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The Administration is the keystone of the foundation of Brother Rice High School. Its decisions, policies, and actions have an effect on the operations and students of the school. Brother Popish, school principal, is greatly aided by a well-trained and experienced staff, concerned with the needs of the student and the school. Brother Rice's history has always been impressive, and through the efforts of these men and women it will remain impressive.



:xer P>ght: Sr. Duffin, Sr. Popish, and Mr. Cassidy confer,_.-..; A1x"Ne Sr Duffin. Jr.-Sr, Dean,







Left: Br. Popish giving speech at open house, Above: Mr, Sedlacek is varsity baseball coach.




The Library is the most immediately impressive portion of Brother Rice. It is a place for study, for solitude, or just for individual reading. Chief Librarian Br. Eugene Pilon and his staff have succeeded in keeping the Brother Rice Library and its companion Audio-Visual Center in peak condition. This is vital in assisting the instruction of nearly all courses at Br. Rice.

Top Left: Lunch period is a busy time for the Library. Left: The Library offers a number of facilities. Above: Students relax in the Library while catching up on the latest magazines.




• Left: Students enjoy friendly conversation by the R.P.S.


The objectives of the science courses are an understanding of the scientific method and knowledge of the factual information to each area of science being studied. The main goal of all the courses is to make the student a more critical reader, a more careful observer, and a deeper thinker.

Upper Right: Mr. Arumagam talks with a parent at open house. Lower Right:

Seniors attentively listen to a science lecture.








Middle Left: Br. McDonald talks to a Dad's Club member during a basketball game. Upper Right: Mr. Arumagam lecturing to his IPS class. Above: Br. McDonald at a swim meet.

The Mathematics Department has continued in maintaining the high standards of quality it has always held. Chaired by Br. Reynia, the Mathematics Department gives students a firm understanding of the fundamentals and more advanced concepts of modern mathematics.

Above: Mr. Petrak also coaches the hockey team. Right Bottom: Mr. Hanrahan delivers another powerful lecture.









The Religion Department at Brother Rice has as its objective the development of faith and personal growth within the student. Through a logical fouryear progression of courses the student will gain the knowledge necessary to be an understanding and intelligent Catholic.

A.!looe r Harasits enjoying a moment out at his desk. Upper P F, McDonough and Br. Fitzsimmons prepare commun-oo at mass. Middle: Mr. Rattigan and Br. Fitzsimmons relax over a annk_






Left Above: Mr. Johnston rooting lor the baseball team. Middle: Sr. Fitzsimmons distributing communion. Above: Fr. McDonough delivers the homily at mass.



RighI: Br. Moore, also ennis coach, prepares to -n a return. Right: Br. Walclecturing to a French class.

In general the primary aim of foreign language instruction at Brother Rice is to help the student acquire a mastery of the spoken language. Secondary aims are: 1) to help the student acquire mastery of written forms and grammar that he has already learned orally, and 2) to introduce the student to a civilization that is different from his own; thus, becoming a more well-rounded person, aware of his heritage and responsibilities in the world community.






MR. scorr LARSON

Above Left: Br. Schul at a track meet. Above: Miss Redisi assists a student in class. Left: Mr. Larson helping out Mr. Staron.


The main objectives of the English Department are to help the student to increase his communication skills, both oral and written, and to come to a better understanding of the principles and types of literature.

The freshman and sophomore program covers basic skills, while the junior course stresses composition and a more serious analysis of both fiction and non-fiction. The senior electives offer a variety of approaches to literature.





ADt:Ne: Sr. Hale and Sr. Walczak caught in a candid moment.





Upper Left: Mr. Perry giving orders at the Wheetchair Basketball game. Lower Left: Br. Mahoney while reading the paper. Above: Br. Hale talks with a TV man at "II's Academic!"



Lower Left: Br. Tompkins checks off names at the candy drive. Below: Brother Noonan on cafeteria patrol.

Left Middle: Mr. Ross, also the speech coach, poses with the team. Lower Left: Br. Hale distributes communion to the underclassmen. Below: Br. Mahoney and the bookstore.



This Page, Right: Mr. Duffy coaching J-V football. Opposite, Left Middle: Mr. Bara at lunch. Left Bot/om: Br. Devane at C.A.L.M. Right Middle: Mr. Rohan in class. Right Bottom; Mr. Staron talking baseball strategy with another coach.




The major aim of the Social Studies Department is to prepare the students by acquainting them with the basic understanding of our history. The Social Studies Department accomplishes this goal through several grade levels of full-year courses, and then offers a variety of electives on the senior level.







Above: Typing is a valuable skill to know, especially later in life. Above Right: Mr. Osburn smiles over the results of the ad drive.

, ,

The major purpose of the Business curriculum is to contribute to intelligent economic citizenship through a study of business. Business education can contribute to the development of the individual in accordance with his potentialities. It can foster the development of an inquiring mind. It can increase the pupils facility in speaking, writing, and reading effectively. Any student who takes this course seriously will become a useful,

well-informed citizen who will be a credil,to his community and his Church.





Both the Music Department and the Art Department may be placed under the heading of Fine Arts. Four beginning art and one advanced art courses are taught by Brother Chapman. The Esquire and marching bands are directed by Mr. P. J. Henning, the Concert Band is conducted by Mr. Leo Henning, and the entire band is moderated by Br. Murray. The outstanding artists and fine bands which have come from Brother Rice are due to the efforts of these men.

Above Left: Brother Chapman looks up tram his art work. Far Left: Mr. Leo Henning directing the concert band. Middle 801- tom: Mr. Patrick J. Henning checking out some music. Right Below: Mr. Leo Henning giving a performance .



The Department of Guidance at Brother Rice attempts to help each student with those problems that he is likely to encounter during his high school years. Counselors therefore are busily engaged in college, vocational, and academic counseling with students. If a student wishes, he may also consult his counselor about any other problems he may be having.





Opposite; Mr. Hanisits is chairman of the Guidance Department. Top Left: Mr. Cummings assists in handing out diplomas at graduation. Above: One of the Guidance Departments most important functions is providing college information for college-bound students.



