and a
sodium channel mutation was similar to that of his father
who carried only the sodium channel mutation, demon-
strating that the potassium channel mutation did not
breed true in contrast to the sodium channel mutation.
The R83H mutation was also found at the same fre-
It is now well established that mutations of potassium quency in large groups of controls or periodic paralysis
channel genes are responsible for some forms of periodic patients (approximately 1%).56,57 Altogether, these ob-

Neurotherapeutics, Vol. 4, No. 2, 2007


servations argue against a causative role of the R83H ied by the noninvasive technique of electromyography
mutation of the KCNE3 gene in periodic paralysis. The (EMG). During attacks of paralysis in hypoPP, the mus-
R83H mutation should therefore be considered as a vari- cle membrane has been shown to be depolarized and
ant of unknown role. It is possible that this variant may unable to respond to electrical stimulation.1 Between
play a role in skeletal muscle physiology.58 Genetic anal- attacks, the muscle membrane activity recorded by EMG
ysis in patients with periodic paralysis, however, clearly is normal, although muscle conduction velocities are de-
shows that its putative role is not causal. creased. Muscle conduction velocities have been re-
The KCNE3 story is of general interest to those in- corded by invasive and noninvasive techniques. Invasive
volved in ion channel disorder studies. The major genes techniques have been shown to be more sensitive but less
have been identified by linkage analysis, and mutation feasible in a daily practice. Interestingly, muscle conduc-
screening in genes identified by linkage analysis. This tion velocities were shown to be decreased in patients
requires large families. Cases of periodic paralysis, in with different types of calcium mutations and proposed
which no mutation is found in one of the known genes, to be a marker for carrier status.16,59-61
frequently occur as sporadic cases or in families too Because muscle weakness may be triggered by exer-
small to perform linkage analysis. The KCNE3 story has cise, it has been proposed to use strong and sustained
shown that, in this particular situation, the demonstration voluntary contraction as a provocative test for diagno-
of the absence of mutation in a group of controls as well sis.62 Surface-recorded muscle responses to supramaxi-
as functional expression of the mutated channel are not mal nerve stimulation are used to monitor muscle mem-
sufficient to demonstrate the causative role of the sus- brane activity and are considered to reflect muscle
pected gene in the absence of other mutations. membrane activity. Analysis of the compound motor
The KCNE3 story also points to a paradox in muscle action potential (CMAP) amplitude before and at various
ion channel disorders. For the researcher, the advantage times after long (5 min) exercise provides information on
of working on ion channels comes from the extensive changes in the number of active fibers, and on their
knowledge of their mechanism of action. It was inferred ability to depolarize and repolarize. A significant de-
that one could rapidly go from the identification of the crease in the CMAP amplitude after a long exercise test
gene defect to the understanding of pathophysiology. It has been reported in ⬃ 70 – 80% of the patients with
was hypothesized that ion channel mutations would lead periodic paralyses.62,63
to biophysical defects detectable by the expression of We recently investigated patients with known ion
mutants in in vitro systems, and conversely that biophys- channel mutations associated with different forms of pe-
ical defects would be predictive of the role of ion chan- riodic paralysis. Inclusive EMG allowed us to establish
nels in diseases. This turned out to be true for hyperkale- consistent links between the clinical syndromes and the
mic periodic paralysis but not for hypoPP. It is now well muscle electrical response to different provocative tests
established that mutations in the voltage-gated calcium (repeated short exercise, long exercise). In addition, sta-
channel cause the most frequent form of hypoPP. The tistical analysis of the results obtained from several pa-
biophysical consequences of the mutations are modest if tients carrying the same mutation provided evidence for
any. For KCNE3, the R83H variant causes drastic the EMG changes caused by specific ion channel muta-
changes in membrane excitability but is not a causative tions. Overall, our results suggest that extensive EMG
factor for hypoPP. may help guide clinicians toward a specific ion channel
This observation points to the fact that even if we are gene defect, especially if access to genetic screening is
able to reconstruct current by expressing channel sub- limited.64
units, this is far from being sufficient to link a mutation Fournier and colleagues64 proposed a new classifica-
to a phenotype. Membrane excitability is a subtle func- tion for EMG patterns in patients with muscle chan-
tion with multiple players. How the latter interact in the nelopathies. Periodic paralysis patients could be divided
presence of the mutation and how this interaction leads into two groups defined as patterns IV and V. The de-
to the phenotype remains to be elucidated. The identifi- cline in CMAP response, which occurs 15 to 20 minutes
cation of the causative genes has been a major leap for after completion of a long exercise, is a common feature
the understanding of this disease. There is, however, no to both patterns. This loss of muscle excitability corre-
direct link between the gene defect and the complexity of lates well with muscle weakness experienced by patients
the pathophysiology, which still needs to be deciphered. after strenuous exercise. An early incremental effect of
repeated short exercise or long exercise on CMAPs was
specific to patients with hyperkalemic periodic paralysis
(pattern IV). Recording of a late CMAP decline after
long exercise without preliminary increment (pattern V)
The functional consequences of ion channel mutations is most consistent with mutations in CACNA1S or in
on muscle membrane excitability in patients can be stud- SCN4A.64 A similar pattern has been observed in patients

