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Cabin Allocations

The allocation of cabins on the Titanic is a source of continuing interest and endless speculation. Apart from the
recollections of survivors and a few tickets and boarding cards, the only authoritative source of cabin data is the
incomplete first class passenger list recovered with the body of steward Herbert Cave. The list below includes this data
and includes the likely occupants of some other cabins determined by other means.

The difficulty in determining, with any degree of accuracy, the occupancy of cabins on the Titanic indicates the need for
further research in this area.

Important Note: Highlighted rows and cabin numbers with question marks beside them, represent deductions or
speculations or allocations which, as yet, have no identified source. Under no circumstances should these be taken as


First Class
Boat Deck 6 cabins, accommodation for 7 people.
"T" Blackwell, Mr Stephen Cave List There is no evidence that anyone else occupied a Boat
Weart Deck cabin.
A Deck 36 cabins, accommodation for 48 people.

A-5 Goldschmidt, Mr Cave List

George B.
A-6 or A-8 (?) Beattie, Mr Thomson Peuchen\'s testimony When Peuchen is asked about where his friends were,
McCaffry, Mr Thomas at the Senate inquiry he said A-12 for Ross and "A-8 and numbers to that
Francis affect" for Beattie and McCaffry. This suggests that
Beattie and McCaffry may have moved from C deck
to be near their sick friend, occupying cabins A-8 and
perhaps A-6. If Beattie and McCaffry did move to A
deck, it is possible that Mr Beattie was in A-8 and
McCaffry in A-6.
A-7 Smith, Mr James Clinch Cave List
A-9 Chevré, Mr Paul Cave List
A-10 Ross, Mr John Hugo Cave List Peuchen testified that Ross was in A-12 (source: his
Senate inquiry testimony) unless Ross was moved
after the publication of the Cave List it is most likely
that Peuchen was mistaken.
A-11 (?) Rosenbaum (Russell), Personal account (? Miss Rosenbaum booked late and does not appear on
Miss Edith Louise specific source) any cabin lists. She herself stated that she was in A-
A-12 (?) Sloper, Mr William Speculation
Thompson Sloper\'s cabin number is not known for certain. A-
12: Given the port of embarkation and ticket office A-
12 would have been permitted for the price Sloper
paid. Sloper\'s account appears in the book "The life
and times of Andrew Jackson Sloper" Which is a
book he wrote about his father but seemed to consist
mainly of his own memoirs. In it he claims he "…was
going through the door when Ross called out…" This
was most probably the door of his cabin. But even if
Sloper was leaving A-12, he would have still heard
Ross, since A-12 was next door to Ross\' cabin A-10.
Sloper also confuses the reader in his account. In it he
describes playing cards in the Lounge with Miss
Gibson and others, when they leave and are
"…standing at the top of the stairs…" Miss Gibson

decided they should all go for a walk before retiring.
Sloper then continues that he ran down one flight of
stairs to his cabin. This gives an impression that he
was on B deck. But there is more evidence that he
was on A deck, he remembers meeting Mr Dulles (A-

A-16 Duff Gordon, Sir Cosmo Cave List

A-18 Dulles, Mr William Cave List
A-19 Smith, Mr Richard Cave List
A-20 Duff Gordon, Lady Cave List
A-21 Brady, Mr John Bertram Cave List Berth 1
A-23 Barkworth, Mr Cave List
Algernon H. Wilson
A-24 Roebling, Mr Cave List
Washington Augustus II
A-26 Simonius-Blumer, Cave List
Colonel Alfons
A-29 Evans, Miss Edith Corse Cave List
A-31 Blank, Mr Henry Cave List
A-32 Rood, Mr Hugh R. Cave List
A-34 Cave List
Dodge, Dr. Washington
Dodge, Mrs
Dodge, Master

A-36 Andrews, Mr Thomas, jr Ethes\' testimony at Mr Andrews\' name does appear on the Cave List, but
Senate inquiry no cabin allocation is given. However, his bedroom
steward Etches survived to confirm Andrews\'
stateroom number.
A-37 Browne, Fr. Francis M., Personal Account A-36 and A-37 were late additions to the Titanic and
SJ - [Cross Channel did not appear on many cabin plans and were not
Passenger] numbered when they did. Mr Browne had some
difficulty finding his cabin. He indicated it\'s position
on his personal deck plan.
B Deck 101 numbered cabins, 2 of which are sitting rooms.
Therefore it has 99 bedrooms with accomodation for
183 passengers.
B-3 Robert, Mrs Edward Cave List The Cave list places Miss Kreuchen (maid to Mrs
Scott Robert) in the same cabin but Miss Allen states that
Kreuchen\'s cabin was forward on E-Deck (Gracie
B-2, 4 or 6 [?] Brown, Mrs James Gracie Colonel Archibald Gracie\'s book contains abstracts
Joseph (Margaret of many accounts and letters. Sent to him by
Tobin) passengers. One of them is by Mrs Candee. In it Mrs
Candee also describes the events that Mrs Brown
went through. It is from this account that we know
that Mrs Brown occupied a forward B deck cabin, but
precise whereabouts of which are much debated.
B-5 Allen, Miss Elisabeth Cave List

