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By Kris Peters

Mochica, Mučik, Yunga, Quingnam, the Fisherman's Language - there are many names for the languages of the
North West coast of Peru. Information about these tongues is fragmentary and contradictory. Wordlists and
grammars were written over a wide span of time, by researchers who wrote in a wide variety of languages. This
work attempts to compile this information into one place. It makes no attempt to be authorative, or to make
judgements about previous claims. The authour simply felt a need for a dictionary in her language; a single,
easily referenced, resource.

The difference between Mučik and Quingnam is unclear. No attempt has been made to separate the entries
between these two (or more?) languages. Some entries that are possible Quechua loans have been noted, and
some words of probable Spanish derivation have been excluded. Otherwise, no distinguishment has been made.


Orthography is a matter of great contention in Mochican research. While this dictionary shows the original
spellings for all words, sorting by these would lead to related words being wildly separated. Therefore,
somewhat arbitrary phonetic values have be chosen to correspond to the original orthography. These values
are not meant to be taken as an accurate reflexion of pronunciation. Instead, they are hoped to aid in noticing
sound similarities obscured by the varied original spellings. This dictionary mostly follows the lead of
Hovdhaugen, with some adaptation that grew organically from an attempt to deal with conflicting spelling.

Characters in [brackets] only correspond to the phonetic value when multiple spellings required a compromise.

Characters in the Hovdhaugen The Dictionary Possible IPA Value

a a a a
e e e e
i i i i
o o o o
u u u u
æ, œ, ä, ü, ů, ø, ö, ë ə ə ə, ø, ʉ
d ð ð ð, d
f, [b, v] f f f
k, c, qu, que, g k k k
l, j, χ, [g, x] l l l
ll, li, ʎ ̓, ly, ji, ij, [l, χ, y, ʎ ʎ ʎ, lʲ
m, [n] m m m
n, [m] n n n
ñ, ni, in ɲ ñ ɲ, nʲ
ng, ŋ, [n] ŋ ŋ ŋ
p p p p
r r r ɾ
rr r rr r, ɾ
s, ss s s s, ʂ
x, [z] ʃ ʃ ʃ
xll, sll, sj, [s, gi, χ, ij, ci, ʂ ʂ ʂ, ç, ɬ
hi, ss]
ç, z, is, si, zç, ̔, [c, ts, x, sʲ ɕ sʲ, ɕ, s
I, ij, i]
t t t t
ch, ć, [c] tʃ tʃ tʃ, tʲ
tzh, tz, ts, tc tsʲ tɕ tsʲ, tɕ, ts, tʲ
cɥ, c̓h, [ch, ts, sh, s, c, j, tʂ ʈʂ ʈʂ, c, tʲ, tsʲ
ji, tc, č, ssh]
u, w, v, b, hu, gʷ u ʋ u, w, v, ʋ
y, i j y j

While the organization of this dictionary started as simple alphabetization, it quickly became apparent that this
obscured shared roots and variant spellings. A three level approach has been adopted instead:

First By Then By Finally By

[a] a
ð ə
f e
k i
[l] l o
ʎ u
[n] n
[r] r

[s] s

[t] t



Vowels are combined and sorted last because of their tendency to change in different tenses and cases.
Consonants are sorted together when they are frequently spelled with the same characters. The main
exception is 'k'/'ɕ.' While both are frequently spelled with a 'c,' it was found more productive to combine 'ɕ'
with 's' values.

An attempt has been made to group words together by roots. Like the 'phonetic' spellings, these groupings are
not meant to indicate that words are truely related. Instead, it is hoped that they will initiate discussion and
inspiration for readers.

Possible Phonetic Original Spellings Translation
a a yes
ami ami yes
ayenanuyi ayenanuyi fine thanks
e e, fe, ang to be, see if it is, see fe, eiñ
uː ū, ū-ngó the breath, puff, wheeze
uːkik u-quic
eð ed, ed-eió language, tongue
eða -eda/da preterite, past tense
tʃiðayiñ chi-da-iñ, chi-da-s, chi-da-ng/chi-do-f, chi-da-iš, chi-da-schi, chi-da-ngän ang
I was, you were, etc., see chi
oðka odka open, see ōtk
af af, av, aveiñ, afapäk, afnäm, afäd to fight
ef ef, efeiñ, efkenäm, efkod free, save
efkek efquec to set free, save (possssed)
efko efco, efko, efkopäk to forgive, set free
efkoɕək efkossäk-äró pardon
ef ef, äw father
efkik efkik father (possessed)
efelek efe-lek with the father
efetutək efe-tutäk in front of the father
efeyoːpən efe-ió-pän for the father
ekis ekis, ekis-eió father-in-law
of of life
oːf ōf, ōv, ōveiñ, ōvenäm, ōväd to empty, (to poop?)
uː a ́
ūfla medicinal herb, esp. for worms
əfʃas æfxiass, afxiass how often, how many times?, (possibly
axlliass?), see exlle
ək -äk, -ek participle, suffix, reflexive, to do for
ek -ac, ek, ik, , -Vc on, in, into, locative, postposition, see nik
ek ec, ek eiñ, ac, ekapäk, eknäm, ekäd, eng, eng eiñ, engnäm, engäd to say, believe
eŋapkoñ engapäko-iñ, engap'koiñ, moiñ eiñ engapko I am used to saying
ok oc, ōk-eió name
aka ac(a), ak, akeiñ to see, get
ʈʂəʈʂməðen akaðo chächmäd-en ak-ado seen by the sister
akamno ñes acam no ñess see that creature
aka mo ñetesapek acam mo ñetesapec see that liar
akan mo miʃ acan mo mish see that cat

Possible Phonetic Original Spellings Translation
akan mo pot acan mo pot look at that butt
akakem acaquem to be shown
akapək acapæc seeing, viewer
aknəm aknäm, akäd see, supine tense
akisek akissec, akissäk-äró thought, consideration, contemplation
okən ocæn, aken, ōken-eió arm
ukn ukneiñ, uknenäm, uknäd to jump, leap, bounce
okaneɕekən okane-ssekän under the waves
akamorometek acam mo rometec go to get crazy
ukpe ucpe top/crown of head
al al(a), aj, ajapäk, ajäd to descend
al aj, aleiñ, ajpäk, alnäm, ajäd to throw up, (and derived forms)
əl æl/ælapœc, ůl, ůj, ůlnäm, ůläd ill, to fall ill
əleñ ůleiñ I fall ill
əlotʃið ůlo chid disease
aːl āj to stop
aːleñ ājeiñ I stop
aːləð ājnäm, ājäd stop, supine tense
oːl ōj, ōjeiñ, ōjnäm, ōjäd to smell
oɕek oissäk-äró smell
oʎ ol, oj, oxll, oj-äró rain
ala aja white
ala aja, axa, aja-ngō Lord, Sir, Owner
alək alæc, piñ alœc, aläk-är-ō chief, quechua lord
aləkartutək aläkar-tutäk in front of the chiefs
aləkpoŋ aläk-pong chief stones, important holy rocks
alpe ajpe great, big, large
alpefone ajpe fone big nose
alpepot ajpe pot big back
alpeʂap ajpe sap big mouth
alañɕək alaiñçæc belch, burp
aliɕək ajissäk-äro, ajissär plot, deed
oleʈʂ olecɥ above, see lecɥ
alk alk, alkeiñ, alkapäk, alknäm, alkäd to comb
olpək olpäk, olo inside, see läpäk
altərr altærr, altärr, ajtärr-ei-ō throat, neck
fokaltək focaltæc, fok ajtärr-eió shoulder
aʎo allò, allô also, number connector

Possible Phonetic Original Spellings Translation
ñitepalək aʎo napoŋ aʎo onək ñite palæc allo na-pong allo onaec 711
iʎiʎna ill-ill-na, yllyll-na happily, see c̓hai/ech
oʎimkeð ollinqued joy
oʎimkeðkik ollimquedquid, ollinqued-quic joy (possessed)
oʎop oijop-äró ashes
aʎya aylía popular dance (kičua?)
əm æm to return, see an
amelek amelec you get away!
amotʃ amoch let me go!
amotʃe ʂað amoche giad go to sleep
amotʃ fenun amoch fenun we are going to eat
amotʃ miker amoch miquer let's go soon
em em as, see ẽn
amoɕ amoss in no way
emyo emio how? in what way?
emesnerrem emes nerrem good afternoon
emesuman emes uman, emes umanche? how's your morning going?, see exlle
omo omo acrid flavour/taste
emuko ẹmúko band around weaver's waist used to
stretch loom
omənɕəfək omænssæfæc, Omänsefůk Monsefú (town)
omorr omor, omorr-eió thief
misantʃi mo mis anchi mo that is a thief
an an, ān, eneió house
enek en-ec, anic, an-ek, en-ek in the house
anetutək ane-tutäk in front of the house
anitʃ an-ich from the house
an an-, an—chi come to do, come do!, see æm, ta
eñ eiñ, iñ, ang to be, am, is, are, single indefinite person,
they, who?, see fe, e, moiñ
moñeñ moiñ eiñ I am
tɕaŋəs tsang as, es, äs you are
ayoaŋ aio ang, aiongän ang, äng, ong he/se/it is, they are
mətʃeʃ mäich eiš we are
tɕətʃəstʃi tsäich as-chi, äschi, eschi y'all are
iñoː iñō whose?
eñeñ eiñ eiñ who?, plural
iñiñʂipkem iñ iñ xllip quèm? name-ng what am i called? name.

Possible Phonetic Original Spellings Translation
eñəpok eiñ æ poc?, name eiñpoc what is your name?, my name is-
eñəɕ eiñ æz? moiñ ang/é/fe- who are you? i am-
aŋ (-chaem)-ang respect suffix
aŋ ag, e, fe to be, see eiñ, fe
eŋ eng, eng eiñ, ek eiñ to say, believe, see ek
eŋ eng, eŋ, eŋ-ei-ō mother
eŋkik enquic mother (possessed)
eŋelek enge-lek with the mother
eŋeyoːpən enge-ió-pän for the mother
ðiyosiyeŋ dios-i-eng mother of god
tɕəŋeŋtim tsäng eng-tim for the sake of your mother
oŋ ong, on tree, carob tree
anamoñ ana moiñ oh my!, woe is me!
uno -uno without, negative participle
unta -unta without, negative participle
uño uño low
uño úño spinning shuttle
əntek ůntek-äró shuttle (weaving), weaver boat
onək onæc, unnik, enuc, na-, onäk one, 1, someone, see ssiorna
onkəro onc-ær-o, onkärō first, 1st
onokrrel onoc rrel one real
ɕapete zapete one
onəkpelen onec pelen two days ago, “1 yesterday”, see lun
na na-, na-pong-ärō, na-ssop-ärō one, 1, (10, ten)
napəs na-pæss 100, hundred
napoŋaʎonək na-pong allo onäk eleven, 11
nakunoːʎeʂməʂtɕpaləkaʎonopət na-kuno allo e m
̓ äts-paläk allo nopät 1 504
napoŋkunoː na-pong-kunō 10 000
iñikuk iñic-uc, iñikuk-äró bride, marriageable
unim unim, unimeiñ, unimnäm, unimäd to sweat
ineŋ ineng, īnen-äró (nu/ñam) the light, daily, day, see ñam, lun, kull/cuçia
anitʃ anich you look!
iñitʃ iñich, anich, amelec, mucaitzh, tumang, loctopan to go, I want to go! (and various
cases), see æm, tæ
intʃitʃ inchich let's go!
infok infok upwards, up, see fůk
enkitʃ enquich from
anman anman-är-ō neighbour

Possible Phonetic Original Spellings Translation
ansumo ansumo otter, aquatic mammal, "sea cat"
oŋʂəm ong xllæm, omjem, ōm ̓ām right, right of speaker, correct
ənta ænta not, to not know how to, see uno
ap ap to learn
apeñ ap-eiñ I learn
apəð apnäm, apäd learn, supine tense
apapek apapek, apapkäss/apapäk a teacher
apisek apissek, apissäk-äró, apissär-eió knowledge, teaching, instructing, present
action, customer
opaɕti opaizti silly, foolish, without reason
epkəɕək epkässäk-äró advice, drive
əp ůp, ůpeiñ, ůpnäm, ůpäd to hull, remove the grains
uəp up, ůp, æp, ūǔp, up-äró salt
əp äp hot pepper
usap usap aji pepper, hot pepper
əp əpfoñ äp ůp-foin pepper with salt
oːpene opene , opæn, openec, ōp sweet potato
ep ep, epæn why?
uːp ūp, ūpeiñ, ūpnäm, ūpäd to fly
apesen appesén neck
aput aput, pac- two, 2
apturo apt-ur-o second, 2nd
pakpoŋ pac-(pong.etc) two (tens), twenty
pakʃa pac-xa second
pakʃia pac-xia twice
er -er with, using, the means or tool
puper pup-er with a stick, using a stick
er her, ærr, arr-engō, err yucca/manioc
arr arr first
arritʃ arrich from the beginning
irrəm irræm, irrim, irrim, irrme, irrm, irrimnäm, irrimäd be afraid, awful
irrmeñ irrmeiñ, irremeiñ I am afraid
irrimək irrimæc, irrimcæ- to frighten, astonish, to admire/wonder
irrirro irrirr-o, irr-na, irr-na-io big, very, extremely
irrna piso irrna pisso very bad
irrna uːtɕ irrna ūts tremendously big
urru iñ urruiñ commit a crime
orrontʃ orronch, orrnch, orrncheiñ, orrnchenäm, orrnchäd to pull, drag