Neurotherapeutics, Vol. 4, No. 2, 2007


with mutations in KCNJ2.65 This suggests that hypokale- hypoPP and malignant hyperthermia. The question of the
mic periodic paralysis-associated calcium channel muta- association of hypoPP and malignant hyperthermia arose
tions and Andersen-Tawil syndrome-associated KCNJ2 from the difficulty of interpreting unambiguously in vitro
mutations may lead to muscle membrane hypo-excitabil- contracture tests in muscle disorders caused by ion chan-
ity through a common mechanism.65 nel mutations.71 We now know that malignant hyperther-
mia and hypoPP are different diseases caused by distinct
mutations in the same gene; the voltage-gated calcium
channel CACNA1S.72,73 Some precautions should be
taken during anesthetic procedures in hypoPP patients:
Patients learn to decrease the number of attacks by intravenous glucose should be avoided and the temper-
having a balanced diet and avoiding meals rich in car- ature of fluids and their ionic composition should be
bohydrates. Mild and regular exercise is also beneficial, carefully monitored.74,75 Spinal anesthesia in hypoPP is
and continuing to exercise mildly may help abort im- safe, although a known cause of hypokalemia.76
pending attacks. The use of potassium chloride salts may
also be helpful to prevent or abort attacks. Based on the CONCLUSION
simple reasoning that diuretics inducing hypokalemia
may be useful in hyperkalemic periodic paralysis, acet- In the past 15 years, the combination of advances in
azolamide, an inhibitor of carbonic anhydrase, was tested genetics, molecular, and clinical physiology has greatly
with success by McArdle.1 A patient suspected of having improved our understanding of hypoPP. The complex
the hyperkalemic form of periodic paralysis but eventu- links between an ion channel mutation and a phenotype
ally diagnosed as having hypoPP unexpectedly reported remain to be unraveled. Ion channel mutations are not
a remarkable beneficial effect of acetazolamide on attack only responsible for a functional defect of the muscle
frequency.66 The mechanism of action of acetazolamide membrane, but also cause muscle degeneration. HypoPP
is unknown; it may act on potassium channels implicated may therefore be a good model to decipher the pathway
in regulating muscle excitability.67 In addition, acetazol- connecting an ion channel mutation to cell toxicity. The
amide also improves muscle force when permanent collaboration of referral centers on an international basis
weakness is present.10-12 The efficacy of carbonic anhy- will allow the gathering of data from large numbers of
drase inhibitors, such as acetazolamide or dichlorphena- patients that are necessary to accurately describe the
mide, on the frequency of attacks has not only been natural history of these disorders, which is essential for
demonstrated in small series of patients but also in a the conduct of therapeutic trials.
multicenter, double-blind, randomized, placebo-con-
trolled crossover trial.68 An international multicenter Acknowledgments: This work is supported by the Institut
trial coordinated by R.C. Griggs (University of Roches- National pour la Santé et la Recherche Médicale, GIS-Institut
des Maladies Rares (Résocanaux), Agence Nationale pour la
ter, Rochester, NY) is under preparation to test the effi- Recherche, and Association Française contre les Myopathies.
cacy of carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, not only on the Résocanaux is a national clinical and research network on
frequency of attacks but also on permanent muscle weak- muscle channelopathies whose members are acknowledged for
ness. It may help to assess whether carbonic anhydrase their active contributions (Drs. and Prs. Lacomblez, Nicole,
inhibitors are effective in preventing the occurrence of a Bassez, Vial, Eymard, Chapon, Penisson-Besnier, Bourdain,
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vacuolar myopathy. This international collaboration Besnier, Vermersch, Lagueny, Petiot, Magy, Vallat, Tranchant,
should stand as an example for rare diseases. The rarity Furby, Chapon, Labarre-Vila, Gouider, and Kuntzer).
of the disorders makes large international collaborations
mandatory for therapeutic progress.
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