The Drafting Department is designed to enable the student to understand the basis of Architectural and Mechanical Drawing. The chief aims of the course would be accuracy, technique, neatness, and speed. The drawings themselves must indicate all the information that needs to be known about the parts they represent.


Top RighI: Br. Joyce gives dralting tips to an interested student. RighI: Br. Joyce discusses swim results with a referee.


The Physical Education program of Brother Rice has as its purpose the satisfaction of the physical and recreational needs of our students. Our program is aimed at developing bodily agility and strength which contribute so much to one's own self-confidence and poise.



Above: Mr. Markulin watches over the soccer team.



Mark Adduce Anlhony Aguirre James Albert AdamA/lison James Anderson Louis Arneberg Russell Artisl Jerome Augustine

James Aylward William Bablilz Robert Bandyk

Russell Barcelona Micheal Barnes Thomas Barrett Timolhy Barrett

Thomas Barsevick

Micheal Barta

Roberl Bavcevic Thomas Beata Edward Berenl James Benacki

Ronald Bickhaus Thomas Blackburn Gregory Blazek

Greg Bladen T~omas8ock

Vincenl Bojan James Boland

James Boney Brian Boyd

Matthew Bradley David Brady

Michael Brannigan John Brdecka



"You mean Ihe Bulls wanl me?"

Look Ma, no cavities

James Brennan Steven Brill Michael Broderick Thomas Broderick Terrence Bronks Cary Bronson Scott Bronson Michael Brutton James Buehgan Brian Bulkey Robert Burke Ralph Burnett Micheal Butkus Daniel Caponegri John Capvano Philip Caputo Thomas Carcoran John Carden Michael Carroll Timothy Carroll Nicholas Caulfield RoberLCerabona Jerome Cervantes James Chmara Anthony Christiano Dennis Cichon Thomas Cleary

Kevin Cline Gregg Coccaro

Kevin Cody Michael Cody

Antony Coglianese Daniel Collins

Patrick Collins James Concannon

William Coogan Brian Corcaron

Leon Cornelius Martin Costello

Kenneth Cotter Charles Coyle

Michael Coyle Kevin Couie

Thomas Creagan Christopher Crispo

Matthew Crown Donald Cuba

James Cummings Edward Curran

Richard Daniels George Davidson

Joseph Davis Edward Deaey

Rober! Deangelo John Dempsey Charles Dinll0 Kevin Docherty Harry Docherty Jude Domanski

John Domrowski Thomas Donohue

Terrence Donnell Daniel Donelly Donald Dorsey John Dougherty Martin Doyle Paul Dressel James Driscoll

Hey don't tell anyone but that chicken just moved.

I can yodel better than you can.

"This, , is a bail,"

John Duffy Michael Durkin John Dusza Thomas Dwyer Gary Early

William ElwOQC Joseph Fabrizio James Falloon Jack Ferorenko Loren Feldner

David Finn Philip Flynn

Arthur FOllenweider Pal rick Forbes Terrence Ford

John Forde Frank Fortini Paul Frank Lawrence Frey Paul Fudacz

James Gallagher Paul Gargulak Robert Gentile

Juris Germanas Gus Gertos Robert Gieruf

William Goedert John Green Michael Gruska

William Haggerty Kenneth Hahn Daniel Hall

Russell Haraf Palrick Harringlon Edward Halherly


Randy Hawkey Kevin Hayes Daniel Hecker James Heidecker Daviv Henehan _ Gregory Henisan Bernard Hennassy Charles Henry

Joeseph Henry Mark Herbst

James Herlihey Jeffery Hicks John Hoevel Daniel Hogan

Michael Honey Michael Horvath

Michael Howland Michael Hughes

Christopher Hyland Joseph lannoni

Ronald James Edmund Jantz

Daniel Jarzabkowski James Jarynski

John Jeffers Brian Jennings

Brian Johnson James Johnson

Albert Johnson

"Ah. . what do you mean you don't know what you're doing."

Mark Johnson Michael Johnson Thomas Johnson Thomas Kachinsky Michael Karpowicz Paul Karr

Gregory Kash Timothy Kaufmann

Timothy Kearns John Kellogg Richard Kevin Daniel Kiaulakis Joseph Kiaulakis Timothy Kich Martin Kilheeney Kenton Klaus

Richard Klein Vydas Kleiza

John Knight Lawrence Knight

John Kole

Keith Konieczka

Robert Kosmonas Jamie Kowalsky

Joseph Kremm Linas Kucas

Kevin Kuenster Robert Lachine Richard Ladd Brad Lang Gregg Larson David Laska

John Lassandrello Daniel t.azaricn

Donald Levy Andrius Likander Kenneth Lis Michael Littleton WiWamlloyd Thomas Loftus James Long Richard Lorenz

Lawrence Lucas Brad Lukas Kevin Lyman David Lynch Palrick Lynch William Lyons John Macarol

Michael Maciorowski

John Macke Bruce Maduzia Michael Mahay Leonard Maida Paul Manghera

Mark Marino Peter Mark Anthony Marmo

Michael Marmo Lewis Marszzalek James Martin TImothy Martin Edward Martinkus Gregory Mazak Joeseph McCarthy Sean McClowry

David McElroy David McGinnis

John McGinnis Joseph McGinnis

Ralph McGinnis Kevin McGovern

"Two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, onions, on a sesame seed bun. . . to go."

"These photographers sure take crumy pictures."


Allright guys, let's get down to business - now you see that girl at the end of the field.

Richard McGowan Terrence McGrath

Patrick McGuire James Mcilvain

Brian Mcinerney Patrick Mcinerney

Steven Mcinerney Andrew Mclnlosh Arthur McKeague Daniel McLaughlin James McMahon Jeffery McMahon Patrick McNally James McQuillan

Thomas Meade Michael Meyer Michael Miceli Steven Micheals Anton Michalek Eric Millender David Minskl Mark Misialek

Algirdas Mockaitls Raymond Moehle Steven Monks James Morgan Stephen Morris Charles Morrison John Morrison


Paul Morrison Thomas Morrissey Charles Moscarto James Mrowca Kennelh Mueller James Murph!' Terrence Murphy Kevin Murray

Vincent Myslinski Daniel Namoff Joseph Nassin Michael Nee

John Newell Steven Nicorata Raymond Nowaczyk Wesley Nowotarski

Christopher Oakley Brian O'Bora Kevin O'Brien Joseph O'Connell Thomas O'Connell John O'Connor

Mark O'Connor Terry O'Connor

Patrick O'Donovan Kevin O'Keefe Timothy O'Keefe

Anthony Otson Denis O'malley Edward O'Malley

James O'Malley Patrick O'Malley Bernard O'Reilly

Kevin O'Reilly Edward Ormsby Joseph O'Shea

Mark Ossmann Thomas Pacetti John Pachucki

Thomas Page Marc Papernik Andrew Pappas

I told you I could teach better than he can.