Possible Phonetic Original Spellings Translation
ərk ærqueng, erc, arkeng-eió human body/meat/flesh
ərkik ärkik-äró, ærquic human body (possessed)
ərkeŋkapo ärkeng-kapo consisting of flesh, having a body
iːɕ īss green
oʃ osh, ox, oš many, much
aʂ axll to finish
əʂ æxll, uij, uijeiñ, uijnäm, uijäd to give birth
etʃaŋʋiltɕəŋɕonəŋ ñofənometʃerrək ech ang uij tsäng ssonäng, ñofän-o mecherräk? what did your wife give
birth to, a male or female?
iʃkemeʎuŋʋilmotʃisko iške mellu ang uij mo chisko? how many eggs does the bird lay
iʂ ixll, i ̓, i ̓-eió, i ̓eiñ, i ̓apäk, i ̓näm, i ̓äd to sin
iʂəs ixllæss, yxllis sin (someone's /possessed)
iːʂinik iy-i-nik, i -̓ i-nik in sin
mətʃ iʂəɕtim mäich i ä̓ ss-tim for the sake of our sins
oʂəm oxllæm, oxllmæ-, oijm, oijmeiñ, oijenäm, oijmäd to be ashamed, see illillna,
oːʂ uf, ooχ, och, ōj, ú, ol, oǵ, ōjungó fire, see c̓hai/ech
oʂo oχ-o, oj-o fiery
oːʂərnik ooχ-är-nik, ōj-är-nik in the fire
uɕ ůiz, ux, uz, uts, ůz-äró cloud
ətɕo ůts-o foggy, like fog, indistinct
əytɕərleʈʂək uitsär-jechäk above the clouds
eʂe exlle when?
eʂəm exllæm why?
iɕtək iz tæc? enec/enecoiût tæc- where are you going? to my house.
əfʃaɕ æfxiass how often, see æfxiass
eʂek e ̓ek, içæc, izær-o, izzœc, yçec, izçœc then, everyone, everything, all
eʂek akpən e ̓ek akpän forever
ame s̨ek ame xllec, ame- ̓ek now, in a moment, see æm
ameʂekɕən ame- ̓ek-ssän even now
amiʂekek amisequec are not the same
iʂk i ̓k, e ̓ek esta never
iʃke ixque, iške-ngō how much?, how many?
iɕkəroː isskärō, isskänärō each, of each, of all
əʂ äj, äjeiñ, äjapäk, äjnäm, äläd to bend over, see pai ̓
əʂaŋ æxllang bend
usenik usenic chakra, psychic energy?
uʂur uxllur, ušllur, u ̓ur-eió nephew

Possible Phonetic Original Spellings Translation
eʂmətɕ exllmætzh, exllmæts, exllnas, e ̓mäts five, 5
eʂmətɕəroː e ̓mätsärō fifth, 5th
oʃp ošp, ošpeiñ, ošpenäm, ošpäd to tire, fatigue
etin etín, ætim eten
etot e tot, etot extensive, vast, great, wide
oːtk ōtk, ōtkeiñ, ōtkenäm, ōtkäd to open, see odka
etʃ ech, ichō, echō, hich what?, from what?, what do you have?, see
etʃetʃ ech ech whatever, indefinite pronoun
itʃteme ich teme? who is that?
itʃestem iches tem? what do you want?
etʃ ech, och, chai, chicay suffocating heat, see c̓hai
etʃakur hechagur envied
itʃ -ich from, directed away, postposition
uːtɕ ûtzh(-o), ūts big/great/large
uːtɕo nepətəroː ūts-o nepät-ärō big tree
uːtɕəno nepət ūts-än-o nepät big trees
uːtɕo nepətənəroː ūts-o nepät-än-ärō of the big trees
ətɕk ůtsk, ůtskeiñ, ůtskenäm, ůtskäd to borrow, lend, (NOTE: letters were
blurry, spelling unsure)
ətʃaŋ ůichang-eió teeth
utkam utcam, utkam-äró tonsils
atʃitʃone achichone, achecome nice thing, tasty
etʃesuy eches suy I have served
ətestot ätestot ugly, see ñespetop, shepestop
ay ai(a) , ay, aj to do, make, create
iyo -io -made of, quality
aynəm eiæp, ainäm make, create
ayaðo aia-d, aia-do made
ayapək ai-apæc, aiapkäss/aiapäk doing, powerful, maker, who makes
ayapkoñ aiapäk-oiñ, aiap'koiñ, moiñ eiñ aiapko I am made, I am cared for
ayapkəro ai apca-er-o, apssaero supreme creator
yayəp iaiæp, iaipæ-, iayp to end, finish, see yayəp
aye aie so, thus
ayeɕən aie-çæn in the same way
ayo aio, ayo, aiungō that, that one, his/hers, that far away
thing, farther than ssio, mo

Possible Phonetic Original Spellings Translation
ayiñ ain, ai in, ai ein there, important radical, gerund, from
ayinitʃ aiinich, ain-ich from there
ayoŋ aiong that, them/him/her
ayuŋən aiungän(ō) those, them
ayoŋɕaðir aiong ssiadir his bed
ayoŋeɕən aiongän eisän her sons
ayoɕ aioss this or that, accusative case
əyiʃm ůišm, ůišmeiñ, ůišmäd to pass, go by
ayk aik, aikeiñ, aikapäk, aikenäm, aikäd to wash, and derived forms
ayʎu ayllu lineage, kin group
eyɕ eiz, ez, eis, eis-iō son/daughter
eyɕkik eizquic, exquic, eiskik son/daughter (possessed)
eyɕku eizcu, eiscu, eisku-ngó orphan, softness, fat?
eyɕtik eiztic, eistik-aró uterus
əyɕ uz, æiz, uij, uiz, uij-äró earth, dust
eyep eiep, ejep, iäts, ejep-äró dirty, earth, dust
əyɕo uij o, uilo mud, dirt and water mixed, dust, dusty
uyɕkik uizquic, uiskik-äró, vizquiquich farm, estate, cultivated field
uyɕkikna uiskik-na through the fields
ða -da conjuctive for future/past tense, see ma
ðuo duo royal chair
ðiyos dios God (spanish)
ðiyostim Dios-tim for God's sake
fə fü, fů-ngó needle
fək fůk, fok above
infok infok up, upwards
fitop fitop everywhere
fe fe, fecɥ ech west, see xllang, loch
fekiʈʂna fekich-na to the west
feketʃtotna fekech-totna towards the west, heading west
fotʃitʃ fo, fo chich, foch north
fotʃitʃna fochichna from north, to the north (adverb)
fotʃitʃtotna fo-chich-tot-na, foich-totna villareal, “i go north”, to the north,
heading north
fakʈʂ facch sign
fe fe, e, ang to be, am, see e, chi, eiñ, lik

Possible Phonetic Original Spellings Translation
moiñ e, moiñ fe, tsang fe, aiongän fe, aio-f I am, you are, they are, he/she
is, no different forms
fak fac, fak, fak-ärō bull/ox (quechua)
fak fak dark, gloomy
fakpe pot facpe pot black back
fak fak gold
fuk fuk empty
feke feke, feke-ngō snake, mosquito
foko foko-ngó palate
fakatək facatæc, fakatäk-äró groin
faktʂa faccɥa, facɥa, fakcha poor
fel fel, feleiñ, felapäk, felnäm, feläd to sit
felantut felan tut sit a little, take a seat!
felapək felapäk(-o) sitting
felapkoñ felapäk-oiñ, felap'koiñ, felapko I am sitting, taking care to sit
falsək fajsäk calm, sedentary
filur filur/filuc, fil-uk chair (poss/not), seat
filukərɕekən filukär-ssekän under the chair
fol fol, foleiñ, folpäk, folnäm, foläd to brood, sit on eggs
folʈʂəmaŋmoñañ fol-c̓häm ang mo ñaiñ the bird is brooding
fol foj, fojeiñ, fojpäk, fojnäm, fojäd to place, to position, put
foʎ foij straw
foli foji-ngó snail
feʎu fellu, fellum, fellu-ngó duck
feʎuɕ felluss duck (possessed)
feləp -felœp classifier of pairs of domestic birds, and
fiʎ fill, fillapäk, fillnäm, filläd to sing
fiʎiyeñ filli eiñ, filleiñ I sing
fiʎʈʂəmfemoŋəntʃatʃ fill-c̓häm fe mong-än chach the girls are singing
falpəŋ falpæng/falpic, fellu, falpik-äró, falpäng-eió head, headscarf, blanket (poss/not)
fam fam(a), famnäm, famäd to cry, scream
faməñ fam-eiñ, fameiñ I cry/scream
famapək fam-apœc, famapäk-ong one who cries, weeping, he always cries
famapkoñ famapäk-oiñ, famap'koiñ, famapko I often cry
tamisek tamisec, tamiced to cry, (from ‘fam’)
fon fon, fǒn, fon-ei-ō, fon nostrils, nose, tip, summit
fənkik fænquic, fänkik, fonkik-äró nostrils, nose, tip (possessed)

Possible Phonetic Original Spellings Translation
funək fun-æc, fun-ek in the nostrils, on the nose
fənep fü-nep, fǔnep-äró top, mountain-top, ridgepole, treetop,
tʃutʃepefone chuchepe fone nose cream
fañ faiñ, faiñeiñ, fañanäm, faiñäd to lie
fañapək fañ apæc, fañapäk liar, lying, wrong
fañtekna faiñtecna lying
fin fin, fineiñ, finapäk, finäm, finäd to pinch, tweak
fiñ fiñ -eió prophecy bird, penguin
fintʃin binchin songbird, seeing/hearing it is an evil
foñ -foin with, mixed together, combined,
funo funo, funoiñ, funonäm, funod to eat
funopək funopäk(-o) eating
funopkoñ funopäk-oiñ, funop'koiñ, funopko I am used to eating
funoʈʂəmaŋ funo-c̓häm ang he is/they are eating
aŋfuno ang funo-c̓häm, ang funo are they eating?
funofuno funo-f-uno, funo-f-unta, funo-f-un without eating
funokoiñ funoko-iñ I give food
fanu fanun/fanu, fanu-ngō dog
fanuɕ fanuss dog (possessed)
fanuyo fanu-io dog-like, shameless
ɕuŋfanuŋoːpən ssiung fanu-ngó-pän for his dog
ɕuŋfanulen ssiung fanu-len, fanu-ng-len with his dogs, with the dogs
fənək -fænæc, fanäk according to, postposition, see mœn which
is used more frequently
fenekit fenequit last/youngest child
feneŋ feneng, feneng-eió back, person's back, see ñitpik
fanaŋ -fanang while, during, postposition
misaŋ fanaŋ misang-fanang during the mass
fentʃəp fenchäp behind
fentʃəpna fenchäp-na to the rear, to behind
fentʃəpitʃ fenchäp-ich from behind
fəp n., v. fæp, fůp, fäp, fůpapäk, fůpnäm, fůpäd sleep (noun), to sleep/dream (verb)
fəpeñ fůpeiñ I sleep/dream
fəpiɕək fæp-içæc/ro, fœpissak, fůp-eió dream
fəp fæp sound

Possible Phonetic Original Spellings Translation
fup fǔp, fǔpeiñ, fǔpapäk, fǔpnäm, fǔpäd to pick up
fapi fappi barbon?, Bearded Man?, Goat?, see sakpi
fepʎuna fepllu-na alone
fopsi fopsi-ngó the guts
fur fur, fūr-eió pleiades, constellation of stars, appearance marks the new year
fur -fur, fue meiñ, fūr-eió, fu annually, yearly, can be used as classifier
for years, marked by appearance of the
faryo farr-ió festival, celebration
Firuñap Feriñafe (town)
fəs føs beautiful
fəsisək føs-isøk very beautiful
faʂ fasll, faij cane, brava cane
fəɕ fäss tree/fruit, lucma
feɕak fessak, pessak-ió hawk, vulture
faɕek fáçek, fáçke, fassäk, fassk-eiō spine, thorn
feɕem fesiem-eió son-in-law
fiʂka fixllca, fi ̓ka-ngó knight, noble, distinguished
fitako fitako-ngó large intestines, colon
fitʃiʎko fichillco, fichillko-ngó guts, intestines, small intestines
fetʃ fech, fecheiñ, fechapäk, fechnäm, fechäd to whistle
fotʃitʃ fo chich, foch, fo north, see fe
fotʃitʃna fochichna from north, to the north (adverb)
fotʃitʃtotna fo-chich-tot-na, foich-totna villareal, “i go north”, to the north,
heading north
fatʃka faichca, fachka-ngó firewood
fayke fáyke, faique tree, especially carob tree, carob fruit
flik flique small parasitic crustaceans that live in
marine shell's carapace
floyo flojo loose
fey fei, feiñ, feiapäk, feinäm, feiäd to apply, wear, assign
ka -ca, ka future participle, see chäm
ko -ko particle, verb is commanded, induced,
koː kō, kō-ngó spindle
kiːðen ̣́
kīden, kĩ ̣de (mp kĩdo), kīden-eió shuttle boat, thread pusher, tool used to
tighten weft yarns
kuko kúko calabash to hold spindles

Possible Phonetic Original Spellings Translation
kaf caf to work, (not declinable, noun)
kafeñ caf eiñ I work
kafləpak caf lœpac workers
kəfər cæfær, käfär-eió barter, replacement, place, a
kafan caban net bag for catching muymuy
kəfoñta cæfoiñta limpet, sea snail, mullusk
kafɕok cafçoc, kafsok-äró kidneys
kofɕək kofssak, kofssäk feeling, emotion
kak kak, kakeiñ, kakapäk, kaknäm, kakäd to bark, howl, scream
kol col, koj, kojeiñ, kojnäm, kojäd to quarrel, bicker
kol col, kojäd/koj, koχ, cög, koj, koj-uiō, koj-ungō llama, horse, general animal
koler koj-er, koj-u-kapäk on horseback
kolulen koj-u-len with the horses
kaʎ kall, kalleiñ, kallapäp, kallnäm, kalläd to laugh
kaʎa cala fun, laughter
kaʎapək kallapäk smiling, friendly, laughing
kaʎapkoñ kallapäk-oiñ, kallap'koiñ, kallapko I laugh a lot
koʂ koxll, koxlleiñ, koxllenäm, koxlläd to play
kokəð cocæd, kokäd-eió aunt, older sister (male)
kukuli kukúli, cuculì, cucûli, kukuli-ngó pigeon, dove
kukuliŋənər luʈʂəko peɕak kukuli-ng-än-är-juchäk-o pessak falcon among pigeons
kaks kaks, kakseiñ, kaksenäm, kaksäd to step, kick, see a̒ ks
kal kal lime
kalkotʃfoñ kal koch-foin lime with sand
kuʎ kuχ, kul, kull, kuj, kuij-äró red, blood, sky?
kuʎʂaŋ cull xllang, kuj ̓ang sunset, “blood sun”
kalenik calenic the cone, vulva, see catæn
kolpan cojpan pants
koʃk košk-äró glowing coals
koskik kos.kik, kozkik, kozkik-äró venus, evening star
kəɕ kus/kusa, küsa, kůz-äró air, wind
kuɕa cuçia, kuij, käss-ió heaven, day, sun’s path, classifier for days,
see cœss, lun, ineng
kuɕas cuçias heaven/day (possessed)
kuɕakuno cussia kuno hours, sky’s movement
kuʎtotna kuij-totna past the sky
koːle kōje-ngó sardine

