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Analytical Considerations in the Code Qualification of Piping

Systems (U) y

G. A. Antaki
Westinghouse Savannah River Company
Savannah River Site
Aiken, South Carolina 29808


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Analytical Considerations in the
Code Qualification of Piping Systems
George A. Antaki
Westinghouse Savannah River Co.

The paper addresses several analytical

topics in the design and qualification
of piping systems which have a direct
bearing on the prediction of stresses in
the pipe and hence on the application
of the equations of NB, NC and ND-3600
of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel
Code. For each of the analytical topics,
the paper summarizes the current code
requirements, if any, and the industry


In 1984 and again in 1990, several Figure 1. Local stresses at pipe - support interface
issues related to the analysis of piping
systems were d o c u m e n t e d by the
Pressure Vessel Research Council 1) Source a n d Description of
(PVRC) in WRC Bulletins 300 and 353 [1, Topic
2]. More recently, within PVRC, a joint
Section III and XI Review Committee WRC-300 part III and WRC-353
provided further recommendations on Section 2.3.5 recognize that localized
the analysis a n d qualification of stresses are generated in the contact
nuclear piping systems [3]. A Task area between a pipe and a pipe support.
Group on Analytical Methods was Rules are needed to specify (a) when
formed within the ASME Section III these stresses should be quantified and
Working Group on Piping Design, to (b) how they should be evaluated.
compile the topics addressed by the
above PVRC reports and present, in
each case, the industry practice and WRC-353 Section 2.3.5 states that
recommendations for improvements to "industry experience has shown that
Section HI w h e r e appropriate. common forms of attachment, such as
Members of the Task Group included standard clamps and U-bolts and
Mesrs. T.M. Adams, K.C. Chang, G. bearing on structural members,
Karshafdjian, J.E. Lucena, M.S. Sills, produce stresses in the pipe which are
G.G. Thomas, E Wais and G.A. Antaki. localized in the pipe wall and are
secondary in nature, and hence can be
neglected". The bulletin goes on
Following is a summary of the topics however to say the "in any case, the
researched by the Task Group. Several localized stresses must be evaluated and
of these topics are under review by the combined with other stresses or
Working Group on Piping Design to compared to a predefined allowable
decide w h e t h e r they warrant any established for localized stress". The
changes to Section III. designer is cautioned to use load-
distributing features (such as cradles) Code Cases N-122, N-318, N-391 and N-
when supporting Schedule 10 piping. 392 address stresses generated on the
WRC-300 Part III warns that "High pipe by integral welded attachments.
strength pipe clamp designs should be The Code Cases provide equations for
either avoided or carefully evaluated calculating stresses from the applied
for their effect on local pipe wall loads on the welded attachments, which
stress". are added to the code stress equations
and compared to the code allowables.
2) Current Code Position
3) Industry and Regulatory
Section III NB, NC and ND address the Position
question of interaction between the
pressure boundary and its attachments. The effect of pipe support loads on the
The Code requires that "the interaction pipe wall has been the subject of early
effects of attachments on the pressure studies in piping design. The Kellogg
boundary, producing thermal manual "Design of Piping Systems"
gradients, localized bending stresses, (1955) suggests that "when such local
stress concentrations or restraint of stresses are evaluated they should be
the pressure boundary shall be treated in the category of secondary or
considered by the piping designer" localized stresses ... the allowable limit
(NB.3651.3). Requirements for Class 2 for such stresses when due to sustained
(NC.3645) and Class 3 (ND.3645) are loadings cannot reasonably be set at
similar to Class 1 although the wording the limit for sustained primary stress
is somewhat different. The Code Sh; instead it is recommended that a
provides relief to the extent that limit of 2Sh be used for design
"standard clamps generally have a purposes".
negligible effect on the pressure
boundary" [if thick-wall] (NB.3651.3). Today, there is no uniform commercial
nuclear i n d u s t r y practice for the
Subsection 3200 classifies the stress due analysis of contact stresses in piping
to a pipe attachment as secondary. from n o n - w e l d e d (non-integral)
supports. Most design applications did
Section NB-3227.1 addresses bearing not explicitly analyze stresses induced
loads and states that "the average in piping by localized contact loads. In
bearing stress for resistance to some cases, mostly a later 1980's
crushing under the maximum load... practice, pipe-to-support contact
shall be limited to Sy at temperature, stresses are computed and added to the
except that when die distance to a free code stress equation.
edge is larger than the distance over
which the bearing load is applied [i.e. Where contact stresses are calculated,
no risk of shear failure], a stress of they typically coven
1.5Sy at temperature is permitted".
(a) line load from a longitudinal
The closest Subsection NF comes to contact between the pipe and
addressing the contact load from the the flat surface of a support
support onto the pipe is in NF-3412.4(d) member.
w h e r e it states t h a t "design of (b) circumferential loads from a
functional [support] members such as circular line load between the
interconnections ... shall consider the pipe and a circular stiff clamp,
effect of internal pressure, thermal strap or collar plate.
expansion and vibration loadings".
Each of the loads is, in turn, comprised In conclusion, the industry practice
of four contributions: varies from no explicit analysis (in
(a) preload (such as tight fit or most cases) to analysis based on stress
torque) formulas (mostly in the late 1980's).
