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Lit Name: _____________________ (1 Point)

The Outsiders: Test

Multiple Choice: 1 Point Each

1. Who is the narrator of the story?
a. Johnny b. Ponyboy c. Dally d. Bob
2. This character’s parents didn’t care anything about him. His family was the gang.
. Bob b. Two-Bit c. Ponyboy d. Johnny
3. What book do Johnny and Ponyboy read while hiding out in the church?
. Pride and Prejudice b. Gone with the Wind c. Jane Eyre d. War and Peace
4. Who did Soda want to marry?
. Sandy b. Sally c. Susan d. Natalie
5. To what city do Johnny and Ponboy escape after “the incident”?
. Windrixville b. Tulsa c. Williamsburg d. Dallas
6. Where does the following quote appear in the novel?
“When I stepped out into the bright sunlight from the darkness of the movie house, I had only two
things on my mind: Paul Newman and a ride home...”
a. The beginning b. The climax
c. The end d. Both the beginning and the end of the novel
7. When Ponyboy told Randy, “Greaser didn’t have anything to do with it… It’s the individual…”
he meant that:
a. Most Socs wouldn’t have gone in to save the kids
b. Most Greasers wouldn’t have gone in to save the kids
c. You can’t tell what a person will do based on the group he or she is a part of
d. Only he and Johnny would have done something like that
8. What does Randy say Bob wanted from his parents that he never received?
. Money b. To let him do what he wanted
c. To help him with his troubles d. To tell him no
9. When Johnny smiles before he dies, it’s because:
a. Dally was proud of him b. He wanted to die c. He’s dying a hero d. He saw his mom
10. Which team was Ponyboy a part of at school?
. Tennis b. Football c. Wrestling d. Track

Fill in the following chart at list the stereotypes for each. 1 point per spot.
Greasers Socs

Physical Appearance _______________________ _______________________

Clothing _______________________ _______________________
Level of Wealth _______________________ _______________________
List One Other Stereotype _______________________ _______________________

Fill in the Blank: 1 Point Each

_________________________ 1. The name of the red haired Soc that the boys met at the drive in.

_________________________ 2. The name of the Soc that was killed by Johnny.

_________________________ 3. The name of the character killed who had wanted to die.
_________________________ 4. From what side of town are the Greasers, East or West?

_________________________ 5. During which decade is The Outsiders set?

_________________________ 6. What brother did Ponyboy have a strained relationship with?

_________________________ 7. What was Two-Bit’s most prized possession?

_________________________ 8. Which of the Greasers had lived in New York City?

_________________________ 9. Which character helps Johnny and Ponyboy get to the hideout?

_________________________ 10. Who does Johnny refuse to see at the hospital?

_________________________ 11. Ponyboy says that you see from the East and West side of town.

Short Answer Questions: 5 Points Each. There are 6 options -- ONLY answer 5! You must answer
using complete sentences or -1 point per question.

1. What is foreshadowing? Cite one specific example of foreshadowing in the book.

2. Which character in the book did you identify with the most? Why? (Explain fully).

3. Define what a stereotype is. Then, explain how characters broke down specific stereotypes about
their groups within The Outsiders.
4. Robert Frost’s poem “Nothing Gold Can Stay” is used multiple times throughout the book. Cite one
specific time it was used in the book, and explain how this poem connects to the characters’ current

5. After reading The Outsiders, what advice would you give to Ponyboy as he moves on past these
significant events? Why do you think your advice would be helpful to him, using evidence from the

6. What can we as Christians learn about life from The Outsiders? How can it affect the way we view
people? What lessons can we take from the book even though it isn’t specifically a “Christian” book?

Bonus Questions:
How old was S.E. Hinton when she wrote The Outsiders? ____________

What was the name of the Soc that Darry fought at the beginning of the rumble? _____________
Intro Lit Name: ________________________
The Outsiders: Test
Timed Essay Question: 15 points. Answer fully. Use complete sentences or -1 point

Read the following question and answer it completely. Make sure you pay attention to all of the details
and ideas you need to include. Your answer must be organized and complete. Plan your answer if
necessary. You will have 15 minutes to complete this. The essay will be graded based on the quality of
your answer, the completeness of your answer, and the effectiveness of the organization of your answer.
Do your best!

What, in your opinion, is one meaningful theme that was communicated throughout the book? Explain
using at least three specific examples from the book to support your choice.

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