Possible Phonetic Original Spellings Translation
kam kam(-o), can very, intensifier
kampeñ kam peñ very good
kanpiɕ can-piss very bad
kamñaɕ kam ñäss very nice
kanpoʎer canpoller on purpose, "with intense heart/will?",
see pol
kam cam passionate desire
kem kem, kemp, kemeiñ, kemenäm, kemäd to gird, put on belt, wrap around
kumo cumó/kumosss, cumô reeds/rods, later sugarcane, straw
komən comæn, komän-eió beard
kəmeñ cæmeiñ to run, I run, see tsůkum
kamanay camanay edible guano bird
kan kan relative particle, begins a relative clause
kəñ kůin pregnant
keːn kēn-eió half
kon kon, koneiñ, konenäm, konäd to learn
kono kono-ngó way, path
keñ queiñ, tzha queiñ wear, i am wearing, born??
kiŋ king, kingeiñ, kingnäm, kingäd to spin
kiŋnam quingnam mochica language or other nearby tongue,
"is spun?"
kuno kuno, kumo daytime
kunuk cunuc sleeping blanket
kunur cunur sleeping blanket (possessed)
kunoː cunô, cono one thousand, na kuno -> 1,000 units
koñik koñik sweet taste
kuñaña kuñáña, áŋka stench of decomposing chicha, prob. also
kañan cañan edible lizard
kinðe kinde hummingbird
kuŋkuno kuŋkúno tree, leaves used as medicine
kaŋkloŋ kaŋklọ́ŋ type of wild duck
kunti cunti serrano indian, from the sierra/andes
kənʈʂo cæncɥo, kůncho, cónsihe, quèncho meat, animal flesh, see ærq
kaŋʈʂu cangcɥu, kangchu-ngó jaw
kuntɕu cuntzhiu, kunzio-ngó forelock, overhanging lock of hair, hair
part line
kuntɕin cuntzhin swirl, curl

Possible Phonetic Original Spellings Translation
kap kap, kapeiñ, kapapäk, kapnäm to know, be aware, knowledge, to carry
kapo -kapo consisting of, possessing, with, containing,
afflicted, postposition
kankap cancap to know, question, see kam
kankapiɕak kankap-issak, kankapissäk-äró knowledge
kapək capæc, -kapäk on top of, Person Who Does
uylər kapək uij-är-kapäk on earth
kapəknenkəpkəs capæc nen cæpc-æss lawyer (possessed)
kep kep, kepeiñ, kepapäk, kepnäm, kepäd to find
kop kop, kopapäk, kopnäm, kopäd to collect
kůp kůp, kůpeiñ, kůpnäm, kůpäd to pay
kəpkeñ kůp-ek-eiñ, kůpkeiñ, moiñ e kůpäk I pay for others
kapusa capusa molting muymuy (crab), used as fishing
karr karr-eió, kǔrr door
korr korr, korreiñ, korropäk, korrnäm, korräd to break
kiraːna ́ a
kirãn characteristic bunches of gorse?
karraʋay carrahuay small crustacean, AKA "muymuy"
karrm karrm, karrmeiñ, karrmenäm, karremäd to boil, simmer, bubble
kos cos black tanning salt for fish/rays/toyos
kaʃ queix, kaiš, kaišeiñ, kaišnäm, kaišäd to nourish, maintain, obtain, save
keʃ keš, kes eiñ, kešeiñ, kešapäk, kešnäm, kešäd to return
kaʃkopək caix-copæc, kaiškopäk holder
kaʂ caxll, kai ̓-eió, cašll, kai ̓eiñ, kai ̓näm, kai ̓äd to pee, urine
kaʂtək caxlltæc, kai ̓tůk-äró bladder
kiʂ quixll fruit
kəɕ -cœss classifier for tens of days, 10, see kull
keɕ kess, kesseiñ, kessapäk, kessnäm, kessäd to nail, afix
keɕeɕ quesseç to nail
keɕeɕəð quesseçæd nailed
kasaro ñofən casaro ñofæn married man, "attached man"?
koʂ koxll, koxlleiñ, koxllenäm, koxlläd to play, see kak/kall
kaskafe kaskáfe , cascafe river/lagoon bottom fish
kiʃmik quishmique, kesmik-äró, kešmik old
kiʃmiko ñofən quix mic-o ñofæn elder, old man
keɕmen quezmen brother
keɕnun queznun sister
kəɕmeŋ cæzmeng, kässmäd-eió cousin

Possible Phonetic Original Spellings Translation
ʋot got eye, see locɥ
katu catu, katu-ngó marketplace, square
koti koti thin
katən catæn, katän-eió vagina, ('hatun' was written into copy of
book I read), see kull
katenik caten-ic uterus
kotʃ koch, kocheiñ, kochenäm, kochäd to dry
kostape costape dry
kostap tote kapt cosstap tote capt take pot face down
manespostap manes postap dry
kotʃ koch, koch-ärō sand
kotʃo koch-o like sand, fine-grained
kotʃərnik kochär-nik in the sand
kotʃk kochk dry
kotʃayuyo cochayuyo edible seaweed, AKA "mococho"
kotʃkotʃ kochkoch seaweed (quechua?)
kitʃ kič, ȼuȼ little, see c̓huc̓h
kitʃku kičku, kichku-ngó little finger
kətɕ kůts, kůtseiñ, kůtsnäm, kůtsäd to position, catch, place, put down
kitɕi kitsi low, the last
kətɕkeñ kůts-ek-eiñ, kůtskeiñ, moiñ e kůtsäk I send something to someone
ketʃik kechic, kechik, kechkengó corner, sharp corner, house corner
kətɕitʃ kůts-ich from the air
kotʃa kocha, kōcha-ngó fog, mist
katʃa káća flat calabass/gourd, used as plate
katʃi kachi-ngó horn, animal horn
kotʃo cocho pelican, guano bird
kotʃipe cochipe night raptor
kutʃo cúchis, kutsio, kocho, kurzio-ngó chicha
kutʃumik cuchumic "you're drunk"
kutʃo rometek cucho rometec crazy boy
tafestu kutʃi tabestucuchi have your chicha
metanktʃis metan cchis my chicha
kətɕk cætzhc, kotsk, kůtsk, kůtskeiñ, kůtskopäk, kůtskäd to send, throw
koːtʃa kōcha, kochki-ngó frog
keye kẽỵ́ e v. ladle, in a bird shape
koyk koik, koikeiñ, koikapäk, koikäd to scratch
koyk kọ́yk bamboo yards in loom

Possible Phonetic Original Spellings Translation
kaykay caycay calcined stone (burned w/ oxygen)
koykoy coycoy liquor, see koñik
kayte káytẹ tripod that carries the weaving reels
kayto káyto v. fishing net shaped big bag
kayʋan cahuan net for fish/crustaceans, w/ 2 side rods + a
kayatʃipe cayachipe seafood
ʎaː jā, là, xa, jā, jangó water
layo ja-io watery, thin
yoŋke yọ́ŋke water
leŋ jeng, leng-eió thirst
yum yum, ium, iumeiñ, iumnäm, iumäd to wet, immerse, dive
leð led, lei outside, see läpäk
leðək ledæc, leiæc, ledäk outside (adverb)
leðəkna jedäk-na to the outside
leðəktotna jedäk-totna heading outside
leðəkitʃ jedäk-ich from the outside
lefe lẹ́fe type of wild duck
liːfe lĩ ̣fe, life small river/ditch fish, bottom feeder?
ʎaftu llaftu tree, royal diadem; ribbon
ʎaftus llaftuss tree, royal diadem; ribbon (possessed)
lastik laftic, lastik-äró ribs
lək jäk, jäkeiñ, jäknäm, jäkäd to connect, tie up, fasten, see lecɥ, lok, she
len -len, jen, jeneiñ, jenpäk, jenenäm, jenäd with, to bind, fasten, see len
luŋ jung, jungeiñ, jungnäm, jungäd to plant, fasten, secure, attach
ʂenpan ̓enpan-äró knot
lek -lek with, near, accompanied by, postposition
lok lok, lokeiñ, läpäk, lädo, läkäd to be, see llik, fe, chi, eiñ
lok loc, joc, jok-eió, jokik-äró foot
lukək lucæc, joch-ek, luch-ek on the feet, at the foot
ʎaptilok llapti loc, llapti jok-äró sole of foot
larro larro ankle
neyʂok nei ̓ok step
loker jok-er with his foot
lekitʃ lequich from, by
lotʃitʃ lo chich south, see fe, xllang
lokitʃna jokich-na, lochich-na to the south

Possible Phonetic Original Spellings Translation
loyitʃtotna joich-totna from the south, heading south
lokan locan goodbye!
loktopan loctopan goodbye!
luk -luc classifier for pairs of fruit/crops
ʎik llic, llic eiñ, llikeiñ, llicæm, lik, lok, lic, loc, lliknäm, llikäd to
want/honour/worship/love, lunar, moon
related, to do/make, to be, see mæcɥ, nät
ʎikɕək llicssek, llikssäk-äró belief, worship, faith
ʎikapək licapæc, llikapäk doer, one who does habitually (worship)
ʎikapəkeñ llic a paec eiñ I dream/desire/want
lik lik, likeiñ, likapäk, liknäm, likäd to do, make
lok lok, lokeiñ, läpäk, lädo, läkäd to be, see fe, chi, eiñ
ləpək läpäk(-o) being
ləpəkoñ läpäk-oiñ I care to be
lak jak altar/shrine
lokik jokik-eió small duck
laktu lactu, jaktu-ngó hide, skin
laktes polenek jactes polenec broken rear
laktum jaktum-äró whip
ʎam llam thin, delicate, fine, tender
lem jem-äró tissue, fabric, cloth
ʎaʎa llalla fique/cabuya, it's fibre or a wick (used for
sacks, bundles, ribbons)
ʎeʎa llella-ngó coat/mantle
ʎeʎaŋɕekən llellang-ssekän under the cloak
ʎeʎana jujuna, jujume, llella tablecloth
ʎamu llamu hair
ʎamuð jiamud hairy nose
ʎamnu llemnu-ngó downy hair, fuzz, lanugo
ʂamu xllamu, ̓amu-ngó white hair
ʎoʎek llollek-ärō, llollek-än(ärō) other, another, the others, see tim
ləm læm(æ), jům, jůmeiñ, jůmädo, jůmnäm, jůmäd to die, dying, see xam
lalakti lalacti dead (adj)
limiðeñ limid eiñ, jum to die
ləməntop jům-än-top they died
ləmiɕər læmiçær, leinícac, jůmissär, jůmissäk, lämissär-eió death
ləməko læmæco to kill (cause death)
lumeñ jum eiñ to reduce, decrease

Possible Phonetic Original Spellings Translation
lamlam lamlam-äró liver
lom jom, jomeiñ, jomnäm, jomäd to adorn, decorate
lormeñ jorm eiñ to decorate, adorn
ʎam lyam turkey vulture
limak limac lima
ʎemki llemki, ljemki, llemki-ngó mountain
ʎemkiŋ kapək llemking-kapäk on the mountain
ʎemkiŋ leʈʂək llemking-jechäk on the top of the mountain
ʎemkiŋ turkitʃ llemking-turkich behind the mountain
ʎemki poŋəntot llemki pongän-tot mountain with rocks
ʎemkinitʃ llemki-n-ich from the mountain
ʎemño llemño, llemno-ngó fingers
len -len, jen, jeneiñ, jenpäk, jenenäm, jenäd with, physically together, postposition, see
jäk, tot
lon lon bone, see joti
lun lun, lun-äró day, see kull/cuçia, ineng
molum mo-lum today, the present, this day
pelen pelen yesterday
onəkpelen onäk pelen the day before yesterday
luːn jūn, jū-ngō spoon
ʎoŋ llong, llongeiñ, llongapäk, llongnäm, llongäd to prepare (food)
ʎuŋo llung-o pure (adj)
laŋəs langæss, langäss eight, 8
laŋəɕəroː langässärō eigth, 8th
lakrrel jacrrel 8 reales
lanka lanca, janka-ngó pairs, afterbirth
ʎop llop, llopeiñ, llopapäk, llopnäm, llopäd to steal
ləpək læpæc, jepäk, jǔpäk, jüpkäro being, owner
lapa japa/japass, japa-ngó basket
olpək ol-pæc, olpäk in, inside
oleəktotna oläk-totna, olpäk-totna inwards
olpəkna olpäk-na towards the inside
olpəkitʃ olpäk-ich from the inside
loːr jōrr biting, sharp (adj.)
luːr jǔrr harsh
ʎər llärr quiet
larro larro ankle, see lok
lərrəm lærræm to envy, relation to irræm?