(b) internal pressure (constrained There is no evidence through tests or
radial expansion of pipe wall) operational experience that contact
(c) thermal expansion (constrained stresses are a credible source of pipe
radial expansion and, for Class 1, failure.
thermal discontinuity). Note
that in non-nuclear plants, the
effects of t h e r m a l radial DESIGN - BY - RULE
expansion are at times accounted FOR
for by construction rules, such SMALL BORE PIPING SYSTEMS
as leaving t h e p i p e clamp
sufficiently loose to allow for a
gap around the pipe. 1) Source and Description
(d) support reactor loads. of Topic
The pipe stress due to contact load, WRC-300 Part III Section 4.7
when calculated, is typically based on recommends "rather than to continue
solutions such as "Formulas for Stress to insist on complex analytical
and Strain" by R.J. Roark and W.C. solutions, it may be more beneficial to
Yound or WRC Bulletin 198.. take our experience and develop
detailed design by rule requirements
The Roark formula for contact stresses that control geometry for envelopes of
is adopted by the American Water conditions".
Works Association (AWWA) "Guide for
Design and Installation" (Manual M i l ) . WRC-300 Part II, recommendations
The AWWA manual states that "the 4.15 and 4.16 state:
ability of steel pipe to resist saddle load
has sometimes been greatly "4.15 The piping codes should be
u n d e r e s t i m a t e d by designers' and, revised to require a simple analysis
consistently with Roark, recommends related to the expected mode of failure
an allowable of 2Sy for the maximum coupled with specified standard design
localized stress at the saddle. and fabrication details," and
Surveys of e a r t h q u a k e damage to "4.16 Experience and judgment must be
piping systems (EPRI research project relied on as much as complicated
RP-2635-1) does not indicate failure analytical solutions."
from contact stress effects.
Recommendation F-05(3) of the PVRC
The NRC has issued Information Notice Committee on Review of ASME
83-80 "Use of Specialized Stiff Pipe Nuclear Codes and Standards (1988-
Clamps" to warn that "piping designers 1991) states "Bounding spectra with
who are accustomed to neglecting applicable limitations as developed by
these localized [pipe-to-support NCIG-EPRI should be permitted as the
contact] stresses because of the low basis for layout and design of supports
magnitude stresses associated with for all small bore piping (D = or <2 1/2
conventional pipe clamps might inches)".
incorrectly assume that such stresses
can be neglected with these new [stiff]
which were based on limiting span
2) Current Code Position lengths and layouts to certain pre-
analyzed configurations.
The Code provides rules for evaluation
of stresses resulting from Design and Recognizing the excessive costs and
Service Loads. However, the definition the limited value added of wholesale
of these loads is the responsibility of analysis, the nuclear industry,
the Owner a n d certificate holder, through EPRI, has developed rules for
through the Design Specification. the seismic evaluation of small bore
piping systems.
The Code does require a stress analysis
in NB-3625: "Stress Analysis: Recently (1990) EPRI and NCIG have
"A Stress analysis shall be issued a "Procedure For Seismic
prepared in sufficient detail to show Evaluation and Design of Small Bore
that each of the stress limitations of Piping (NCIG-14)" EPRI NP-6628, which
NB-3640 and NB-3650 is satisfied when provides criteria to design against
the piping is subjected to the loadings realistic seismic failure modes. The
required to be considered by this Sub- criteria are based on the investigation
article." of earthquake experience and test data.
NP 6628 does not change current use of
Appendix N, Section N-1100, states "... a code rules for the evaluation of seismic
dynamic system analysis is required to anchor movements and non seismic
show how seismic loading is loads, but does not require including
transmitted...". seismic i n e r t i a s t r e s s in the
qualification process.
In NB-3672.6, the Code allows for some
qualification per comparison: NUMARC submitted NP-6628/NCIG-14
for NRC review, and TVA requested
"NB-3672.6 Method Of Analysis. All approval of use of NP 6628 for
systems shall be analyzed for adequate Bellefonte completion. The NRC
flexibility by a rigorous structural responded with a request for additional
analysis unless they can be judged information. EPRI d e v e l o p e d a
technically adequate by an response to the NRC request consistent
engineering comparison with with recent work done by the SGD
previously analyzed systems." Special Task Group and work done for
the Advanced Reactor Corporation First
of a Kind Engineering activity related
3) Industry and Regulatory to ASME piping. This response was
Position provided to the NRC in October 1993
with a request from NUMARC for an
estimate of review cost to complete the
The original piping Codes (B31 Series) effort.
were based on rules for proper layout
and detailing of piping systems. The
rules evolved to focus on analysis for In Generic Letter 81-14, the NRC had
operating loads (thermal expansion endorsed the use of an experience
stress evaluation introduced by Markl based approach including "walkdown
in the 1950's) and, later, analysis for by personnel experienced in the
accident loads. The practice since the analysis, design and evaluation" to
early-1970's and through the 1980's has identify flagrant weaknesses in the
been to qualify nuclear safety related seismic adequacy of auxiliary
piping by analysis. For small bore feedwater systems. The Generic Letter
piping (2" and smaller) various "cook stated "Given the time
books" were developed over time, explicit analyses are requested to
demonstrate system qualification i n c l u d e d designing p i p e s u p p o r t
unless deemed necessary by you". restraint to a minimum stiffness or a
minimum frequency of either 20HZ or
SUPPORT STIFFNESS RULE 33HZ, modeling the actual stiffness
(mostly in Class 1 applications), or
1) Source a n d Description using a deflection criterion ranging
Qf TOPIC from 1/32" to 1/8".

