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● 1 ​papaya​ or ​mango
● 1 cup strawberries
● 2kiwis
● 1 banana
● 1 red apple

Optional toppings

● 3 tablespoons condensed millk or honey

● 1 table spoon of cereal, chopped nunts , or almonds
● 1 a scoop of ice cream


1​​ ) Clean the fruit well under cold water to remove any dirt or residue

2​​ ) Dry it well with paper towels.

3​​ )​ ​Peel fruits

​4​ ) Remove seeds from fruits

5​​ )​ ​Dice the mango or papaya, and put in a bowl

6​​ ) Cut the strawberries in a half or quarter and add to the bowl of fruit.

7​​ ) Chop the ​kiwi​ and apple

​8​ ) Slice the ​bananas​ like coins

9​​ ) Mix all the fruits into a glass bowl to keep the fruit fresher than plastic.
10 ) IF ​you want to use something extra at the end of the preparation. We
could stir a topping as: ​condensed milk, ice cream, vanilla or yogurt.
Sprinkle some cereal, coconut, chopped nuts, and almonds on top.


Bananas get a little mushy, so add bananas, apples and pears last.

dirt or residue Suciedad o residuo
peel pelar
remove sedes remover semillas
dice cortar en en forma de dados
chop picar
Slice rebanar
Mix mezclar
Stir revolver
Sprinkle espolvorear
Mushy ablandar

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