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Section A

Read the questions that follow Underline the correct spelling


Taxtbooks / Textbooks / Textboks / textbook


1. Flarr/ Flour/ Flore 6. Maxture/ Mixture/Mixturr

2. Salt/ Solt/ Sall 7. Milk/Nilk/Mikk
3. Eg/ Egg/ Agg 8. Sarve/Serve/Seve
4. Spon/ Spoon/Sponn 9. Plate/Plet/ Plett
5. Pancake/Pankek/Pencake 10. Kokonut/ Coconut/

Read the questions that follow. Underline the correct answers.

11. Drugs are harmful to 14. ______(Cansat/Consult) your

_______ (as/ us)! teacher if you have problems.
12. How to _______ (stay/say) 15. Fill your free time with your
away from drugs? ______(fmly/family) members.
13. Do not mix _______
(with/without) drug addicts.

( /15)

Section B

Underline the correct answers

1. (Open,Take) your books at 6. (Stay/Stand) up and leave

page 17. now.
2. (Keep/Go) quiet in the 7. (Lay/Wait) here until I call
library. your name.
3. Please (buy/leave) your bags 8. Please (dirt/clean) your class
near the door. now.
4. Please (read/write)your name 9. Please (sing/read) a song for
neatly. us.
5. (Be/Sit) down on the floor. 10. Please (lose/leave) your
things here

( /10)

Section C

Rearrange the words to form correct sentences.Write the answers in the answer sheet.


Hello/ Lim Mei Kee/ my/ is/name

Hello, my name is Lim Mei Kee

1) Teacher’s Day/will/We/celebrate 3) will/do/We/activities

2) Love/ We/teacher/our 4) We/English/love

( /4)

Section D

Write 1,2,3 or 4 in the box beside the paragraphs to show the sequence of the story

Long ago, there were tartar nomads who lived in Central Asia. They first ate raw meat.
They kept the meat under the saddle.
Nowadays in America, the hamburger is served with salad, mayonnaise and ketchup
in a bun. Many people think that hamburger is an American food
After that, the raw meat became soft and tender. Then they ate it with salt, pepper and
onion juice.
Later, a group of traders from Hamburg went to Central Asia. They loved the meat
prepared by the Tartars. They took the recipe back home. They roasted the meat
instead of eating it raw. They called it hamburger.

( /8)

Section E

Put the numbers 1,2,3 and 4 to its correct order.

Lastly( ) First( ) Second( ) After that( )

, ( /4)

Section F

Underline the correct spelling

Let’s Make Pancakes !

(1) _______(Heap/ Heat) the pan on the (2) _______ (stove/stave). (3) _______ (Pore/
Pour) in two tablespoonfuls of the mixture into the (4) _______ (frying/flyaing) pan. When the
pancake is cooked, (5) _______ (put/pat) it on a (6) _______ (prale/plate). Put (7) _______
(tow/two) tablespoonfuls of coconut (8) _______ (filling/feeling) on the pancake and (9)
_______ (roll/rall) neatly.

( /9)

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