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ao? ee In gms 1 I ili ST | de About the Author Donald Michel Kraig (Calfornis) it Ceti Tarot Grandmaster and the oitor of The Leal Journal an online metaphyseal jour~ tal: Previous he mis the editor of Lewellyrs Now Tames and FATE ‘agarnes, Doi the author of oar books. nludng Madera Magick nt Moder Sx Mai To Write 10 the Author If yo0 wish o contact the aunor oF woud like more information out this book. pleae writ to te autho inca of ewe: Work ‘wie and we wl forward your equest Both thao and publishes ‘ppeite hearing fom you and learning of your enjoyment ofthis Took and haw fs helped yon, Lewellyn Worldwide cannot goaran tee that exer eter write tthe author can beans bot al wil ‘Frade. ase rite to: ‘Donald Mind Keg ‘lowly Workide 0. foe 383 De. ATT DATS ‘SLE MN 104-085, ee ase amped cone nonmivapt p co Many of Teta have webteswith ditional infor tion and maoues. Ror mare information ple vsitone websitect Irtpaeelewelly com, Special Topics in Carot _ TAROT _ & MAGIC KRAIG FOREWORD BY MARY K. GREER lewlly Publications SL Paul, Minne 61585.0383, USA, jj DONALD MICHAEL ‘eng ty mre Naf ithe consent Ee ptt sn ain rtp msn mane hh ee 0k Oi tis ay Satna ed emote rma rien ar ne ean ae De ag eatcompse Cai eta “orton itn ihr me ‘adnan die dc ai est yt neha ri “ied ot uw pet on {Si tle Wie ones Greeti eco somes cmdowe Dedication rately dedicat his book othe teachers of Tarot ofthe past, those who are hee today, and those yet to come. Thank you fr sha. your wiadory so seb

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