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Question Bank

Unit Questions/ Tutorials/Quiz Questions CO Marks

1. Explain the layers of TCP/IP Reference Model. ETC403.1 8

2. Explain Design issues of layers in layered reference
ETC403.1 8
3. Compare the OSI and TCP/IP model on the basis of
ETC403.1 8
1 service and interfaces.
4. Explain layered architecture of protocols and
ETC403.1 8
interfaces in computer networks.
5. Explain the layers of OSI reference model. ETC403.1 8
6. Write Note on: Network Software Issues. ETC403.1 6
1. Explain the following unguided media.
a. RF Allocation b. Cellular Telephone ETC403.1 8
c. Satellite Communication d. terrestrial microwave
2.Explain the following types of Guided Media.
a. Optical Fiber b. Twisted Pair c. Coaxial ETC403.1 8
3. Write a short note on
1. Modem and its types 2. Bridges and Each
Routers 6 Marks
2 3. Networking Devices.4. EIA 232 D Interface.
4. List the goals of Gigabit Ethernet design. Explain the
MAC layer of Fast Ethernet. Explain physical layer of ETC403.1 8
Gigabit Ethernet.
5. Write note on 1. Fast Ethernet 2. Gigabit Ethernet
ETC403.1 8
3. Fast Ethernet networks
6. Explain working principal of gigabit and fast Ethernet ETC403.1 8
7. Explain gigabit Ethernet implementation & encoding
ETC403.1 8
in gigabit Ethernet implementation
8. Explain fast Ethernet implementations and encoding
ETC403.1 8
mechanism for fast Ethernet.
1. Explain following error correction and detection
a. Hamming code b. Cyclic ETC403.2, ETC403.5 8
Redundancy check
2. With suitable example explain the following framing
method ETC403.2, ETC403.5 8
3. Bit stuffing b. character stuffing
4. Explain the sliding window protocol. What is
ETC403.2, ETC403.5 8
piggybacking? Explain advantage of piggybacking .
3 5. Explain in detail advantages of slotted ALOHA over
ETC403.2, ETC403.5 8
pure ALOHA.
6. What is collision free protocol? Explain bit map
ETC403.2, ETC403.5 8
7. Explain binary countdown protocol ETC403.2, ETC403.5 8
8. Explain in detail limited contusion protocols. ETC403.2, ETC403.5 8
9. Explain simple stop n wait protocol , Go back N Each
ETC403.2, ETC403.5
protocol and selective repeat protocol 6 Marks
10. Draw and explain HDLC frame format and explain
ETC403.2, ETC403.5 8
different modes of operation in HDLC.
11. Explain the different CSMA protocols ETC403.2, ETC403.5 8
12. Explain the IEEE standard 802 for LAN. ETC403.2, ETC403.5 8
1. Explain flooding techniques and its advantages. ETC403.2, ETC403.5 8
2. Explain shortage path algorithm. ETC403.2, ETC403.5 8
3. Explain token bucket algorithm. ETC403.2, ETC403.5 8
4. Explain distance vector routing. What is count- to-
ETC403.2, ETC403.5 8
4 infinity problem? How it reduced.
5. Discuss how routing is carried out for mobile hosts. ETC403.2, ETC403.5 8
6. Explain Flow based routing ETC403.2, ETC403.5 8
7. Explain in detail Link State Routing. ETC403.2, ETC403.5 8
8. Explain Leaky Bucket Algorithm. ETC403.2, ETC403.5 8
1. Explain ARP and RARP. ETC403.2, ETC403.5 8
2. Explain header format of IP protocol. ETC403.2, ETC403.5 8
3. Explain how TCP offers connection oriented data
ETC403.2, ETC403.5 8
transfer. Explain header format of TCP protocol.
4. Draw and explain IPV6 datagram format. ETC403.2, ETC403.5 8
5 5. With appropriate format explain error reporting
ETC403.2, ETC403.5 8
messages and query messages of ICMP
6. What is IGMP? Explain IGMP message format in
ETC403.2, ETC403.5 8
7. Write short note on: a. IPv6 b. DNS c. FTP d. sub Each
ETC403.2, ETC403.5
netting and masking 6 Marks
8. Write short note on a) ARP b) UDP c) Each
ETC403.2, ETC403.5
Subnetting d) Choke packet 6 Marks
1. What are the properties a digital signature should ETC403. 3 8
2. Write the principles of public key cryptography. ETC403. 3 8
3. Write a note on
6 ETC403. 3 Each
1. Managements of publics keys
6 Marks
2. Communications security
4. Explain in detail Authentication Protocols ETC403. 3 8
5. Explain in detail Public- key algorithms ETC403. 3 8

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