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EPC 2903 Teaching Practice Booklet

Formal Lesson Observations Feedback

MCT and MST Placement Feedback Form Semester 4

Student Name: Maryam School: Omair Bin Yousef

MCT/MST: Oliver Boundy Date: 22/10/18

Directions: The MCT and MST will use this to formally observe your performance during the Internship, offering you feedback based on the selected
competencies for this semester.

Commitment to the Profession

Demonstrates consistent attendance and punctuality

Accepts and respects school based authority structures, and complete reasonable request from school MST and leadership

Is prepared and ready for each lesson

Participates in professional activities across the school


Maryam consistently performs her duties to a good standard. She remains professional, establishing clear routines and
purposeful relationships with the boys. They show mutual respect for each other both in and outside of the classroom
environment. Maryam has been punctual with 100% attendance to date. She has attended all meetings and shows great
willingness to be involved in the wider school community. Maryam has put a great deal of thought, planning and
preparation into her lesson, showing that she had thought through the learning outcomes. Not only is she well resourced,
she also shows good knowledge of the subject. I congratulate Maryam for her attitude to learning and self-reflection. She is
willing to learn new techniques and acts upon constructive criticisms accordingly.

Planning for Learning

Has completed lesson plan for every lesson, printed and available to MST and MCT upon request

Ensures lesson plans have sufficient detail to secure effective delivery

Includes clear and appropriate learning objectives

Lesson plans include a range of relevant, engaging activities


Maryam completed her lesson plan in a timely fashion, emailing it to me well before her lesson. I believe her plans contain
sufficient detail to deliver the lesson successfully. I have asked Maryam to focus on some differentiation though outcome
which will allow her to adapt to the children’s ability and needs as well as showing progression within her lesson. Her
learning objective is clear and is supported by the engaging activities planned throughout. The lesson plan will hit all
learning styles within the class and give the children opportunities to ‘Think, Pair, Share’ working together in pairs. Maryam
has clearly put thought into her personal focus, ‘managing students behavior’ as she has a whole class sticker chart and
positive reward system. There is a note about the continuation of this work linking well to the MOE resources and school
book. I have mentioned including a ‘plenary’ in which Maryam can evaluate the lesson with the children and encourage
them to self-assess.

Managing Learning

Implement a range of classroom routine


Maryam has clear expectations throughout her lesson and rewards positive ‘good’ behavior accordingly. She is not afraid to
correct and redirect any boy that is misbehaving. She makes good use of class dojo and her sticker chart to keep the
children on task. She used ‘wiggly fingers’ to ensure the children were listening and counting up from 1 to ensure the
children were ready in a timely fashion. I have suggested here to count down from 10 to make clear there is an end, when
the children should be ready. Maryam has engaged in all areas of the classroom offering support and 1:1 feedback where
she can.
EPC 2903 Teaching Practice Booklet

Implementing Learning

Presents material which is accurate, meaningful and accessible to support student engagement and learning

Implements learning centres/ student-centred work which engages learners & secures learning

Instructions are clear & concise


Maryam’s lesson and delivery was good and clear. The instructions were simple and understandable for the children that
she was teaching. She did not share her learning objective at the start or revisit it at the end which we have discussed for
future teaching. She presented an engaging whole class demonstration, using good questioning and involving child
participation which kept children engaged and focused. The lesson was certainly meaningful and has made a good impact
on the boys. Her lesson was challenging and has gone a long way towards helping the children achieve this difficult aspect.
Following the whole class input Maryam gave out the resources and then explained the independent task. We have
discussed doing this the other way around to allow children to clearly understand the task before playing with any
resources. That being said, she was able to stop the boys and explain the task effectively. The independent work was child
centered, practical and enjoyable therefore all children engaged in the activity for a good length of time. Learners felt safe
to work, try, fail, evaluate, analyze and try again. During this period of the lesson, Maryam made good use of her time
moving around the room, correcting misconceptions and reinforcing learning. Her knowledge was sound however, Maryam
did miss an opportunity to build on prior learning, ‘counting on from 10’ rather than counting 17 in 1s. We have discussed
this adaptation to her lesson for future success.


Designs & implements simple diagnostic assessment (possibly through questions or a classroom task)


Maryam’s use of questioning throughout was sound. She encouraged children to think and answer open questions rather
than simple answers. I thought her ‘Why?’ and ‘Where?’ use was fantastic and encouraged children to really think and apply
their knowledge. When we discussed the lesson afterwards, Maryam was able to tell me that 1 boy had achieved the
learning objective and was highly reflective as to why. We have talked about her use of a clipboard for future lessons to
annotate children’s progress throughout the lesson. We have also talked about differentiated out comes for future lessons
to allow all children to achieve progress whilst still working towards the same objective.

Reflection on Practice

Asks a range of questions to guide reflections on her classroom practice


Who was able to achieve?

How do you know who achieved? What are you looking for?

Why was the some misbehavior from 4 boys at the end?

If you could teach this lesson again what would you change?

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