WRC-353 Section 2 . 3 . 2 provides EPRI R e s e a r c h Project 2967-2

several rules for the treatment of the developed seismic restraint stiffness
effects of support stiffness on a piping criteria as part of a study on support
system. The Bulletin does not make a modeling, based on numerous papers,
r e c o m m e n d a t i o n on w h e t h e r to studies, laboratory tests and reviews of
introduce this topic into the ASME Code. actual earthquakes.

The recommendations of the EPRI

project for ductile piping systems
(with no brittle joints and with stable
restraints) is that the total maximum
restraint deformation, under maximum
dynamic loads, not exceed a small
nominal predetermined value. This
value could be less than 5% of the
average piping system dynamic
response displacement or a fraction of
an inch such as 1/8" or 1/4" total
displacement. The Research Project is
also r e c o m m e n d i n g t h e u s e of
minimum design loads based on the
average loads for a subsystem or a fixed
value based on pipe size.
Figure 2. Supports are modeled
as spring stiffnesses

2) Current Code Position

/ / / / / / / / / / / / / /
Section HI NB, NC and ND do not address
modeling details, such as support
stiffness to be used in determining
stresses for comparison against the
limits in 3600. NF 3122 states that
"deformation limits for the supported
piping or component shall be
stipulated in the Design Specifications,
if required".

3) Industry and Regulatory

Figure 3. Small gaps can exist around the
Among U.S. nuclear plants, a variety of pipe in the restrainted direction
piping s u p p o r t s / r e s t r a i n t stiffness
criteria have been used. They have
1) Source and Description SUPPORT WEIGHT
of Topic
WRC 3 5 3 , Section 2.3.3 provides
guidelines for the treatment of pipe-to-
s u p p o r t gaps (clearances). The
Bulletin does not make a
r e c o m m e n d a t i o n on w h e t h e r to
introduce this topic into the ASME Code.

2) Current Code Position

Section III NB, NC and ND do not address

modeling details, such as gaps between
pipe and restraint to be considered in
determining the stresses for Pipe
comparison against the limits of 3650. Weight
In various places, NF 3000 requires the
pipe support to provide for movement Figure 4. In certain cases part of the
of die piping or component. support weight is carried by the pipe.

