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For power • flood control • irrigation • drainage

o turbine bypass • water aeration

Howeii-.Bunger and
ALLIS-CHALMERS Ring-Jet valves
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• .

COVER- Two 32-inch HOWELL-

BUNGER valves installed at the
Metropolitan Water District of South-
ern California, adjacent to Lake
Mathews have been in continuous
operation since 1941. The control
house and structure were originally
designed for the ultimate installa-
tion of ten valves. In 1950, ti1rae
additional units were installed. Tl e
last five valves were shipped in 1955.

rJGi~fii~~~*'~~1tf. a HOWELL·
....w,o;.iooitli... rr operator

L-------------------------------__;.R;.:.I;.;.N.;;;G..;;-J.;;;E;.;.T..;;a;.;.n;;;;d...;H;.;.O;;;.W.;..;,.;;;E.;;;L.;;.L·..;;B..;;U~N~ER are Allis-Chalmers trademarks .

• ll

Provide easy, efficient regulation and control of \Vater
under free discharge

Howell-Bunger valves have a wide range of appli- discharge, pipelines or conduits can be kept to a
cation where easy, efficient regulation and control minimum size for economical construction.
of water flow under free discharge is ciemanded. Only one moving part- the cylinder gat~ which
These valves are used to pass a controlled amount operates over the valve ports- is in contact with
of water downstream for power requirements, flood the stream flow. Moreover, this cylinder gate is
control or irrigation, or to drain a reservoir or pond. subject only to well-balanced hydraulic forces and
They may be used as turbine bypass valves ... and requir~s little effort to operate it at any position
also for the aeration of water. of gate stroke from "fully open" to "fully closed."
A remarkable record of performance in these The Rowell-Bunger valve controls and helps dis-
various applications, together with many ether ad- sipate an enormous amount of energy (without
vantages, has made the Rowell-Bunger valve the damage to the valve, operating equipment or sur-
rounding structure) by breaking up the discharge
leader among balanced free-discharge valves. In
into a large, hollow, expanding jet.
addition, its initial cost is much ~ower than that
The Howell-Bunger valve is installed at the free
of any other type of balanced free-discharge valve. end of a pipeline or conduit and discharges either
Advanced design of the Howell-Bunger valve into atmosphere or into water. When the valve
provides efficient free-discharge operation for both discharges into atMosphere, the issuing jet breaks
high and low heads. It operates without excessive vi- up the v ·.c1ter into a fine spray (see Fig. 2) which
bration or pitting, and with negligible maintenance. helps p.cevent the !ormation of "pot holes" in the
Because the valve has a very high coefficient of bed of a stream. •

:I I
I' i '; I
Fig. 2 - One of three 96-inch


.,' ,, HOWELL-BUNGER valves dis-
I charging at ¥s gate opening
i' : ''
I '
'' . under 170-foot head at the
U.S. Engineers M.ud Moun-
: :~· i~' '•
tain Dam, White River, Wa~h­
t ... '• .... :;·
• > •t• • ington. Dtawing shows con-
~~.:0 o "•, '' • I ' , ' .; : o 0 •••

,{ . . , I ~·: \. nection of the valves to a


f --:r-

' ....~
single supply tunnel.

~· ~

•. --.•......-.:,-..,..-,.-.• ...::.....--~..-
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.. "

Fig. 3 - A 54-inch HOWELL-BUNGER valve under 138.5-

.. foot head at Valle de Bravo Dam, Miguel Aleman System
Comision Federal de Electricidad, Mexico, is shown dis-
charging into atmosphere.

Fig. 4 - A 66-inch HOWELL-P.U NGER valve discharging

through a steel-lined hoot! at Alder Dam, Second Nisqually
Power Project, City of Tacoma, Washington.

Fi:.:;. 6 - For subfreezing tempera-

Fig. 5 - Submerged discharge ar-
tures installation, the HOWELL-

rangement. NOTE: submerged
applications should be referred to . .
" BUNGER valve shown has neaters
and special discharge chamber.
Allis-Chalmers for recommenda- .
(See shop assambly in Fig. 16.)
tions. .

. .
~ .~

. .
• ..