Possible Phonetic Original Spellings Translation
ʎaːrəmɕək llārrämssäk-äró envy (noun)
ʎərrəp llærræp true
ʎərrəpnayo llærræpnaio- in reality (adj)
leɕ leiss earth, ground, see æiz
laʃpulem jax pulem, jax pulen boastful, pretencious, basin?
ʎastu llastu-ngó cap, hat
lutu jute, lutu, lute-ngó hood
loti joti, joti-ngō, lon bone
ʎeten lleten, lletn-eió the gullet, devour, eat
latop jatop short, brief
ləʈʂ lech, jech, jätc, jäc̓h-eió head
leʈʂək lecɥæc, jech-ek, jechäk above, overhead, up, on the head,
contraction of "jech-nik", postposition
leʈʂərkapək jechär-kapäk on the head
leʈʂtʃipək lecɥ chipæc/ro one above, adult?
leʈʂəkʂaŋ lechaec xllang, jechäk ̓ang noon, “over-head sun”
leʈʂna jech-na more, better, rather, "more a-head"
leʈʂna peñ jechna peñ better
leʈʂna ñəɕ jechna ñäss nicer
leʈʂna uːtɕan mo eyɕuŋ efe lekitʃ jechna ūts an mo eis ssiung efe lekich bigger this son than his father is
leʈʂna ñəɕo fe ñiŋla netʃərlaŋ lekitʃ jechna ñäss-o fe ñing ja nechär jang lekich more pure is the sea water than
the river water
leʈʂna omorraŋmo ɕekik ɕuŋ yanaŋ lekitʃjechna omorr ang mo siekik ssiung yanang lekich this lord is more a thief
than his servant is
leʈʂakmatʃiɕak jech-ac mach-issak, jechäk machissäk the memory
leʈʂəkənmatʃ lecɥ-æc-an mach take it from memory, remember?
leʈʂku lecɥcu, jechku-ngó thumb
leʈʂa laecha to worship/adore, see llik, mæcɥ
oleʈʂ olecɥ outside
oleʈʂək olecɥæc, oleshaec, leiaec outside (in the), above
oleʈʂtotitʃ olecɥ-totich from above
loʈʂ locɥ/locɥquic, joch/jochkik, joch-eiō eyes
luʈʂək lucɥæc, juchäk among, between, in the middle, under, see
lecɥ, lek
loʈʂer loch-er with his eyes
ʎotʃ yoch, joch shoot, bud
yʎotʃərluʈʂəkoʈʂufət jochär-juchäk-o tsuvät snake between leaves
lotʃitʃ lo chich south, see lok, fe, xllang

Possible Phonetic Original Spellings Translation
lokitʃna jokich-na, lochich-na to the south
loyitʃtotna joich-totna from the south, heading south
luʋ jub, luv, juveiñ, juvnäm, juväd be hot, to boil, see karrm, ech
laʋan javan, javn-ärō pig/peccary
lay jay take another
layk jäik-äró millstone
ʎaypi llaipi gentle, pleasant, sweet taste
ma -ma conjunctive, suffix/infix
ða -da conjunctive for future/past tense
mo mo this, this one, see also ssio, aio
muŋoː mungō this one's
moɕ moss this, accusative case
moŋən mo-ngän these ones
moŋənoː mo-ngän-ō belonging to/of these ones
muk muk taking
mukitʃ muk-ich elsewhere
molum mo-lum today, the present, this day, see lun
min min, män here, from "mo-in", see metna, mongna
minitʃ min-ich, män-ich from here
minoː kurapənoñ tatʃið minô curapœnoiñ tachid i’m from here
mənana me-na-na, mänana, män-ana close, very close, nearby
məntot män-tot in front
məð mäd, mädeiñ, mädnäm, mädäd to buy
með medquic, medkik-äró ear
með med, medeng-ei-ō ear (possessed)
meðek med-ek on the ears
mið mid, mid-eió bug, insect
muːð mūd, mūd-ei-ō, mūd-än, mūd-än-ei-o ant
meði midi, miyi, meddi-ngó nail, fingernail, claw
muðe múᵭe type of tree
miðankap midan cap caramelous?, (word hard to translate)
moʋ mob, mov, mōv-äró cachema, type of fish
moko mocko, moko-ngó hump, humpback, knot, combination of
events (quechua)
mukup mucup mocupe
miker miker, niker, mickerr fast, soon, light, frivolous, fickle, airy,
mokotʃo mococho edible seaweed, AKA "cochayuyo"

Possible Phonetic Original Spellings Translation
meklik meclic, meklik-äró molars, teeth
mol moj-äró louse/lice
moʎa moija-ngó comb
moʎ moij, moijeiñ, moijnäm, moijäd to grieve
miʎi milli smooth, calm
mulo múlo large container for chicha
məyʎək mälläk to talk, see mañap
meʎuɕ mellu/melluss, mullu, melleca, melluió eggs, testicles?, brooding chicken's poop
milpa milpa Nahuatl word for maize field/a crop
growing system
moʎpək mollpæc, mollpäk, mollpäk-ärō truly, man, sir, mr.
man man, maned, manapäk, mananäm to drink/eat
maneñ maneiñ I drink/eat
manan manan, mánœm, mânœm, manæm drink!
mað mad, (not manäd) supine of to drink, eat
manir manic cup
manir manir cup (possessed)
manantutkotʃ manan tut coch take/drink a little chicha
manantutʎemek manan tut llemec eat a little [unkown word]
meñ mein, meinapäk, meinenäm, meinäd to be full, to count
meñeñ mein eiñ I count/reckon/narrate
meñkoiñ meinko-iñ I am full
meñkemaŋ meinke-mang It is stuffed
ayofmeñkem aio-f meinkem It is filled, stuffed
meñtop meintop full, see top
mən män, mäneiñ, mänenäm, mänäd to swell
mañap meñep(oed/oec), mañacep eiñ, mañap, mañapeiñ, mañapnäm, mañapäd to say
mən -mœn, mun, män as, according to, postposition, see fanäk
məʎək mællæc, moelloec eiñ, maellaec az, muillk, muillkäpäk, muillknäm, muillkäd
to talk, reason
muʎkɕək muillkssäk-äró people slander, gossipers?
maʎmenek maimenec "shut up"
mayp maip, maipnäm, maipäd to offer, show
maypeñ maip eiñ I offer
meyp meip, meipeiñ, meipapäk, meipnäm, meipäd to accuse, blame
meñ meiñ year, roughly like a year, see fur
məñ moiñ, mäiñ i, self, the person, me, see eiñ
mənñoː mäiñ-ō mine, my

Possible Phonetic Original Spellings Translation
məñan mäiñ an my house
moñtutək moiñ-tutäk in front of me
məñoːpən mäiñó-pän for me
moŋ mong 2nd person dem pronoun, these, frequent
suffix in toponyms
moŋna mong-na here, adverb, see mo, met
mətʃ mœich, much, mäitʃ we, us
mətʃoː mäich-ō ours
mətʃeŋ mäich eng our mother
maɕ maz let you
ñof ñof I, 1st person accusative, see ñofän
maŋ mang, mang maiz
maŋə mangæ, mangä maiz (possessed)
maŋ paʂkefoñ mang pai q̓ ue-foin maiz with beans
mena mena, mena-ngó grandfather
munaʋs munaos, munaus, munao ancestral idols, family woes, domestic
morpi morpi household gods
minkis minkis, minkis-eió woman's father-in-law
manak manaque intercourse, sex
manokəro man-o-cœro sensation, feeling, pleasant, to our liking
meñoka meñoca pineapple shrimp, lays eggs in deep sand
miñuño miñuñio beach flea
moneŋk monengue freshwater and bottom fish
manðako mandaco creeping, thorny variety of hawthorn tree
menk menk, menkeiñ, menkenäm, menkäd to throw away, destroy
mər mœr brava cane
murr murr-eió iguana
miʃ mish cat
misa mí ̣ṡa narcotic grass used by curandero,
medicinal beverage
miːsi miçi, mīsi, misi-ngó index finger
miʃo misho fine fish from warm beaches, tasty in
cebiche dishes
meʂnək me ̓näk, me ̓näk-ärō grandson, see mena, eiz
maːt māt, māteiñ, mātnäm, mātäd to burst
met met(e), mit, mitnäm, metenäm to carry, bring
meteñ meteiñ I carry

Possible Phonetic Original Spellings Translation
meteðo metedo carried
meteðañ metedaiñ I carried
metaɕ metaz you carry
meteðaɕ metedaz you carried
tet tet, (not metäd) to bring
metkeñ met-äk-eiñ, metkeiñ, mitkeiñ, moiñ e mitäk to bring someone
tinipəð tinipœd, (not meteräd, metemäd) have brought to us, passive supine of ‘met’
metuno met-uno, met-unta, met-un without bringing
metaʋtatetukaten metautate tu caten lend me your ass
mitapək mit-apæc, metapäk, mitapäk one who brings
metna met na more here, place adv, see mo, mong
muːt mut, mūt, mūteiñ, mūtapäk, mūtnäm, mūtäd to grow
mətok můtok, mätok tall (grown)
mətɕ muts, maetc, můts large, long, adj
mərkənoː mærc-æn-ô big, large (plural)
mətɕəno kuno mætc-æn-o-cunó big reeds/canes
motup motup motupe (town)
məʈʂ mæcɥ/mæcɥquic, mächa/mächkik, metse, mäch-eió hand
məʈʂək mäch-äk in the hand
məʈʂer mäch-er with his hand
məʈʂana mächana-ngó palm of hand
motɕən motzhæn, motsän-eió elbow
məʈʂən mech-ën tree branch
maːʈʂ māc̓h, māc̓heiñ, māc̓hnäm, māc̓häd, māch to touch, to catch, sieze
maːʈʂko māc̓hko, māc̓hkoiñ, māc̓hkopäk, māc̓hkod to fulfill, enforce, administer
metɕəkə metzhæcæ to threaten
mətɕkəpək mætzhcæpæc threathening, one who threaten

məʈʂ mæcɥ, můch, můchnäm, můchäd to adore, worship

muʈʂeñ mucseiñ, můcheiñ I worship
məʈʂa mæch(a), mucha holy
maʈʂəkro macɥæ, macuæc, machäk-är-ȫ, mach-aero idol, holy icon
maʈʂəkənəroː machäk-än, machäk-än-är-ō the idols
muʈʂeyk much eik, muceiñ god, land of the gods, muchik, mochica
meʂepek mesjepeque, (maecɥ-apaec?) to implore god
moʃ moix, moiš, moiš-eió soul, will
moʃkik moixquic, moiškik soul, will (possessed)

Possible Phonetic Original Spellings Translation
maʈʂ mach, mash of/by memory
mitʃək michæc answer
maʈʂkopəkeñ mach copœc eiñ to complete/fulfill task
pirmoʃ pir moiš without soul, conscience
metʃerrək mecherrœc, mecherque woman
metɕerkəroː metcerk-äroo, mecherk-ärō of the woman
metʃerlərluʈʂək mecherkär-juchäk among the women
mətɕan můtsan, můc̓han-eió step-mother
metʃutek mechutek, mechutkäró collar/band
meyko meiko, meikoiñ, meikopäk, meikonäm, meikod to lose, shed (lost)
mayp maip to offer
maypekeñ maip-ek-eiñ, maipkeiñ, moiñ e maipäk offer something to someone
maymay may may, maymache large red-brown crab, live in the rocks of
muymuy muymuy small lead-coloured crustacean, AKA
"carrahuay", on sandy beaches
məytʃ mæich our (pronoun), see mæiñ
na na(-pong) 10, ten, see onæc
na -na by, through, locative, postposition
totna -totna after, to the, towards, direction,
postposition, see tot
ni ni, ningō nobody, see uño
ni ni star, see tconkik
ñiː ñi, ni, nin, ning, ñī, ngó ocean, sea
ñiŋenik ñinge-nik in the ocean
ñiʂaktot ñi a̓ k-tot the sea with fish
neð ned, nedeiñ, nedapäk, nednäm, nedäd to sow
ñofən ñofæn, ñowän man
ñofnərən ñofnær-æn men
ñofnəroː ñofnärō of man
tʃolñofən choj ñofän young man
ñofənɕonəŋtot ñofän ssonäng-tot a man with his wife
ñofənpənaŋayapəðojesukristo nofän-pän ang aiapädo Jesu Cristo Jesus Chris became a man
ñof ñof I, 1st person accusative, see mæiñ
nik -nic, nik, nek, ek, ik inside, in between, in the middle of,
nikna -nik-na inside
nikitʃ -nik-ich out, from inside out

Possible Phonetic Original Spellings Translation
nuk nuk, nukeiñ, nukopäk, nuknäm, nukäd to drive, thrust, propel
nuːk nūk, nūkeiñ, nūkopäk, nūnäm, nūkäd to mix
noke nọ́ke pestle to crush grapes
ñak ñak-eió spit, saliva
nokɕi nocssi sweet, greedy, see koñik, llaipi, sem
noka nọ́ka, nọ́kẹ basin for chicha maiz fermentation
ñiko ñico to do well
ñikoɕək ñikossäk-äró benefaction, charitableness
nok nok, nokeiñ, nokapäk, noknäm, nokäd to see, recognize
ñok ñoque, ñok, ñokeiñ, ñoknäm, ñokäd to show, demonstrate
ñokɕək ñokssäk-äró seeing
ñoko ñọ́ko small hole in ground, for playing ball
ñuʎ ñuij sky, heavens, see cull
ñam nyam, ñam-äró, nu smoke, fog, light, see ineng
ñamo ñam-o like smoke, dark, smoked/smoker
ənam ůnam, ůnam-äró morning grey, dawn
ñamʎuʈʂ ñam luch, nu luch, mulluch dawn, the wee hours, in the twiglight,
“between two lights”
sunam su nam, sůnam-äró day, see lun, kull/cassia
ɕəpʎutʃ säplluch, cœp lúch at dusk
ñamʂaŋ ñam ̓ang after sunset
nam nam, nameiñ, namnäm, namäd to fall, the rain
naːm nām, nāmeiñ, nāmnäm, nāmäd be born
nampe nampe-ngó semen, seed, ejaculate, see ñop
ñampaʂek ñampallec, Ñampa ̓ek Llambayeque (town), portrait of ñaymlap
ñampaʂəkitʃ ñampaxllæc-ich, ñampa ̓ek, ñancaipe from lambeyeque
nem nem, nemeiñ, nemapäk, nemnäm, nemäd to protect
naməl Namäl Guadalupe (town)
nəm nům, nůmnäm, nůmäd to hear, listen
ñəmañ ñœm aiñ, nůmeiñ I hear, listen
nəmɕək nůmssäk-äró hearing
ñaːm ñām, ñāmnäm, ñāmnäm, ñāmäd to think
ñameñ ñam eiñ, ñāmeiñ I think
ñom ñom, ñomeiñ, ñomnäm, ñomäd to devour
niːn nin, nīn, nineiñ, nīnapäk, nīnenäm, nīnäd to cook
niːnkeñ nīn-ek-eiñ, nīnkeiñ, moiñ e nīnäk cook for others
nuːn nūn-äró blanket
ñañ ñaiñ-eió bird

