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LOGS Ext 1 Istnopucion 2 Gawe Components 3 PREPARE FOR PLAY 4 SEQUENCE OF PLAY 5 Parrots & Ras 6 How to Movr 7 IoeTInICATION & INTERCEPTION 8 AIR Comer 9 AincRart Damact 10 Bomninc 11 Exp oF Raw 12 Naor Pas 13 Victory RecoRD 14 OPmioNAL RULES 15 Two-PLaver VeRsions EXAMPLE OF PLAY Tit BATTLE oF BRITAIN: HISTORICAL. BACKGROUND Seuscrep Binuiocraray TARGET REFERENCE: MAP ues Susneaty 1 dler Tag (Bagle Day)—Augs 2 eral of sainst Hitler's one emai A Britain, mn. You are part of Fi 4 13, 1940: The main German ny, Great er Command, zinst the bombers of Reichsmarschll ed Luftwaffe 1 Britain Hermann Goering's unde defending Gi You will operate a pair of Royal Air Force (RAP) fighters of No 1 Group in the London area. The gume system will operate the ‘Air Fleet 2). During the next month, you will work as both ground controll ‘opposing German aireraft of Lui and pilot 0 atthe intercept enomy raids, shoot down ‘Germans from bombing targets in of Churchill's “few” who ean save ny aircraft, and pre atheast England. You are one Britain and the free world Good luck and good hunting, “Yes, it has been a wonderfiul day, Emmy. I've sent my bombers to London; London's burning.” Reichsmarschall Goering to his wife, September 7, 1940 Lowpon’s Burvuse includes the following components: 2.4 GAMEBOARD: The gameboard shows a map of southeast England where the critical daylight fighting took place during the Battle of Britain. The map is divided into hexagons (*hexes") used. to regulate the movement and positioning of playing pieces. The hhexes are identified by « letter-number code. Each hex represents TO kilometers from side to.opposite side and is based on the British Grid System used by the RAF atthe time of the battle The gameboard also shows aircraft displays of each air unit, an aiude display for resolving air combat, 2 turn calendar and other 2 tion 2.2 PLAYING PIECES: 160 bal-inch, die-cut pieces (also called “counters"). The playing wefully punch out the 30 one-inch and pieces consist of “air units” and “markers. AIR. UNITS: Air units represent individual fighters and bombers. The flip sie of RAF aircraft (Spitfires and Hurricanes) shows the same aiteraft at “Ace” status. Bomers cary one or 1w0 bombs as indicated on their counters, Fi ers curry no bombs. SAMPLE BOMBER Aireralt Facing @ , mn | Sete ‘#16 | LD. Number Bombload | FF Performance Value Rear Gun | ® = [3] | speos SAMPLE FIGHTER Aircraft Facing Front Guns Aircraft Type LD, Number @O Merwe ‘Ace Status Gi any) Performance Value Speed Rear Gun GP-any) MARKERS: Markers ar used t recon ge informatio. The socks of markers ne bank uns indicated terse ron Back Front Front sun & Wate Fase Combat Round ‘tear || = ase Comat omy © ou RAF PilovBail Out Pilot Fatigue Pilot DSO a. Fatigue a5 > Po] ee 6 ee ee ins va ied a Back Eront Front Bomb Damage RAF Victory RAF Losses *[4) [gs] [2 Raid Size Suodron Base _ Ted 5 = Tred vais || fall? oy 4 London's Buming Damaged Radar | [ee The matkers below are for use with Optional Rule 14.4 only BW || optonar as a ‘The markers below are for use with Rule 15 only ‘TugetLocation Hex Section Leader secteree | [Target RAF Targot & “ Leader 2.3 GAME RULES: This rules booklet includes rules for solitaire play, two-player versions and historical notes. 24 DIC 25 CUPS: You will noed to provide three opague cups (or similar containers): one to hold the German air units, one to hold the Raid Size markers, and (in two-player games) one to hold the Target markers Six six-sided dice are provided PREPARE FOR PLAY Lay ou the oo prs ofthe gameboard side by side Game infor maton ecrde by placing markers nthe appropiate boxes 09 the dipoys. Shift the markers from Bort box to record changes. aa] SI DAY & TIME: Place the Phisemathr on he “7 mee | mbox andthe Weather ackeron the "Agus 13° © | boc ortie Caendar The Weather marker has a Cleat Sky side anda Rain ste: Aget 13 clear Pace the Combat Round marker inthe “I” box of he Combst Round Track 32 RAL: You will contol Wo RAP Fighers (LD. #1 and #2), Nonmore than two RAF Tighe maybe in playa anytime during the game, 3 RAF PILOTS: You start the game with eight RAF GB. | ites cree Spite and five Huricane pl). Mix these together and randomly draw and place ther as follows + Place the first RAF pilot marker in the Pilot box (Spitfire or Hurricane as appropriate) ofthe Airraft #1 display and place the second pilot in the appropriate Pilot box of the Aircraft #2 display. ‘You may never place a Hurricane pilot in& Spitfire, oF vice vers, + Place the next two pilots in the RAF Reserve box on the game board, Reserve pilots will replace pilots killed or wounded in ‘combat ‘+ Place one of the remaining four pilots on each of the frst four Sundays of the game ealendat [Noxt, place # Fatigue marker in the “Rested” box of each Pilot Fatigue column, A new pilot always stats rested. His fatigue level