Irr caF-es where it is desirable to confine the value for the larger-size valves. Maximum values
normal expansioL vf the discharge jet, the valve is for other heads can be determined from the
located in the discharge chamber or hood. It also formula:
may be installed for discharge directly into a tun-
nel. The application sketches on the opposite page
Q = Cx V2gHxA
and through aut this bulletin show some of the where Q = cubic feet per second (cfs).
arrangements generally used. C = coefficient of discharge~.with valve
Size of the valve is determined by the maximum full open = .8~.
available net head at the valve. Net head is the g = acceleration due to gravity = 32.2.
distance between head water elevation and the
H = net head in feet.
centerline of the valve (or if the valve is submerged
-the tail water elevation) less the inJet, conduit, A = area of valve in square feet (based on
bend or other friction losses. The graph (Fig. 7) nominal inside diameter).
shows the maximum calculated discharge for valve Using a coefficient of discharge of .85, this formula
sizes 8 jnches to 108 inches, based on net heads can also be expressed as
up to 500 feet.
This graph is based on an average coefficient of
Q = 5.354 n:: v'H
discharge of .85, although field tests show a higher whcrr. Dis the diameter of the valve in feet.

Fig. 7 - VALVE SELECTION CHART. To determine discharge of any size valve, follow horizontal line for given head to point where it
crosses diagonal line representing VdiVe size. From this point, follow vertical line to bottom of chart, and read discharge in cfs.

. ..
• .
·---------·--·-----·-···- ..

Average values for discharge coRfficiE}nt have Howell-Bunger valves are available in sizes up
been determined from field and laboratory tests. to 108 inches. Large··size valves have been in-
These values make it possible to predict quite ac- stalled for heads up to 420 feet, and smaller si:les
curately what the discharge will be for any size for heads up to 1000 feet. Dimensions of valves 12
valve under varying heads for any position of gate inches and over are shown in Fig. 10 on the follow-
stroke from "fully open'' to "fully closed." ing page, and 8 and 12-inch valv-es are available in
The gate position indicator (shown in Fig. 1) is the design shown in Fig. 14. Additional sizea for
graduated into ten increments. With the values special -rtpplications can be provided. Valves almost
given below, a curve sheet can be plotted in tenths 14 feet in diameter have been considered. Valves
of the gate stroke so that an: operator can tell at a of all may be motor-operated and those above
glalice where to position the gate to discharge the 4.2 inches arsa rarely operated by hand. Sizes below
required amount of water at the available head. 18 incheB usually have manually operated mechan-
Figure 8 shows such a curve for a 48-inch valve. isms as shown in Fig. 14 on page 9.
All free-discharge valve installations should in-
Discharge in cfs = K x D2 V H clude provisions for unwatering the supply pipe.
where D = the diameter of the valve in feet. Stop logs, gates. butt~zfly or spherical valves may
H = net head in feet. be used for this purpose.

Per.c.intage of gat~:' stroke . 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 8Q 90 100
.- /
value) · · . 0.882 1.700 2.394 3.150 3.716 4.283 4.724 5.039 5.260 5.354
I • •


10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90~
j I rT 17 -'- .J 1/ [/
I 1/ If' 1/I./
II 1/ v I/' v. , I/ 1/
260 II J 7_ 1/ 1/ ~ 1/

II. 1/ ! ) Ll v 1/
1/ , ~
~~- v vv
I J L( ) v ~ 1 II"' vv
I IJ 1/ I Ill'' vv
il :j 1/ ~ I'
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w180 J J d II II' ./
I.J.. I I v !/ 1/ . L ~ loo")....
z 160 1/ / ,! 17 ./ v v lo'•
l 17 i/ l ' / :-....
v ~v
Cl J 1/ '7 [/ /" 1/
UJ 140 I ,/ ) II' Ll I/ v v ...... ~
J: II v 17 7 ~ ~ ~ v
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l7 ~,;." ::,.... !::!='

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,.,. 1.-
-- ~ t;..!
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400 500 600 700 BOO 900 1000
1100 1200
1300 1400 1500
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. ·. . .: .. .... .. -~-~, - '. , .:__ . , :\ ~ , .:, I' "~..____ ,,.,...;._~·; • ' '.'

• • ' ' 0 • • • < • ' •'

• •
-----·····- .~..- ·• .

rig. 9 - HOWELL-BUNGER valve fiOnt and side views.


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.. ·
'"H=i!IA. OF BOLTS D --------t ....

Fig. 10- Typical dimensions for valves 12 inches and over.

