Usool Thalathaa Worksheet

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The 2nd Principle

Ma'rifah of the Deen of Islaam With Its Evidences

Islaam consists of three elements:

1. Istislaam 2. Inqiyaad With 3. Baraa'ah from Shirk

Upon Tawheed Obedience and its People

Islaam has three ranks:

Ihsaan Imaan Islaam

This rank has one pillar This rank has six pillars This rank has five pillars

16:128 2:177 3:18

Worship Allaah as
26:217-220 Allaah Shahaadah 43:26-28
if you see Him
10:61 3:26
To worship Allaah as if you see Him
and even though you do not see 2:177 98:5
Angels Salaah
Him, He certainly sees you.

2:177 98:5
Books Zakaah

2:177 2:183
Messengers Siyaam

2:177 3:97
The Last Day Haj

Al-Qadr 54:49
Good & Evil



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