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A rubric is a set of criteria and standards, usually

related to learning objectives. ASSESSMENTS
Rubrics are scoring guides used in the evaluation
of student performance that describe the
specific characteristics of a product, project or
task at various levels of performance, in order to
clarify what is expected of the student's work, to Teacher:
assess their execution and to facilitate the Jorge Quispe
proportion of feedback.

Global or holistic rubric: makes an assessment Students:

of the whole task, by using descriptors that
correspond to global levels. Errors can be Pamela Perez
admitted somewhere in the process / product. Allison Rodríguez
Oriented to acquire certain global information
of the student and a general radiography of the Alexander Gálvez
Analytical rubric: focuses on more concrete
learning tasks and needs a more detailed design.
They are used when it is necessary to evaluate
the different procedures, phases, elements,
components that constitute process / product.
Brief Feedback The Purpose of Checklists
Excellent work must always be recognized and  To provide tools for systematically
differentiated as such. High recording observations;
performers are intrinsically motivated by doing  To provide students with tools that they
excellent work and producing something that can use for self-evaluation;
impresses others. When that credit is not given,  To provide examples of criteria for
over time they will redirect their effort and students at the beginning of a project or
contributions towards work that does meet learning activity;
that need for high achievement.  To document the development of the
Checklists usually offer a yes/no format in
skills, strategies, attitudes, and
1. Brilliant job! relation to student demonstration of
behaviours that are necessary for
2. Outstanding work! specific criteria. This is similar to a light
i effective learning; and
3. This is truly above and beyond. switch; the light is either on or off. They may
be used to record observations of an  To identify students’ learning needs by
4. We are thrilled to have you on our team
individual, a group or a whole class. summarizing learning to date.
and this is exactly why we need you.
5. This is superb! I had no idea a document
Checklists can also be used to communicate
could look this good. Checklists are assessment tools that set
a student’s learning to his/her parents.
6. To be honest, when we started the project I out specific criteria, which educators and
wasn’t sure we could pull this off but you students may use to gauge skill development or
For a student with learning disabilities (LDs),
certainly did it and did it well. progress. Checklists may be used with students
the simple act of creating and using a
7. We are so fortunate to have an innovator from JK to Grade 12 and for every subject.
checklist may bring a level of order into their
like you on our team. Checklists set out skills, attitudes, strategies,
life that was previously missing. Executive
8. This is so great I think others could benefit and behaviours for evaluation and offer ways
to systematically organize information about a
functions, which are the different cognitive
from learning about it. Can I share your
processes that students use to control their
work at our team meeting/with my student or group of students.
own behaviour, may be an area of weakness
peers/with my boss, etc.? Generally speaking, checklists consist of a set of for students with LDs and ADHD, so
9. You set a high bar with this one. statements that correspond to specific criteria; providing them with strategies to overcome
10. This showcases you are a role model and the answer to each statement is either “Yes” or these weaknesses is extremely important.
leader in our organization. “No”, or “Done” or “Not Done”. A student, a
group of students or an entire class may use Checklists can also play a role in a student’s
checklists; they may be “single use” or designed
ability to self-assess, along with a variety of
for multiples usage.
other tools.

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