3) Industry and Regulatory

Position 1) Source and Description
of Topic
A thorough discussion of pipe support
gaps is provided in WRC-353. Gaps are WRC 3 5 3 , Section 2.3.4 provides
used to allow unrestrained movements rules for judging the significance of
of piping in the non-load directions support mass on a piping system. The
while being sufficiently small to be Bulletin does not make a
negligible in the loaded direction. The r e c o m m e n d a t i o n on w h e t h e r to
industry practice for the analysis of introduce this topic into the ASME Code.
piping with small gaps (usually 1/16"
per side or 1/8" total clearance) is to 2) Current Code Position
ignore the pipe support gaps where
they are small. Section III NB, NC and ND 3623 states
that "piping systems shall provide for
The recent EPRI Research Project 2967- the effects of live and dead weights"
2 identified several studies of the and defines dead weight as "the weight
effects of support gaps. In almost all of the piping, insulation, and other
cases, when a non-linear analysis was loads permanently imposed upon the
performed considering small gaps, the piping".
restraint loads and pipe stresses were
enveloped b y the linear analysis 3) Industry a n d Regulatory
methods. Small s u p p o r t gaps Position
(including snubber clearances)
acquire m o r e i m p o r t a n c e in the The industry practice is to generally
vicinity of equipment nozzles which neglect the weight of the support mass
are particularly sensitive to small load in c o n s i d e r i n g p i p i n g stresses.
redistributions. Normally, if proportionally sized
support components are used, the ratio 2) Current Code Position
of the support mass to the piping mass
is sufficiently low to justify Section III NB, NC and ND address the
neglecting the effects of the support question of intersections in piping.
component. However, when For class 1 piping, NB-3683.1 requires
disproportionally sized components are that branch and r u n moments be
used, results have shown the mass of combined to calculate the total stress at
the support components can have an a branch connection. For Class 2 and 3
effect on the piping stresses and piping, the branch and run moments
should be factored into the piping are calculated separately, each with its
analysis. EPRI Research Project 2967-2 own stress intensification factor.
identified isolated cases where support There is no explicit Code Criteria on
component mass was factored into the how to decouple branch lines from run
p i p i n g analysis, p a r t i c u l a r l y for piping to accomplish this.
certain types of configurations and
primarily on small bore pipes. Application Subsections: NB-3643, NC-
3643 and ND-3643.
DECOUPLING TECHNIQUES 3) Industry and Regulatory
1) Source a n d Description
of Topic There is n o uniform commercial
nuclear industry practice for pipe
WRC-300 Part III recommends the branch and run decoupling
"use [of] a moment of inertia ratio of 25 techniques. In dynamic and flexibility
to 1 for analysis decoupling of small analysis, a piping run is typically used
branch lines from major runs" further as an anchor point for a branch Une, if
clarifications a n d exceptions are it meets certain criteria. Criteria
provided in Section 2.2.2 of the usually include that the ratio of run to
Bulletin. branch diameter, moment of inertia or
section modulus should exceed a
The Bulletin does not make a specified ratio. Decoupling criteria for
r e c o m m e n d a t i o n on w h e t h e r to moment of inertia typically ranged
introduce this topic into the ASME Code. from 10:1 to 25:1 and 4:1 for diameter.
A moment in inertia ratio of 25:1 was
used in the industry recommendation
of WRC Bulletin 300, with the additional
recommendation t h a t lower values
should be considered where applicable.

An analysis of a branch pipe that

meets these criteria typically use the
connection to the run pipe as a rigid
anchor. The practice has been not to
develop run pipe amplified response
spectra at the decoupling point, but
rather to apply anchor motions and to
envelope run pipe support attachment
points response spectra. This approach
gets to be less accurate as the run pipe
Figure 5. Certain branch lines are decoupled is more flexible.
from the header system analytical model.
Run pipe SIF's were typically not 1) Source and Description
i n c l u d e d in t h e original piping of Topic
analyses in the late 1960's and early
1970's for most branch connection WRC Bulletin 3 0 0 Part III Section
locations. This is because the Code did 2.2.6 advises that "using the system
not provide formulas for calculation of design temperature in place of the
SIF's except for the connections. The operating temperature for thermal
SIF's for branch connection point, and flexibility analyses should be
for the r u n p i p e at the b r a n c h avoided. The design specification
connection point in the r u n pipe should reflect the appropriate
analysis (when applicable). temperature for analysis". The
Bulletin r e c o m m e n d s c o n s i d e r i n g
Vent or drain lines are seldom included temperature decay in stagnant lines;
in the model of the run pipe as they and limiting t h e r m a l expansion
meet the requirements for decoupling analysis to normal and upset operating
as d e s c r i b e d in t h e p r e c e d i n g modes. A similar warning is provided
paragraphs. in Section 3.3, which states "A common
mistake leading to increasingly
In a 1980 m e m o r a n d u m , the NRC conservative nozzle loads is to use the
Mechanical Engineering Branch system design temperature rather than
accepted a moment of inertia ratio of actual operating temperatures when
7:1 for a specific plant application. A analyzing piping".
b r o a d e r d e c o u p l i n g c r i t e r i o n is
provided in Section 3.7.2 of the 2) Current Code Position
Standard Review Plan.
ASME Code Section III addresses design
DESIGN TEMPERATURE loadings in NCA-2142.1. The design
FOR temperature is defined as follows:
"Design temperature shall not be less
than the expected maximum mean
metal temperature through the
thickness of the part considered for
T design which Level A service limits are