A B c D E ...r G H J K L
12'1 1;7" 1'5" 2'4" 510 11 2'0" 12 Ys" H~" 10" 2'0''
18t/ 2'1" 1'10%" 4'4" 5'811 3'0" 16 1
1 /s" 1S,fl' 12 11 3'0 11
20" 2'3112" 2'1" 4'5" 5'9" 3'0" 20 11/s" 11}{6 11 12" 3'0"
24" 2'8" 2151/2 11 5'4" 6'6 11 3'0 11
20 1Y4" 1'¥a" 12" 3'0"
30 11 3'2.<~" 3'0" 5'41/211 71111 3'6" 28 11A" 21/a" 12" 3'0"
- 36"
3'10 11
4'5 11
1¥2 11
48" 4'11¥211 4'8" 7'5¥a 11 8'8" 4'3 11 44 1¥211 2~" 13" 4'0"
54" 5'61/4 11 5:2~:'' 8'¥2" 9'8" 4'8" 44 1~11 3" 15" 4'6"
- •.••
60 11
6'1" 1
5 91A" 8'9" 10'2" 5'3" 52 1:Y4 31/s" 151/s" 5'0"
66" 6'8 1' 6'4" 9'0" 10'91' 6'0" 52 1%" 31/411 151/211 5'6°
72" 7'21/2.'' 6'10¥2 11 9'8" 11 13 11 6'6" 60 1%" 31/211 15%" 5'6"
78" 7'91A" 7'5" 10'7" 1218/f 7'0" 64 1%" 31/z" 191/2" 5'6"

84" 8'3~" 7'111/211 11'31A" 13'211 7'6" 64 2" 31's" 20 11 5'6"

90'' 8'10¥2 11 8'6" 12'0" 13'8" 8'0 11 64 21A" 41/s" 20" 5'6"
96" 9'51/4 11 91¥2 11 12'8" 14'2" 8'6" 64 21A" 4¥4 11 20" 5'6"
102" 10'1/2 11 91711 13'0" 14'8" 9'0 11 68 21A" 4%" 20" 5'6"
108" 10'71/a"
10'11h" 13'4"
I 9'6" 72 2¥411 4%" 20" 5'6"

.. .

I ~ ., • ..

j I I
: "'

• •

Fig. 11 - At Lad0re Dam at the outlet of Campbell Lake on

V;;,ncouver Island, for the British Columbia Power Company,
ue three 96-in..:h HOWELL-BUNGER valves for 75-foot head. FLOW

.... r

. . :.
" .... n . , a •• q


Fig. 12- Drawing shows HOWELL- Fig. 13- A 17" HOWELL-BUNGER

BUNGER valves at Ladore Dam with valve (975-foot head) operates vertically
converging discharge. as an energy dissipater at the City of
Seattle's Tolt River regulating basin.
• .

Specifications the cylinder gate is counter-bored to receive a

U-shaped packing between it and the body sleeve,
creating an efficient seal for any position of the
There are essentially four parts t~_.. a Rowell- gate. This packing is held in place by a retaining
Bunger valve: the body, the cylinder gate which ring. Bearing pads, of welded bronze overlay, are
operates over the valve ports, the seals and the located at each end of the gate I.D. in line with the
operating and driving mechanism. body ribs. The cylinder gate is normally fabricated
from steel plate and stress relieved before machin-
BODY ing. Smaller-size valves may have cast steel cyl-
inder gates.
The body consists of a cylinder with a flange on
the upstream end for bolting to a conduit liner or OPERATING MftCHANISM

'l penstock, an inverted cone-shaped bead on the

down-stream end, and internal radial ribs. The
radial ribs extend beyond the downstream end of
the cylindrical shell through the valve ports to the
cone-shaped head. A stainless steel sleeve on the
The screw stem type
operatin~, mechanism consists

1. 2 bronze nuts with machbed threads, equipped

for grease lubrication.
valve body and stainless steel facing on the edges 2. 2 bronze screw stems with machined threads for·
of the radial ribs along the discharge ports over a cJose running-fit in the bronze nuts.
which the cylinder gate slides are provided. The 3. 2 steel pipe covers for the screw stems.
valve body normally is fabricated from steel plate 4. 2 wo.~m or bevel gear reducers, grease-lubricated,
and stress relieved before machining. SmallE!r-size with cast iron housings, cast iron covers, solid
valves may have cast steel bodies. bronze worm wheels with machine-cut teeth,
machine-cut worms of hardened and ground
GATE AND SEALS steel or machine~cu t bevel gears, heavy-duty
thrust bearings, and grease seals.
The cylinder gate slides upstream over the sleeve
5. 1 miter gear box, grease lubricated, with cast
on the body to open, and slides downstream over
iron housing, machine-cut steel miter gears, ball
the valve ports to close. The dow~:..:!-tream end of
thrust bearings; bronze shaft bushings, and
the cylinder gate has a stainless steel (E-309) seal
grease seals. Steel shafts and couplings.
welded on in a continuous circle. (A removable
seal may be furnished on special request.) This An optional Rowell-Bunger valve utilizes
seal is accurately machined for seating against a an operating shaft that passes through the valve
steel seat ring hav:ng a welded, beveled stainless body and requires two gear boxes as shown
steel (E-308) contact surface. The seat ring is at- below.
tached to the downstream end of the body with
For this design, parts "4" and "5" of the pre-
bolts and a suitable. The upstream and of
ceding description are combined as follows:
.------------·- - - - - - - - - - - - - , 2 bevel gear units, grease lubricated, with cast
iron housings, cast iron and/ or plate steel covers,
Fig. 14- Small, nand-operated
HOWELL-BUNGER valve. machine cut steel gears, needle thrust bearings,
J bronze slee\fe bearings and grease seals.