Possible Phonetic Original Spellings Translation
ñañe ñañe chicken
ñeñ ñeñ, ñeñ eiñ, ñieñ, ñieñeiñ, ñiennnäm, ñieñäd to play
ñeñuno ñeñuno, ñeñunta, ñeñ-un without playing
ñeñ ñieñ wantonly, (playfully?)
ñeñur ñeñuc toy
ñeñur ñeñur toy (possessed)
ñaŋ ñang, ñang-eió husband
ñaŋpən ñang-pän take as spouse, husband
ñaŋku ñangcu, nankuió male animal
nuːne nū̀ne certain grey sea stone
nenoŋ nenong-eió butt, bum, anus
nap nap, napeiñ, napnäm, napäd to close, shut, finish
nəp näp, näpeiñ, näpnäm, näpäd to cover
nepət nepæt tree
ñap ñap pure, clear, see llung
ñapolaː ñap-o jā pure water
ñapuk ñapuk-äró broom, "clean-thing"
ñap ñap, ñapeiñ, ñapapäk, ñapnäm, ñapäd to lick, polish
ñop ñop(o), ñopeiñ, ñopnäm, ñopäd to concieve, receive
nampe nampe-ngó semen, seed, ejaculate, see nām
ñuːps ñūps, ñūpseiñ, ñūpsenäm, ñūpsäd to squeeze out, express
ñoːpeñ ñōp, ñop eiñ, ñōpeiñ, ñōpnäm, ñōpäd I hope, expect, wait
ñoːpiɕek ñopissec, ñopissäk-äró hope
napəs napäss-eió the temples (of head?)
nepət nepæt tree, see nap
nepetərleʈʂək nepetär-jechäk above the tree, on the tree
ñupiɕək ñupissäk-äró same thing, same
nopət nopæt, nopät, noc- four, 4
noptəro nopt-aer-o, noptärō fourth, 4th
nok noc-(pong/etc), nok four, 4, (forty)
nokpalək nok-paläk four hundred, 400
nokunoː nok-kunō four thousand, 4000
ñer ñier, ñier-eió uncle, wife's brother (brother-in-law)
məñerlen mäiñ nier-len with my uncle
norrem norrem heavy (weight)
norrm norrm, norremeiñ, norrmenäm, norrmäd to weigh (something)
nerk nar, nerk, nerkeiñ, nerknäm, nerkäd to extinguish, satisfy, erase
ñeʃ nieš, ñiešeiñ, ñiešnäm, ñiešäd to trade, exchange

Possible Phonetic Original Spellings Translation
naɕ nass, nāss-ió measures/units of measurement in
ñoɕen ñossen distance measure of about 38
ñaʃofk ñašofk a lot
ñəɕ ñäss beautiful, pretty
ñəɕo totəroː ñäss-o tot-ärō beautiful face
ñəɕəno tot ñäss-än-o tot beautiful faces
ñəɕo totənəroː ñäss-o tot-än-ärō of the beautiful faces
ayoŋ ñaɕo totim aiong ñass-o tot-tim for the sake of her beautiful face
ñespetok ñespe toc, shepestop ugly dude
ñaːs ñāss aesthetic beauty, beauty of non-human
things, balance, shine
neɕ neis, neiss, neiz, ness, nāss-ió night, month, at night
ñeɕak ñeiz-ac in the nights
nəɕla näsja, neisja last night
neɕem nesiem-äró dusk
neɕna neiz-na, neissana, neisna-ngó, näsna in the morning, not time adverb, indicates
object is very close
neɕnana neiz-nana, neisnana in the early morning
nəɕne neisne, näsne tomorrow
nərem närrem-eió evening
nerʂaŋ nerr ̓ang afternoon, in the late afternoon
ñeʃo ñesho liquor, see coycoy
neʂok nexllok passed, to pass
noɕən nossæn, nongno, nongno-ngó, nossän-eió knees
nət nät, näteiñ, nätnäm, nätäd to praise, see mæcɥ, llik
ñət niät, niäteiñ, niätapäk, niätnäm, niätäd to bake
ñet ñiet, ñietligó poop, see rāk
ñetesapek ñet esapek liar, speaker of lies, ("speaks shit")
ʎeðeñet jedeñet, gedeñet turkey poop, poop
ñiːtirr ñitirr, ñītir, ñitir-eió butt, bum
ñitpik ñǐtpǐk, ñiptic, ñitpik-äró spine, backbone, see pot, feneng
ñite ñite(ngo) seven, 7
niteŋoː ñitengō seventh, 7th
ñitu ñitu-ngó brain
notən notæn, ñotæn, notän-eió eyebrows
notnik notnic, notnik-äró eyelashes
ñuto ñúto corn hust residue to be filtered

Possible Phonetic Original Spellings Translation
netʃ neč, nech, nech-äró river
netʃərnik nechär-nik in the river
netʃtotna nech-totna through, after the river
ñət ñät, ñätein, ñätnäm, ñätäd to wash
ñutʃaʎo ñu challo soon, a little time
ñuːʋ ñūv, ñūveiñ, ñūvnäm, ñūväd to heat, warm
niyu niyu fresh, cheerful, happy, see kak/kalla
pufpuf pufpuf, pufpuf-äró lights, the lungs
pak pak-pong, pak-kunō two (tens, thousnads, etc.), 20, see aput
pok pok, pokeiñ, päkenäm, päkäd to enter
poːk pōk, pōkeiñ, pōkenäm, pōkäd to be called, named
pəke päke, engó well, spring, pit
puku puku, pucu, puku-ngó owl
pukun pucun very small black songbird
pokpok pocpoc outrage, anger, prophecy bird
peypiko peipico type of owl
pakan pacan crustacean, AKA "carretero"
pukiyon puquion very small shrimp
pakatnamu Pakatnamu Pakasmayo (town)
pokotʃə pokọ́ćə type of fish
pol pol, poj, pojeiñ, pojnäm, pojäd to sell
pol pol or polquic, polkik, ponkik-äró belly, heart, will
poləŋ polæng, poläng belly, heart, will (possessed)
polenkitʃ polenquich from the heart
ɕuŋpoləŋnən ssiung poläng-män according to his will
kanpoʎer canpoller on purpose, "with intense heart/will?",
see kam
pol pol, pojod-eiō spleen
palek pajek, pajk-eiō, peläk, pelk-äró bean, testicles
polkik polquic seat
pelamtʃemoy pelam chemoy sit down
paʎa palla-ngó pot
paʎaŋkapək pallang-kapäk on the pot
palək -palæc classifier for one hundred, 100
piʎaʎa pillalla-ngó thigh
pelen pelen yesterday, see lun
puʎmurritʃ pullmurr-ich from the bushes
pulmurna pulmurna mountain, ("through/with the bushes?")

Possible Phonetic Original Spellings Translation
polsi pojsi, pejsi-ngó earth-flea
pamana pama-na, pamana in the afternoon
pampa pampa plain (quechua), see chep
pampana pampa-na through the plain
pən -pæn, -pæn(o) as, for, to benefit someone (dat case),
poñ pon, poñ-eió sister-in-law
peñ peñ, peiñ good, glad
peño metʃerək peñ-o mecherœc good woman
peñan mo ñetesap peinan mo ñetesap that's a good liar
peñas nerrem peinas nerrem good afternoon
peñas nerrem ɕek moy peinas nerrem sequemoi good afternoon, sir
peñas unan ɕek moy peinas unan sequemoi good day, sir
peñopən aŋ akəm peño-pän ang akäm he is considered good
peño tʃisak peño chissac, peño chissäk goodness, quality
peño tʃið peño chid health
piñ -piñ past tense, suffix
puñ puñ/puñik shadow
puñik puñ-ik in the shade
poŋ -pong classifier for tens of
people/animals/reeds, 10
poŋ pong, pongi ío stone, hill
poŋekapək ponge-kapäk on the stones
poŋeluʈʂək ponge-juchäk between stones
poŋer pong-er with a stone
pinukil pinuquil small sand hill/dune
poŋkoñolo poŋgoñọ̄ĺ o ?
pup pup, pǔp, půp-äró stick, wood, string, thread
puper pup-er with a stick
popɕi popssi tripe, craw
pir pir- without
pirlok pir jok lame
pirloʈʂ pir jots one eyed
pirmətʃa pir Mächa one handed
pirñaŋ pir ñang single woman “without husband”
pirɕonəŋ pir ssonæng single man “without wife”
pirkaf pir kaf idle, without work
pirmoʃ pir moiš without soul, conscience

Possible Phonetic Original Spellings Translation
pirtʃiɕər pir chissär without reason, judgement
porra porra, porra-ngó numbness, anaesthetic
porsan porsan-eió poison
pur purr salty, see up
purr purr, purri, pǔrr-ei-ō, perr feather, the Earth?
purrənəroː pǔrr-än-är-ō the feathers (not ei-ō?)
parəŋ paræng, paräng, parn-eó vassal, serf, see iana
piruro pirúro spinning spindle
purtʃopək pǔrchópok-äro the Devil
pus pus hawthorn branch, see pup
paʂ pai ̓, paxll, pai ̓eiñ, pai ̓enäm, pai ̓äd to turn, be turned, crooked, see äj
paʂ pia ̓ beans
maŋ paʂkefoñ mang pai q̓ ue-foin maiz with beans
piɕ piss, pisso bad (base, freestanding)
irrnapiɕo irrna pisso very bad
piɕotʃiɕəkəntʃaŋkəðtot pisso chissäkän changkäd-tot bad things against his brother/fellow
poʃopək pošopäk rude, unfriendly
pesak pessak-ió vulture, see fessak
pot "pot", "pepot" probable word meaning back or bum,
only see in phrases, see feneng, ñitpic
rolpepot roj pepot bare back
alpepot ajpe pot big back
fakpepot facpe pot black back
akan mo pot acan mo pot look at that butt
potos potos, pote, pote-ngó testicles
potʃək pochæc, pochäk, pochk-ärō liver
pata pata stars, three marys, orion’s belt
pota pota squid/cuttlefish
potalera potalẹ́ra, potala anchor stone on rope
pitər pitær, pitär-eió esophagus
patatʃe patache food
peteʃ petes, peteš left, left of speaker
petot petot right, direction, see ong xllem
patatʃo patacho "little llama", sea boat made with 3 canes,
pitaʋay pitahuay currant-coloured cactus fruit
patkon patkon-äró silver dollar, patakon currency

Possible Phonetic Original Spellings Translation
petʃe pẹ́će chili starling bird
pitʃutʃo pichucho fragrant shrub, ink extracted from fruit,
similar to peppermint
paʋkay paucay dry pampas shrub used to dye
poʋe pove-ngó foam
pey pei/peiss, pe-ngō yerba, grass
payko paico fragrant herb good for stomache parasites
paypay paypay tree, fruit used to tan leather
pəy Pæi, poi, poieiñ, poienäm, poiäd to give, hand over
piːk pii-æc, pīk, pīkeiñ, pīknäm, pīkäd to give someone, gift
pikaɕək pikassäk-äró giving, freedom
puy pui, puieiñ, puinäm, puiäd to ascend, rise, climb, up
poye poye-ngó clay-bank/bench/shore
payka paica large clay chicha pot
plañtʃiː pláñć ̣̄ type of bird
rak rak, rak-eiō mountain lion
metʃerrəko rak mecherräk-o rak lioness
rakiyo raquìio jaguar
raːk rāk, rāk-eiō poop, see ñiet
rek rek dust, mud, wet dirt, see uij
rakalak racalac name given to a hill and a "river of lime"?
rukoma rucoma type of tree
rekiya requia, kushímsakish, yecheñor, atapio, latapi, xoro hallucinogenic gourd, genus
rekpanek recpaneque, Rekep reque (town)
rekepoːtun requep-ô tun, rekep-o iun reque town, the place reque
raktu raktu-ngó bat
rrel rrel-eió coin, real
raːm rām raw
rem rem, rem-äró the (shining) moon
rremik rremic crazy
rrəmotek rræmotec mad, angry
rrometekantʃimo rometec anchi mo he's crazy
rrometekanum rometec fanum crazy like the dog
rraːn rrān, rrāneiñ, rrānenäm, rrānäd bite, chew
ʈʂufetər rraːnəðo c̓huvet-är rrān-äd-o bitten by the snake
rronom rronom, rronomeiñ, renom eiñ, rronomnäm, rronomäd to hurt

Possible Phonetic Original Spellings Translation
rronəmɕək rronæmçæc, ronòmcec, lonomcec, recom cek, renom ssaec Pain, sorrow,
sadness, feel/cause pain
rreŋ rreng trachea
ɾeŋɾeŋ rẹŋrẹ́ŋ, trengtreng, rengreng-eió esophagus, breathing tube, trachea
ruːɕ rūz-ió canal, moat
ɾuʈʂ rǔch, rǔc̓h mouse
ruːtɕm rūtsm, rūtsmeiñ, rūtsmenäm, rūtsmäd to overflow, foam over
ɕiː çi, xi, ši, -sī, si-ngó moon, month, classifier for months
ɕað ciad, giad, ssiad sleep
ɕaðem ssiad-em, ssiadem-eió sleep, to dream (noun)
ɕaðkoiñ ssiadko-iñ I am sleeping, I am falling asleep
ɕaðkemeñ ssiadke-mein I am put to sleep
ɕaðəntop ssiad-än-top they slept, were sleeping
ɕaðuno ssiad-uno, ssiad-unta, ssiad-un without sleeping
moñepiñɕaðkem moiñ e piñ ssiadke-m I am put to sleep
ɕaðaʈʂəmaŋ ssiada-c̓häm ang he is sleeping, hibernating
aŋɕaða ang ssiada-c̓häm, ang ssiada are they sleeping?
ɕaðir ssiad-ik, ssǐadǐk bed
ɕaðir ssiadir bed (possessed)
ɕaðikərleʈʂək ssiadikär-jechäk over, above the bed
ɕaðikərɕekən ssiadikär-ssekän under the bed
ɕaðikitʃ ssiadik-ich out of bed
ɕaðku çiad-cu inclined to sleep/sleepy-head
ɕo çio, çiu, ssio, ssiungō he, it, that, that one, see mo, aio
ɕoŋən ssiong-än(-ō) those
ɕuŋmətʃa ssiung mächa whose hand?
ɕuŋənmena ssiungän mena whose grandfather?
ɕin çin, zin, ssin there, over there, from "ssio-in", see aio
ɕinana ssin-ana just there, in the same place
ɕinpitan ssin pitan, çin pitan right there, also, in the same place
ɕinitʃ ssin-ich from there, from right there
ɕoŋna ssiong-na around there, in that area
ɕuk ssiuk, zinc there, over there, yonder, beyond, from
ɕukna ssiuk-na after that, beyond that
ɕukitʃ ssiuk-ich, çiu-quich from there, from over there
ɕukitʃna çiu-quich-na, ssiuk-ichna from over there, around there (adverb)
ɕoɕ ssioss that, accusative case