Madill, Miss Georgette
B-10 Brandeis, Mr Emil Cave List Although according to the Cave List Mr Brandeis was
assigned B-10, Mr Silverthorne said that Brandeis
held a party for a dozen buyers in his suite. Although
a dozen might be an exaggeration but even 5 people
would not fit into B-10 and it would hardly be
considered a suite. Mr Brandeis could have afforded a
larger cabin and it is possible that he changed from B-
10 to a suite after boarding or that the party took
place elsewhere.
B-11 Head, Mr Christopher Cave List
B-18 Hippach, Mrs Louis Cave List
Hippach, Miss Jean
B-19 Van der hoef, Mr Cave List
B-20 Dick, Mr Albert Adrian Cave List
Dick, Mrs Albert Adrian
B-22 Crosby, Captain Edward Cave List
Crosby, Mrs Edward
B-24 Payne, Mr Vivian Deduced from Payne in mentioned separately on the Cave List, by
Ponsonby [assistant to Cave List his own name, but there is no cabin next to his name.
Mr Hays] Next to Mr and Mrs Hays\' name, cabins B-73 and B-
24 are mentioned. Since we know that Mr Payne was
travelling with them, we can deduce that the maid
was in B-73 and Mr Payne was in B-24.
B-26 Crosby, Miss Harriet R. Mrs Crosby\'s Miss Crosby is not mentioned on the Cave List. Mrs
affidavit to the Senate Crosby\'s affidavit incliudes the following: "she and
inquiry her husband occupied stateroom No. 22 and her
daughter occupied stateroom No. 26, they being first-
class passengers on said steamer"
B-28 Stone, Mrs George Cave List
Icard, Miss Amelie
("Amelia _") [maid
toMrs Stone]
B-30 Østby, Mr Engelhart Cave List
B-31 or 33 (?) Stewart, Mr Albert A. Speculation From the testimony of Mrs Bishop and bedroom
steward Crawford we know that Mr Stewart was on
the starboard side, in the forward section on B deck.
Mrs Bishop said "he had a stateroom near us". She
did not say next to or across the hall. This perhaps
means he was not in either B-43 or B-47. Since he
was not far from them, the nearest unoccupied cabins
would be B-31 or B-33. Crawford, in his testimony,
mentions taking lifebelts from the top of the wardrobe
in Mr Stewart\'s cabin. There was only a walk-in
wardrobe in B-43 where the lifebelts would have been
kept on a rack on the floor. In cabins B-31 and B-33
the lifebelts would have been kept on top of the
B-35 Aubart, Mme. Leontine Cave List

Sägesser, Mlle.
Emma [maid to Mme.
B-36 Østby, Miss Helene Cave List
B-37 Kent, Mr Edward Cave List
B-38 Butt, Major Archibald Cave List
B-39 Frölicher, Miss Hedwig Cave List
B-41 Frölicher-Stehli, Mr Cave List
Maximilian Josef
Frölicher-Stehli, Mrs
Maximilian Josef
B-45 Snyder, Mr John Cave List
Snyder, Mrs John
B-49 Bishop, Mr Dickinson Cave List Mrs Bishop said B-47 at Senate inquiry this is
H. probably a mistake or a transcription error.
Bishop, Mrs Dickinson
H. (Helen Walton)
B-50 Stähelin, Dr Max Cave List
B-51-53-55 Cardeza, Mrs James Cave List
Warburton Martinez
Ward, Miss Anna [maid See also B-101
to Mrs Cardeza]
Cardeza, Mr Thomas Probably occupied B-55
Drake Martinez
B-52-54-56 Ismay, Mr Joseph Bruce Ismay\'s testimony at
the Senate inquiry. "B-52 is the room I had."
"You had the suite?"
" I had the suite."

