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CSE 202: Design and Analysis

of Algorithms

Lecture 1
• Instructor: Kamalika Chaudhuri (kamalika@cs)
• Office Hours: F 10:30-11:30am, 4110 EBU3B
• TAs: Chicheng Zhang(chz038@eng), Joseph
• Office Hours: TBA
• http://cseweb.ucsd.edu/classes/sp16/cse202-a/

Problem Abstraction Algorithm

An Example
What is the shortest route
from San Francisco to San Diego ?

Weighted Graph G
Node: City
Abstraction: Edge: Joins two cities
Edge weight: Distance between cities

What is the shortest path between

San Francisco and San Diego in G?
An Example
What is the shortest route
from San Francisco to San Diego ?

Abstraction: Shortest path in a graph

Exhaustive Search,
Dijkstra’s Algorithm, etc.
Algorithm Design Issues

• Correctness
• Efficiency
Algorithm Design Issues:

• Recall: Shortest Path problem in a graph

• Does the algorithm always provide a shortest path?
Algorithm Design Issues:
• Recall: Shortest Path problem in a graph
• Algorithm 1: Iterate over all paths from SD to
SF, and find the one with minimum weight.
• Is this a good algorithm?
• No! Can take exponential(v) time
• Dijkstra’s algorithm takes O(e + vlog v) time
• In this class, you will learn to:
• Create abstractions from problems
• Design algorithms for abstracted problems

• Algorithm design issues we will look at:

• Correctness
• Efficiency
• Mathematical class
• CSE 101 or equivalent
• Calibration Quiz Friday Apr 1 in class
• Will cover Big O notation, Recurrences, Basic
graph search, Dijkstra’s algorithm
• Calibration Quiz will not count towards grade
• Algorithm Design,
by Jon Kleinberg, and Eva Tardos
• Chapters1-3: Read on your own (tested in
calibration quiz)
• Chapter 4: Greedy
• Chapter 6: Dynamic Programming
• Chapter 7: Network Flows
• Chapter 13: Randomized Algorithms

• Homeworks (25%)
• Midterm (in-class) (35%)
• Final (in class) (35%)
• Class Participation (5%)
• Calibration quiz (0%)
Midterm and Final
• Midterm - in-class on Wed May 11
• Final - Jun 9 at 11:30am-1pm

• If you cannot make these dates, please do

not take the class. We will only make
exceptions for medical emergencies.
Homework Policy

• Homeworks are due in class at the

beginning of lecture
• No late homeworks will be accepted!
Collaboration Policy

• Homeworks should be done in groups of

one or two or three
• Email me the name of your group members
by Fri Apr 8
• If you need a group member, please post on
Piazza group for the class
Collaboration Policy

• You must not look for solutions to

homework problems on the internet
• If you happen to see a homework solution
somewhere, please acknowledge the source!
Collaboration Policy

• If someone (except me or TA) helps you with

your homework, acknowledge the source!
• Remember: Academic dishonesty is taken
very seriously!
• More details on this on the class website
Class Participation

• Participation in In-class Problem Sessions

• Participation on Piazza
• Top 10 answerers on Piazza will get 5%
Grading Policy

! algorithm you present must:

• Be clear and unambiguous (but no code)

• Have a proof of correctness
• Have a running time analysis
• Be relatively efficient
Grading Policy: Clarity

• Proofs will be graded by correctness and clarity

• Your arguments should be clear and precise
• More partial credit for clearly written partial solution than
attempt to cover up holes in your argument

• Sample solutions on class website

• We’ll look at some examples in class
Algorithm Design Paradigms
Paradigm 1: Exhaustive Search

• Usually computationally inefficient

• May be useful for some small problems
Paradigm 2: Greedy Algorithms

• Build the solution piece by piece

• Examples: Dijkstra’s algorithm, Kruskal
• Does not always work correctly!
Paradigm 3: Divide and Conquer

• Divide the problem into smaller subproblems

• Solve each subproblem
• Combine the results
• Example: Mergesort
Paradigm 4: Dynamic Programming

• Define a proper notion of subtask

• Solve the subtasks by size
• Once smaller subtasks are solved, larger
ones are easy
• Example: computing the edit distance
Paradigm 5: Hill-climbing

• Start with any solution

• Improve the solution by tweaking it a little
• Continue until optimality
• Example: Flows, linear programming
Paradigm 6: Randomized

• Use some randomness in the algorithm to get out

of bad situations
• Usually very simple and efficient
• May not always succeed, but works with high
• Example: min-cut, MAX-SAT
Intractable Problems

• No efficient solution possible, provably!

• A way out is to find a good approximate solution
Summary: Algorithm Design Paradigms

• Exhaustive Search
• Greedy Algorithms: Build a solution incrementally
• Divide and Conquer: Divide into parts, solve each
part, combine results

• Dynamic Programming: Divide into subtasks,

perform subtask by size. Combine smaller subtasks
to larger ones

• Hill-climbing: Start with a solution, improve it

• Randomized: Use some randomness
• Email me the name of your group members
by Fri Apr 8
• No lecture on Wed Mar 30
• Calibration Quiz in class on Fri Apr 1
• Covers Big O, recurrences, basic graph
algorithms (BFS/DFS), Dijkstra’s algorithm
• TA OH will be posted on Piazza

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