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Scheduling a Fall Break

The current IUSA administration is working on solidifying a Fall Break for the 2012-
2013 school year.
In order to accomplish this, many factors need to be considered. The schedule must
adapt to students that are taking classes during the summer school session, International
Students, law students and also incoming freshmen that will have orientation sessions.
Other concerns include how Financial Scholarships will be affected, how law school
students’ schedules will be affected, and even how the study-abroad programs might change.
The issue of not having a Fall Break has been a concern for students since the 1970’s.
Katie Tetrick, Chief of Fall Break said, “We are working hard to develop a proposal that would
accommodate everyone. We have been researching other schools to create a schedule that would
benefit everyone, but it is very difficult to meet all the needs of the students and faculty.”
Chief of Fall Break Katie Tetrick, and President of IUSA Michael Coleman are meeting
with the Calendar Task Force Committee to develop a Fall Break proposal to present to the
Bloomington Faculty Council. The BFC is the body that votes on the proposal developed by
IUSA and the Calendar Task Force, and ultimately determines whether or not Fall Break will be
Another meeting is occurring Tuesday, September 21. They will be discussing students’
perspectives on the Fall Break proposal which is being presented at that meeting.
One of the proposed solutions for Fall Break would be to have an extended weekend in
the middle of October, and to have no classes during the week of Thanksgiving. However,
issues arise with having broken up weeks with certain departments among campus. Due to
projects and experiments that must occur every week, shortening a school week has become very
Neil Kelty, Chief of Staff for IUSA, said "Taking into account the myriad of conflicts at
an institution the size of Indiana University, this fall break proposal is the most feasible that
offers the greatest benefit to students. This plan offers students the breather they need in the fall
and a more economical Thanksgiving Break."
Congress voted on a resolution to support starting the fall semester one full week earlier
create a Friday, “Service Day” in October, and create a week long Thanksgiving Break in a
meeting held September 6, 2010.
Kadi Mancuso said, “I am happy to see that within the second congress meeting, we are
able to pass one of the promises to the student body for a Fall Break. It shows that this
administration is capable of fulfilling promises and providing for the student body.”

Release Date: Day, September 20, 2010

Event Date: Day, September 20, 2010

Indiana University Student Association

Indiana University Memorial Union, Rm. 387
700 E. 7th Street, Bloomington, IN. 47408

Quotes (All Permissions Included)

"Taking into account the myriad of conflicts at an institution the size of Indiana University, this
fall break proposal is the most feasible that offers the greatest benefit to students. This plan
offers students the breather they need in the fall and a more economical Thanksgiving Break."
-Neil Kelty (Chief of Staff for IUSA)

“We are working hard to develop a proposal that would accommodate everyone. We have been
researching other schools to create a schedule that would benefit everyone, but it is very difficult
to meet all the needs of the students and faculty.”
-Katie Tetrick (Chief of Fall Break)

“I am happy to see that within the second congress meeting, we are able to pass one of the
promises to the student body for a Fall Break. It shows that this administration is capable of
fulfilling promises and providing for the student body.”
-Kadi Mancuso ( Congress Representative) (

“I am really looking forward to the prospect of having a Fall Break. It would be a beneficial
time for students to have a mental break from busy work schedules.”
-­‐ Sarah Glasser


Megan Lillie, Director of Communications

e-mail:, phone: 888.888.888

Abby Liebenthal, Executive Director of Communications

e-mail:, phone: 419.367.9774

Whitney Taylor, Executive Director of Communications

e-mail:, phone: 513.227.8611

Mehdi Ayari, Executive Director of Communications

e-mail:, phone: 812.606.9461

Murat Kacan, Chief of Communications

e-mail:, phone: 858.208.9368

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