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French Revolution Assignment

CA Content Standards:
10.2 - Students compare and contrast the Glorious Revolution of England, the American
Revolution, and the French Revolution and their enduring effects worldwide on the political
expectations for self-government and individual liberty.

• Trace the events and causes of the French Revolution.
• Explain how the ideology of the French Revolution led France to develop from constitutional
monarchy to democratic despotism to the Napoleonic empire.

● Choose TWO activities in each category: Appetizers and Main Course.
● You may choose a Dessert activity as extra credit, IF and ONLY IF, you have completed
the Appetizer and Main Course.
○ Appetizer activity is due: _______________________
○ Entree activity is due:__________________________
○ Dessert (extra credit) is due:_____________________

1 From your book, use the key terms from Chapter 7 Sections 1-5 and create flash cards
through Google Slides. Each key term should contain the term, content in your own word
(no more than 20 words), and an image. Click this link to find the pdf copies of Chapter 7.
2 Create a timeline of major events while reading your text book. On the document provided,
print off a copy and complete the timeline.
3 Create a Venn Diagram that compares/contrasts the American and French Revolutions.
4 Imagine that you live in France during pre-revolutionary times. Write a narrative essay
which describes what your life was like and your opinion of the other estates. Do you think
a revolution is necessary? Why or why not?

5 Outline and take notes on each section of the chapter. These notes should be headers
and sub-headers. Summarize each section in your outline.

Main Course
1 Compose a song or rap (3 verses) that reflects an event or theme of the French

2 Design a comic strip (8 frames) that depicts the Execution of Louis XVI.
3 Write a letter (one page typed) from the perspective of a European monarch outside of
France to Louis XVI. Express your thoughts and concerns of the events taking place in
France during the revolution and how they have and may potentially affect your country.
4 Create a social contract between you and your parents/teacher that demonstrate the
thoughts of the Enlightenment. Include a compare and contrast from the English Bill of
Rights, United States Declaration of Independence/Constitution, and Declaration of Rights
of Man.
5 Research a speech/primary source from the French Revolution. Interpret and write a one
page reflection of highlights and your thoughts.
6 Through Google Slides, create a virtual tour/for sale ad for the Place of Versailles. Include
pictures and a synopsis of each prominent room. Must include at least 8 slides. Use
Google Earth.

1 Write a newspaper article (one page typed) detailing the events and mass murders of the
Reign of Terror with a Bibliography.
2 Create a Facebook profile for Louis XVI, Marie Antoinette, Maximilian Robespierre, or
Napoleon Bonaparte. Your figure should have a profile picture, likes, friends, and at least
5 wall posts from the figure or others.

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