The Level A service limits are "those

set of limits which must be satisfied for
all Level A service loading identified in
T, the Design Specification to which the
component or support may be
subjected in the performance of its
/ specified service function".
/ f^ \ h / From the above definitions, it is clear
t t h a t design t e m p e r a t u r e is the
maximum metal temperature which is
Figure 6. The Design Temperature may be expected to occur during normal plant
set significantly higher than actual operations.
system operating temperatures.
3) I n d u s t r y and Regulatory with the t h e r m a l expansion a r e
Position relatively small and not required to be
explicitly calculated. The source of the
The design process r e q u i r e s t h e topic is two fold:
identification of all operating
conditions by system engineers. The (a) recommendation F-05 (4) of the
design temperature is then defined, PVRC Committee on Review
typically by the equipment vendor, as of ASME Nuclear Codes and
a t e m p e r a t u r e higher than all the Standards (1988-1991( which
operating temperatures, regardless of states: "Thermal Stress analysis
their service levels. For large bore and (flexibility analysis) of piping
ASME Class 1 systems, this process may systems is not required only
not be overly conservative. However, [SIC] for ASME Class 2 and 3
for small bore Class 2, 3 and non- where T = or<150 °F and D = or
o 0

nuclear safety piping, whose design < 6 inches."

does not require design specification, (b) an upcoming PVRC Position
this process leads to unnecessary Paper that proposes a
conservatism in b o t h high thermal t e m p e r a t u r e of 150°F as a
expansion stresses and low allowable boundary between cold and hot
stress intensities. piping.

The use of unnecessarily large design 2) Current Code Position

temperatures for small bore piping
systems can also lead to the addition of Section III NB, NC, ND do not address
expansion loops, with the the definition of cold piping. The Code
corresponding increase in congestion, r e q u i r e m e n t s for e v a l u a t i o n of
material procurement, construction, thermal expansion are as follows:
support structures and risk of leaks at
pipe joints. "The design of piping systems shall
take account of the forces and moments
Advancement in nuclear piping design resulting from thermal expansion and
proved that the old design process does contraction and from the effects of
not necessarily lead to a safer system. expansion joints" NC,ND-3624.1.
Thermal sleeve failures at branch
nozzles with reinforcement are typical "The design of the complete piping
examples. system shall be analyzed between
anchors for the effects of thermal
In conclusion, the industry design expansion, weight, and other sustained
practice tends to select conservatively and occasional loads". NC/ND-3651 (a).
high design t e m p e r a t u r e which in
turn penalize system design with no "....piping systems subject to thermal
obvious benefits. This penalty is expansion or contraction... shall be
especially severe for small b o r e designed in accordance with the
piping. requirements for the evaluation and
analysis of flexibility and stress
DEFINITION OF "COLD" PIPING specified in this paragraph". NC/ND-
3672.1 (a).
1) Source and Description
of Topic "All systems shall be analyzed for
adequate flexibility by a structural
The term "Cold" piping refers to piping analysis unless they can be judged
that operates at low temperature and as technically adequate by an
a consequence, the stresses associated engineering comparison with
previously analyzed systems." NC/ND- The draft version of the upcoming
3673.1 "PVRC Position Paper-Piping Analysis
Techniques" proposes the following
Subsection NB has similar criterion: "The definition of "cold"
requirements NB-3624.1, 3672 (a), versus "hot" piping as a dividing line
3672.7. between piping that is analyzed for
thermal expansion and that which is
In summary, the Code requires a not, is important. A reasonable
thermal expansion analysis except criterion establishes piping
when an engineering comparison with containing fluids at 150°F or greater as
previously analyzed systems indicates "hot" and therefore requiring
that the system is technically adequate. expansion analysis."