Possible Phonetic Original Spellings Translation
ɕifa çifa, çifnan, cifcif own, each
ɕorna çior, çiorna, ssiorna-ngō, ssiorna-än, ssiornang-änō someone alone, only,
the same, just one
ɕet siet, ssiet far, away
ɕetna ciet na, ssiet na beyond, there, further, towards there, far
ɕək çæc, ssaec chi, ssůk down, below, under
ɕekən ssecæn, ssekän below, under, postposition
ɕəktotna ssůk-totna down
ɕəkitʃ ssůk-ich from below
ɕe çie if
ʃoketʃ xo quech after
ʂekna xllecna in itself
ɕən çæn and, also
ɕað ssiad sleep, see ɕi
ɕoð ssod, ssod-ei-ō chest
ʂafko xllafco, ̓afko-ngó calves
sak sak, sakeiñ, saknäm, sakäd to choose
ʂok xok, jok-eió toad
ʂak Xllac, giac, híac fish
suko súko type of fish
ɕek siekik, çic-quic, ciequich, siekik-äró lord, ruler, great lord
ɕek siek, çiec, siek-eió lord, ruler, great lord (possessed)
ɕekeyo ciequeio lord, minor lord
ʃakep xacep respect
soːk zoc, sōk, sōkeiñ, sōknäm, sōkäd to throw
ʂok xlloc, ̓ok, ̓okeiñ, ̓oknäm, ̓okäd to shear, shave
sakpi sakpi-ngó beard
ɕokpoŋ çoc-(pong/etc) three (tens, hundreds, etc.), 30, see sopät
ɕaks ̒aks, ̒akseiñ, ̒aksnäm, ̒aksäd to kick, step, tread
seksekfane sec secfane pregnant and choleric
ʃaktʃa šakcha-ngó nest
ɕel ssej-eió mucus
ɕal saj-äró, ssaj, sax, ssaj shadow, darkness, dark, see fak, chæmpu,
ɕol ssol, ssoj-ei-ō forehead, front, brow
ɕulek ssuj-ek on the forehead
ɕol ssoj blind

Possible Phonetic Original Spellings Translation
ɕoːl ssōl, ssoleiñ, ssolnäm, ssoläd to free, release, loosen, absolve
ʃeli šeji/šejiss, šeji-ngó distaff for spinning
ɕolo ssiojo-ngó mother-in-law
ɕalɕal Kalkál, ssiǎj, calcal, ssiaj-iō, siáj-eió net bag for holding fish/seafood,
ɕaler ssiaj-er with the net
ɕalu çialu, ssialu-ngó part of stomach, german translates to
ɕalm siajm, siajmeiñ, siajmenäm, siajmäd to wander, hike
som som, someiñ, somnäm, somäd to touch
sem sem, šem sweet, soft, gently
ʃam xam(a), šam, šamnäm, šamäd to recognize
ʃameñ xam eiñ, šameiñ to know
ʃamkoiñ šamko-iñ I do something so that another recognizes
ʃamkemaŋ šamkemang he is recognized
ʃamik xam-ic signal
ʃamiɕək šamissäk-äró knowledge
ʂompək ̓ompäk, xllompäk sure, certain
ɕam siam, siamnäm, siamäd to live, alive, see læm
ɕamoñ ciamoiñ, siameiñ I live
ɕamtʃipək çiam chipæc person
ɕamotʃiɕek siamo chissek, siamo chissäk existence, life
ɕaməntop ssiam-än-top they lived
ʃem xem(e), šem, šemeiñ, šemapäk, šemäd to remove, take away
ʂuːm xllum, ̓ūm, ̓ūmeiñ, ̓ūmnäm, ̓ūmäd to diminish, shrink, deplete, ease
simoɾa simọ́ra beverage prepared by curandero
sen sen, seneiñ, senenäm, senäd to put into
ʃen šen, šeneiñ, šenenäm, šenäd to push, bump
ʃemetek shé metéque tied, see jäk
ʃemetok xemetoc, šemetäk-äró armpit, bosom, chest?
ɕən ssän, šain also, but also, well, now but
ayeɕən aie-ssän and also, see ai
əntaɕən anta-ssän, änta-šain neither is it, nor is it, but not, on the
contrary, see jechna
ʂeŋ ̓eng, xlleng, ̓engnäm, ̓engäd to refuse, deny
ʂaŋ xllang, ̓ang, ̓angläk, ̓angnäm, ̓angäd to hide, bury, conceal
ʂaŋkiñ xllang eiñ, ̓engeiñ, ̓angeiñ I deny, hide

Possible Phonetic Original Spellings Translation
ʂaŋ xllang/xllankik, ̓ang, cheang, jiam, shiam, xllan, ̓ang-eió sun
ʂaŋik xllangic, a̓ ng-ik in the sun
ʂaŋtʃitʃ xllangchich from the sun, east
ʂaŋna a̓ ng-na to the east
ʂaŋtotna a̓ ng-totna towards the east, heading east
ʂaŋmus xllangmuss, ̓angmu, ̓angmu-ngó enemy, sun people, inca
ʃeñ shin, shein heaven, sky
ʂoːŋ xllōng, ̓ōng, ̓ōngeiñ, ̓ongnäm, ̓ongäd to get up, rise
ʂuŋ xllung standing tree
ʂuŋ xllung, ̓ung, ̓ungeiñ, ̓ungnäm, ̓ungäd to sting, poke, cut
ʂaŋ ̓ang, ‛kang-eió fly (insect)
senu senu-än, senu-ng-än-ō gnats, mosquitos
ʂon xllon/xllonquic, ̓on-eió, ̓onkik-äró bread, food, eat
ɕəŋ çiæng fuck, have sex
ɕəŋk siänk, siänkeiñ, siänkenäm, siänkäd to rape, assault
ɕonəŋ ssonœng, sonen, ssonäng-eió wife, woman
məñsonəŋ mæiñ ssonæng my wife
ɕuŋɕonəŋeyoːpən ssiung ssonänge-ió-pän for his wife
ɕuŋɕonəŋpən ssiung ssonäng-pän as his wife
ɕañap çañap, Sañap Zaña (town)
ʂuŋeɕ ̓ungeis-eió young/boy animal, see chol
ɕenk sienk, sienkeiñ, sienkäd to be afraid, see irræm
ʃanku šanku-ngó, sanku corner/angle, tight, see kechik
ɕeŋke çengque, senke-ngó throat, neck
ʃeŋk shengue turkey vulture
sonsom sonsom, semsem-eió tail
sañ sañ-eió bird's crest
ʂontər xllon-tör, ̓ontärr-eió mouth, intestines
ɕonto ssonto, ssonte, ssonte-ngō vulture
ɕonteŋ letnəðo ssonteng lettn-ädo devoured by a vulture
sentek sentek-äró weaving stick
santek ssantek-eió lizard
səp säp, säpeiñ, säpnäm, säpäd to nurse, to water, provide liquid
ʃep siep, siepeiñ, siepnäm, siepäd to receive, conceive, be fertilized
ʃeðp šedp, šedpeiñ, šedpenäm, šedpäd to fertilize
səp säp fresh, strong, healthy
ɕəp siäp, siäpeiñ, siäpnäm, siäpäd will do, to make, to do
ɕop ssop, sop, sǒp, sop-äró, šop-äró rope, cord, knot, see jäk/ e̒ npan

Possible Phonetic Original Spellings Translation
ɕup siup, siupeiñ, siupnäm, siupäd to sew
ʂap jap, ̓ap, xllap new
ʂap ssap/ssæpsec, sop, sape, ssǎp, ssap-eió word, mouth, will, mandate, authority,
ʂapək ssaepaec, ssapœc, ssap-äk talkative, mouth, in the mouth
ʂip xllip, xllipæc, xllipcæ, ̓ip to talk, address
ʂipəkeñ xllip-oec-iñ, xlli-poec-eiñ to converse, talk
ðiyosiɕapmən Diosi ssap-män according to God's word/command
larmeɕape jarme zape liar
larnanlok jarnanloc shut your mouth!
ʂipko ̓ipko, xllipko, ̓ipkoiñ, ̓ipkopäk, ̓ipkenäm, ̓ipkod to call
efen ʂipkemeñ ef-en i̓ p-ke-meiñ I am called by the father
ʂipkəpek xllip c-æp-æc, llip ssapœc the speaker
ʂipkeɕək ̓ipkessäk-äró call, reputation, temptation
ʂapkəp xllapcæp mocchumi
sapəro kutɕo tʃiɕək ssaparo kutso chissak, ssapäro kutso chissäk flavor, taste
ʂapoləŋ ssap polœng belly, stomach, “mouth heart”
ʂəpər ssæpær, säper-eió nerve
ɕəɕ ssiäs, çiœiz, ssiȧs-eió [] word, to speak, customer/client, []
ɕəɕi apakəɕ ssiäs-i apakäss teacher of words
ɕop -ssop classifier for tens of coins/days/years
ɕop ̒op, ̒opeiñ, ̒opnäm, ̒opäd to shatter, break
ɕopət çopæt, zupete, çoc-, sopät three, 3
ɕoptəro çopt-ær-o, soptärō third, 3rd
cok sok-ssop, sok-pong 3 (tens), 30
sokrrel socrrel 3 reales
ʂep ̓ep to burn
ʂepkoiñ ̓epko-iñ I am burning, I'm alight
ʂepkemeñ e̓ pke-meiñ it is lit
ayofʂepkem aio-f e̓ pkem it is lit
ɕəpluʈʂ cœp luch, sœp luch the dawn
ʃepestop shepestop, ñespetoec ugly, unpleasant
ɕerr sserr, serr-eió, sserreiñ, sserrenäm, sserräd to fart, windiness, fart, flatulence
ɕirr ssirr, ssireiñ, ssirnäm, ssiräd to search, seek
ɕirrkoiñ ssirko-iñ I let someone search
tɕaŋasɕirkem tsang as ssirkem you are searched
ɕirrkemas ssirke-mas you are searched
ɕurrepe siurrepe monsefú

Possible Phonetic Original Spellings Translation
sarupiko sarupico various sizes of sea/land birds
ɕərki çærqui, särki-ngó shin, tibia
ɕarkiʎas zarcillas ring (sp)
ʂaʂ xllaxll, ̓ai ̓, ̓ai ̓-eió, jiaiy money, silver
ʂaʂəð xllaxllæd, ̓ai ̓ad money, silver (possessed)
ʂaʂlok llaxll loc to be rich
ʂaʂkapək ̓ai ̓-kapäk rich,rich person
ʃuʃuːna xuxū́na thin linen cloth
ɕat ̒at, ̒ateiñ, ̒atpäk, ̒atnäm, ̒atäd to cut, slice, prune
ɕatəkeñ ̒at-äk-eiñ, ̒atkeiñ, moiñ e ̒atäk I cut for others
ɕotɕ ̒ots, jotseiñ, jotsnäm, jotsäd to loose, let go, release
ʂitʃ xllich soak
sutʃe súćẹ breaking waves on coast
ɕəʈʂpoŋ çiæcɥ-(pong/ssop/fælæp) ten, see onæc/na
ʃay šai, šaieiñ, šainäm, šaiäd to cost
ʃaya šaya-ngó shell, mussel
ɕayp siaip, siaipeiñ, siaipenäm, siaipäd to quit, end, see iaip
ʃaypi shaipi assholes
ta ta, taneiñ, tanäm to come
teð ted, tad, (not tanäd) to come, supine
teɕək tesäk coming, arrival
əntasta tɕaŋ tesiyuno änta-'sta tsang tesiuno, tesiunta without you coming
tanan tɕəŋ tʃaŋtana tanan tsäng chang-tana come with your brother
tə tœ, tæc, tůk, tůkaiñ, täläk, tässäk, tädo, tůknäm, tůkäd to go, leave
tokon tocon to leave (behind)
tumaŋ tumang leave it (rejection)
təpək tæpæc going
əntasta moñ təsiyunta änta-'sta moiñ täsiunta, täsiuno without me going
təkan ðiyostana tůkan Dios-tana go with God
tana -tana with, protection, postposition, see len
tulək tulæc before
tuː tū, tū-ngó smallpox
tef teb, tef, tev-eió the bird, penis
tefk tefk width, wideness, dimension
tuk tug high
tikaː ticâ, tikā, tika-ngó bald spot, bald person
toko toko, toko-ngó window, cupboard (quechua)
tokərleʈʂək tokär-jechäk above the herd

Possible Phonetic Original Spellings Translation
tok tok-äró stove
toːk tōk, tōkeiñ to drill, bore
tokli tokji-ngó worm
tokn tokn, tokneiñ, toknenäm, toknäd to allow, permit
tektek tektek-ió wing
tektep tektep-äró armpit
tekepər ɕekən tektepär-ssekän under the armpit/arm
tol tǒj, toj-eió the track/trail, footprints, to track
tuʎ tuij-eió reed mat
tuʎekapək tuile-kapäk on the mat
tilðiyo tildio sea/land bird named after call
tuʎpe tǔllpe, tellpe soft, weak
təm tům, tům-äró clay
təmo tům-o clay-like, greasy
tem tem, temeiñ, temnäm, temäd to love, want, ask
temeñ tem-eiñ, moiñ e tem I love
tem-äs, tsang äs tem, tem eng, aio-f tem, tem-eiš, mäich eiš tem, tem-aschi,
aiongän-eng tem, tem-eda-iñ, ten-eda-iš,
tem-eda-s, tem-eda-schi, tem-eda-ng,
təm tem, täm, tämeiñ, tämnäm, tämäd to ask, test, judge
temɕək temssäk-äró request
tim tim, tim-o, timnangō, timnangän(-o) other, another one, the others, see llollek
tim -tim for the sake of, because of, postposition
tumi tumi, thume sealion, fish (quechua)
taːn tān fat
ton ton, tun, tonapäk, tuneläm, tunäd to beat/kill
tunəm tunæm to kill/beat (supine)
tunapək tuna pæc murderers, killers
torrok torroc to be beaten, killed
təp tæp(æ), tůp, tůpeiñ, tůpnäm, tůpäd to whip
tonəŋ tonic, tonik-äro leg
tonəŋ tonæng, tonir, tonäng-eió leg (possessed)
tun tun people, world
tuni tuni, tuni-ngó, tumi sun’s sky path, sun, time, day, see lun,
kull/cuçia, ineng
tunikam tuni kam day time