B-57-59-61-63 (?) Ryerson, Mr Arthur Tentatively deduced Possibly in B-57

Larned from Mrs Ryerson\'s
Ryerson, Mrs Arthur affidavit to the Senate
Larned inquiry.
Ryerson, Miss Susan Possibly in B-59
(Suzette) Parker
Bowen, Miss Grace
Scott[governess to
Master Ryerson]
Chaudanson, Miss Possibly in B-61
Victorine[maid to Mrs
Ryerson, Master John Possibly in B-63
Ryerson, Miss Emily
B-58 Baxter, Mr Quigg Cave List
B-60 Baxter, Mrs James Cave List Mrs Douglas\' cabin on the Cave List is identified as
Douglas, Mrs Frederick B-60, but it is possible that she and her mother were
Charles actually in B-58.

B-69 Hays, Mr Charles Cave List
Hays, Mrs Charles
B-71 Davidson, Mr Thornton Cave List
Davidson, Mrs Thornton
(Orian Hays)
B-72 (?) May, Mr Richard (cross Speculation Fr. Francis Browne never mentions the cabin
channel passenger) allocations of his travelling companions. He does
May, Mr Stanley (cross though mention that there were suites on B deck and
channel passenger) gives only two examples, "Loius XVI and Modern
Dutch". He says that the styles are revealed on the
other side of the door (i.e. behind the door). He would
only know such things if he had actually visited B
deck suites. Also, on his deck and cabin allocation
plan (which is reproduced in the book which contains
his photos) there is a little pen mark outside of cabins
B-72 and B-74. Perhaps he made a little mark to
remind him that his travelling companions were in
those cabins.
B-73 Perreault, Miss Cave List
Anne [maid to Mrs
B-74 (?) Odell, Master Jack Speculation See B-72
Dudley (cross channel
B-76 (?) Odell, Miss Kate (cross The Cave List has the Spencer\'s in B-76 see below.
channel passenger)
Odell, Mrs Lily (cross
channel passenger)
B-76 or 78 (?) Spencer, Mr William Cave List / Senate According to the Cave List, Mr and Mrs Spencer
Augustus inquiry were assigned to cabin B-76. Their maid was
Spencer, Mrs William assigned to B-80, so perhaps for convenience they
Augustus (Marie moved to B-78 (or perhaps it was a misprint on the
Eugenie) Mr Etches testified that their cabin was B-78.
B-77 Rothes, the Countess of Personal account in According to the Cave List, the countess Miss Cherry
Cherry, Miss Gladys New York Herald (22 and Miss Maioni were assigned to C-37 (q.v.) for
April 1912). some reason she and Miss Cherry were moved to B-
B-79 (?) Maioni, Miss Speculation Miss Roberta\'s employer moved to B-77 (q.v.). Next
Roberta [maid to the to B-77 the maid\'s cabin was B-79. If Miss Roberta
Countess of Rothes] moved with her employer then she would have
occupied B-79, if not, Miss Roberta would have
stayed in C-37.
B-80 Lurette, Miss Cave List Berth 1
Elise [maid to Mrs
B-84 Guggenheim, Mr Cave List / Etches
Benjamin testimony at the It has been suggested (Eaton & Haas 1994) that
Giglio, Mr Victor [valet Senate inquiry. Guggenheim occupied cabin B-82-84 while his valet
to Mr Guggenheim] was in B-86). Etches said that Guggenheim occupied
cabin B-84 with his valet. "the next cabins were
empty untill you come to B-84 occupied by Mr
Guggenheim and his valet and Mr Carter\'s valet
occupied 86, the inside cabin." Later when describing
the lifebelts and talking about Guggenheim\'s cabin
he said there were three lifebelts in a room occupied

by two.

B-86 Cairns, Mr Alexander Senate inquiry See above

[manservant to Mr
B-94 Harrison, Mr William Senate inquiry Etches was the steward in this section, he confirms
[secretary to Mr Ismay] that Mr Harrison was in B-94.
B-95 or 97 (?) Loring, Mr Joseph Speculation
Holland In Lynch (1992) Loring and Rheims are mentioned in
the Smoking Room talking to a steward and Loring
says that his stateroom is right under the Smoking
Room. B-97 and 95 are the only unoccupied cabins
right under the Smoking Room. Mr Loring did not
survive and any information known about him comes
from Mr Rheims. In addition to the smoke room
incident any information on the whereabouts of Mr
Loring\'s cabin comes from Mr Rheims\' accounts or
letters. But Mr Rheims never mentions either his or
Mr Loring\'s actual cabin number.

B-96-98 Carter, Mr William Cave List The Cave List suggests the parents were in B-96
Carter, Mrs William
Ernest (Lucile Polk)
Carter, Miss Lucile Polk
Carter, Master William
Thornton II
B-101 (?) Lesurer, Mr Cave List /
Gustave[manservant to Speculation Anna Ward may have occupied B-101, if so then she
Mr Cardeza] would have berthed with Gustave Lesneur, a
Ward, Miss Anna [maid possibility but it is perhaps more likely that she would
to Mrs Cardeza] have occupied the same cabin as Mrs Cardeza (q.v.).