3) Industry and Regulatory EPRI Report NP-5184M "Snubber

Position Reduction Program" in page 1-2, when
dealing with s n u b b e r r e d u c t i o n
There have been several attempts in techniques for cold piping systems,
t h e p i p i n g i n d u s t r y to d e v e l o p states: "...Those systems that are
simplified rules to screen those piping essentially cold (<200°F)..."
systems t h a t r e q u i r e a detailed
flexibility analysis. The only one rule We are not aware of a regulatory
that is part of a code appeared in the position on the definition of "cold"
1955 edition of the Piping Code (ASA piping. Many nuclear power plants
B31.1) and can still be found in the have used and justified the absence of
current editions of the ASME B31 codes. detailed thermal expansion analysis for
This rule is not based on a temperature piping systems below a c e r t a i n
threshold, but on a formula that relates operating temperature. For example, a
various parameters such as, pipe size, 1980 NRC Mechanical Engineering
movements to be absorbed, developed Branch memo for a plant specific
length and minimum length between application accepts "Thermal
piping anchors. This formula tries to expansion stress analyses...not to be
quantify the relative flexibility of the performed when the design
piping system in a simplified manner. temperature is less than 150°F" as a
There are however so many cautions reasonable and conservative
that t h e rule becomes practically engineering practice that has been
useless. widely a d o p t e d t h r o u g h o u t the
industry. It should be noted that the
Current industry practice in fossil and NRC's definition of "high energy
co-generation plants is to analyze piping system" is partially based on a
piping systems with a temperature at simple temperature criteria. Piping
or above 250°F. systems with an operating temperature
above 200°F are defined as high
WRC Bulletin #300 refers to cold piping energy.
in the chapter related to the piping
restraint selection criteria indicating None of the above criteria takes into
that "For piping systems where the account the differences in the piping
analyst has determined that thermal m a t e r i a l coefficient of t h e r m a l
expansion stresses, loads and expansion. If one establishes a criteria
deflections are minimal, rod or frame for defining cold piping based on the
type restraints in lieu of snubbers rate of thermal expansion (product of
should be specified". alpha x delta T) and sets a limiting
value at say, 0.0008 in/in, then the
limiting temperature for cold piping
would be 195°F - 200°F for carbon steel
piping and 155°F - 150°F for stainless pipe. The specified allowable loads on
steels. This appears to be a more nozzles are often so low that they
reasonable criteria. require additional restraints on the
piping. Also, quite often the nozzles
NOZZLE FLEXIBILITY are modeled as rigid anchors in the
piping system analysis.

The c o m b i n a t i o n of u s i n g low
allowable nozzle loads and ignoring
nozzle flexibility may lead to additional
restraint which by a more rational
feE TJr
approach, could be shown to be
unnecessary. these additional
restraints may reduce the reliability of
the piping system and will add to its

Typically, the nozzle on a plate or shell

Figure 7. Equipment nozzles and shells is more flexible than the attached pipe.
have flexibilities which can reduce Use of the correct flexibility in static,
pipe reaction loads. thermal and dynamic analyses will
frequently reduce predicted nozzle
loads b y a significant amount.
1) Source a n d Description Flexibility can be computed using
of Topic equations from plate and shell theory,
with p r o p e r considerations of
stiffening members a n d internals.
WRC - 300 Part III recommendation 3.5 WRC Bulletin 297 provides data from
states that "the flexibility analysis of which the nozzle flexibility can be
equipment nozzles and foundation obtained.
supports should be considered in the
analysis". Recommendation 3.8 states WRC Bulletin 300, published in 1984,
that "A coupled piping analysis, recommend t h a t flexibility of the
including nozzle flexibility and nozzle should be included in the piping
foundation support flexibility, can model.
reduce calculated nozzle loads". The
Bulletin does not make a
r e c o m m e n d a t i o n o n w h e t h e r to NUREG-1061, p u b l i s h e d in 1985,
introduce this topic into the ASME Code. recognizes that the design of piping
b r a n c h connections and tank and
vessel nozzles do not generally take
2) Current Code Position credit for nozzle flexibility, resulting
in h i g h e r calculated stresses.
Section III of the Code does not address Improving nozzle design procedures
nozzle flexibility in piping system could help reduce the n u m b e r of
analysis. seismic restraints required in current
piping design.
3) Industry and Regulatory
Position NUREG-1061 report made the following
recommendations with regard to nozzle
Terminations of piping systems quite loads and flexibility:
often consist of nozzles in pressure
vessels and tanks or nozzles of rotating 1) Request that WGPD revise the
equipment such as pumps or steam Code sections addressing pipe
turbines in branch connections to run system flexibility calculation to
also consider tank and vessel results as dynamic analysis, should be
nozzle flexibility. permitted for large bore class 2 and 3
2) Revise Standard Review Plan
3.9.2 to c o n s i d e r nozzle 2) CURRENT CODE POSITION
flexibility in piping analysis.
Appendix N. Article N-100 "Dynamic
3) Develop improved design Analysis Methods" currently states:
guidance on nozzle stress limits "In order to determine the specific
and flexibilities. seismic designs for each component,
dynamic system analysis is required to
SEISMIC show how seismic l o a d i n g s if
STATIC METHODS transmitted form the defined ground
FOR motions to all parts of the buildings,
PIPING SYSTEMS structures, equipment and
components". The common
interpretation of the requirement is
time history that floor spectra will be developed by
dynamic analysis of the building
structures. However, this requirement
may be interpreted textually to mean
that a dynamic analysis is required for
"equipment a n d components" a n d
therefore for piping systems.
response spectra

