2011 3DPrintingWhitePaper

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Vermicompost Fertilizer

What is Vermicompost Fertilizer

It’s the ONLY fertilizer accepted in EU as an amendment for biological agriculture

It’s a 100% natural, ecological, new generation fertilizer, produced by

Californian red earth worms

A concentrated fertilizer, mineral and organic, UNIQUE, with no preservatives added

Perfect for ecological and non-ecological farms and cultures

A versatile fertilizer perfect for trees and fruit trees, vegetables, large cultures,
grass and greensward, flower and decorative plants, coniferous trees and so on.
What does Vermicompost Fertilizer

Kills harmful soil fungi

Cures the soils highly affected by prolonged use of chemical subtances

Increases the retention of water in soil, diminishing by 30% the quantity of water used
for irrigations
Considerably decreases the need for other fertilizers, fungicides, insecticides applied after
harvesting, the ratio of transformation of the vegetal waste being 30 times higher than any other
chimical or organic compound
Doesn’t contain and is repellent for E.Coli, Salmonella and other harmful bacteria

It is not toxic, it doesn’t burn the plants and has no restriction in usage

It strongly improves the quality and structure of the soil by lowering the density
and increasing the aeration
Available as liquid and solid

Liquid Vermicompost Fertilizer

Liquid Dozes: 3 – 5 l/ha

Solid Vermicompost Fertilizer

Solid Dozes: 200-300 kg/ha
Liquid Vermicompost Fertilizer

It’s an active humic fertilizer, purely ecological, that stimulates the growth
and health of products

Contains humic acids salts, humic acids, fulvo acids, amino acids, micro and
macro lements, live bacteria and other easily absorbent substances. It has a
lower range of heavy metals than the standard.

All available nutrients of the compound will be absorbed by the plants at a

cellular level, which leads to the activation of the bio-chemical and
physiological processes, allowing a maximum level of assimilation of the
nourishing fertilizer.
Solid Vermicompost Fertilizer

It’s used for all types of flowers, grass, vegetables and fruit trees.

Considerably improves the structure of the soil, by lowering its density and
increasing the aerations and the absorption of azote from the atmosphere,
helping the plants to grow strong and healthy.

The plants treated with this fertilizer have a strong immune system, which makes the
more resistant to sudden climate changes and diseases.
The Benefits of Vermicompost Fertilizer
1 single cubic meter of fertilizer replaces 16 cubic meters of manure

The nutrients are released gradually, according to the plants’ needs, and are easily
absorbed and used by these.

The vermicompost fertilizer contains high concentrations of positive bacteria and other
microorganisms that are released during the digestive process of the earth worm.

These concentrations are 100 more times present than in the manure, while chemical
compounds lack them totally.
The Vermicompost Fertilizer successfully replaces all other organic or chemical fertilizers your
culture might need.
Vermicompost Fertilizer keeps the
pests away

In 2008, after years of research, labs from around the world have
concluded that earth worm fertilizers are excellent in preventing the
following pests:
• Alternaria spp.
• Botrytis spp
• Fusarium spp.
• Peronospora spp
• Phytophthora cinnamomi
• Pythium spp.
• Pseudomonas syringae
• Rhizoctonia solani
• Septoria spp.
• Thielaviopsis basicola
• Venturia inequalis
Proven Efficiency Vermicompost Fertilizer
The leaves grow 1,2- 2 times bigger and the color of them and the flowers intensifies

Quickly restores the soil’s natural fertility, improving its structure and quality

The plants and the seeds immediately react to the fertilizer’s influence

Reduces the germinating time for seeds, accelerates the growing and blossoming process of the plants

Reduces the ripening time of the fruit by 2- 3 weeks

Ensures a high level of immunity for the plants, increasing the endurance to stress factors

Ensures a good adherence of the seedlings to the soil

Considerably increases the harvest and the flavor properties

The flowering period is intense and prolongued

Did you know?
Earth worms transform any organic substance in the most nourushing organic fertilizer
known to man, this exact humus that we are offering you?

This Fertilizer is used as organic nutrient in agriculture, forestry, floriculture (for all types of
plants) and also for restoring and revitlizing the soils?

This fertilizer can be used on open fields from early spring to late autumn?

This fertilizer’s action is very long – its efficiency can last 4 to 5 years.

This fertilizer is compatible with any other chemical product.

This fertilizer is certified by the competent authorities.

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