B-102 (?) Fry, Mr Richard [valet Unknown Not mentioned in Cave List, source unknown
to Mr Ismay]
C Deck Has 137 numbered cabins, 2 of which are sitting
rooms. Therefore 135 cabins are able to accommodate
315 passengers.
C-2 Pears, Mr Thomas Cave List
Pears, Mrs Thomas
(Edith Wearne)
C-6 Beattie, Mr Thomson Cave List
McCaffry, Mr Thomas Peuchen thought Beattie and McCaffry were in A-8
Francis (q.v.) and in cabins with numbers to that affect
(Source: Senate inquiry). It is possible that they were
moved after the Cave List was printed.

C-7 Bonnell, Miss Caroline Cave List / Miss Mr and Mrs Wick and their daughter were not on the
Wick, Miss Mary Bonnell\'s account Cave List. They did though book in plenty of time to
Natalie (The Christian be included on the Cave List so the reason for their
Science Monitor exclusion is unknown. We know that Miss Wick was
19 April 1912, p. 5) in the same cabin as Miss Bonnell, because of an
interview where Miss Bonnell says they were in the
same cabin.
C-22-26 Allison, Mr Hudson Cave List The Cave List only mentions C-22 and C-26. After
Joshua Creighton the disaster when Miss Cleaver and Miss Daniels

Allison, Mrs Hudson stayed with the family, it bcame known that they may
J.C. (Bessie Waldo have been in 3 cabins. Since nearby C-24 was vacant,
Daniels) they might have added that on to their cabins. It is not
Daniels, Miss certain that the Allisons took C-24 as well. It\'s quite
Sarah [maid to Mrs possible that they only occupied C-22 and C-26. Mr
Allison] and Mrs Allison with Lorriane would have probably
Allison, Miss Helen have occupied C-26 with the others in C-22. In C-24
Lorraine is incuded it is likely that Miss Cleaver and Trevor
Allison, Master Hudson were placed in C-24 and that the confusion that Miss
Trevor Cleaver caused by leaving with Trevor was probably
Cleaver, Miss because they were in a seperate cabin.
Alice [nurse to Master
C-23 Fortune, Mr Charles Cave List
C-25 Fortune, Miss Alice Cave List
Fortune, Miss Ethel
Fortune, Miss Mabel
C-27 Fortune, Mr Mark Cave List
Fortune, Mrs Mark
(Mary McDougald)
C-28 (?) Schabert, Mrs Paul Personal account /
(Emma Mock) unknown Not mentioned in Cave List. The Philadelphia
Evening Bulletin of 19 April 1912 quotes Mrs.
Schabert as saying she was in \'stateroom 28 on the
port side.\' She also wrote after the sinking: \'Mrs
Straus, who had a stateroom near me and with whom
I often talked, refused to leave her husband.\' Since
Mrs Straus had her cabin on C-deck, we can deduce
that Mrs Schabert most likely had her cabin on this
deck as well.

C-30 Molson, Mr Harry Cave List

C-32 White, Mrs John Stuart Cave List
(Ella Holmes) Cave List
Young, Miss Marie
C-37 Cherry, Miss Gladys Cave List See also B-77.
Maioni, Miss
Roberta [maid to the
Countess of Rothes]
Rothes, Countess of
(Lucy Noël Martha
C-39 Hipkins, Mr William Cave List
C-42 Graham, Mr George Cave List
C-45 Endres, Miss Caroline Cave List
Louise[nurse to Mrs
C-46 Cavendish, Mr Tyrell Cave List Mrs Cavendish\'s son, in later life recalled that his
William mother claimed she had terrible sea sickness. He also
Cavendish, Mrs Tyrell got the impression that she was on a higher deck