David Pavelich Donald Pawelski Robert Payne James Peake Lawrence Pesce John Peterson Kevin Phelan Scott Phillips

Wesley Pierce Llfnard Pisarski Anthony Porto Brian Proctor Richard Pupura Charles Quinn John Raddatz Paul Radtke

Michael Rataj

Brian Reilly Terrence Reilly Richard Reilly Michael Rhodes Ronald Richards Joseph Riggio Joseph Ritter

Edward Rohan Gerald Rossborough Thomas Rowlely Anthony Rule

Peter Ruzevich Bruce Ryan

Martin Ryan

John Saluski


James Sanchez Robert Sanowskis Mark Saulys RIchard Scheidt Peter Scherder • JohnSch~ Tom Schoenhoten R,chard Schofield

Marlin Scully Charles Seminara John Senese JohnSeno RogerSerwy Joseph Shake

Daruel Sheeyhy John Singler

MarcSkopec Donald Shva

Thomas smses Gregory Srmth RIchard srmm Edward Smyth Michael Snow

Robert Solloway

James Speedwell W,lliam Spelz Robert Staszek Thomas Stewart

John Stupantz Timothy Sullivan Lamar Summers Anthony Susbnis

Robert Scavone

Robert Swayka Victor Swenson

Enc Sylvester MIchael Sazarley David Taglloll Paul Tague Stephen Tarpey

I will see ya, and raise two corn chips.

Thomas T ekiela Charles Thier Anthony Togher Stephen T oth Timothy Thahey James Travnik Michael Tunney Joseph Trunk

John Twarogal Mark Trimble John Tuscher Stephen Vogler Robert Waddell Donald Walsh John Walsh Maurice Walsh

Michael Walsh James Walters Thomas White Jerry Williamsen Paul Wilson David Woike Frank Wolf Micheal Woods

Gregory Wozniak Peter Yourell

Michael Wyka Thomas Wroblewski

MarkWilsen Glenn Yaeger

Michael Yuhasz Richard Zelvrs

David Zepeda ArasZlioba

Raymond Zukavskas Jonas lymantas


James Adduci Art Akouris Steve Allen Peter Ambrosino Brian Anderson Ralph Arnold John Augustyn Edward Badooski

Jim Bailey Jeff Salek Vic Baltusis Vic Barauskas Nick Barren John Barry Patrick Barry

Mike Bastien

James Beck John Beck Greg Belinsky Ray Bernard

Ray Best John Blaha Steve Blank Steve Blazak

Joe Bonchek Joe Borders Brian Boyle

Bill Brannigan Jim Briski Andrew Broda Dennis Broderick Tom Brooks

Larry Brown Scott Bundschuh Bernard Burke

Tom Burmeistel Tim Bush Chris Cabanski

TIm Callahan Rick Canchola Brian Carey

KeVIn Carney Bill Carrano John Carroll

"Mr. K. did you hear the one about.

Superman to the rescue.

Mike Castrogiovanni August Cavero Robert Cecich

Phil Cerney BobCitrone

Brian Chaps

Jim Chester

Dave Chorola

Gregory Choklek John Christensen Mike Cichon Joseph Cichowski TomCimoli Steven Ciszewski JoeClatty

Mike Clark

Bob Clev~land Stephen Clifford Gary Coccaro Mark Collins

Bob Condon

John Connolly Jim Connors Kevin Conroy

Bill Copps

Clark Corcoran Kevin Corcoran Kevin Cornfield Richard Corrigan Carey Consentino Bob Costello

Evan Cotter

Louis Coyne Kevin Cronin Sean Cronin

Jeffery Crudo John Curran Dennis Ceuprynski

John Daum Timothy Davis Robert DeFalco

Edward DeRose Joseph DeRose Aldo DeGrassi



Mike Delaney Kevin Delaplane

John Delinger Paul Dicola

Bob Diericks Mike Dina

Dan Dixon Bernard Doerr

Rick Donnelly Albert Donskis

Allan Dorsey James Dowd John Downey Matt Downey

Tom Doyle Don Dreyer Shawn Dugan Brian Durkin

lee Dvorak John Dvorscek Ron Dymerski Mike Eber Mark Ecken Bernie Egan Tom Emerson Tom Esposito

Mike Eubanks

Mike Evans Frank Evers Tom Faloon

Tom Farrington Steve Faryan Jim Freazekas Phil Fazd

Bill Febel John Feehery Joe Fenton Bill Fey Kevin Fester James Fitzgerald Bob Fitzgerald Bob Fitzgerald

"Really ... you're kiddin', . what's her phone number?"

I thought he said this was strawberry.