.. •
• .

manually operated valves
The driving mechanism for manually operated
valves consists of·
A cast iron handwheel.
A cast iron or fabricated steel bronze bushed
pedestal stand with a machined and drilled base
for mounting on the operating floor. motor-operated valves
A gate-stroke position indicator.
The driving mechanism for motor-driven valves
hydraulically operated valves consists of a fabricated steel stand, motor, motor
controls, a pushbutton control station, gear reducer,
The hydraulic operator provides another means of a gate position indicator and a handwheel for
0 valve ooeration.
... The control unit auxiliary operation in case of power failure. The
consists of an electric motor-driven pump, sump stand .is drilled in the base for anchoring to the
tank. pressure relief valve, pressure gage, and di- floor of the operating house and is machined and
rectional control valve. Hydraulic operators have drilled for mounting the operating mechanism.
these advantages:
1. Control point can easily be located remotely. remote control
2. In deep-set installations, they eliminate the long
Hydraulically or motor operated valves can be re-
shafts ordinarily needed between operator and
motely controlled, if desired, by means of a push-
button station. A slide wire type transmitter and
3. They offer an infinitely variable sp .:ed range.
receiver ±.,r position indication can be furnished.
4. Torque protection is in both directions; foreign
The valve can be fully opened or fully closed or
objects will not damage the valve.
operated at any position of gate stroke from the
5. The electrical drive can be placed in any
remote station.
conveni£ nt, dry location.
The operating mechanism for motor-operated
valves is designed for cylinder gate travel of
approximately 6 inches per minute.


Each valve .is shop-tested for leakage at a pressure
equal to the maximum static head for which the
valve is designed. During this test, the leakage will
not exceed 1 gallon per minute for small-size valves
or 11/2 gallons per minute for the larger sizes.
All valves are completely assembled in the shop,
match-marked and doweled to facilitate field erec-
tion. The larger valves are partially disassembled
for shipment. 1'he operating unitn are ::hipped at-
tached to the valve body and intercon.~1ecting shafts
if the size will allow. The electrical equipment is
assembled as a unit, together with the operating
mechanism, visual gate .indicator and stand, and is
shipped assembled with the motor and electrical
Fig. 15 -·A 36-inch HOWELL-BU_N~ER valve. a hydraulic
equipment completely wired, ready for field erec-
operator. The compact control umt ts shown tn nght foreground. tion and operation after purchaser has provided
and installed incoming power line to control cabinet.
The operating mechanism on the valve body may
be the same as listed under "Operating Mecha-
nism," Page 9, but driven by a hydraulic motor
mounted on the body. Hydraulic cylinders mounted
on the body may also be used to position the gate.
• •


Howell-Bunger valves may be adapted to cold
climates by properly designing discharge chambers
and/or U8ing electric heaters on the cylinder gate.
Figure 16 illustrates a typical valve installation for
a location subject to severe icing conditions.


Howell-Bunger valves are presently being used
as relief valves on several hydraulic turbines. For
such applications an arrangement similar to Fig. 17
is recommended. The valve operating mechanism
can be readily mechanically linked to the turbine
governor to provide the stalling feature. Relief
valves may use hydraulic operators, with a coordi-
nating control unit as part of the turbine governor.
There may also be a provision for slow closing
(water saving), stroke adjustment, and synchronous
by-pass when required.

Fig. 17- A HOWELL-BUNGER valve installed as a turbine relief


Fig. 16- This 90-inch HOWELL-BUNGER valve is installed at Fig. 18- Tightening seal clamp ring of HOWELL-BUNGER valve
Portal powerhousf> for bypass service l!nder severe free:zing con- for turbine relief (Pressure regulator) valve service. One of two
ditions. Insulated cylinder gate has heater terminals extending 48-inch valves provided to Southern California Edison Company
from the top. {Fig. 6 shows drawing of this installation). for their Mammoth Pool Project which operates under heads in
excess of 1000 feet.

