Minichamps Edition 1 2013

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Suds. Ue Se (MINICHAMPS)* See eR ee eR oy fir Sammler und lnesessierte aus aller Welt. either haben viele tausende Besucher die tber 3.000 Exponate besichtgt eae ea RC cr eee ee Einblick in die Kunst des Modellbaus. Jeder einzelne Scheitt des oe ee en ee om eer Modelle wird nachvollziehbar erliutert, Zahlreiche Prototypen, Handmuster und Freigabeminiaturen sowie mehrere hunclert Kilo eee eet eae eee eres eee ee ee cee ee ee a Coen eee eee es eee orn Pier Darunter sind auch Rarititen, d eres red ee rg Pee eens Deg eae ee ee oem ee Zeit zu Zeit umgestaltet. Kommen Sie und entdecken Sie die Welt Peering Ce ee ee Cd eee Ore eR eam eee Keita) eee eee ee 2 Round about four years ago, the Minichamps Museum opened Ce aed ere ee a cd this time thousands of visttors have taken a look at the more eae On 600 squeire meters the Museum grants an insight into the art Dene a eR ee ed eae ee ted. Numerous protorypes, hand samples and ship out samples, Ce Le eee ‘out the extensive process for the development of a first class ‘model Never before shown prototypes, seldom special editions and ‘numerous model cars from the 20 year Minichamps and 29 year Danhausen production can be looked at in the broadly desig- ‘ned space. Among them are rarities, which were sampled, but eg ee ee Se eae ee Oe ee ccorated from time to time. Pay a visit and explore the world of pera ee a ea ee | (MINICHAMPS* ee CRANES a

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