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Assessment Plan

Entry – Level Formative Summative

Diary: In 5 sentences write Webercise: El misterio detrás Class presentation with poster

about who taught you del “descubrimiento de or storyboard

Spanish, why, who continues América”

to motivate you, and what it

the importance of speaking it

Family/ friend interview: 2 Quiz on class lecture

people minimum

Family Tree

Brainstorm outline

5 paragraph essay

• Diary: Students will have to write a 5-sentence paragraph about who taught them Spanish
and why they did.
o It will be a time to reflect on when they started to learn Spanish, who taught it to
them, why and who continues to motivate them in speaking it.
§ Their opinion on why it is important to learn Spanish

• Webercise: El misterio detrás del “descubrimiento de América”
o Students will have to read an article, watch a video, and answer the questions
related to it.
§ It will require critical thinking, preparedness for the interview they will
make, they will practice their reading and writing skills.
§ They are able to use this article as a source for their essay.
• The article and video are linked in the document that is posted on
the Digital Unit Plan.
• Family / Friend Interview: Students will have to interview 2 family members of how the
Spanish language has been in their lives. If the student cannot interview a family
member, they can interview a friend following the same guidelines.
o Students are supposed to ask who started speaking Spanish first from their
ancestors. Ex. Was it your great grandmother who was the first in the family
o How the language was implemented in your family
o Who came here to the United States?
§ Was it your grandparents?
• Did they teach your parents Spanish?
§ Was it your parents?
• Did they teach you Spanish? And why or why not?
o Has the way of speaking Spanish changed? Has the United States affected their
use of language?
§ How and Why?
o Their views on the language
§ Positive or negative?
o Will they continue to teach it? Why or why not?
• Family Tree Map: With the help of the 2 family members who you interviewed, list all
family members of at least 4 generations to help understand your background/ roots.
o You will draw a family tree map on a poster or story board and write the names of
each member with their tag (mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, etc.)
§ Include pictures or you can also draw them
• Brainstorm Outline + Essay: The brainstorm outline will guide you in your 5-paragraph
o The brainstorm outline will be turned in for credit.
o The 5-paragraph essay will include:
§ Intro
§ 3 body paragraphs
• 2 of them will be based on the interviews and your family tree all
connected to the Spanish language
• The third body paragraph about your thoughts/ opinions
§ Conclusion

• Presentation: Students will have to present for 5 minutes on what they have learned from
their interviews. They will have to bring a poster or a story board with their tree map on
o Students are expected to use an academic/ formal language
o Express their thoughts or opinions
§ Found in the third body paragraph of their essay
• Quiz: Once all students have finished with their presentations, they will take a quiz
regarding the lecture on “El descubrimiento de América” and the Webercise article/
o Students are expected to study their notes and review the feedback I gave them on
their Webercise answers.

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