Educ 696 Week 3 Capstone Project Annotated Bibliography Donathanushi Hettipathirana

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Running head: Annotated Bibliography: Reference Guide on Instructional Design 1

An Online Reference Guide on Instructional Design and Technology: Annotated Bibliography

Dona Thanushi Hettipathirana

EDUC 696 – Current Issues in Education Capstone

Liberty University

Dr. Clifford Churchill

Annotated Bibliography: Reference Guide on Instructional Design 2

Annotated Bibliography

Ackerman, B. (2012). G.U.I.D.E. Differentiated Instruction for Christian Educators. Lynchburg,

VA: Liberty University Press.

This book introduces Differentiated instruction in the context of fulfilling the Great

Commission of reaching all learners. Differentiated instruction refers to adapting the

learning and instruction processes to fit the needs of the learner. The author discusses as

to how Christian educators can serving all learners as true champions of Christ.

Differentiated instruction enables the educator to address the needs of different learners

based on learner profiles, modalities, and interests. This is an impeccable resource for

addressing the issues of diversity in learning and biblical integration in education and

educational technology.

Agile Learning Design. (2013, July 10). Retrieved from

This article introduces Agile Learning Design (ALD). ALD is a one of the fundamental

approaches to instructional design. ALD refers to content development based on speed,

flexibility, and collaboration. ALD addresses the dynamic trend of “need for speed” in

the field of ISD. This is a valuable resource in referring to ALD approach to learning

design in the guide.

Arthurs, L. (2016). Course Design Principles for Enhancing Student

Learning. Oceanography, 29(4), 207–208. https://doi-

The author of this article offers suggestions for educators for designing courses to

enhance student learning. Major topics include learning goal establishment through
Annotated Bibliography: Reference Guide on Instructional Design 3

articulating the desired results of learning; determination of acceptable evidence of

learning; planning of appropriate learning opportunities; and management of cognitive

order of learners from lower-order thinking skills (LOTS) to high-order thinking skills

(HOTS). This article is of immense value in addressing course design process and

principles. It also provides valuable insight on learner-centered course design.

Association for Educational Communications and Technology. (n.d.). Retrieved from

AECT is a major organization for professionals involved in the design of instruction and

the development of a systematic approach to learning. The organization offers a forum

for dissemination and exchange of ideas among members in the field of educational

technology. AECT provides a platform for publishing, presenting, networking, and

professional development. This website is an asset in referencing topics relevant to

educational technology.

Bendito, P. (2007). Teaching Interactive Multimedia Design from a Visual Communications

Standpoint: Curriculum & Assessment Strategies. Journal of Visual Literacy, 27(1), 107–

108. Retrieved from


This article presents a curriculum which integrates interactive multimedia within the

context of visual communications design. The author proposes five design perspectives.

The design perspectives provide a broad theoretical framework that introduces learners to

the complexity of issues dealing with interactive multimedia design and development. It
Annotated Bibliography: Reference Guide on Instructional Design 4

also describes an assessment tool based on visual thinking strategies. This resource is

useful in referring to curriculum design in the relation to visual communication design.

Brown, A., & Green, T.D. (2015). The Essentials of Instructional Design (3rd ed.). New York,

NY: Routledge

This book introduces essential of instructional design. It discusses the key procedures

within the instructional design process in detail with examples of how to utilize the

various instructional models in accomplishing the ID process. It describes the principles

and practice of ID in the generic sense without reference any specific ID model. This is

great resource for referring to the principles, practices, and procedures in the ID process.

CAST UDL Studio. (n.d.). Create dynamic, UDL supported learning environments! Retrieved


This is an open source software for designing learning environments supported by

Universal Design for Learning. The UDL framework developed by CAST contribute in

reducing accessibility barriers to the curriculum all the while maintaining high standards

for all learners. CAST offers ready made templates for developing UDL based learning

material as well as an open source UDL tool kit. CAST UDL platform provides the

learners with avenues for multiple means of action and expression, facilitating the

learners with access to diverse, multi-modal opportunities for learning through UDL.

This is an immensely useful resource for referring to diversity, access barriers, and UDL


Choppin, J. & Borys, Z. (2017). Trends in the design, development, and use of digital curriculum

materials. ZDM Mathematics Education 49(5), pp. 663-674. https://doi-
Annotated Bibliography: Reference Guide on Instructional Design 5

This article explores issues to do with the design, development, and dissemination of

digital curriculum materials. It also discusses the perspectives in the respective

curriculum areas, and how these perspectives align with broader discourses in education.

Four perspectives are identified: (1) designer perspective; (2) policy perspective; (3)

private sector perspective (e.g., publishers and philanthropists); and (4) user (teachers and

schools) perspective. This is useful in examining the various issues related to digital

curriculum material and comprehending curriculum through various viewpoint.

Chou, H., & Chen, C. (2016). Beyond identifying privacy issues in e-learning settings –

Implications for instructional designers. Computers & Education, 103, 124-133.


This article discusses of data protection issues in relation to e-learning and instruction

design. The authors identify two typologies: identification of privacy issues and

implementation of data protection. This a useful resource in referring to privacy and data

security issues in the field of e-learning. The article also provides valuable references to o

implementation of data protection measures in educational technology.

Chun-Min Wang. (2011). Instructional design for cross-cultural online collaboration: Grouping

strategies and assignment design. Australasian Journal of Educational

Technology, 27(2), 243–258. Retrieved from


This is a study that examines the possibility of creating inter-cultural learning experience

for online learner through cross-cultural collaboration projects. The article emphasizes

the importance of building a sense of learning community and multimedia integration for
Annotated Bibliography: Reference Guide on Instructional Design 6

assignment design. Some key suggestions include strict requirement for communication

between members and using Web 2.0 tool for informal communication. This is greatly

useful in referring to issues of diversity and assignment design.

