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LA400 Senior Integrative Seminar

I. Communication and Problem Solving
Skill Example of specific assignment or activity

Partially Met

Not Met
Use the expressive arts X I have partially met this skill during my time at Seton Hill University.
as a mode of inquiry or During the course of Foundations of Education and School Law, we
expression were assigned to complete an art reflection project. This art
reflection project was intended to reflect our purpose of being an
educator. I decided to become an educator because of the way I
was treated due to my learning disability. When I enrolled at
Westmoreland County Community College, I stated my desired
major was Education and was told that major would be too difficult
with my learning disability. I decided to deny help from the
disability center and complete my degree no matter how long it
took me. With this, my art reflection project was two mirrors. The
first one is shattered with negative words placed on it such as
stupid, shattered, disappointed, ashamed, and humiliated. These
words described the way I felt when the facility member at
Westmoreland County Community College “shattered” my dreams
of becoming an educator, even though that moment only lasted
just that a moment. The other mirror was untouched with positive
words placed on it such as accomplished, courage, passion,
teachable, determined, and proud. The mirrors were placed side-
by-side with a sign above the middle of them stating “I am MORE
than what my IEP DEFINES me as!”

If I were to include assignments that I completed at Westmoreland

County Community College I would consider myself fully met this
objective. I completed the course on digital photography which
transferred as my artistic expression course at Seton Hill University.
During this course, I photographed different images in which
particular subjects were assigned. Afterward, I enhanced the
photographs using Photoshop while in the classroom.

Demonstrate leadership, X I believe that I have met the demonstration of leadership,

negotiation, relational, negotiation, relational, and consensus skills throughout my time at
Seton Hill University. I have taken several courses that had
and consensus skills required leadership skills such as Multicultural Practicum where I
had the privilege to teach a lesson in a classroom as well as assist
the teacher.

In Characteristics and Strategies II, we were assigned to develop a

unit plan. The unit plan allowed each member of the group to
negotiate tasks in order to complete the unit plan. With the unit
plan, we developed and completed a discovery box in which I
presented to the classroom teacher assigned to us during
observation. This discovery box had activities that provided
specific accommodations for the students in this classroom. After
completion of the observation, the discovery box was presented to
the classroom teacher for use in her classroom.

Use technological skills X Throughout the courses of Learning to Read and Reading to Learn,
to access information, an assignment that was required was to complete a Literacy
organize knowledge, and Binder. The Literacy Binder included emergent literacy activities,
communicate reading activities, recommended children’s literature, literacy
resources, and parent resources.

While in Reading to Learn, we were also assigned a Literacy Binder

which we were able to modify the one made in Learning to Read to
include activities on developing a comprehension of narrative text
and informational text. Another way the Literacy Binder was
modified for Reading to Learn was to include adolescent literature
and writing activities/strategies for teachers to use in the

While taking many education courses at Seton Hill University, the

use of the Standards Aligned System (SAS) was incorporated when
planning lesson plans.

Propose new solutions X Genocide and Human Rights course at Seton Hill University allowed
to current issues me to propose new solutions to current issues in regard to human
rights. The midterm assignment required me to analyze the rise
and pitfalls of international law and mechanisms. Within this
assignment, I proposed the solution that states should enforce
punishments for those responsible for human rights violations as
this is one major pitfall in regard to human rights and international

Express arguments or X I believe that during my educational time at Seton Hill University I
main points clearly, in have partially met this skill. With taking the course Genocide and
written and oral Human Rights, one assignment that required to express arguments
or main points was the Module 5 Discussion Board Topic. This
communication discussion board topic posed the question if states have the right
to intervene on other state’s affairs during humanitarian or human
rights crises. Within this post, I discussed why I believed that states
had this right to intervene as well as to defend my argument.

Transfer knowledge and X Within each educational course that required observation hours, I
values into sound displayed the transfer of knowledge from that course into decision-
decision-making making. During each observation, I transferred knowledge from
the course at hand and make connections to the materials. Making
these connections allowed me to make sound decision-making that
I will include in my future classroom.

For each educational course that I had in which I fulfilled the lesson
planning process, I also displayed a transfer of knowledge and
values into sound decision-making by incorporating the knowledge
from the classroom into the lesson plan. For example, while taking
Science and Health I created a mini lesson plan designed from a
specific science topic. The mini-lesson plan had to incorporate SAS
standards. Once completed, I taught the lesson to my classmates
as if they were my students.

Also, during my coursework in Classroom Management, we were

to develop a case study. The case study was placed into a website
form. In this case study, we were to develop a classroom design
with consideration of accommodations that should be made for
the students. The case study had me develop adaptations and
accommodations for each student. Another item that was
developed was to state replacement behaviors for the behaviors
that the students display. I also created a token economy to
encourage positive behavior. Classroom rules as well as classroom
procedures/routines were developed for this case study.

