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Climate Control

1.1 General Consideration (HVAC, heating ventilation air conditioning)

Figure: HVAC system

One of the very core elements that contribute to climate control is HVAC. This consideration
influences the building in a very drastic way as it functions as the maintenance tool for
safety and health conditions inside a building. There is a cycle to this system that is
embedded with three criteria’s which are, thermodynamics, fluid mechanics and heat
transfer. These 3 elements of HVAC are interrelated and integrated in a building in order to
ensure thermal comfort in a building. There can be a presence of more than a single
operational system in a building in regard to the building scale.

1.1.1 Heating

This heating system is only present in regions that experience low temperature, for
instance Malaysia does not need this heating system due to its hot and humid weather.
This system is rather simple. It actually acts as an element to produce healthy heat in a
building constraint. There for, the system which is most commonly used contains a
boiler, furnace or heat pump. In addition to that, some secondary advances such as duct
work are incorporated in order to ensure the circulation of the heated air to the
surrounding indoor atmosphere.
1.1.2 Ventilating

The process in which contaminated air is moved out of a particular space and fresh new
air is circulated in. It is also considered as the process in which the control of
temperature and the natural way to eliminate odor, smoke, heat, dust and bacteria. In
conclusion ventilation is the very main source that enables acceptable indoor air quality
(thermal comfort). Natural ventilation and mechanical ventilation are the 2 methods
that enable air to enter a building.

Figure: Air ventilation

1.1.3 Natural Ventilation

The absence of mechanical ventilation apparatus is the best way to describe natural
ventilation as it does not require any mechanical system to enable due to the presence
of divine nature. The main elements that contribute to this phenomenal air change is
through the incorporation of operable windows and well planned openings that enable
a smooth circulation of air in a building. In most parts of the world outdoor air quality is
most of the time more likely to provide a more sufficient thermal comfort environment.
This tails to the fact that natural ventilation in a building is very essential. The ventilation
capability of a building depends of the site, location and as well as the design scheme of
the building (landscaping).

Figure: Natural ventilation

There are 3 stages that enable the ventilation process in a building to occur smoothly. (Airflow)

1. Maintain air quality inside the building by replacing indoor air which ventilated by
the process of living and occupancy with fresh outdoor air. In the occupied buildings,
the indoor air quality is affected by the living process and occupancy activities.
Oxygen consumed by breathing and carbon dioxide released, water vapor, bacteria,
body odor, hygienic habits, diets of building occupants, flooring, carpeting, and any
other materials of the building that may release so objectionable gases. Nowadays,
maintenance of indoor air quality is not only for odor reasons but also the health
factors of the occupants. (Giovanni, B.1998.Pg.88)
2. Providing thermal comfort in a warm environment by increasing convective heat loss
from the body and preventing discomfort from excessively moist skin through a
higher air speed over the body.(Comfort Ventilation). The comfort ventilation is only
needed only when the indoor environment is felt as too warm or stuffy under still air
conditions. (Giovanni, B.1998.Pg.88)
3. Cooling the structure mass of the building during the night and utilizing the cooled
mass as a heat sink during the following day time hrs in order to maintain the indoor
temperature well below the outdoor level( Nocturnal Ventilative Cooling)

The climatic conditions as well as the climatic activity of the particular region come in to
considerations as these 3 functions are affected mainly by these factors.

The ventilation process is generated through 2 physical forces. The airflow that happens
at the exterior of the building that occurs at openings is available at points exposed to different
levels of air pressure. The 2 forces are:

1. Temperature difference between the indoors and the outdoors (thermal or thermal
phonic forces). Air pressure and pressure reduce by height. The rate of this pressure
drop also depends on the air temperature. The higher the temperature, the smaller
the drop in air pressure with height, the pressure differences (pressure head) may
cause 2 types of flow which are thermos phonics (the pressure head generates an
inward air flow at the lower opening and an outward at the upper one) and as the
opposites is the mosyphonic flow which outdoor air enter at the upper openings and
flows out through the lower openings.(Giovanni,B.1998.Pg.89)
2. Wind movement that opposes the building direction that causes force in wind
pressure. Pressure at different parts of the building will vary due to its surface that it
reacts on. Most walls that are faced towards the wind direction will react causing
wind to be compressed thus creating a pressure zone. On the other hand pressure
absent sides of the walls also known as the leeward side will act as a chamber acts as
a chamber of air suction. This will subsequently be a presence of a ventilation cycle
in the building.

