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High Gain Yagi Wi-Fi A ntenna


A High Gain Yagi Wi-Fi Antenna

The on-line antenna modeler initially starts with sev eral examples tailored f or operation in the amateur radio bands. One of the best designs is the classic K1FO y agi. By f ollowing
a f ew steps, the antenna can be scaled f or the 2.4 Ghz wi-f i 802.11 b/g/n f requencies:

1. Start with the 15 or 20 element K1FO 70cm example.

2. In the "units" menu, select "Radians."
3. In the "conductiv ity " menu, select "Copper"
4. In the "f requency " f ield, enter 2450 (MHz) f or the center of the wi-f i networking band.
5. For "Element Diameter", enter 0.08729 (radians).
6. Click the "calculate" button.
7. In the "units" menu, select "millimeters."
8. Note that the element diameter perf ectly matches 14 gauge wire!
9. In the f ile menu, select "list elements."

The elements list will show each antenna element, f rom the ref lector (element 1, position zero mm), to the last director. Do not use a dif f erent metal or a dif f erent diameter of
metal f or the elements, or perf ormance will suf f er. Changes in element diameter, metal ty pe, or design f requency will need recalculation and the generation of a new elements list.
These dimensions work quite well:

Element data for the 15 Element Yagi Wi-Fi Element data for the 20 Element Yagi Wi-Fi
Antenna. Antenna.

Below is a graphic, meticulously adapted by AB9IL f rom the modeler, which shows element lengths and positions along the boom, measured f rom the ref lector (location zero
millimeters). Note that the driv en element is depicted in green, and f or the wi-f i y agi project, will be a f olded dipole. Why a f olded dipole? It prov ides a good impedance match to
coaxial cable when used as the y agi wi-f i antenna's driv en element. In f ree space, a f olded dipole has a 300 ohm impedance at resonance, but the impedance drops drastically
when parasitic elements are brought into close proximity.


1. A 1.2 meter length of 14 AWG bare, solid copper wire.

2. One wooden square, 1 cm per side, 50 cm long (70 cm f or the 20 element antenna).
3. Wire cutters.
4. Metric ruler.
5. Drill, with 1.6 mm (1/16") bit.
6. Printed or written template with antenna dimensions.
7. Ball point pen or f ine f elt tipped marker.


Assemble the y agi wi-f i antenna f ollowing the steps below, starting with preparation of the boom, f ollowed by mounting the elements. Af ter the elements are mounted, a suitable
connector is added, and the antenna is tested ov er-the-air. Keep in mind that it can be connected to most usb wireless adapters by cutting the circuit board antenna trace and
patching in a pigtail f eeding the antenna.

1. Draw a line as accurately as possible down the center of one side of the wooden boom.
2. Mark the boom centerline 5 cm f rom one end. This is the "zero location," where the director element will be mounted.
3. Continue down the boom, caref ully marking the locations of each element on the centerline.
4. Caref ully drill through the boom at each element's location. Make sure to drill straight through the boom, emerging on the other side still centered and perpendicular.
5. For a no-drill alternativ e, caref ully cut a perpendicular groov e across the boom, to a depth of 2 mm.
6. Cut one element at a time, caref ully measuring each element bef ore and af ter cutting, trimming as necessary f or proper length. File the wire ends and make sure the
lengths are as accurate as possible!
7. Press elements through the boom, centering each bef ore mov ing to the next element.
8. If y ou cut groov es f or the elements instead of drilling holes, press the elements into the groov es, and make sure each is straight and centered. Af f ix them permanently
with epoxy.

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High Gain Yagi Wi-Fi A ntenna

Element positions marked The ref lector element

on the y agi wi-f i antenna boom. af ter mounting.

7. For the driv en element, cut a 130 mm length of wire, and make a 180 degree bend 30 mm f rom one end. Mount in boom, then make a bend 30 mm f rom other end. Adjust
as necessary to create a f olded dipole just under 59 mm in length with 5 mm spacing.
8. Double check all elements, making sure all are centered and parallel.
9. Attach a pigtail (or connector) to open ends of f olded dipole.

Folded dipole prior The driv en element

to mounting in antenna boom. bef ore the last bend.

Two y agi wi-f i antenna

elements mounted in boom.

Af ter all of the elements are measured, cut, and mounted, the antenna should resemble the f inished y agi pictured below. Connect the pigtail or connector to the driv en element.
Then connect the wi-f i adapter or wireless router to the antenna and start checking ov er-the-air signal strengths. Note that the antenna may be sensitiv e to polarization: when the
antenna seems to bring in the best signal, rotate it to f ind the best polarization. Mounting the antenna is possible using commonly av ailable hardware, such as 90 degree angle
brackets, U bolts, or ev en v elcro.

The completed wi-f i y agi antenna.

Closeup of the wi-f i y agi f eedpoint.

Keep the leads short!

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High Gain Yagi Wi-Fi A ntenna

Tags: Wireless Access, Wi Fi Antenna, Wi Fi Booster, Wi Fi Extender, Wireless Yagi Antenna, Long Distance Wi Fi Access

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