William (Julia Florence (poosibly B-deck). If the Cavendishes were in C-46
Siegel) (ie. it was not a misprint), it is possible that they later
Barber, Miss Ellen moved to a different cabin.
"Nellie"[maid to Mrs
C-47 Maréchal, Mr Pierre Cave List
C-49 Isham, Miss Ann Cave List
C-50 Potter, Mrs Thomas, Jr. Cave List
(Lily Alexenia Wilson)
C-51 Gracie, Colonel Cave List
Archibald IV
C-52 Woolner, Mr Hugh Cave List
C-53 Tucker, Mr Gilbert Cave List
Milligan, Jr.
C-54 Earnshaw, Mrs Boulton Cave List
(Olive Potter) On the Cave List, Miss Earnshaw\'s cabin is given as
Hays, Miss Margaret C-53. This is probably a mistake.
C-55-57 Straus, Mr Isidor Cave List
Straus, Mrs Isidor (Ida
C-62-64 (?) Astor, Colonel John Unknown The Astors do not appear on the Cave List. Although
Jacob they booked in time for their names to appear on the
Astor, Mrs John Jacob list the reason for their exclusion is not known, it is
(Madeleine Talmadge possible that they asked not to be included on the
Force) cabin lists. The documentary source for placing them
in C-64-64 is not known.
C-65 Peñasco y Castellana, Cave List
Mr Victor de Satode
Peñasco y Castellana,
Mrs Victor de Satode
C-68 Thayer, Mr John Mrs Thayer\'s Although the names of the Thayers do appear on the
Borland Account (? specific Cave List, there is no indication about which cabins
Thayer, Mrs John source) they occupied. The reason we know the Thayer
Borland (Marian cabins, is from the Thayers themselves.
Longstreth Morris)
C-70 Thayer, Mr John
Borland, jr.
C-78 Minahan, Dr William Cave List
Minahan, Mrs William
Edward (Lillian E.
Minahan, Miss Daisy E.
C-80 Widener, Mr George Cave List
Widener, Mrs George
Dunton (Eleanor Elkins)
C-82 Widener, Mr Harry
C-83 Harris, Mr Henry Cave List
Harris, Mrs Henry
Birkhardt (Irene
C-85 Cumings, Mr John Cunningham\'s
"What deck were you assigned to, if any?"

Bradley testimony at the "C deck aft, on the starboard side... In number 85
Cumings, Mrs John Senate inquiry were Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Cummings"
Bradley (Florence
Briggs Thayer)
C-86 Douglas, Mr Walter Cave List With regard to Miss LeRoy\'s cabin see also C-138.
Douglas, Mrs Walter
Donald (Mahala
LeRoy, Miss
Bertha ("Berthe
_") [maid toMrs
C-87 (?) Stead, Mr William Cunningham\'s Stead\'s name does appear on the Cave List but it does
Thomas testimony at the not give the cabin number. Steward Cunningham
Senate inquiry testified that he was in C-89. When originally
booking his passage, he paid a rather low £26 11s for
his ticket, a price far below the one he would have
required to pay for C-87 and especially C-89.
Although it is not certain, he possibly occupied a
different C-Deck cabin before requesting to be moved
into a larger cabin.
C-89 Clark, Mr Walter Miller Cave List / On the Cave List, Mr and Mrs Clark\'s cabin is C-89
Clark, Mrs Walter Cunningham\'s but Steward Cunningham testified that they were in
Miller (Virginia testimony at the C-87. The Clarks paid a high price for their cabin and
McDowell) Senate inquiry were probably given a cabin with private bathroom
access. They most probably would have occupied C-
C-90 de Villiers, Madame Cave List
Berthe (Berthe Antonine
C-91 Graham, Mrs William Cave List / On the Cave List Miss Graham is placed in C-125.
Thompson (Edith Cunningham\'s But according to the bedroom steward, Cunningham,
Junkins) testimony at the as he testified at the Senate inquiry, Miss Graham was
Graham, Miss Margaret Senate inquiry in C-91 with her mother. Also, Miss Shutes in her
Edith story, described how she lay in her cabin. After the
collision Miss Shutes went to the cabin of her friend,
where her friend\'s daughter was eating a chicken
sandwich which suggests that both Mrs and Miss
Graham were in the same cabin.
C-92 Goldenberg, Mr Samuel Cave List
Goldenberg, Mrs
C-93 Hoyt, Mr Frederick Cave List
Hoyt, Mrs Frederick
Maxfield (Jane Anne
C-95 (?) Rothschild, Mr Martin Deduced from Senate The Rothschilds booked late and do not appear on the
Rothschild, Mrs Martin inquiry Cave List. As according to dining room steward,
(Elizabeth L. Barrett) Ray\'s testimony, we know that the Rothschilds were
on C deck. Ray, when going up on deck stopped by
the purser\'s office "…saw the two pursers in the
purser\'s office and the clerks busy at the safe taking
things out and putting them in bags, and just then Mr
Rothschild left his stateroom and I waited for him".
The only way that Ray would have seen the pursers is

