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セQ|ゥャ[ヲ@ fuf(l"i 3ffi SGエセサャᆱ@ ヲャセ[オ@
セMi@ I Paper I

f.:mffta 81flT : rft;r eR セSゥ」ョ ZRUP@

Time Allowed : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 250

セMャZbヲ@ p」ャセゥDA@ セ@
cpcrr Jm7 c1; Trrt # *fJ!I f.#•d?:lf8m セ@ セ@ cn7 un'19_tlcn @セ :
セ@ 3fTO JIR セ@ セ@ セ@ "«fUST ;f セ@ セ M _WRヲt@ fRt ;;#( セ@ qT;rT 1/ セ@ セ@ I
イエセ@ CliT F rikr JTRT セ@ TrR" # セ@ I
J1R セ@ 1 ;;#( 5 3/f.tcnlf ff ?72fT crwtJ 1/ 8 セ@ "{§TTg 8 Cfi11-8-Cfi11 l[fl' JIR セ@ セ M rft;r JTRT セ@ TrR" セ@ I
セ@ JTR/ 'WT セ@ Jicn セ@ "8T1R セ@ TJr! ff I
m セ@ Trf( :mt セ@
\ifR セ@ &cnr-q ff:Ri 3ft& セ@ ;:rcm- r:r;r -q Fcn<n TTlfT セ@
;;#( "f8 rrre:<rq cnr セ@ @セ
jtrMセ M tイヲ\@ w.
("iPl.,. If) jtidcnt セ@ ァF M セ@ rr< セ@ セRQr@ rr< fWrr \ifRT セ@ 1 3@!&ri rrre:<rq セ@ 3lfrrftm 3RT RRft
rrre:<rq 1/ ff:Ri TJr! TrR" rr< CfiT{ 3fq; ;rtf fire# I
JTR1 1/ セ@ iffrrr, vrf/ RIPIRe セ セ@ CfiT 3prru1 fc/;7n \ifRT セ@ 1
JTRT セ@ 3"ffr! clft 7JURT il>lltjfll< eft \ifTf!!(t I セ@ CiiT?J [イエヲセ@ aT JIR セ@ TrR" clft 7JURT clft \ifTf!!(t セ@ セ@ TrR" 3fm:r: セ@ TTlfT

セ i@ jirMセ M tイヲ\@ j/Rtcnl 1/ &7fft セ@ § 317 '!lf Bャゥtセ@ 3#f cnT pt・セ@ 8 CiiT?J \ifRT セi@
Question Paper Specific Instructions
Please read each of the following instructions carefully before attempting questions :
There are EIGHT questions divided in TWO SECTIONS and printed both in HINDI and in
Candidate has to attempt FIVE questions in all.
Questions no. 1 and 5 a_re compulsory and out of the remaining, a ny THREE are to be attempted
choosing at least ONE question from each section.
The number of marks carried by a question / part is indicated against it.
Answers must be written in the m edium authorized in the Adm.i ssion Certificate which must be
stated clearly on the cover: of this Question-cum-Answer (QCA) Booklet in the space provided. No
marks will be given for answers written in a m edium other than the authorized one.
Word limit in questions, wherever specified, should be adhered to.
Attempts of questions shall be counted in sequential order. Unless struck off, attempt of a question
shall be counted even if attempted partly. Any page or portion of the page left blank in the
Question-cum-Answer Booklet must be clearly struck off


Qt. p|BGQセヲオエ@ sn=acti セ@ セ@ QUッ ᄋ セ@ .q Qcqon 」ィ|セ@ :
Comment on the following in about 150 words each : 10x5=50
(a) セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ @セ HQセ@ @セ セ@ セ@ fel(l\it セ@
SGヲjアセcI@ セ@ セ@
According to Sri Aurobindo, Swaraj is a necessary condition for India to
accomplish its destined goal 10
(b) セ@ 」ョイ ᄋ M[イ」ZSセj\cTQゥサャ@ セVィBGQッ@
Neo-liberal perspective of State 10
(c) 3ft(C4df-31l"gRCfid IC4 iセ@
Post-modernism 10
(d) セ@ HセIMBゥャサアj@
Eco-feminism 10
(e) セ@ セ@ (1\it;ftRiq:; セ@ セ@ tfRUTT
Hobbesian notion of Political Obligation 10