During the Spring semester of 2017, I was registered for Social

Studies. In Social Studies one assignment that was required was to
develop a theme box. In this theme box, it had to be related to
social studies. I choose community helpers with a specific focus on
veterinarians. Completing this theme box allowed me to transfer y
knowledge of how children learn, the standards to connect to each
activity, and ways to make this learning experience about
community helpers fun for the students using the theme box.
While spending the day at a childcare center with the Social Studies
class, we presented and taught our theme boxes to different
II. Historical, Cultural, and Global Awareness

Skill Example of specific assignment or activity


Partially Met

Not Met
Communicate in a X The way that I demonstrate this skill as being partially met is from my
second language at the American Sign Language II class that was a cross-transfer course
introductory college within Seton Hill University. During this course, there was the
level requirement of communicating during class using only American Sign
Language. Also, assignments were given in video form that required
me to translate the signs being used in the videos to sentences.
Another requirement in American Sign Language II, I completed was
to record myself while telling a story from selected topics provided
by the professor.

Analyze the impact of In a group presentation during the course, Western Cultural
history, geography, and Traditions I, the presentation had to be on a historical time period.
socio-cultural dynamics The historical time period that my group chose was the Middle Ages
on global interactions with a focus on women. The topics that were covered in our
from a variety of PowerPoint presentation were roles of women, family religion and
disciplinary perspectives marriage, women’s rights, and famous women in this particular era.

Analyze current and X My Catholic Social Teaching final paper for Faith, Religion, and
historical events through Society had me analyze current and historical events. The current
the lens of spirituality and historical events that I analyzed were in regard to racism. Within
and faith the final paper for Faith, Religion, and Society I presented the
historical timeline of racism. Also included in the final paper was the
Catholic Social Teaching views racism. I focused on Human Dignity,
the Common Good, charity, and social sin. Each has a distinctive
view on the issue of racism in regard to spirituality and faith.

Assess privilege and X Throughout the course, Genocide and Human Rights I have been
oppression from the challenged to asses privilege and oppression from the perspective of
perspective of culture, culture, race, class, and gender. With each assignment, there are
race, class, and gender connections to culture and race. Race and culture affect human
rights. The particular assignments that allowed me to meet this skill
were the discussion board posts that were created for each module.
Each module had a variety of topics regarding human rights and the
oppression of race. Also assigned throughout the Genocide and
Human Rights course were essays that provided an in-depth search
in topics related to culture and race, with specific regard to human

III. Multiple Modes of Inquiry

Skill Example of specific assignment or activity


Partially Met

Not Met

Generate and analyze X I find that I have fully met the skill of generating and analyzing
numerical and scientific numerical and scientific data. An assignment that I find to be the
data best example of this would be while taking the course Parent and
Family Conferencing. The assignment was to observe an early
childhood education classroom while analyzing it with the Early
Childhood Environmental Rating Scale (ECERS). On the ECERS there
are a variety of categories that are to be rated based on the
observation that is occurring. There are 7 subscales ranging from the
space and furniture in the classroom, the personal care routines,
activities, and interaction with the children. Each subscale has items
that are rated based on specific observation occurring. At the end of
the ECERS, scores are tallied up based on if the environment scored a
particular score range. That will provide an answer of yes or no,
which is then used to calculate an average for each subscale.

I also met this skill while taking Structures of the Numbers System II.
This mathematical course challenged me to generate and analyze
numerical and scientific data within each chapter and homework
assignment. These skills were completed with exams taken in the
course as well as the homework assignment.

Locate and analyze X During the course of Typical and Atypical Growth/Development, an
expressive media to gain assignment was presented where each student had to pose a
information or question. The question had to be presented onto a tri-fold poster
comprehend the board. The research question that I posed was “What are the
significance of an issue benefits and roles to having a personal care aide and/or
paraprofessional for a student with Down Syndrome and being
or an event placed in an inclusive classroom?” The research that was presented
on the tri-fold poster board was an interview with a personal care
aide in a local school district among several resources pertaining to
this subject. The tri-fold was color themed to coordinate with the
colors of support for Down Syndrome.

An activity that I created during my Mathematics class also allowed

me to develop this skill. Math Make and Take Centers was the
assignment where I had to create Math various math activities that
students could complete independently. Each activity had a teacher
copy which included an objective, grade level, standard, materials,
directions, and adaptations (if necessary). There was a student copy
of directions which provided pictures of each step as well as written

Organize and manage X Throughout the courses of Learning to Read and Reading to Learn, an
resources in a creative assignment that was required was to complete a Literacy Binder to
way to achieve impact organize and manage resources in a creative way. The Literacy
Binder for both courses required the organization of the
information/resources to be compiled on a website.