Tim Fitzgerald Mike Flalely

Robert Fleischmann Gerald Flemming Bill Foley

Joe Foray

Mike Forde

Scott Fornek

Frank Frazel Mike Frelly

Tim Gallagher Chris Galvin LupeGarcia Bernie Gardocki Tony Gavin Mike Gembara

Saul Germanas Dennis Gibbons Tim Gill

Joe Glennon Mike Glynn JimGlaber Kevin Graham John Greblivnab

Joe Greggleit Dan Grilfin Jerry Grogan John Guiltoyle Frank Guillen Bob Gump Robert Hall Mike Hallberg

Jeff Hansen Mike Hasbrock

Rich Haskins Mark Hanajcik

Ed Hayes Bill Hayes

Tom Hejna

Bob Henderson

Mark Heneghan Tom Heniff


"Andy Hennigan Dan Hicks

Jim Hogan Pat Hogan

Tom Horbach Tom Hughs

Dave Huguelet Michael Huttinger

Pat Hynes Ralph Irace

Bob Jandak Jim Jandizak Jim Jeromin

James Jesionowski David Johnston Bob Jones Jim Jordan Gerry Jaclonski

John Joyce Martin Joyce Jim Juracka Kevin Kall

Tim Kamper Jim Kane Tim Kane Mike Kapelinski

Ron Karapgowicz John Kasper Mike Kaufmann Bill Kean Will Kellogg Ken Kelly Sean Kelly Tom Kelly

Brian Kennedy Tom Kenny Mike Kerney Mike Kilham

Terry King Carl King Paul Kiser Don Klien

Andrew Klotinia Sieve Klutcharch

Tyrone Knave James Knight

Steven Knight Mike Knoebel

Ed Kohler Matt Konopko

George Koprivia Mike Koszela


Ron Kotula

Mike Kowalsky Rich Kozieja

Don Kralnik

Ken Krakowski Rick Kramer

Don Krivsky

Jack Krol

Jerry Kolovitz Bernard Kurecki Steve Kwiatkowski Tom Kwiatkowski David Ladd

Bob Lamplot

Rich Langert

Gerald Langosch Ray Laverly

Mike Ledenske Mark LeRose Donald Lesiak

Ed Levens

Pat Lewandowski Bob Loeber

Joseph Loffredo Terry Loftus Chris Loory Mike Loreneo John Loughlin Jack Love

Paul Luckasik James Lynch


Ken Lynch Mike Lynch _ Mike.Lynch Mike Lyons KeVin MacDonald James Mack Joe Magment Rich Makowski

Kerry Manlen Ralph Marsh

Philip Marshall Dan Martin Gary Martin John Martin Bob Martin

Mike Maslanka

Mike Masterson Tom Matuszak Ginutis Matutis

Mike Mayer Jim Mazurowski Chns McCarthy Kevin McCarthy

Pat McCarthy

Bob McCarthy Mike McCollough John McDermoll Bob McGivney Pal McGreal Pat McGreal Dave McGuire

John McHugh

Eugene McNamara Jim McNamara Kevin McNamara Jim McNicholas Brian McPartlin Bill McShane Louis Meneses Charles Mengold

"No. no. the other end of the instrument."

"What the.

Paul Metcalf Greg Meyer Randolph Mical Bill Michener BiliMlIdice

Joe Miller

John Mitchell John Moran

Mike Moran Mike Moran Tom Moran Louis Marande Paul Morande Jim Morgan Tim Morrison Mark Muelling

Greg Murawski Mark Murphy Bob Murphy Tom Murphy Tim Murphy William Murphy Jim Nagle

Mike Needham

Joe Nichols Ken Nicholson

Martin Nicholson Mike Niemier

Sean Nolan Tom Nolan

Terry Norris Anton Novae

John Nowakowski Bill Nowatski

Tom Oboikovite Gerald O'Brien


Gregory O'Brien John O'Snen

Pat O'Brien T<lrry O'Brien Jim O'Connell Bill O'Connell Jim O'Connor Tom O'Connor

Austin O'Grady Mike Oldenstedt Bill Olsen Ray Olsen

Mike O'Malley Dan O'Neil John O'Neil Kevin O'Neil

JoeOrdero Luke O'Toole Paul Palys Brian Panek Sam Partice Alan Papernik Augelo Parente Rich Parrish

Leo Paul Jim Pavlik Gene Payne Bob Pernal Dan Petrik Frank Petrozza Joe Piet Tony Plosnich

Larry Pordugal Vern Puchalski

TimPutunt John Ouattrochi

Mike Ouinn Dave Radloff

Walter Rebenson John Rogan

Greg Reilly Jim Reilly

"You be!!"

John Revane Dave Richardson

Richard Richter Derrick Reed

Sill Rocha Greg Roll

Mike Rotnik Art Ronan

Greg Rooks John Rowtey

Gary Rubin

Dan Rush

John Russell

Larry Ruzich

Ray Ryan

Mike Salerno

Rich Santucci

Will Saracco

Tom Scanlon

Tom Scanlon

Andy Schaeller Mike Schifferdecker Leo Schmitz

Dave Schoenhofen John Schberth

Jim Schwab

Randy Schwartz Steve Schwerkel SrianScott

Tom Scully

Rich Seller

Dave Sereika Elmer Shannon Dan Sharp

Russ Sherry Arthur Sibik

Walter Sigerich Joe Simon

Robert Siorek

Paul Suriak

Dan Sivicek

Leo Skrypkun

Mark Slezak Mike Slomski D. Christopher Smith

• - GregSmith

Joe Smyth Vince Solfrizzo James Solvos John Spencer

Henry Spingola JamesSpoo Tom Stanker Dave Steger JoeStrzemp

John Studnicka Jeff Sullivan Joe Sullivan

Keith Sullivan Bob Sullivan Mike Sundermeier TomTaff Brian Tagler Tony Thompson Gerry Tinley Bill Toomey

Ken T remback

Martin Tunney

Art Tuscher

James Tyson

Joe Unger

Peter Usher Mark Veldman Bernie Venezia Don Vrba

Jeff Waligora Tom Walsh

Bill Walsh Richard Ward

TIm Ward

Bill Wareham Rodero Warren BmWeckel Jerome Welene Mike Werkmeister Allen West

Roger Whalen

Larry WiiSton

Don Wilkens Keith Williams Peter Williams Scott Wisinski JimWitons

John York

John Zalewski

Joe Zimmerman

John Zordani


Don Zrny

Frank Zurcarelli



Frank Abbotl Tom Ahern Art Akouris

John Albarran Vainis Alelsa

Timothy Allen Gerald Altenbach

Glen Anderson Robert Arnold

Luke Bailey William Bailey Max Balcar Michael Barabasz Michael Barrett Kevin Barry Philip Barry James Beata

David Bahncke James Bellair Michael Berger Steven Berhnski Joseph Berls

Jeffery Bernier Donald Betley Brian Bickhaus

Richard Black Mark Blovin William Boblak Edward Bochenski

Paul Bochenskl Daniel Boland Adolph Bona Brian Brankin

Thomas Bren David Briars Peter Brixie David Brown Donald Brown Thomas Browne Roman Brush Walter Bumias

Gary Busam Michael Callahan Raymond Caponigro Richard Carrio William Carden Richard Cary Joseph Caro Michael Carroll


"I never read Ihese essay exams."