if he was standing in the door or just outside the door
of the purser\'s office. He saw Mr Rothschild leave
his stateroom, this means that he actually saw Mr
Rothschild get out of the door, not just walking down
the corridor. The only probable and "unoccupied"
cabin Mr Ray would have seen from where he stood
would be C-95.
C-97 Bird, Miss Ellen[maid to Cave List On the Cave List, next to the Straus\' cabin
Mrs Straus] allocations, is the cabin of their servants. Only one
Farthing, Mr John cabin is given, C-97. There is no evidence that
[manservant to Mr Fathing and Bird were in separate cabins.
C-99 Bissetti, Miss Cave List Berth 1
Amelia [maid to Mrs
C-101 Brown, Mrs John Cave List Berth 1
Murray (Caroline Lane
Appleton, Mrs Edward Cave List Berth 2
Dale (Charlotte
Cornell, Mrs Robert Cave List Berth 3
Clifford (Malvina Helen
C-103 Bonnell, Miss Elizabeth Cave List Berth 1
C-104 Peuchen, Major Arthur Cave List
C-106 Saalfeld, Mr Adolphe Cave List
C-108 Maguire, Mr John Cave List
C-109 Oliva y Ocana, Doña Cave List Berth 1
Fermina[maid to Mrs
C-110 Porter, Mr Walter Cave List
Clifford, Mr George
C-111 Foreman, Mr Benjamin Cave List
C-114 (?) Fleming, Miss Speculation
Margaret[maid to Mrs
C-112 (?) Bidois, Miss Speculation
Rosalie [maid to Mrs
Robbins, Mr Victor
[manservant to Colonel
C-116 Stengel, Mr Charles Senate inquiry
Emil Henry testimony
Stengel, Mrs Charles
Emil Henry (Annie May
C-118 Natsch, Mr Charles H. Cave List
C-120 Ringhini, Mr Sante Cave List Berth 1
[manservant to Mrs

C-122 (?) Robbins, Mr Victor Speculation Or Possibly C-112 with Bidois (q.v.)
[manservant to Colonel
C-121 or 123 (?) Futrelle, Mr Jacques Deduced from Mrs
Heath Futrelle\'s account. In her account Mrs Futrelle writes that she crossed the
Futrelle, Mrs Jacques corridor to go to the Harris cabin.
(Lily May Peel)
C-124 Klaber, Mr Herman Cave List
C-125 Shutes, Miss Elizabeth Cave List
W.[governess to Miss
Cave List
C-126 Taylor, Mr Elmer Cave List
Taylor, Mrs Elmer Cave List
Zebley (Juliet Cummins
C-128 Williams, Mr Fletcher Cave List
C-132 Craig, Mr. Norman C. Cave List Berth 1
[Did not board]
C-138 or 140 (?) LeRoy, Miss Deduced from Mrs
Bertha ("Berthe Douglas\' affidavit Mrs Douglas (of C-86) implies that her maid
_") [maid toMrs (Senate inquiry) occupied a cabin with Mrs Carter\'s maid. (Senate
Douglas] inquiry Testimony) if this is the case it is possible that
Serreplan, Miss they shared C-140. They could not have shared C-
Auguste [maid to Mrs 136, since Etches was in that cabin taking out lifebelts
Carter] and throwing them in the corridor. If C-136 was
occupied, Etches would not have been able to do so.
Please do not exclude the possibility of C140.
Sereplan\'s employers were on a deck above, so
perhaps Sereplan and LeRoy were in C140, closer to
the stairs.

C-142 Partner, Mr Austin Cave List

C-148 Behr, Mr Karl Howell Cave List
D Deck Has a total of 49 cabins, being able to accommodate
119 passengers.

D-6 Long, Mr Milton Clyde Cave List

D-7 Andrews, Miss Kornelia Cave List
D-9 Longley, Miss Gretchen Cave List
D-10 Greenfield, Mr William Cave List
D-11 Hogeboom, Mrs John C. Cave List
(Anna Andrews)
D-12 Greenfield, Mrs Leo Cave List
David (Blanche Strouse)
D-15 Bazzani, Miss Cave List
Albina [maid to Mrs
Bucknell, Mrs William Cave List
Robert (Emma Eliza

D-17 Leader, Dr Alice Cave List Berth 3
Swift, Mrs Frederick Cave List Berth 1
Joel (Margaret Welles
D-19 Kimball, Mr Edwin Cave List
Nelson Jr.
Kimball, Mrs Edwin
Nelson Jr. (Gertrude
D-20 Eustis, Miss Elizabeth Cave List
Stephenson, Mrs Walter
Bertram (Martha
D-21 Kenyon, Mr Frederick Cave List
Kenyon, Mrs Frederick
R. (Marion)
D-22 Borebank, Mr John Cave List Berth 1
D-26 White, Mr Percival Cave List
White, Mr Richard
D-28 Lines, Mrs Ernest H. Cave List
(Elizabeth Lindsey
Lines, Miss Mary
D-30 Marvin, Mr Daniel Cave List
Marvin, Mrs Daniel
D-31 Eastman, Miss Anne K. Cave List
[Did not board]
Lewis, Mrs Charlton T.
[Did not board]
D-32 Wood,Mr Frank P. [Did Cave List
not board]
Wood, Mrs Frank P.
[Did not board]
D-33 Harper, Mr Henry Cave List
Harper, Mrs Henry
Sleeper (Myna Haxtun)
Hassab, Mr
toHenry Sleeper
D-34 Franklin, Mr Thomas Cave List Berth 3
D-35 Beckwith, Mr Richard Cave List
Beckwith, Mrs Richard
Leonard (Sallie