Q2. (a) UR:f cnT セ@ @セ fcfC1(Cfi zyiT セ@ セ@ I "tftta.lUl 」ヲIセャサ@ I fee&id セヲ」ャ、@
Rawls' theory of justice is both contractual and distributive. Examine. 20
(b) SGQセThc@ セ@ SfiiRf cnT セ@ CfiT{UT セ@ - セ@ I Qcqoft 」ヲIセq|@ I
Everywhere, inequality is a cause of revolution- Aristotle. Comment. 15
(c) セTQ|jc@ 'Cfll セ@ 」ヲIセャサ@ I ヲ[セBゥ@H セ@ セTQ|ゥc@ セ@ セ@ fCI:t\ttC113'fl セ@ ヲciセZh@
」ヲIセq|Q@ .
Define Socialism. Discuss the salient features of Fabian Socialism. 15

Qa. (a) 」ウエᄃI・セricTQ@ セ@ 3lr1 セ@ セTDゥ、@ セ@ ? 」ウエᄃI・セricTQ@ tR セ@ 'tf1W セ@ fCI:q1ii セ@

ャセBゥ@r 」ヲIセq|@ ,·
What do you understand by Multiculturalism ? Discuss Bhikhu Parekh's
views on Multiculturalism. 20
(b) セ@ セ@ セ@ ヲ」ャアセ@ <:1lCfid34 Cf)T セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@
<:1lctid34 ヲ」セア[ャ@ I セ@ セ@ I Qcqoft 」ヲIセq|@
Deliberative democracy does not have its salience without participation
and participatory democracy does not have its credence without
deliberations. Comment. 15
(c) feld34dl セェ@H 3fu: セ@ (R1cstif) セ@ セ@ 」ヲIセq|@ I feld34dl Hセ@ "CR lJT"Cffi セ@
tfRUTT セ@ ciセBゥャ@ヲ 」ヲIセq|@ I
Differentiate between Freedom and Liberty. Discus's Marx's notion of
freedom. · 15
Q4". (a) (I\1141Rtcti セQcヲI。@ Gャヲセ。@ セ@ w (O!Cfidl セ@ ftiJ:iiRllcti セcヲゥ。@ 3(01Cf)l セ@ セ@ m-
- m .3ll\. SゥセscヲH@ I flUfun thlRJlQ\ I

Political democracy coul<;l not last unless social democracy lay at its base
- B.R. Ambedkar. Comment. 20

(b) セrエャヲ@ cr;t セ@ セ@ q ャエZ[セア@ iエZ[セ@ R:Ufon R1futl!\ 1

Write a brief note on The End of History debate. 15

(c) Hャセ、@ cfit セM。@ 3lN セ@ (OIJ:i$ld セ@ ? エィャrZセ@ セ@ sirエTQセ、@ Hャセ、@ セ@ セ」[Lゥ。@
cfit セGアBゥャ@ 」ィャセq|@ I
What do you understand by the notion of Statecraft ? Discuss the theory
of statecraft as given by Kautilya. 15


Q5. セ」エヲ\Zオャ、@ siセcヲゥ@ セ@ H41\FT 150 セ@ -ij Qcqoft ヲゥャセサ@ :
Comment on the following in about 150 words each : 10x5=50

(a) gセャヲ[i@ 111m セ@ セャィ」ZG、@ (1\il;ftfdq=; セ@ セMHャ|ゥQTrエ」^L@ セ@ セ@ 3ii<lc::1;fl Cf)) セ@

Q\Chlt>a <llSS:C41d) 3ii<lc::1'1 -q qf{qfda CfiG -q セヲゥE。@ セ@ 1

The success of Mahatma Gandhi lay in transforming both political and

non-political movements into a unified nationalist movement. 10

(b ) R\ildl Cf)l セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ Cf)l セ@ Gwiセ@ I

Right to privacy is an intrinsic part of the right to life. 10

(c) セャ\、QT@ セ@ セTIjQヲエ」Z@ セ@ セ@ 51RtfCitff セ@ セ@ 3ffi: セ@ S,3ll セ@ I

Indian federation has moved from cooperative federation to competitive
federation. 10