Patrick Carrol James Carter Carmen Caruso Michael Casey Michael Casey

Joseph Casper Kenneth Cassidy Timothy Cassidy John Catizone Lee Celrone

Bruce Chaplick Raymond Chlebicki Thomas Cholly Tom Clark

John Clifford

Shawn Clifford Steven Clifford Brian Clucas BrianCooly James Coghlan

Jeflrey Conrad Michael Conrad Brian Corcoran Michael Costello

Kenneth Cozzie Mark Craig David Creagan Richard Crocilla

Michael Cronin John Cushing Michael Cummings William Curtin

Randall Czop George Dangles Daniel Daney Philip Daum

Glenn Davis

James Oeacy Vincent Decaro Joseph Oejanovich

Patrick Delaney Lawrence Dematteo William Demoss

William Derby John Deross Terrence Dillon

Vincent Dinollo Wilham Donohue James Daranzo

Anlhony Drahos Steven Dutlin Patrick Dutfy

John Dugan Michael Dunne Jerome Duorak

Frank Dyra Wilham Dzwierzynski James Earley

William Earner Edward Eber George Eck

Kenneth Eckstrom William Elias Ronald Enright

Bernard Erxieben Richard Esposito Thomas Fahy

"On sale, today only"

Looks like a good fit. I'll take. two!

Robert Farrington Stephen Fedderson John Federico

Stephen Frdorenko Lawrence Fetchko Michael ~itzgerald

Michael Fitzmaurice Mark Flaherty Daniel Flemming

Stephen Flemming Thomas Foley John Folliard

Michael Forst Robert Fovell Michael Frain Laurence Frank Gary Freelin Michael Freeman Leo Fron

John Fudacz Michael Gabriel WilliamGade

David Gaffney Patrick Gallagher Terrence Gallagher Chris Gambia

Gary Gasper Charles Ganle William Giometti Brian Gleason Joseph Gloude James Glynn Steven Gorkis

Kieth Gorney Mark Gorski David Goss Kieth Grezuk

Leon Grismanavskas Jeff Greiner

Edward Grzywacz

Joseph Gump Paul Gurzak Daniel Hall James Harlin TImothy Hansen Brian Harms John Harrigan


Michael Harrington John Hartman William Hassell

James Hayes Peter Hayes Joseph Healy

Robert Hector Michael Heider John Henry

John Hill Michael Holmes Frederick Hosteny Daniel Huguelet Kevin Hunnicut Peter Jacobchuk Randall Jandak John Hartnell

Kevin James Dennis Janicki Terry Janks Thomas Janus Brian Johnson Robert Johnson Patrick Johnston Peter Joria

Tim Jung James Jurgens Jerry Jurgovan Bernard Kachinsky Nick Kametas David Kane John Kane Francis Karkula

Michael Karr Richard Kazan James Keane Joseph Kearney Daniel Keating Michael Kelly Michael Kelleher Timothy Kelly

"Who said these guys were dumb."

"What do ya mean, I'm wrong."

John Kenny

Brian Kilduff Joseph Kinsella Mark Kinsella Timothy Kinsella Michael Kluk Michael Knapczyk John Knapik

Francis Knieps Thomas Knieps Thomas Knoerzer Michael Koperniak Kenneth Kosinski Robert Koupeny William Kresse Mark Krol

Bruce Ksiazek Thomas Kucharzak John Kupczyk James Kutusch Gerard Kwiatkowski Kenneth Kwilosz Richard Ladd Michael Ladevich

Thomas LaDuke Joseph Laska Daniel Lauder Patrick Laughran Robert Lawler Timothy Lawrence James Leahy Joseph Leahy

Lawrence Lenz Donald Lewandowski David Lewanski

Joseph Lezen Michael Lichay John Linehan

Edward Lipka James Littleton Thomas Luchetta


Thomas Lukaszek Anthony Lydon

Michael Lyman Thomas Lyman

John Lynch John Lynch

John Lynch Thomas Lynch

Alan Lynn Michael Lyons

Michaet Madden Leo Maduzia Dennis Mannix Michael Marcosa Brian Marino Michael Marlin William Martin Daniel Martinez

Leo Martinac Daniel Maslowski Martin Mason William Masterson Robert Mayer Frank Mazzuca Patrick McArdle

Raymond McCann

Daniel McCarthy Patrick McClain William McClean Brian McCtowry

Timothy McGarry Terrence McGlynn Edward McGonigal Timothy McGovern

Joseph McGrath

John McGuire Martin Mcintyre Brian McKendry John McShane

Joseph McShane Joseph Merrien Kenneth Michaels

"Laurel and. . ."

"Excellent! Excellent!"

Michael Miesrac James Mikos

Mark Mikrut

William Mikulski Mark Miller

Mark Mitchell Robert Mlxa Christopher Mlynski

James Mockaitis Michael Moesle SruceMolek

Robert Molinari John Mooney Edward Moran Gerald Moran James Morris

Kevin Morris John Morrone Mark Mueller John Mu~hrone Patrick Mullarkey Edward Mulrow John Murabito John Murphy

Robert Murphy Robert Murphy Terrane Murphy William Murray Frank Musso John Nagy

Paul Napleton William Nash

Dennis Nelligan David Nesnidal Michael Neubauer Thomas Nissen Robert Nix Michael Nolan James Norris James Norwell

Richard Nover Kenneth Novotny

Stephen Novotny Robert Oakes

MichaelO'Srien PaulO'Srien

Bernard O'Connell Kevin O'Connell


Thomas O'Connell Willard O'Connell John O'Connor

John O'Connor Leo Odell John O'Laughlin

Gerald O'Neill Terrence O'Neill Michael O'Reilly


Ronald Oster

William O'Sullivan James O'Toole Mark Pachuki

Norburt Panek Dennis Papiernik Gregory Papiernik Peter Pappas Stephen Parrish David Pasciak John Pavlik Martin Pellicore

Martin Pembroke Matthew Pender John Petrozza Joseph Phillips Raymond Picard

Robert Pierce Peter Piotrowski William Plate

Thomas Powell Edward Prchal

Thomas Preusser Gary Rabinak William Ragan Vytenis Rasutis

Robert Ready Derek Reed


$30 on Queen's Choice in the 7th.