While completing the course English Language Learners, one

assignment that I completed was a Piktochart. The Piktochart was
compiled of resources that would be later used in the classroom
when an ELL student is present. Various resources include
assessment apps for ELLs, instructional strategy apps or websites for
teachers of ELLs, learning apps or websites, lesson plans, and journal

Find, evaluate, and apply X Reading to Learn provided various teaching strategies that could be
information used in the classroom as educators. I believe that I have met this skill
because each strategy that was learned, we completed it to practice
the strategy. One particular strategy that I created and used during
observation hours for this course was a Reading Interest Inventory.
The Reading Interest Inventory I conducted with a student was used
to gather information on her interests of reading as well as the
genres of books that interest the student. I then compiled a list of
books from that information that I believed the student would be
interested in reading.

Interpret quantitative X During daily sheets and homework assignments conducted in

and qualitative Structures of the Number Systems II, I interpreted quantitative and
information to present a qualitative information to present a logical argument based on
logical argument based supporting data. I believe that I have not met this particular skill
on supporting data because Structures of the Number Systems II was the only math
course that I took at Seton Hill University besides educational Math
courses. I passed Structures of the Numbers Systems II with a C,
therefore I don’t believe I met this particular skill.

IV. Self-Reflection and Assessment

Skill Example of specific assignment or activity

Partially Met

Not Met

Demonstrate ethical X I have partially met this skill from the Foundations of Education and
decision-making School Law course taken at Seton Hill University. In this course, one
grounded in assignment that was required was the Theory of the Purpose of
philosophical inquiry Education. With this assignment, the requirements were to state
what my beliefs of the purpose of education were. I also stated the
importance of a teacher’s support to improve the student’s lives. In
the Theory of the Purpose of Education, I described my reasoning for
becoming an educator.

Apply Catholic social X I believe that I have met this skill within the fourth Seton Hill
teaching to the analysis University objective because of my assignment in Learning to Read.
of contemporary social The project that I completed was the Catholic Social Teaching
issues Children’s Literature Project. This project consisted of identifying the
CST standards to a children’s book. With each standard, a new
children’s book was used to make the connection of the standard.
Accompanying the children’s book in this project was the grade level
of the book, a summary of the book, the author’s voice or style, and
an activity to coincide with the book as well as the CST standard.

Among taking Learning to Read, there are several other courses in

which the Catholic Social Teaching was incorporated into my
learning. One course where the CST standards were incorporated
were Topics of Theology: Spirituality and Multicultural Practicum.
The Catholic Social Teaching Standards were consistently
incorporated in all my educational courses that were taken at Seton
Hill University.

Recognize the value of X Seton Hill University has provided me with several different courses
diverse spiritual and that have allowed me to meet this particular skill. One course, in
particular, would be Topics of Theology: Spirituality. During the
religious perspectives semester of this course, our class practiced silence. Each week our
class would become silent one minute longer than the last. Along
with the practice of silence, an assignment was required. The
assignment was to choose one wisdom of tradition and the one I
picked was Examen. Examen required me to reflect on the day’s
events. Attached to the practice of Examen was a required written
assignment in the form of an essay.

Integrate the practice of X I believe I have partially met this skill by attending the Labor of Love
charity with the skill of event on Seton Hill University campus. During this event, I
justice volunteered my time on a Saturday in order to organize, clean, and
rearrange the Griffin’s Food Locker. My volunteer time was spent
inspecting all food items’ expiration dates, rotating food items so
that dates of close proximity were in the front, cleaning the shelves,
sweeping the floors, and wiping down the counter space. Also, while
participating in the Labor of Love, I organized the new food items
that needed to be placed on the shelves.

I also participated in the Salvation Army Children’s Ministry where

local children go to the Salvation Army for a short lesson and a meal
is provided to them. The children are divided into different groups
according to age and also have the opportunity to earn badges, such
in a similar way that girl/boy scouts do.

Exercise responsible X I believe that I have fully met the skill of exercising responsible
freedom and civic freedom and civic engagement based on an informed value system.
engagement based on The first example would be my engagement with the Education Club
an informed value throughout my time spent at Seton Hill University. My engagement
system with the Labor of Love event at Seton Hill University would also
establish me fully meeting this skill. I have been an active member of
the TRIO/SSS club as well as the Alpha Sigma Lambda. The Alpha
Sigma Lambda is an honor society for adult students.

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