(d) trm1 "ij 'S"ilcfl 」エャ^、セ@ セ@ セirヲ[cIHo@ "ij セ@ セ@ bセャT、@ セ@ >NlCfi

セュ@ cヲ^、ャ@セ セi@
State subvention/funding may be an effective instrument m
strengthening electoral democracy in India. 10

(e) Sヲエ\cT、tMセQャ」^oi@ セ@ -q セQuヲャT@ (l\i141Rt アサHャ、Oセ@ セ@ セ@ (1\il·tlRt セ@ セcヲ^ャゥ[g@

(1\ セ@ 3lR セ@ -m ® セ@ 1
In the post-liberalization era, Indian politics is moving from ascriptive
politics to developmental politics. 10

Q6. (a) セ\AIT@ セ」ゥャ、@ セ@ セ\AIT@ セ@ -ij セ@ セ@ 4i'!NlQ\ I <f4l 3lTtf セr、QT@ セ@
Cf)) セ_B」rt@ ilNlQ\ I
Differentiate parlia mentary supremacy from parliamentary sovereignty.
Would you consider the Indian Parliament as a Sovereign Parliament?
Examine. 20

(b) Cf4l WSセ@ セ@ -am'tH.セ@ trm1 -ij yセャT、@ -ij q{%c::113il 'Cf>l セicヲ、@ セ@ セ@ ?
セGQ@ ch)N1Q\ I
H as the 73rd Constitutional Amendment empowered women m
panchayats in India? Discuss. 15

(c) セr、QT@ (1\il;f)fd -ij セ@ 3NT tft 'Q\Cfi gセヲci_ャ@ CfiWfi セ@ I セ]エhi@ 4i'!NlQ\ I
Religion is still an important factor in Indian politics. Discuss. 15
セH。I@ ' m«f セM@
セGゥ[Bャ@ cfi1N1Q\ 1
セ@ セG@ セ@ セM@ セャ、@ セエhG@ セ@ 3fu: mrm: "§:3ll セ@

India has moved from 'one-party dominant system' to 'one-party led

coalition'. Discuss. 20

(b) m«r q:;-r サャセアrエ@ セ@ セ」Zエ⦅ヲゥャ。@ セ@ セ@ ? liRd'J;q オセアrエ@ セ@ f.:ic:tf:qq:; セ@ セ@ セ@ ·

セエZ。Qュ@ en1 ·'t<SiiRha cfilRitQ\ 1

How is the President· of India elected ? Outline the salient

characteristics of the electoral college of the Indian President. 15

(c) m«f -ij Sゥセ`T」ッャ@ セ@ セ@ cit セG@ セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ -ij HQセT@

Sゥセ`Tcヲャ@ 3WWT セ@ セ@ CfiT セ。Zpjt@ cfi1 Nl Q\ I

Examine the role of the National Commission for Minorities 1n

preserving, promoting and protecting the rights of minorities in
India. 15

(a) セ@ セ@ qt:fl -ij ;:;qi<QqiR1Cfll セ@ ヲ」セicャ@ セ@ Cfll4qiR1Cfll, セ@ セ@ セcヲャ@ enT セ@

セ@ セ@ 1 3q9>=m SセQGャZッゥ@ セ@ ュセ@ セ。Zpjt@ cfilRitQ\ 1

Judiciary has acquired the role of both, a legislature and an executive in

recent.years. Examine with suitable examples. 20

(b) セ@ somr セ@ 3lN セ@ サGゥセDエ。@ t ? セ@ 3lTl:f セ@ セ@ fcfi セcヲャ」エQG@ m«r -q セ@

141RI41 セ@ q;qfC(1 R'(ICfl'(OI セ@ "Q\Cf) セ@ セ@ sntRr セ@ Sゥャ」エセTcヲ、@ セ@ ? セ。Zpjt@
cfilNlQ\ I
What do you understand by Green Revolution ? Do you think that a
Second Green Revolution is needed to adequately address the agrarian
challenges in contemporary India? Examine. 15

(c) SセTQ@ セ@ mq;fl セ@ セ@ セ@ SセrciサI@ GHiセc@ 3fu: Sセ」uサIェ@ (3ildCflctl{l)

GHiセc@ -ij 3lcR セ@ cfilNlQ\ I
Differentiate Moderate Nationalism from Extremist/Militant
Nationalism in terms of their objectives and means. 15


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