Michaet Regan William Richards TImothy Riemersma John Rigg

Victor Rigoni

Lawrin Ailes

Neil Riordan

Mark Ritchey

Keith Rodger

Steven Roeder Richard Rbgers James Rohan

James Rohan Christopher Ross Robert Rossborough Joseph Rougeau

Glenn Rubin

Michael Ruzich

Ed Ryan

Gery Sadzewicz John Salkas Robert Samborski Alfred Sanchez George Shick

Timothy Shick Matthew Schlicter Matthew Schomburg

Richard Schuster Charles Schwab Michael Scieszka

Gerald Scott Terence Sebek Victor Senese

George Sereika Donald Shannon Nicholas Simon

Michael Simonelis John Simpson Bruce Sloan


JeffSebeck Stephan Slomski Andrew Sloyan Brian Smith Patrick Smith Michael Solloway John Soprych Martin Stack

Thomas Stark Robert Steffek Michael Steinbach Michael Stephens Timothy Sterk

John Stibich David Stewart Edward Sullivan

Kevin Sullivan Thomas Sullivan Thomas Sullivan August Sundermeier Thomas Swart Gary Szafranski Richard Szutowicz Robert Tarnowski

MartinTew Matthew Thibeau Paul Thiese Karl Thompson Steven Thorp Tony Tisoncik Walter Tokarski Thomas Toner

Thomas Trahey Robert Trant John Trunk Richard T waragal Richard Urso DanielVaci Michael Valenta Steven Val enter

"What do ya think you're looking at?"

Corn'on, someone's got to pay more than that for an "A."

KrisWeaver John Wiklanskl Johf\Wiliiams Kenneth Williams Edward Woike

Thomas Wolf Roger Wright Mark Wydra EugeneWyka AlanYoOJng

Thomas Young Kevin Zaremba John Zawacki Kenneth Ziemba SteveZotto

Theodore Vatch Fred Vaughn Slgltas Vaznelis George Vlachos

DavidVrba RObertWach Robert Waite David WalKer

Thomas Walls Michael Walsh Patrick Walsh Peter Walsh

Robert Walsh Thomas Walsh Roderic Washington Michael Wasowicz




"Concerts" was the key word in the highlights of this year's band accomplishments. Under the admirable leadership of Director Leo·J. Henning, iTl his Seventeenth year at Brother Rice, listeners from Brother Rice, as well as the entire Archdiocese, were treated to "Experiences in Music."

The annual Christmas performance featured Leroy Anderson's "A Christmas Festival," a delightful potpourri of the season's favorites. Highlights from the musical "1776" coupled with a moving narration by Bro. E. Noonan created the appropriate spirit for the 1975 Spring Concert. Also featured at this event were the Esquire Band and the Stage Band, both under the baton of Mr. Patrick J. Henning. The Homecoming show this year featured sounds of the big band at halftime.

Expo '75, the first Catholic Archdiocese exposition to feature advances within the school system, requested the Brother Rice Concert Band and that of St. Laurance to combine talents and present a concert. The end result was a memorable afternoon of sounds, moving from Wagner's "Lohengrin" to musical highlights from, "That's Entertainment. "

Officers of this year's band were: Joe Ferrick - President and Drum Major, Martin Murray - Vice-President, Terry Solon - Treasurer, Mike Shebelski - Secretary. The Band also welcomed alumni Bro. D. D. Murray as the new moderator.

Our stage band gave a very successful performance in the energy filled musical "Applause." And the Esquire Band, a group organized to groom young musicians for the concert band, continued to thrive in its effort to retain the excellent quality of music at Brother Rice.

CONCERT BAND: From Left. 1st Row: J. Cieslar. C. McCaffery. T. Matusak. Connie Masca. 2nd Row: J. Ferrick. J. P.ikos. M. Eckert. J. Bailey. C. Gambia. M. &>ebeJskJ. 3rd Row: L Pesce. M. Gabriel. K. MacDonald. R. Klein, F. Frazel, J. O·Neil. K. Gambia, J. Fitzgerald. B. Scott, M. Fitzgerald. 4th Row: J. Dziedziak, M. 0eol1ens. D. Papernik. A. Papernik. W. Rossborough. F. Hosteny, S. Blank. M. Simonils. R. Jandak and J. Claffry.

Left: Mr. Henning and Bro. Murray discuss an upcoming concert.

'5: Raw: Barb Cahill, J. Crude. B. Farrington, M. Murray. 2nd Row: P. Piotrowski, B. Tarnowski, J. Jeffers, R. Daniels, J. Schuberth, T. Farrington. 3rd Row: B. 'COL.-peny, C. Mlynski, D. Janicki, P. Walsh, G. Papernik, A. Bernotavicius, D. Yeager, B. Lithgow, J. Morgan, D. Broderik. 4th Row: B. O'Connell, J. Keane, M. o q" 'Iey, R. Makowski, K. Cline. Standing: T. Toner, T. Foley, J. Welenc, D. Kane, K. O'Connell, T. Solon and L. Grismanauskas.


Top Left: Mr. Leo Henning insturcts Mike Stephens on the tine art 01 music. Right: OFFICERS: From Left: M. Shebelski, M. Murray, J. Ferrick, T. Solon. Below: P. J. Henning puts the Esquire Band logether. Above: P, Piotrowski and B. Tarnowski showing off during Homecoming show. Above Right: Leo Henning at work,

---if BROTHER RICE ESQUIRE BAND: Above: 1st Row: J, Travnik, L. Pesce, J. Augustyn, Marna Vogrvil, J. Hogan, M, Papernik. 2nd Row: M. Herbst, S. Knight, Durkin, R, Klein, A, Winterle, R. Zukauskas, J. O'Shea, sra Row: J, Falloon, L. Pordugal, M, Tunney, K. Hahn, P. Flynn, G, Yaeger, J. Jeffers, K. Kline. 4th '17N' . Caulfield, T. Pacetti, M. Crown, M. Gruska, J. Brennan, R. McGinnis, R. Gieut, and G, Lyons.