Possible Phonetic Original Spellings Translation
tuninkitʃ tuninquich from the world
tunipeñaŋ tuni peñang, tuni nahyofer crowd,many people
tunituni tuni tuni superlative, more, much
tunituniŋluʈʂək tuni tuni-ng-juchäk among many
tana -tana with, protection, postposition, see ta, len
toŋko tóŋgo packaging for raw sugar
tiŋkulo tiŋgulo small round calabash/gourd
tap tap nine, 9
tapeioː tapeiō ninth, 9th
təp tůp-äró reed raft/boat
top top, topeiñ, topapäk, topnäm, topäd to rot
topnam topnam religious/ceremonial beauty
top -top third person preterite tense, past tense
tʃitop ñofən chi-top ñofän it was a man
topnan topnan same
meñtop meintop full, see mein
fitop fitop everywhere
tipən tipæn, ripæn suddenly, unexpectedly
latop jatop short, brief
tar tarr, tarr-o strong, brave, more (adj), see c̓hurr
tero tero spoon
turra túrra, túrre máćo medicinal herb
tərrək tærræc, tärräk slow, lazy
tərkaːmɕək tärkāmssäk-äró inertia
turrək turræc sex, seduced, seductress, see ian ciñac
morrokləpəkoɕ turrək morroc læpæc oz turræc be often seduced?
turkitʃ -turquich, turk-ich from behind, locative, postposition, see ich
tərrn tärrn, tärrneiñ, tärrnenäm, tärrnäd to shiver, tremble
terskam terskam-äró loom, weaving frame
tes tess-ei-ō heel
toʂ toi ̓, toxll, toi ̓eiñ, toi ̓enäm, toi ̓äd to dig up
tuʂ tui ̓, tuxll, tui ̓eiñ, tui ̓näm, tui ̓äd to go out, look out
tet tet bring to you, see met
tot tot, tǒt, tot-arō face, expensive
tot -tot with (connection), against, in relationship,
tote kape totecape copa flipped/upside down

Possible Phonetic Original Spellings Translation
tutək -tutæc, tutäk, totäk before, in front of, “near face”,
tutəkna -tutäk-na forward
totna -tot-na towards, after, to the, postposition, see na
tut tut little, see c̓hic̓h

tʃi Chi, tci to be, use with another verb, see fe, eiñ
tʃiñ chiñ I am, from "chi-eiñ"
tʃis chis you are, from "chi-as"
tʃiŋ ching he/she is, from "chi-ang"
tʃiyiʃ chiiš we are, from"chi-eiš"
tʃistʃi chischi y'all are, from "chi-aschi"
tʃiŋənaŋ chingän ang they are, "chi än ang"
tiñtʃi tiñ-chi, täs-chi, täng-chi, tiš-chi, täs-chi, täng-ching-än I will be, etc., usually used for
active verbs
tʃiñka chiñ ka I will be
tʃinəm chi-d, chi-näm to be, supine tense
tʃiðo chido been
tʃiðayiñ chi-da-iñ, chi-da-s, chi-da-ng/chi-do-f, chi-da-iš, chi-da-schi, chi-da-ngän ang I was,
you were, etc.
tʃiðayiñpiñ chi-da-iñ-piñ I had been
tʃiðoyiñka chido-iñ ka, chi-da-iñ ka that I would be, future conjunctive
tʃiðoyiñkapiñ chido-iñ ka piñ, chi-da-iñ ka piñ that I would have been
tʃimayiñ chi-ma-iñ, chi-ma-s, chi-ma-ng, chi-ma-iš, chi-ma-schi, chingän ma-ng I am, I should
be, conjunctive tense
tʃiñpa chi-ñ-pa I Have, be-I-have
tʃiñtʃəm chiñ-chäm I must, I should be
tʃiŋan ching-an, chi-mang, ching-an-chi, ching-än mang Be you, he is, you are, they like to be,
imperative tense
tʃiko chi-co, chiko-iñ to create something
tʃikoðo chicodo created
tʃikemaŋ chike-mang it is created
tʃilək chi-läk being, existing
tʃipək chi-paec, chi-päk which is, being, who, essence
tʃikopəkəs chicopæc, chikopäk creator, authour
tʃikopəkəs chi-co-pæc-æss, chikopkäss creator, authour (possessed),
tʃipkəroː chipkärō of the essence/being
tʃepek chepec soul, see moix

Possible Phonetic Original Spellings Translation

tɕiɕək chiçær, chissär being, willpower, urge, understanding,

tɕiɕək tci-ssäk, chisac, chiçæc, chizcoero, chissäkbeing, willpower, judgement
pirtʃiɕər pir chissär without reason, judgement
tʃiɕkəf chi-sk-äf to have been
tɕak tzhac, tzhacæc, tzhec, tsak, tsakeiñ, tsaknäm, tsakäd to carry, carried, born, hold,
tuʂ tuxll, tuij to come out
tuʂum tuxllum born
tɕakəreñ tzhac-ær-eiñ i am born
təʂapəkoñ tœxll-apœc-oiñ to discover, “creat-or be”
tɕi tzi star
tɕo tsio, tsik perfect, noble
ʈʂonkik tconkik-än, chonkǐk, chonkik-äró star, stars in general
ʈʂonik cɥon-ic, cɥong-oiæc stars, specific bodies (possessed)
ʈʂonkikəroː tconkik-äroo/än-äroo of the star/stars
tɕokəl tzchioc coel dawn
ʈʂəfət ćhuvet, cɥœfœt, tsůvät-äró snake
tʃafka chafka, chafca black
tʃufla ćúfla envelopes of corn grain after the first ? of
tʃefnam chef-nam to be hungry
tʃefnamko chef-nam-co to make someone hungry
tʃemlam chemlam-äró hunger
tɕak tsak, tsak-iō, tsäk hair, fur
ɕap çap, tsap, çac headhair
tɕako tsak-o hair-like, fine
taskiyoː task-ioo of the hair
ʈʂaðir c̓hadik-äró grey hair
ʈʂaðir c̓hadir-äró grey hair (possessed)
ʈʂako c̓hako-ngó stake, picket
tɕakum tsakum sharp, pointed
tʃok chok, chokeiñ, chokpäk, choknäm, chokäd to raise
ʈʂiːk chik/chǔk, ćhīk/ćhůk mature, ripe sugarcane
ʈʂək c̓hůk, c̓hukeiñ, c̓hůkapäk, c̓hůknäm, c̓hukäd to lead
ʈʂək cɥæc(-o), chec, chäko-ngó love, something beloved, dear thing (adj)

Possible Phonetic Original Spellings Translation
ʈʂəkan checan love, of desire
ʈʂəkotʃiɕək chäko chissäk-äró affection, benevolence
tʃakma chacma, chicamé queen, king’s spouse
tʃuk chuk, chukeiñ, chuknäm, chukäd to flow
tɕəkəm tzhæcæm-o, tsůkum, tsůkumeiñ, tsůkumnäm, tsůkumäd to run, walk, see cæmeiñ
tɕok tsok, tsokeiñ, tsoknäm, tsokäd to awaken
tʃokiɕək chokissäk-äró resurrection
tɕuk ȼuk, tsuk light coloured, bright (colour)
tɕiku šiku, shiku, tsekku, ziku, zikyo white
tɕikuəñ tsekku-eiñ, shiku eiñ whiten
tʃeko ćẹ́ko, checo large laundry calabash, gourd
ʈʂikaka cɥicaca, chikaka-ngó skull
ʈʂiklayəp cɥiclaiœp chiclayo, sweet gourd
tʃokoke ćokọ́ke, alćọćọ́ke type of fish
tʃokop Chokop Chokope (town)
tʃuken chuken just now
tʃukəs chucæss kneecap
ʈʂokiʂ -cɥoquixll, choki ́ classifier for tens of fruit/maize, 10
ʈʂikay chicay, chai, chicahay hot, heat, see c̓hai
tʃokula ̀
ćọkũla, ćikũla ̀ a large spoon to draw the boiling chicha
ʈʂiktuk cɥictuc, chiktuc dishonest, undeserved, inconvenient
tʃaːl chāj, chājeiñ, chājnäm, chajäd to cool down, see c̓hai
tɕan tzhan, cháne, tsan-eió cold
tɕal tsaj bitter
ʈʂal c̓haj-eió iron
tɕal tsaj-eió a nail
tʃol čox, choj-eió boy, girl, young (person), see c̓hic̓h
tʃoʎenk chollenque skinny, ungainly
tɕisi tzhiçi, chisi, chīsi-ngó child, boy/girl
ñofən tɕisi ñofän-o chisi male child, boy
tʃuʎ chuij-eió piece, small section
tʃilʎu chijllu-ngó, (maybe 'chixllu'?) disciple, chosen one, see ayllu
ʈʂolu cɥolu, chulu-ngó Indian person
ʈʂelu chelu, cɥelû, tcelu, chelū, chelu-än, chelu-ngó hawk, falcon
ʈʂeluŋoː chelu-ngō, chelu-ng-än-ō belonging to the hawk
tʃilaða ćiladã ́ bird the builds mud nest
tʃolek chojek-eió seagull

Possible Phonetic Original Spellings Translation
tʃilala chilala, ćilálo songbird named after cry, mentioned in
several legends
tʃalako chalaco Marine fish, weird dreams if you eat
tʃoʎeka cholleca beach shrimp
tʃiʎipe chiyipe, ćilípe scratching the eye (anus) on the ground
tʃilayo ćilãó type of tree
tʃiləp chijaipe, Chejaep, chiuche Chiclayo (town), sweet gourd
ʈʂelfe cɥelfe, c̓helfe-ngó gall, bile
tʃeʎi chelli frizzy, uneven
ʈʂiʎpi cɥilpi, c̓hillpi/c̓hillpiss blanket, cloak
tʃiltʃe chilche aromatic food herb, called "huacatay" in
tʃam cham abundant, copious, lots
tʃəm -chäm future participle, additional concept of
required/presumed need, see ka
tʃiːm chīm, chīmeiñ, chīmnäm, chīmäd to dance
tʃimapək chimapäk(-o), chīmpäk dancing
tʃimapkoñ chimpäk-oiñ, chimap'koiñ, chimapko I often dance
tʃimaʈʂəmaŋpiñ chima-c̓häm ang piñ you were dancing (longer duration)
ʈʂam c̓ham, c̓hameiñ, c̓hamapäk, c̓hamäd get angry, see chai
tʃamaɕək chamassäk-äró anger, indignation
ʈʂam ćhǎm brown
tʃəmpu chæmpu, chämpu-ngó darkness, tree’s shadow
ʈʂaməl c̓hamäl-eió midnight
tɕaːm tsām yellow
tʃomi chommi-ngó seal (animal)
tʃomuña chomuña viexo, old man?
ʈʂəm chům get drunk
ʈʂumay chumay, chůmäd, chůmnäm drunk
ʈʂəmepək chůmepäk,cɥæmep-æc, taschep tumanacupu, chůmapäk drunk, they'll say we're
ʈʂumer cɥumer to get drunk
ʈʂumerko cɥumerco to make someone drunk
ʈʂumayantʃimo chumai anchi mo he/this on is drunk
ʈʂimor chejemer, cɥimorr(ich), Chimorr trujillo
tʃimp chimp, chimpeiñ, chimpapäk, chimpäd to take
tɕimp tsimp, tsimpeiñ, tsimpnäm, tsimpäd to take away

Possible Phonetic Original Spellings Translation
tʃin chin, chinp, chimp eiñ, chǐneiñ, chǐnapäk, chǐnäd pull apart, separate,
tʃimpil chimbil cactus fruit, beliefs that it will be bitter if
not gathered silently
tʃiːn chiin, chîn, chīn, chīneiñ, chīnapäk, chīnäd to delight
tʃaŋ chang, chang-eió brother's brother, brother of woman
moñtʃaŋlek moiñ chang-lek at my brother
məñtʃəŋənlen mäiñ chängän-len with my brother
tʃaŋkəð changcæd relative, neighbour, fellow human
tʃəŋ -chiœng classifier for hundreds of fruit/crops, 100
ʈʂaŋ cɥang teeth
ʈʂun cɥun, ćhun gourd, "pumpkin"
tʃuna ćṹna small calabashes that hold fishing net
tʃumuko chumuco gourd
ʈʂuŋ c̓hung, tsung thick
tɕa tzha, tzhang, tzhæng, çung you, your (pronoun)
tɕəŋoː tsäng-ō your, of you
tɕəŋtʃaŋ tsäng chang your brother
tɕaŋlen tsang-len with you
tɕətʃ tzhœich, tzha-chi you (plural), y'all
tɕətʃoː tsäich-ō your (plural), of y'all
tɕətʃɕek tsäich ssiek your master
tɕətʃnepətən tsäich nepätän your trees
tʃonos chonos Name given to dogs by NW Indians
tʃank chanque Large seafood, "donkey's foot"
tʃankuʎay chancullay Small Freshwater fish, 7 cm long
tʃonte chonte mechanical hits between stones/seeds
ʈʂantik cɥantic, c̓hantik-aró eyelids
tʃantʃan chanchán chimu capital, name of king
mintʃanɕaman min chan caman the supreme lord, king
tʃep chep flat, plain
tʃep chep, chēp-ärō clay, potter’s clay, dirt, dust
ʈʂap cɥap(a), sshapa, chapa, chǎp, chap-eiō ceiling/roof
ʈʂap cɥapæn(a) ceiling/roof (poss/not)
tʃape leʈʂək chap-e-jechkäk over the roof
ʈʂape kapək chape-kapäk on the roof
tʃapis chapis bottom, underside