There are many factors that will correspond to the ventilation cycle. These factors are
the buildings site, the environment as well as the building design. The building will be affected
by the factors because:

1. Building Typology
Building functions and specifications will directly influence the ventilation cycle. This
is due to the identification of the possibilities of having a cross ventilation cycle in a
building. Stated here are the various types of buildings:
a) Semi- D house
A semi-d house is a type of building that a prone to many natural ventilation
possibilities due to its nature of being a self standing structure. Nevertheless,
having a roof to itself again increases the advantage of maximizing solar usage.
The orientations of these structures are usually well managed as they will absorb
less of the west sun.
b) Terrace house(town house)
These structures are connected next to each other in a series his causing it to
have cool shaded walls that are sustained by the structure next to it. The plus
points of terrace houses are that they have a very minimal external wall area
causing the heating process at the wall reign to be less of a factor. The high level
of the structures gives a great chimney effect; where else the staircase will
function as a wind catcher by taking the winds at higher wind speeds at the roof.
c) Multi level structures (apartments, condominiums)
These medium rise structures areas without a doubt have a good deal of high
speed winds to cool the structure of. Due to the presence of various designs in
order to maximize comfort and energy aspects, they have very different
properties from the other building typologies. The advantages of these
structures are that they have a widely exposed wall area and when they are
needed to be cool or heated the mechanism can be shared as one wholesome.
d) High Rise buildings
There are a few reasons that enable the risk of absence of thermal comfort in
this type of buildings, this is due to the elevator shafts that act as an air vent as
well as the height of the building that captures high velocity winds.
2) Building Orientation (openings are orientated to maximize intake)

In a well designed building, the designer will have to face at least one major opening
towards the wind direction in order to allow natural ventilation to occur. It is appropriate
enough if the opening consumes about 60 degrees towards the wind direction. On the other
hand, regions that experience critical climatic change would have to orientate their openings
towards the lower part of wind activity in order to have cross wind ventilation to occur
throughout the building.

Figure: wind Orientation

3) Vertically Aligned Windows

This element is altered depending on the speed of wind drop that and the desired
direction needed. The openings have to be aligned in such a way in order that the inlet for the
inward and the outward air direction is determining the air flow, which is also known as vertical
Figure: Ventilation through vertical windows

4) Type of shading device on opening as well as the detailing

These elements will influence the amount of airflow due to its pattern and design that
are sometimes used to cater for different specifications.

5) The amount of pressure and suction spaces that embodies the building

6) The usage of Fly Screens at the openings

7) Obstruction from either interior or exterior to the airflow from the openings

There is always more resistance in the interior of the buildings when the air enters. This
depends on the size of the airflow as well as its velocity such as doors and spatial openings, the
contraction and expansion of these spaces will have a great deal of effect on the air stream that
is passing through the interior space, nevertheless, this creates turbulence that will generally
increase flow resistance and reduce the air flow.

Where else the flaw to this natural element of thermal comfort is that when there is a
failure in the orientation of the building it is bound to happen that the capability of the building
to achieve this cooling effect will fail. Nevertheless, the unavoidable climate change will cause
the building in habitants to result in mechanical ventilation devices. The thermal comfort rate
comparing naturally and mechanically it is very obvious that the mechanical one is way better
but it is environmentally friendly if we use the natural method but yet keeping the mechanical
method as a backup. Mechanical Ventilation

There are many flaws towards mechanical ventilation compared to natural ventilation. This is
due to its energy consumption as well as the harmful affect that the gases radiate at the aftermath. On
the other hand, circumstances of some building structure that experience extreme thermal discomfort
have to result in the usage of mechanical ventilation. There are many reasons that incur the usage of
mechanical ventilation, these are:

Figure: Mechanical ventilation diagram

1. Interior spaces that are enclosed

2. Rooms which have a large amount of occupants that result to obstruction in natural
ventilation cycle.
3. Spaces that have recessive control over the surrounding environment
4. Inability to provide natural ventilation
5. In multilevel building that wind velocity is too high that it becomes not suitable for natural
6. Occurrence of extract ventilation

It is common that the idea of thermal comfort in a building will be achieved when mechanical
ventilation appliances are installed; this is not entirely true, the influence of the design scheme as well
as the mechanical ventilation installation methods itself. Nevertheless, there are 5 principals that are in
regard to the mechanical ventilation system:

1. In some country there is a possibility that the recovery of some heat that is being exhausted
from the vent is used later on to heat up the building.
2. Incorporation of free cooling, this thermal storage reduces cooling loads on air conditioning
3. Usage of cooling systems only when necessary
4. Incorporation of a safe control levels of vapor and pollutant as well as weatherproof supply
of fresh air.
1.1.3 Air Conditioning

Figure: air conditioning system (single)

This system is very common these days as it is a tool to create a fake thermal condition that
suits its occupants, that’s why it is called air conditioner its use is to condition the space to become
thermally comfort for its occupants. The air conditioning system controls the temperature, humidity and
the air flow of the building.