The Brother Rice Student Council, 1974-1975, truly operated most efficiently and successfully in representing the entire student body, from the new freshman class through the seniors. Perhaps the reason for this joinl effort was the cooperation of all facets of government including officers. representatives. administration coupled with an interested and active student body.

The elected officers for the Council were Rick Petrak - President, Vice-President William Cody, Secretary William Donohue and Treasurer William Kresse. One common unifying goal set at the outset was to unite the student body and be the main source for student services, according to President Rick Petrak.

A record number of committees were initiated and reestablished to quench the varied demands of the near two thousand students. Larry Locascio and the Social Committee sponsored junior-senior coffeehouses and reinstated movie nights. The Relay spread the Council activities in print to the

students, and through the SC bulletin board, many other activities such as the Turkey Trot, Grub Day, and Free Thro Contest became realities. The most widely displayed concern for student involvement were the sawdust dances and the Wheelchair Basketball Game. both opportunties for student gatherings.

The class reps, acclaimed especially for their continual support, helped makes the Christmas Drive along with the Key Club possible. In orienting the Council towards a genuine asistance board to school and community, many donations to causes were completed, supervised by Treasurer Bill Kresse.

Finally without the continuous dedication of Mderator Br.

Walzak, Br. Popish, Mr. Cassidy. Mr. Osborne and Mr. Cummings, communication lines would never have remained so open and ideas exchanged. The Student Council fmally became a student asset due to the combined efforts of faculty and student cooperation.

S:UIle<'lt C<u>oI sponsored activities. Opposite: Sawdust dances. Above Left: Coffeehouse. Above Right: Rice vs. McAuley volleyball game. Above: r 6asi<ettIa: Game

M. Adduce


J. Domanski

J. Forde

M. Hughes

R. Klein

E Martinkus

K Mueller


J. Singler

L. Summers

A. POrlO

D. Zepeda

Wilham Donohue, Secretary.

William Kresse, Treasurer

T. Brooks

T. Buch

D. Dixon

F. Evers

S. Germanas

D. Huguelel

M. Kowalsky


l Meneses

T Nolan

J. Rowley

J Spoo

F Zuccarelli

T. Lynch

E. McGonigal

R. Ready


A. Young

M. Neubauer

William Cody, Vice-President

Richard Petrak, President

3 McQuillan


E. Rowley

MIssing From Pictures: Jerry Lepar.

K. Teale



The second year of Brother Rice's Key Club, an organization created to serve school and community proved excellence need not be coupled with longevity. The Brother Rice Key Club is sponsored by the South west Kiwanis of Chicago. A Thanksgiving food drive utilizing over 200 involved students, resulted in a door to door collection of innumerable cans of food. The food was then distributed to inner city families insuring a happier holiday for those needy people.

Brother S. V. Hale again served as Moderator. The officers of the year were: J. Lepar - Pres., J. Lachy - V.P., W. Kresse - Sec .. and K. Duffy - Treas.

Left 10 Righi: Kevin Dully. William Kresse, Br. Hale, Jon Lachy, and Jerry Lepar.

Selection of outstanding seniors was made in two areas.

The first group of pictures the most valuable- senior athlete of each team as chosen by the coaches and a special athletic board. George Kloak was the outstanding Basketball player, while Bill Edwards was the Soccer representative in the group. Bill Dytrych ran off with the Cross Country honors, as Mike Roache skated away with the Hockey vote. The outstanding award for Wrestling fell to Mike Lamb and Larry "Cheeks" O'Connell swam away with the Aquatic awards.

The second group was selected by the Standard. The Standard and its staff compiled a list of those who were most active, had good grades and also exhibited that special quality of leadership. The final list of selections included sports stars, publication editors, student council members, as well as service organization representatives. The privileged people on this list were: Bill Edwards, Jerry Lepar, Larry t.occascio, Martin Murray, Kevin Naughton, Greg Oberzut, Rick Petrak, Glenn Rabinak, Ed Rowley and Ed Zagorski.

-l¥' ::lecrge KIoak. Sill Edwards, Sill Oytrych. Sr. Popish, Mike Roache, Mike Lamb. Larry O'Connell and Coach W. Kellogg.Above: Front Row: Ed Zaqroskr, • ;ry RICh Petrak. Greg Oberzut. Larry Locascio. Back Row' Ed Rowley. Sill Edwards, Kevin Naughton. Glenn Rabinak and Jerry Lepar


If in need of enthusiasm and energy during a sporting event call on the Brother Rice Pep Club and Cheerleaders.

The Pep Club, as well as the cheerleaders were represented at all football and basketball games. In addition, the Cheerleaders made a great showing in the Wheelchair Basketball game (they almost won) and placed second in the district cheerleading tournament.

The two clubs were moderated by Bro. S. V. Hale. Rich Podkowski worked very hard as the captain of the Pep Club. Captain of the Cheerleading squad was Kathy Gartland. And who could forget our Crusader, Bob Fritsh.

Above: The Brother Rice Crusader, B. Fritch. Left: Pep Club captain - Rich Podkowski.

Above Left: Sue Ras and Kathy Gartland help out the band during Homecoming. Above: Cheerleaders VS. Ms. Kids from U. of I. Left: The Brother Rice Cheerleaders. Mary Alice Halloran, Carrie Carney, Roberta Bickhaus, Eileen Gartland, Kathy Gartlandcaptain, Patty Moynahan, Kathy Pavletic, Sue Ras, Ann Beattie, Colleen McWalters.

ST. CYRIL'S GROUP: From Left, Front: Bro. Fravero, R. Kelly, D. Toosley, M. Daum, J. Maiberger, J. Chill, M. C. Brosnan, D. Rigg, T. Ouatlrocki, M. Salerno, K. Lucas, C. Hogan, Bro. Corrigan. Back: B. Kevin, T. Ryan, T. Glennon, J. Spook, P. Daum, T. Tucker, J. Domenico, J. A1firevic, B. Edwards, J. Ferellt, M. Rybinski.

