Discurso Medio Ambiente

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Environmetn Contamination

Good morning classmates and teacher, i´m going to talk about a problematic than
affect everyone, environmental pollution. Based on the article of La República1, in
Colombia every year 10,000 people die because of this, it is for this reason that we
must act, because our future depends on it from what we can do today, otherwise
we won´t have a tomorrow.

The atmosphere of our planet has been affected by all human activity, factories,
industries, the burning, vehicles, aersols, overpopulation, others. I think that the
overpopulation is the most important problem, why? because the human
consumption of the developed countries, for example, in Colombia, Based on the
article of Dinero2, in the year 2017, 238.238 cars were sold, according to the RUNT3,
Colombia started this year with 13.6 million cars, every one emits carbon dioxide into
our atmosphere, that combines with water and other pollutants and they are the
cause of this problem.

But not only that, also, everything that we throw away, plastic, paper, substances,
someone of you have asked yourself, where are the things that not work? Does
contamination affect only humans?

We must change our way of think, decrease the things that we buy or we consume,
motivate other people to take care of our planet, i think that there is still time to do
something not for us, but for everyone.

1 https://www.larepublica.co/economia/contaminacion-del-aire-en-colombia-causa-alrededor-de-
2 https://www.dinero.com/pais/articulo/venta-de-carros-en-el-ano-2017-en-colombia/253774
3 Registro Único Nacional de Tránsito

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