Possible Phonetic Original Spellings Translation
tɕipa tzhipa, c̓hipa, tsipa-ngó hip, pelvis
ʈʂepuk c̓hepuk-eió leg/knee, knee-pit/underknee
tʃəpk chäpk, chäp, chäpeiñ, chäpnäm, chäpäd to wrinkle
tʃop chop-äró part (of weight)
tʃepon chepon gluttonous person
ʈʂup c̓hup, c̓hupeiñ, c̓hupapäk, c̓hupenäm, c̓hupäd to mend, fix
tɕuːp tsūp, tsūpeiñ, tsūpnäm, tsūpäd to mend, fix
tɕup tsup good, useful, (mended?)
tʃipipe chipipe almost useless
tʃiːp chīp, chīpeiñ, chīpapäk, chīpnäm, chīpäd to grind
tʃape ćápe for the filtered chicha
tʃipa chipa type of pond/lagoon bulrush, used to
make mats
tʃope ćọ́pe type of tree tree
tʃupetes chupetes earrings
tʃepk chepk, chepkoiñ, chepkopäk, chepkod to fight, attack
tʃopkoeñ chopco eiñ I criticize
tʃəpmoŋ chep mong human beauty, attractiveness, see ñäss,
ʈʂəpmoŋ c̓häpmong-eió portrait, statue, image
ʈʂur c̓hurr, tsurr, tarr hard, strong
ʈʂoktəko cɥoctæcó strong
tɕiktɕik tzhictzhic huge
ʈʂuropup c̓hǔrr-o pup hard wood
tarro tʃiɕək tarro chissäk strength, valor
tarro ñofən tarr-o ñofän strong/brave man
tʃərku chär-ku proud
tarotʃiɕək tʃerun chérun straight
tɕurrn tsǔrrn, tsǔrrneiñ, tsǔrrnenäm, tsǔrrnäd to press, push
tʃurrn chǔrrn, chǔrrneiñ, chǔrrnapäk, chǔrrnäd to pound, mash
tʃirro chirro, chirre land+sea bird, various sizes, hunted in
lagoons at night by blinding with lights
and throwing short sticks at them as they
tʃiroke ćirọ́ke, sirọ́ke red+white spotted cow, bird
ʈʂarke cɥarke, c̓harke-ngó parrot
ʈʂarra ćharra violet
tʃuruko churuco Treasure hidden and lost

Possible Phonetic Original Spellings Translation
tʃarkoka charcoca Fresh water fish
tʃerlo cherlo Northern fine/slender fish
tʃarpe ćárpe ?
tʃisko chisco, chisko, chisko-ngó thrush, grey coastal songbird
ʈʂusku cɥuscu, chesko-ngó night blanket, shirt
tɕaʂtɕa tzhaxlltzha, çaxllza, tsaitsa six, 6
tɕaʂtɕangoː tsaitsangō sixth, 6th
tʃet chet serious, seriously, grave
tʃot chot palace, huaca, ceremonial structure,
possibly area of chocop?
ʈʂət c̓hät-äró great polyp (anemone, coral, or medusa?)
ʈʂətəs cɥætæss, chëtes heart
ʈʂutu cɥutu, chutu-ngó belly button, navel
tɕutəð tzhuted, tsutäd uvula
tʃitʃu chichu-ngó breast, milk (quechua?)
tʃitʃulaːfoñ chichu jā-foin milk with water
ʈʂeʈʂ cɥecɥ, c̓hec̓h-ei-ō cheek
tɕuːtɕ c̓huc̓h, tsuts, tzhût-o/iio, kič, ȼuȼ small, little
kitʃku kičku, kichku-ngó little finger
tʃuka chuka-ngó a flea
ʈʂəʈʂ chach daughter, girl
ʈʂəʈʂməð cɥæcɥ-mæd, chächmäd sister (of sister)
tʃitʃ chich west, see fe
tʃutʃuy chuchuy chicken lice
tɕōʋ tsōv, zol, tsōveiñ, tsōvnäm, tsōväd to weave, spin
tʃaʋana ćawãna ́ spade for cleaning irrigation canals
ʈʂay c̓hai, c̓hangó heat
tʃuːʋe chūve-ngó fever
ʈʂikay chicay, chai, chicahay hot, heat
tʃitʃuy chichuy angry
etʃ ech, och, chai, chicay suffocating heat, see illillna, exlle
etʃakur hechagur envied
ʈʂam c̓ham, c̓hameiñ, c̓hamapäk, c̓hamäd get angry, see chai
tʃamaɕək chamassäk-äró anger, indignation
tʃutʃir chuchir boil seafood/octopus
tʃaːl chāj, chājeiñ, chājnäm, chajäd to cool down
tɕan tzhan, cháne, tsan-eió cold
tʃuyano chuyano a booby bird, guano bird

Possible Phonetic Original Spellings Translation
tʃuyta chuita guano bird w/ yellow beak/legs
tʃayʋak chay huac cricket
ʋi huy it falls
ʋi huy! hears!
ʋið uid, uideiñ, uidnäm, uidäd to swim
ʋuðu budu sullen wild pigeon, named after call
ʋuːk vūk, vūkeiñ, vūknäm, vūkäd to fly, float, hover
ʋako gwáko type of dove
ʋako wako chalk used to soften thread
ʋakala huacala marine fish, "monjarilla"
fikin biquin freshwater or ocean crayfish. Types: blue,
purple, spiny
ʋele gwẹ́le (v) small round calabash
ʋanay huanay edible white guano bird w/ red eyes
ʋaŋkana waŋgān ́ a ligaments that form a bundle of reeds
ʋip uip, uipeiñ, uipnäm, uipäd to hide
ʋiyəp uiäp hidden
ʋiriŋo biringo hairless dog, "calato"
ʋarəʋaʋ warᵃwᴺáu, gʷaragʷáw type of vulture with white wings and
ʋiriʋiri huiri huiri suntan fish, round ray, "batana"
ʋirkoya bircoya bird, whistle is omen for death/plague
ʋis uis reed/cane
ʋiʂ ui ̓-äró crab, crustacean
ʋisin guisin you want?
ʋaʃme guaxme fisherman
ʋatan uatan, huatan idol, dust storm
ʋatarako wataráko type of wild duck
ʋitʃ uich, uicheiñ, uichnäm, uichäd to stretch, straighten
ʋitʃayo ƀićáyo tree, leaves used to treat bubonic plague
ʋaʋina huabina freshwater fish
ʋiyuː uiū-äró jar/container made from pumpkin
ʋiʎos villos-eió, vellus drinking vessel made from pumpkin
ʋayantʃe gwayánće aphrodisiac philtre/potion
ʋayʋaŋa huayguanga red headed turkey vulture
yektepek yektepek Jequetepeque River
yaktum iactum rogue, sort of a ghost
yale yale chicha, see cuchis

Possible Phonetic Original Spellings Translation
yum yum, ium, iumeiñ, iumnäm, iumäd to wet, immerse, dive, see lā
yun iun village
yunərlek iunär-lek at the village
yunərturkitʃ iunär-turkich behind the village
yunitʃ iun-ich from the village
yuna iun-na through the village
yaŋ iang-äró crab
yana yanà, iana, iana-ngó servant, 'butler'
yanaɕ ianass servant (possessed)
yan kiñak ian ciñac seduce/desire a woman, male seducer, see
yunsa yúnsa, xúnsa popular dance
yantʃək yancøk, ianchäk-ió spider
yoːp yǒp, iōp old woman
yopi jopi-ngó grandma
yarrn iarrn, iarrneiñ, iarrnenäm, iarrnäd to keep silent, be silent
yetki ietki-ngó spark
yətɕ iäts, iätseiñ, iätsnäm, iätsäd to dirty, stain, pollute
yayəp iaiæp, iaipæ-, iayp, iaip, iaipeiñ to end, finish, see aia
yaypəɕək iaipässäk cessation, end

Possible Phonetic Value Examples Translation
-e mœiñ ef-e cɥilpiss, choj-e fanuss [my father’s blanket, the
boy's dog], genitive,
ng/ær/e for different
-o mecherræc-o ñaiñ [female bird], connector for
adjectives and nouns
-oː Aiu-ng-œn-ô [Belonging to those],
agentive, doing
-aŋ -ang they/them

-ən Aiu-ng-œn-ô, çiorna-æn, ûtzh- [Belonging to those, Lonely

æn-o nepæt People, tall trees], plural
-en uxllur-en aiñ xllip-quem [I am called by my
nephew], passive genitive
agent for relationship
-eñ mit-apc-o-iñ, çiad-eiñ, chi-ñ [I am in the habit of
bringing, I sleep, I am],
-ər Ñofn-œr-ô, cɥævet-ær rrân-æd- [Belonging to the man,
o, , mœiñ e met-ær ca lena peiñ bitten by a snake, I would
pol-er mœiñ ssonæng bring along my wife with
my heart good], genitive,
ng/ær/e for different
-er zoc-ær-eiñ pong-er, lactu-nger [they throw at me with
stones, using hides], with,
-əroː -ær-ô, tot-är jaktuss [the face's skin], genitive,
-aɕ funo-z, -az, ez, æz, az-chi [you eat], you, y’all

-eʃ -eix we

Possible Phonetic Value Examples Translation
-itʃ -ich, -nich from

-ey -ei, -i, mo fe moiñ chang-e eis-I [this is my brother's son's

fanuss dog], genitive,
-eyoː mo cɥilpi ang mœiñ ef-ei-ô-pœn, [this blanket is for my
mûd-æn-ei-ô, çiœiz-ii-o, father, belonging to the
ei/ær/ng, mo an ang aio ñofnär ants, of the word, this
efeiō, mo fanu fe moiñ change house is that man's
eisiō father's, this dog belongs to
my brother's son], genitive,
-ð col-æd, an funo-d [someone’s horse, go and
eat!], relational/supine,
also -pæd
-ð ton-od, cɥævet-ær rrân-æd-o, [to beat/kill, bitten by a
met-eda-z-chi, chi-da-iñ ca, met- snake, y’all brought, I
eda-ix piñ, læm-æd-æn-o, moiñ e would have been, we had
tem-ed-o brought, those who have
died, I have/have been
loved], past tense
-fun quem-uno, quem-unta, xllang- [virgin, don’t hide], without
unta, -funo, -funta, -fun, - _ing
-k mit-c-an moiñ xllac, xllipqu-ec- [bring me some fish!, call
an mœiñ eiz my son for me!],
applicative, do to someone
-k ñeñ-uc, man-ic, man-uk [toy/play-thing,
cup/drinking-thing, eating
room], substantive, turns
verbs to thing-nouns
-ka chi-da-iñ ca, mœiñ e met-ær ca [I would have been, I would
lena peiñ pol-er mœiñ ssonæng bring along my wife with
pleasure], past
tense/directed towards

Possible Phonetic Value Examples Translation
-ko chi-co-pæc-æss, faiñ-ko [someone’s creator, to
cheat someone],
transitiviser, turns
something into a single
event, makes new verb
-kik pol-quic, xllon-quic [the heart, food],
absolutive, the thing
-kem uxllur-en aiñ xllip-quem, funo- [I am called by my nephew,
kem-eiñ I am being fed], transitive
passive, single event done
by the secondary person in
a sentence, makes new verb
-lek pedro-ng-lec [at Pedro’s], location, near,
at, around, less specific
-lək tzhang Limac chi-læc [while you were in Lima],
while _ing
-lok caf loc [to work] makes verbs from
-len ssiung fanu-len, mœiñ e met-ær [with his dog, I would bring
ca lena peiñ pol-er mœiñ along my wife with
ssonæng pleasure], with (together)
-m ai-æm, met-em, -m [to do, to carry], passive,
done to subject, er/em/ep
-ma met-ma-iñ [may I bring!], desirative

-məð ñeiñ-mæd, aia-mæd [person playing with

others, person doing
something with others],
being together
-mən ñofæn-na mæn [as a man], as, following,
according to
-minitʃ -minich from here
-n met-an mullu, met-an-chi, pei [bring eggs!, y’all bring

Possible Phonetic Value Examples Translation
-ŋ Aiu-ng-œn-ô, ñi-ng lâ, pol-æng [Belonging to those, the
sea’s water, someone’s
heart], genitive,
ng/ær/e for different
-na lecɥ-na, ñofæn-na mæn, onæc-na, [as a man, first, only
lærræp-na-io Dios, cɥæc-na one/single, God in reality,
dearly], through/using,
adverbalizer, emphasizes
-ña -ña preposition: by, indicates
person in passive
sentences, determines
-ŋoː chelu-ng-æn-ô [belonging to the hawks],
-nik en-ec, mœcɥ-æc, cɥap-æ lecɥ-æc, [at home, in the hands, on
nech-ær-nic top of the roof, into the
river], location, in, at,
coming near
-nəm ai-næm, mit-næm [to make, in order to bring],
future supine, so that/in
order to
-nan cɥæc-na-n [very dearly], emphasized
even more than -na
-p ai-ep [to be made], passive, done
to subject, er/em/ep
-p chi-p-ang funo? [are you still eating?],
-pəð an tin-ip-æd ñof faichca [go and have us brought
-pək Mit-apœc, mit-apc-o-iñ, chi-co- [One who brings, I am in
pæc-æss, fil-apæc the habit of bringing,
someone’s creator, one

Possible Phonetic Value Examples Translation
who sits], agentive, one
who does
-pəko ai-apæc-o, ai-apc-o-iñ [(I am) in the habit of
making], being in the habit
of doing, to become
-pən mo cɥilpi ang mœiñ ef-ei-ô-pœn [this blanket is for my
father], for/giving,
-pən peñ-o-pæn ang ac-æm, ssiek-pän, [he is held to be good, as
ssiek-eiō-pän, fakcha-pän, Lord, for the Lord, kept as
fakcha-ngō-pän poor?, for the poor], as, in
the function of
-piñ met-eiñ piñ, met-eda-ix piñ [I was bringing, we had
brought], past
tense/transposition to past
-r zoc-ærr-eiñ, tœp-ær-eiñ, mœiñ e [throw at me, beat me, I
met-ær ca lena peiñ pol-er mœiñ would bring along my wife
ssonæng with pleasure], passive,
done to subject, er/em/ep
-skəf -scæf after _ing

-ɕ mœiñ ef-e cɥilpi-ss, chi-co-pæc- [my father’s blanket,

æss someone’s creator],
relational, for nouns when
the verbs are genitive?
-ɕ peñ-œss [good-ness], adjectives to
abstract nouns
-ɕək læm-issæk, tærræk-o chi-ssæc, ai- [death, slowness, of
içær someone’s making],
abstract events from verbs
and adjectives
-ɕək -ssæc while _ing

-tim -tim for the sake of

-top læm-top [died], remote past, only 3rd


Possible Phonetic Value Examples Translation
-totna -totna towards

-tʃi amelec-chi, amoch-ich [y’all get away!, let us go],

multiple subjects
-tʃəm chi-ix chæm [we must be], obligation,
future participle, additional
concept of required/
presumed need
-ʈʂəm funo-cɥæm, ɕiad-a-cɥæm-ang [eating, you are asleep],
and polite

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