The Chicago Area Lay Movement became an experience for those juniors and seniors from Brother Rice and Mother McAuley who discovered the enjoyment of assisting needy children. Assistance in this case came in the form of tutoring students from St. Cyril's, St. Charles, and Holy Cross grammar schools. The groups met on Tuesday afternoons. Whether the children came to Brother Rice and Mother McAuley or the tutors went to the school an interesting and rewarding afternoon resulted. The highlight of the year came at the annual Christmas party when Santa Claus (Brother Varanka) arrived.

The moderators of this beneficial organization were: Bro.

Chapman, Bro. Corrigan, Bro. Devane, Bro. Favero, Bro. Hale, and Bro. Vranka.

Y CROSS GROUP: From LeN: Bro. Hale. Bro. Chapman. J. O'Connel, B. Johnson, D. Briars. E. Kampner, A. West. M. Robinson. A. Thomas. S. Corneilius, :0 "'eedy. C. Bombard. K. Wasylik. M. Ferick. K. Weaver. P. Thiese. C. Albrecht, T. Ahern. M. Wegrzyn. J. Zimmerman, S. McNicholas. J. Cart, F. Hosteny, J. K Hunnicutt. K. Cozzie.


ST. CHARLES GROUP: From Left, Front: Brc. Varanka, J. Yara, P. McCarthy, K. Fritsch, L. Warman, M. Germino, N. Caddigan, M. Haugney, S. Murphy, J. Edwards, D. Hall, E. Doyle, M. Campbell, K. Kutas, M. K. Scally, K. Willner, E. Mannion, M. Rowley, S. Cruz, M. Drury, Bro. Devane. Back: W. Hassett, M. Gabriel, W. Dzwierzynski, M. Casey, M. Klute, B. Hopper, J. Greenfield, J. Smolickl, T. Vatch, P. Jacobchuck, R. Nover, M. Schichter, G. Anderson, B. Steffek, R. Orentas, D. O'Riordan, R. Walters, P. Pniewski, R. Wojtylewski, A. Sanchez.

The purpose of the National Honor Society is mainly to recognize Juniors and Seniors who have shown the combination of academic excellence and leadership qualities. The first requirement is that the candidate have at least a 3.0 grade point average. Having met this requirement, the students personality qualities are taken into consideration. These students then take on the responsibility of helping other students by tutoring them in the necessary subjects. The National Honor Society was moderated by Br. A. E. Favero.

Right: NHS member Jerry Lepar is seen donating blood. He. like all the members. is always willing to help out.

AL HONOR SOCIETY: From Left. First Row: T. Schillaci. T. Truxis. R. Farrell. R. Petrak. L. (Cheecks) O'Connell, E. Zagorski. J. Palsey. Second Row: M. :»on. M Murray. R. Ruebe. T. DuBois. T. Forbes. T. Glennon. B. Holmes. J. Ferrick. Third Row: R. Balsewich. G. Oberzut. J. Smolecki. J. Mcinerney. B. FourI( Callahan. J. Ferrelli. T. Woicik. J. Alfirevic. Fourth Row: J. Lepar. S. Stankus. L. Locascio. R. Zimmerman. W. McNamara. G. Gartska. P. Jasien. B.

Ca 'lan, J Cieslak. R. Kleifgen. Fifth Row: J. Zimmermann. R. Hartmann. G. Rabinak. S. Plenys. E. Rowley. K. Naughton. G. Giermak. G. Radville. G. Riem:"'5l"Ia B Edwards.


The merging of the Library and Audio-Visual Clubs proved successful this year as the Media Club acted as overseer of the library and also introduced new methods of communication at Brother Rice.

First there was the piping in of classical music to the listening center of the library. Then on a larger scale, the Media Club formed television station WBR. WBR broadcast every Wednesday throughout the year. The station was aired from the Media Center to the Cafeteria. News of school events and sports were presented along with interviews of the faculty.

--E IoEDIA ClUB: From Left, Seated: B. Burke. M. LePenske, J. Germantis, T. Meade. Standing: Br. E. G. Pilon, R. Karabowicz, G. Matutis, E. Rowley, J. Foray, P Piotrowski, D. Briars.


The Ecology Club, 'led by Mr. Dennis' Konieczny, had a very busy schedule this year. They made their second annual trip to Current River in Missouri to explore caverns. The club also did some work at the Stickney Sewage treatment center. Many students at Brother Rice are very aware of their natural surroundings and the danger that our environment is in.

Because of this Mr. Konieczny feels the Ecology Club will continue to expand.

The 1975 Ecology Club.

The 1975 Crusader if the result of countless hours of work by a few students so that the complete student body would have something with which to remember 1975. This edition of the Crusader began in July 1974 when Br. Duffin, last year's moderator, chose Kevin Naughton and Mike Corcoran as co-editors in chief. The 1975 staff was moderated by yearbook veteran, Br. Kenneth Chapman, who was able to add creativity throughout the book.

Work on the book itself began in September after Kevin and Mike named section editors. The clubs and organizations section became the responsibility of Martin Murray. Tim Pender was chosen as senior section editor and sports fell to Kevin Coyne. The Faculty section was completed by Mike Neubauer. Pete Piotrowski, Bob Ready, and Bob Steffick put together the underclassmen sections. The events section was the work of Kevin Naughton. Photographers this year were John Linehan, Martin Murray, Ed Rowley, and Bill Radloff. Our staff artist this year was Tom DuBois. Tom's beautiful work can be seen on the front cover and on the inside of both front and rear covers where he depicts his ideas of life in the time of the Crusades.

After the editors were chosen the Crusader went into full swing. Layouts drawn, copy written and typed, pictures taken. The most difficult job seemed to be getting all' the members of a group together at the same time (in the same place) for a picture. Even though we had four excellent photographers, we could not capture on film all the moments worth remembering.

The editors hope that this Crusader will serve as a constant reminder of 1975 at Brother Rice and the period of growing experienced over the time of four years.

CfJ Kevm Naughton checks over the prom tayouts. ~ z-s Aat~n Murray prootreads Band section copy.


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