• .


give you a compact answer for minimizing spray while
controlling \Vater discharge

Ring-Jet valves are a logical development from

the Rowell-Bunger valve, which is widely used
under high and low head free discharge conditions.
Since the discharge of the Howell-Bunger valve
is designed to provide maximum dispersion and thus
minimize erosion, substantial spray is produced.
On occasions when location of the valve requires
a reduction of the spray, the addition of fixed steel
or concrete hoods creates a concentrated jet. These
hoods reduce the spray and still provide satisfac-
tory dissipation of energy in the discharged water.
However, in some locations, they require too much
The Ring-Jet valve incorpomtes the simplicity of
construction, radially-balanced hydraulic design
and easy operation of the Howeil-Bunger valve,
while very nearly matching its high discharge co-
efficient. The Ring-Jet valve hood cuts objection-
able spray to a minimum, keeps operating mechan-
ism in the dry, and reduces space requirements.
Ring-Jet valves are not suitable for use in sub-
merged applications and at heads above 175 feet.


Use the following formula to size Ring-Jet valves:
CFS = 4.9 D2 YH
(D = Diameter in feet; H =Net head in feet).
Special dimensions and sizes of the Ring-Jet
valve are shown in Figure 21, page 15. A more de-
tailed description of the basic valve is given in the
Howell-Bunger valve section of this bulletin which
provides overall dimensions, discharge characte:r-
istics, typical settings and specifications.


. •

,...;; ..


I Fig, 19- One of two RING-JET valves used for irrigation by~ass at Tulloch Dam, California, is
I shown at full discharge under a 145-foot head. Other views show final assembly operations •

. ' . . .. •' ' . . .·. . .· . . . . . .· ' . ·. ' ·. . - . .: ' . . . ~-- --~ .' .. . ; .:

• .

Manual and/or motor-driven operators are
available for all valves as shown for the basic
Howell-Bunger valve. Hydraulic operation
can be provided when required and is par-
ticularly applicable to the larger size and
higher head applications.

Fig. 20- This 18-inch RING-JET valv~ (right) was in-

stalled by the City of Bremerton, Washington. It discharges
76 mgd when fully opened under its 115-foot design head.
Complete shop assembly and : '\9kage tests were made,
The valve components are sh•.>wn immediately before
final shop ass..:mbly (above).

\,. AI~-.____________ ---

. •

•"(! I \ • - '
.. .. . ~ .. ...
. .


__ j ___ -


A 18" 20" 24" 301' 3611 42" 48" 54" 60'1 66" 72" 78" 84" 90" 96'' 1 102" 108''
8 4 10% 5'3%" 6'0% 8'3% 9'1 ¥a" 10'3" 11'4" 12'5*" 13'6*" 14'7¥2" 15'8%" 16'9%" 11'10~" 19'0" 20'1 %" 21'2%" 22'3'12 11
11 11 11

c 2'5112" 218%11 3'3'1z" 4'11A'' 4'11" 5'9" 6'6*" 7'4¥211 8'2Yz" 9101A" 9'10'1 10'8" 11'5%" 12'32;2" 13'1 Y2" 13'11 ;ti" 14'9"

Fig. 21- Standard Sizes and Dimensions (Supplementing Fig. 9)

The Information confQiMd herein is general in nature and Is t1at intended

for spedFic construction, installation, or application purposes. Allis.
Chalmers reserves the rls hI to make changes in specifications shown
herein or add improvements at any lime without notice or qbli~clion.


. .

·· hydro plant
.-:'_~~·"'et,u ipm·e nt

0 Trash rakes 0 Shutoff valves

0 Turbine @Switchgear
0 Intake gates
0 Free discharge valves @) Generators @
0 Crest gates 0 Relief valves ·
Circuit breakers
0 Gate hoists
0 Draft tube sates @ Transformer

HYDRAULIC PRODUCTS DIVISION Nearly a century of progress in the design and building .of hydraulic
equipment- including turbines, pumps, valves, gates and hoists -
York, Pennsylvania 17405 assures the pur.::haser of any Allis-Chalmers product, equipment of
correct d-:sign, unsurpassed qui!J/ity and workmanship, i!ind long service.

Litho U.S.A.

Rom 6·68·5'

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