D-36 Newell, Miss Madeleine Cave List
Newell, Miss Marjorie
D-37 Warren, Mr Frank Cave List
Warren, Mrs Frank
Manley (Anna S.
D-38 (?) Nourney, Mr Alfred Unknown Documentary source not identified.
("Baron von
D-40 Frauenthal, Mr Isaac Cave List
D-43 Ovies y Rodriguez, Mr Cave List
D-44 Keeping, Mr Edwin Cave List It has been suggested (? source) that Geiger and
Herbert [valet to Mr Keeping were in C-130 and C-132, respectively. This
Widener] is incorrect, on the Cave List their cabin is given as
Geiger, Miss Amalie D-44.
("Emily _") [maid toMrs
D-45 Hawksford, Mr Walter Cave List
D-46 Walker, Mr William Cave List
D-47 Newsom, Miss Helen Cave List
D-48 Newell, Mr Arthur Cave List
D-49 (?) Hassab, Mr Speculation On the Cave List Mr Hassah is placed with the
Hammad[dragoman Harpers in D-33 (q.v.). It is more likely that he
toHenry Sleeper occupied a cabin of his own, possibly D-49.
D-50 Sutton, Mr Frederick Cave List
E Deck Has a total of 71 cabins, being able to accommodate
184 passengers.
E-8 Chambers, Mr Norman Senate inquiry "Our stateroom was E-8, on the starboard side; that is
Campbell the lowest berth deck, and as far as I know, we were
Chambers, Mrs Norman as far forward as any of the first-cabin passengers on
Campbell (Bertha that deck."
E Deck (?E-10) Kreuchen, Miss Gracie / Speculation "She went back and returned to us immediately to say
Emilie [maid toMrs her cabin, which was forward on Deck E, was
Robert] flooded." (Gracie 1913)
E-12 Anderson, Mr Harry Cave List
E-17 Daly, Mr Peter Denis Cave List
E-22 (?) Gibson, Mrs Leonard Miss Gibson\'s Miss Gibson does not state the number of her cabin,
(Pauline C. Boeson) personal account but it is known she was on E deck. She does say she
Gibson, Miss Dorothy was "…near the elevator hall and not far from the
Winifred staircase."
E-23 (?) A first class Speculation
unaccompanied lady. It is known that a single lady occupied this cabin. Mr
McGough said he knocked on the cabin door (across
the hall to him) of a lady. Possibilites include Mrs
Flegenheimer, Mrs Candee, Miss Willard or Mrs

E-24 Calderhead, Mr Edward Cave List Berth 3

Silverthorne, Mr Cave List Berth 1
Spencer Victor
E-25 Flynn, Mr John Irwin Cave List Berth 3
McGough, Mr James Cave List Berth 1
E-31 Chaffee, Mr Herbert Cave List
Chaffee, Mrs Herbert
E-33 Chibnall, Mrs Edith Cave List
Bowerman, Miss Elsie
E-34 Spedden, Mr Frederic Cave List Mrs Spedden stated that after the collision she went to
Oakley the cabin of her son and his nurse. Hence we know
Spedden, Mrs Frederic that Douglas was not in E-34 with his parents.
E-36 Francatelli, Miss Laura Cave List
Mabel [maid to Lady
Duff Gordon]
E-36 Wilson, Miss Helen CaveList Berth 1
Alice[maid to Mrs
E-37 Lawrence, Mr Arthur Cave List Berth 1
[Did not board]
E-38 Millet, Mr Francis Cave List
E-40 Burns, Miss Elizabeth Cave List
Margaret[nurse to
Master Spedden]
E-40 Spedden, Master Robert Cave List Berth 1
E-44 Silvey, Mr William Cave List
Silvey, Mrs William
E-45 Compton, Mrs Cave List
Alexander Taylor
E-46 Hilliard, Mr Herbert Cave List
McCarthy, Mr Timothy
E-49 Compton, Miss Sara Cave List
E-50 Harder, Mr George Cave List
Harder, Mrs George
E-52 Compton, Mr Alexander Cave List
Taylor jr
E-58 Colley, Mr Edward Cave List
E-60 Julian, Mr Henry Forbes Cave List
E-63 Gee, Mr Arthur H. Cave List It is known, from Mr Gee\'s letters that he was moved
to another cabin, on E deck. He moved because he