While l a t e r a l l o a d d e s i g n for
earthquake resistant buildings was
introduced into practice in the 1930's,
the concept of lateral load design for
A s t a t i c A piping systems has been introduce
much more recently (.20g static design
of nuclear plant piping in the 1960;s)
and published in the early 1970's (J.D.
Figure 8. Applied loadings for various Stevenson, 1973; J.M. Gwinn and N.A.
analytical methods. Coldstein, 1974; T.R. Simonson and G.
Kost, 1976). At the time, it was judged
1) SOURCE AND DESCRIPTION OF that rigorous dynamic analysis was not
TOPIC required for the "tens of thousands of
feet of conduits consisting of smaller
PVRC recommendation F-05 "Section III diameter piping, tubing, electrical
Analysis Requirements for Piping" conduit raceways and ductwork which
proposes that "ASME Section III Code serve a safety function and therefore
rules should be modified to include the require a determination of seismic
following: (1) The use of rigorous design adequacy" (J.D. Stevenson and
dynamic seismic analysis methods W.S. LaPay, 1975). It was estimated that
(response spectra, time history) for a coefficient of 0.67 to 1.50 could be
piping systems is not always required. a p p l i e d to t h e i n p u t response
(2) Simplified static load procedures acceleration to determine the lateral
(e.g., Code Case N-468), which on the load. A coefficient of 1.20 was later
average give higher or the same
proposed (C.W. l i n and T.C. Esselman, documentation of the method is being
1982). developed through the PVRC
Subcommittee on Dynamic Stress
The NRC Standard Review Plan (SRP) Criteria.
adopted the equivalent static load
method with a factor of 1.5 applied to Recently, the Seismic Qualification
the peak floor acceleration if "the Utilities Group (SQUG) established that
system can be realistically represented a 1.0 equivalent static coefficient was
by a simple model" (SRP 3.9.2-7, July to be used for determining seismic
1981). The "simple model" condition inertial equipment loads. The 1.0
does not make the SRP 1.5 factor coefficient for equipment anchorage is
n e c e s s a r i l y a p p l i c a b l e to piping based on closed form solutions
systems. documented in EPRI NP-5228 Volume 1
"Development of Anchorage
Currently, t h e California Uniform Guidelines", A p p e n d i x D. Piping
Building Code specifies lateral load systems are not addressed by the SQUG.
provisions for "non-structural
components supported by structures", NON-LINEAR DESIGN
including "plumbing" and "machinery OF
and associated piping" as Fp = ZICpWp, DUCTILE PIPING
where Z is a seismic zone factor, the
importance factor I is 1.5 for hazardous 1) Source and Description of
contents and Cp is 2x0.75 = 1.5 for Topic
flexible (f<17 hz) systems.
Recommendation F-05 (5) of the PVRC
A similar form of static load factor was Committee on Review of ASME Nuclear
introduce in the IAEA "Earthquake Codes and Standards (1988 - 1991) states
Resistant Design of Nuclear Facilities "Limited non-linear behavior of
with Limited Radioactive Inventory" ductile piping and other mechanical
(1985) and has been pursued by the systems should be permitted for seismic
ASME Working Group on Dynamic design".
Analysis since 1986. the later effort
resulted in ASME Code Case N-468 2) Current Code Position
"Alternate Method of Earthquake
Description for Class 2 and 3 Piping at Appendix N, N-1222.2 provides
Low Seismicity Sites Section III, acceptable numerical methods to
Division 1" now expired. In its latest analyze nonlinear problems,
form, (as presented in 4-468), the load including:
coefficient is developed by a statistical (1) material non-linearities
process based on comparative static (plasticity);
and dynamic (response spectra) (2) geometric non-linearities
analysis of r e p r e s e n t a t i v e piping (large displacement);
configurations. A review of the (3) combination of material and
methods in N-468 by concluded that "it geometric non-linearities
is not ready for incorporation into (impact and friction)".
Appendix N" (attachment 10 to 9/14/92
WGPD meeting minutes). A revised Appendix F provides for the inelastic
proposal is being reviewed by the analysis of vessels, pumps, valves,
Special Working Group on Dynamic piping and core support structures
Analysis. The revised p r o p o s a l subject to level D loadings. The
includes static coefficients of .50, .75 or Appendix F, "Inelastic analysis" is
1.0 depending on applied to the peak of defined as a class of methods which
the floor response spectra. Further includes "limit analysis" (elastic-
perfectly plastic model) and "plastic membrane stress and the minimum of
analysis" (strain hardening model). (0.6 S or 1.6 Sy) when primary

