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Name:ZIHAO WANG Class:25 Tutor:Pierre

Please submit on Blackboard and on paper / Padlet
Area of research interest: Stock price synchronicity

Narrowed area: Institutional investors and stock price synchronicity

Initial research question: How institutional investors affect stock price synchronicity

Search terms: Institutional investors\stock price synchronicity

Reference for selected article: Randall Morck , Bernard Yeung , Wayne Yu . The information
content of stock markets: why do emerging markets have
synchronous stock price movements?[J].Journal of Financial

Rationale for selection: 1、When I search for a keyword:stock price synchronicity,this

article is the most cited(about 2548).So I believe it is so
important that so many people cite it.
2、The published year is 2000,so it’s very early.And I think I
can use recent years’articles to present a development of my
MRR’s point.

Immediate response to first This area also needs more specific classification and
read through of article: analysis.For example, what will affect the price synchronicity?
How does it affect? What is the internal logic?

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