The system acts as a tool that sucks out the hot air and then pumps in new cool air that is
mechanically cooled by the air conditioning system in the appliance itself. The refrigerant with the cool
piping that leads to an outside coil will cool the incoming air.

There are many components that are in an air handler system, they are:

1. Blower or Fan
2. Heating and cooling elements
3. Filters
4. Humidifier
5. Mixing Chambers
6. Control
7. Vibration isolators Types of Air Conditioning System

They are:
1. Individual system. It normally employs either a single, self contained, packed room air
conditioner (installed in a window or through a wall) or separate indoor and outdoor units
to serve an individual room, the words self contain package there means factory assembled
in one packaged and ready for use.(Wang, S.K. 2000.Pg 2)
2. Space- conditioning systems or space. These systems have their air conditioning-cooling
heating, and filtration, performed predominantly in or above the conditioned space.
Outdoor air is supplied by a separate outdoor ventilation system. (Wang, S.K. 2000.Pg 2)
3. Central Hydronic or central systems. A central system uses chilled water or hot water from
a central plant to cool and heat the air, at the coils of the Air Handling Unit (AHU). For
energy transport, the heat capacity of water is about 3400 times greater than that of air.
Central systems are built up systems assembled and installed on the site. (Wang, S.K.
2000.Pg 2)

Figure: Hyronic conditioner

4. Air systems. It is also called an air handling system or the air side of an air conditioning
system. The function of this system is to condition the air, distribute it and control the
indoor environment. The primary equipment in an air system is an AHU or air handler , both
of these include fans, coils, filters, damper, humidifiers(optional), supply and return
ductworks, supply outlets, and return inlets, and controls. (Wang, S.K. 2000.Pg 2)
5. Water system. The systems include chilled water, hot water, and condenser water systems.
Water systems consist of pumps, piping work, and accessories. The waters sometimes called
the water side of a central or space conditioning system. (Wang, S.K. 2000.Pg 2)
6. Central Plant Refrigeration and heating systems. The refrigeration systems in the central
plant of a central system are usually in the form of a chiller package with an outdoor
condensing unit. The refrigeration system is also called the refrigeration side of a central
system. A boiler and accessories make up the heating system in a central plant for a central
system, and a direct fired gas furnace is often the heating system in the air handler of a
rooftop package system. (Wang, S.K. 2000.Pg 2)
7. Control system. It usually consists of sensors; a microprocessor based direct digital
controller (DDC), a control device, control elements, personal computer (PC) and a
communication network. (Wang, S.K. 2000.Pg 2) Type of Distributing System

1. Un-tempered. The air that is blown in to the building is directly brought in from the exterior
of the building without any heating or cooling effects. This method is very much cheaper
compared to the air conditioning system. This method of cooling is only recommended for
countries with temperate climates that remain comfortable throughout the year.
2. Direct Gas Heating .This type of heating tool is commonly found in the northern regions of
America. These units act as a dual functioning system as it provides un-tempered air during
the summer months and heated air during the winter months. The system is rather efficient
as the flame that is used to heat the air is in the airstream itself.
3. Indirect Gas Heating. It is almost the same principals of the direct heating where else this
system heats a coiled tube that then heats up the air. The residue from the combustion
process is then discharged into the open air. This system has a 80% efficiency rate compared
to the 100% rate of direct heating.
4. Steam. Similar to the indirect heating. Rather than using fire to heat the coils. Steam is used
from a boiler that is made up of copper coils that make up an air unit.
5. Hot Water. Very much similar to the steam process .But this process is very much common
in the kitchen.
6. Electrical Heating. Electrically heated coils that heat up the air that passes through it .This
unit is usually controlled by a control cabinet.
7. Direct Expansion. It is similar to the steam method. But instead of the heating effect it is
used to cool the air. Gas is used through a refrigerator.
8. Evaporative cooling. This type of cooling medium is very much affective in area of hot and
dry. The air that passes over the moist area will be cooled down and moisten the air.
9. Chilled water. It is very much similar to the hot water coil. But instead of using hot water
cold water is used.

All of these cooling and heating methods are in relation to the environmental and climatic
factors of that particular region.

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