increases when he flies missions during the day, and it deereases at night 34 RAF VICTORIES/LOSSES: Plice a DSO (Distinguished Service Order) marker in the “O” box ‘of each Pilot Vietories column, A new pilot starts with zet0 victories, and each German air unit be shoots down counts as one victory toward his Ace status. le becomes an [Ace aller his fifth victory. EXCEPTION: One of the eight pilots is already an ace, He enters play with five victories, but his five pre- Vous victories do not count toward your game score + Place RAP Victory markers in the “0” and “1K” boxes ofthe Total Player Vietories track, Use ths track 1 recor the total number of ‘German air units your pilots have shot down. This is your game score, If there are two RAF players (rule 15.1) each will keep his ‘own set of markers on the track, “+ Place RAF Losses markers in the “0” and "OO" boxes ofthe Total Player Vietores track. Use these markers to record the total num. ber of RAF ar units destroyed, 35 RAF BASES: There are five Sector Airfields on the map. Choose one of these atthe start of the game as your base for the duration of the game and place the Base marker there oy + Place your two active air units (those corresponding 10 your two pilots) on the base hex, and place the remaining two RAF sr inthe RAF Reserve box. + Place an Ammo marker in the “15 second” box of each Ammo Each RAF fighter has five 3-seeond bursts of ammuni- tion to fire during a mission. Ammo is replenished fully between colun “+ Place an Altitude marker in the “Airfield” box of each RAF air- rat This shows that the aircrafts dispersed on the airfield and the pilots are at readiness 36 LUFTWAFFE: German aie units do not appear on the map. Instead, they will deploy on the Altitude Display, while the Raid marke will show their location on the map. There are no markers For German pilots, and German bases are off the map in France + Sot aside the Raid marker, Place the 19 starting German air units (black 1.D.s) in a cup for random selection, Place the six rein- Forcement air units (white LD.’s on a evan background) on theie respective displays until activated, ‘Place the London’s Burning marker in the “0” box of the London’s Burning track and the Damaged Radar marker in the “0” box of the Chain Home Stations Damaged tick, + Pace the Raid Size markers in a cup for random selection. “Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few.” Prime Minister Winston Churehil, August 20, 1940 4 MQUENCE OF PLAY The game is played! in “tums.” Bach tum consists of a rigid sequence of 4.1 CALENDAR: Buch day on the Calendar is one tum. Depending on how long you wish to play, the game may end after playing through: August 18 (short scenario) September 6 (regular seenario) September 15 (long scenario). 42 PHASES: formed in the following sequence. Shift the Phase marker Phase Track to note the cuerent phase WEATHUR DETERMINATION PHASE: Adjust the ‘TurwWeather marker forthe day to Clear Sky oF Rain. 7AM PHASE: Possible German raid. I's raid occurs, it must be ‘completely resolve before the start of the next phase. Bach turn has six phases which are always per- the 10 AM PHASE: Possible German raid as above, 2 PE PHASH: Possible German raid as above °M PHASH: Possible German raid as above. ‘ASP: Destroyed air units may be replaced, bomb dam- sage may be repaired, and RAF pilots may recover [rom fatigue. When finished, mark the start of the next turn on the Calendar and repeat the turn sequence 43 WEATHER: At the start of the game, you must ‘decide whether to use the historical weather, as shown, ‘on the Calendar, or the Optional Weather Table. The Optional Weather Table may not be used if you are playing the short scenario through August 18). NIGH ‘The weather on each turn is either Clear Sky or Rain. lip the ‘Weather marker to the appropriate side to show the day's weather ‘On Rain days, no German raids are possible, but there is stil Night Phase, If you elect to use the Optional Weather Table, Bagle Day is always clear, Roll one die at the start of each subsequent turn and ‘consult the Optional Weather Table to determine the weather for that day. Whichever weather pattern you use, historical or optional, you may not switch between them during the game. If you choose bis {orical, you must stick with historical, and if you choose optional, {you mus stick with optional 4.4 LURTWABFE WITHDRAWALS: At the beginning of spoci fied tums (see the calendar), you must withdraw certain German air units from the battle. Remove the units from the aetive mix oF the Destroyed Aircraft box as appropriate and set them aside, 45 LUFTWAFFE REINFORCEMENTS: Lujflote 2 receives reinforcements at the start of specified turns as indicated on the cal- fendar, Add these units to the active mix. They represent new com- ‘bat units attached to Lujiflowe 2 rather than replacement aera

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