wanted a porthole in his cabin, therefore he must have
moved to an outside cabin.
E-66 Case, Mr Howard Faulkner\'s account. Mr Case\'s name does appear on the Cave List,
Brown however his cabin allocation does not. Bedroom
steward Faulkner in his memoirs records Mr Case
changing from cabin E-66 to a cabin in Faulkner\'s
section on C deck. Mr Case only spent one night in
this (E-66) cabin, on 11th April 1912, Mr Case was
transferred to his new cabin.
E-67 Taussig, Mr Emil Cave List
Taussig, Mrs Emil
(Tillie Mandelbaum)
E-68 Taussig, Miss Ruth Cave List Berth 1
All together the 6 decks have a total of 400 cabins, 4
of which are sitting rooms. Therefore 396 cabins are
able to accommodate a total of 856 people. The 324
passengers to New York would only have provided
38% of the total amount possible.
Second Class
D Deck
D-56 Beesley, Mr Lawrence Personal account
E Deck
E-77 (?) Mack, Mrs Mary Ticket found on her
body. Her cabin is usually given as E-77 but this was
actually a first class cabin. Although E-43 onward
were originally second class cabins, first class cabins
were later extended all the way to E-88 probably due
to the anticipated demand which did not in fact
materialize. It is possible that, once the low take-up of
first class cabins was realized, E-69 onward were
returned to second class, in which case Mrs Mack
could have occupied E-77 although this is
speculation. It is equally possible that E-77 is simply
a transcription error.

E 101 (?) Troutt, Miss Edwina Unknown Source not identified.

Celia "Winnie"
Webber, Miss Susan
Keane, Miss Nora A.
F Deck
F-2 (?) Navratil, Mr Michel Unknown Source not identified.
Navratil, Master
Edmond Roger
Navratil, Master Michel
F-4 (?) Becker, Mrs Allen Unknown Source not identified.
Becker, Miss Marion
Becker, Master Richard
Becker, Miss Ruth
F-33 (?) Nye, Mrs Elizabeth Unknown Source not identified.

Brown, Miss Amelia
(Mildred) [cook to Mr
Lemore, Mrs Amelia
Cook, Mrs Selena
Third Class
Unknown Deck
69 (?) Joseph / Peter, Mrs Unknown In section E
Joseph / Peter, Master
Michael J.
Joseph / Peter, Miss
D Deck
135 Hellström, Miss Hilda Boarding Card In section O

E Deck
11 Theobald, Mr Thomas Boarding Card In section B, forward on E deck. The boarding card
Leonard was found when his body was recovered

121 Moor, Mrs Beila Boarding Card In section M

Moor, Master Meier
126 Sage, Master William Ticket found with On the ticket recovered with the body of Will Sage a
Henry (and possibly body. list number (20) is given and the berth number 126 (in
others from the Sage section M) is also given. It is likely that some but not
family) all of the family members were in this cabin.
161 Gilnagh, Miss Katherine Boarding Card In section Q
Mullen, Miss Katherine
"Katie" ("_Mullins")
Murphy, Miss Margaret
Jane ("Mary")
Miss Katherine"Kate"
F Deck
38 (?) Tobin, Mr Roger Unknown In section C
46 (?) Mardirosian, Mr Sarkis Unknown In section E
(+ three other steerage)
57 (?) Krekorian, Mr Neshan Unknown In section E
63 (?) Abelseth, Mr Olaus Unknown In section G
Humblen, Mr Adolf
Mathias Nicolai Olsen
73 (?) Moen, Mr Sigurd Unknown In section G
Søholt, Mr Peter
Andreas Lauritz
G Deck
6 (?) Unknown There is no cabin 6 in section G on F deck. Most
Sandström, Mrs likely the five of them shared cabin 6 on G deck, in
Hjalmar the stern of the Titanic. Although the room was a 4
Sandström, Miss berth room, one of them was only a baby and could
Beatrice Irene have shared a bed with it\'s mother or one of the
Sandström, Miss children.
Marguerite Rut

Immigration Ticket
Ström, Mrs Wilhelm
(Elna Matilda Persson)
Ström, Miss Telma
(Selma) Matilda

10 (?) Pickard (Trembisky), Deduced from Senate Pickard testified that he was in cabin 10 in the stern,
Mr Berk inquiry so most likely he was in cabin 10, where male and
female separation was less restricted. His cabin was
able to accommodate 4 people.


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