Appendix F also allows for the use of bending is included.

collapse load methods (unstable hinge
mechanisms). The non-linear behavior of ductile
piping has been correlated to the ASME
For piping, Appendix F, F-1430 permits III faulted stress allowables by
as an alternative to either elastic or Rodabaugh and Moore (NUREG/CR-
plastic analysis to apply the pipe stress 0261) and more recently by Rodabaugh
equations of NB-3652 limited to the and Terao (NUREG-1367).
lesser of 2SM or 2Sy. In this context,
the increased allowable is viewed as a In the Standard Review Plan (NUREG-
simplified alternative (a substitute) for 0800, 3.7.2-5 Rev. 2) the NRC states "The
plastic analysis. The allowables are SRP criteria generally deal with linear
specified in NX-3655. elastic analysis coupled with allowable
stresses near elastic limits of the
3) Industry and Regulatory structures. However, for certain
Position special cases (e.g., evaluation of as-
built structures), the staff has accepted
In the late 1960's Newmark and Hall the concept of limited
proposed that for "small excursions inelastic/nonlinear behavior when
into the inelastic range" the seismic appropriate. The actual analysis,
response spectrum be decreased by the incorporating inelastic/nonlinear
ductility factor (mu) as follows: considerations, is reviewed on a case-
l/(mu) below approximately 2 hz; by-case basis".
1 / 4i(rnu) -1 between 2 hz and 8 hz; and
no decrease beyond about 33 hz. The The NRC Piping Review Committee
ductility factor (mu) was defined as the concluded in 1985 (NUREG-1061) that
ratio of t h e maximum allowable "since SSE is a low-probability event, it
displacement of a structure to its elastic is appropriate to accept some inelastic
displacement. They suggested that behavior in the design of piping
equipment and components that can systems in order to fully use their
deform "inelastically to a moderate capability to absorb and dissipate
extent" be allowed a ductility factor of 2 energy. Pseudo linear-elastic
to 3. The method later evolved into the estimation methods should be
"inelastic response spectrum developed and procedures designed to
approach." This and other analytical account for inelastic response".
methods for estimating the non-linear
r e s p o n s e of p i p i n g systems are REFERENCES
discussed in the recent WRC Bulletin
379 "Alternative method for seismic 1 Welding Research Council
Analysis of Piping Systems". Bulletin 300 "Technical Position on
Industry Practice", December 1984.
In a 1976 commentary on the newly 2 Welding Research Council
developed faulted stress limits for class Bulletin 353 "Position Paper on Nuclear
2 and 3 components (76-PVP-61), Plant Pipe Supports", May 1990.
Branch and Gascoyne recognized that
faulted condition limits were selected 3 Welding Research Council
on t h e basis of "ultimate tensile Bulletin 3 7 0 "Recommendations
strength, rather than yield", allowing Proposed by the PVRC Committee on
therefore yielding. The faulted stress Review of ASME Nuclear Codes and
allowable being the minimum of (0.5 Standards", February 1992.
Su or 1.25 Sy) for general primary

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