Cole-Turner, R. (2011). Transhumanism and Transcendence: Christian Hope in an Age of

Technological Enhancement [Kindle Edition]. Washington, DC: Georgetown University


This book examines the technologies of human enhancement through point of view od

Christianity. It discusses “transhumanism” and transcendence in the age of technology.

The author sheds light on how some technologies are reforming the Christian life and

hope for the future. This is an indispensable source for comprehending and examining the

Christian perspective on the impact of technological advances enhancing human abilities.

Dempsey, J.V., & Reiser, R.A. (2017). Trends and Issues in Instructional Design and

Technology (What's New in Ed Psych / Tests & Measurements). New York, NY: Pearson

This book discusses current and future trends and issues in the field of educational

technology. It examines emerging strategies and technologies for enhancing teaching and

learning environments. This is a great reference for both novices and veterans in the field

of education technology. This book is useful in obtaining valuable insights on trends and

issues in instructional design and technology.

Detweiler, C. (2013). iGods: How Technology Shapes Our Spiritual and Social Lives [Kindle

Edition]. Grand Rapids, MI: Brazos Pess.

This book provides insight on how technology impacts the spiritual and social life in the

digital age. It provides a historic perspective on the past and a prophetic perspective on

the future of technological reshaping of human spirituality. It also provides insight on

Annotated Bibliography: Reference Guide on Instructional Design 7

how to steer social media from a Christian perspective. This is useful source reflecting

and examining the role of social media in the education from the lens of Christianity.

Didenko, A. V., Aksenova, N. V., & Loginova, A. V. (2016). The Choice of Effective Methods

and Approaches to the Design of an Online Course. International Journal of Emerging

Technologies in Learning, 11(4), 150–152. https://doi-

The authors of this article discuss how to raise the effectiveness of online course utilizing

process cards and Bloom’s Taxonomy. It emphasizes that the use of process cards and

Bloom’s taxonomy encourages good practices of instructional design in the projection

and implementation of online courses. It also concludes that these methods improve

retention rates of educational results.

Dougherty, E. (2012). Assignments matter: making the connections that help students meet

standards. Retrieved from

This book discusses what an assignment is and why it matters, providing guidance to

educators in creating high-quality assignments and help understand the powerful impact

of assignments on teaching and learning. it also provides insight on how assignments

could be crafted to meet the demands of standards. It emphasizes differences between

“assignments”, “activities”, and “assessments”, while highlighting the key characteristics

of assignments. This is a useful source for referring to assignment design.

Hodell, C. (2016). ISD from the Ground Up: A no-nonsense approach to instructional design

(4th ed.). Alexandria, VA: The Association for Talent Development (ATD).

This book provides valuable insight on ISD principles and practices. It provides industry-

based practical guidelines on ISD and curriculum development. This is a useful reference
Annotated Bibliography: Reference Guide on Instructional Design 8

for both novices and experts in the field of instructional design. This is of immense value

in referring ISD principles and practices.

Horton, W. K. (2012). E-learning by design. San Francisco, CA: Pfeiffer.

This book provides valuable insight on concepts and processes of designing and

developing e-learning courses. It provides educators with strategies on creating and

developing activities, lessons, tests, and assessments for e-learning programs. This useful

in referring to e-learning concepts and processes. it is also a good source for activity and

assessment design.

ISTE - International Society for Technology in Education | Edtech. (n.d.). Retrieved from

This is the website of the ISTE, the leading body in setting standards in the field of

educational technology. The ISTE standards provides a framework for creating

innovative learning environments for students, educators, administrators, coaches, and

computer science educators. These standards help reshape learning in the digital age. This

is an indispensable resource in referring to standards and guidelines on instructional

design and technology.

Khalil, M.K. and Elkhider, I.A. (2016). Applying learning theories and instructional design

models for effective instruction. Advances in Physiology Education, 40(2), pp. 147-156.

This article provides valuable insights on learning theories and instructional design

models. It also discusses how people learn and learning domains, and principles of

instruction. The content in this paper is greatly useful for educators and instructional
Annotated Bibliography: Reference Guide on Instructional Design 9

designers. This is great source for referring learning theories and instructional design


Liat Eyal. (2012). Digital Assessment Literacy — the Core Role of the Teacher in a Digital

Environment. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 15(2), 37-49. Retrieved


This paper examines the competencies required of an educator in the digital learning

environment as they apply to assessment design. It also emphasizes the importance of

acclimatizing diverse technologies to diverse assessment purposes. Further, it discusses

benefits and limitations of learning management systems (LMS), constructivist and

creative adaptation of traditional assessment tools, and advance assessment methods in

digital environments. The article includes a summary of basic, intermediate, and advance

digital assessment literacies. This is greatly useful reference source for digital assessment


P21. (n.d.). Retrieved from

This is the website of the Partnership for 21st Century Learning, which is a collaborative

partnership among leaders in education, business, community, and government. P21

provides a framework for 21st century student outcomes and 21st century support systems.

These guidelines a crucial in equipping the learners of the digital age with the knowledge

and skills needed for 21st century work, life, and citizenship. This is an impeccable source

for examining instructional design in terms of teaching – learning needs of the digital


Reigeluth, C. M. (2016). Instructional Theory and Technology for the New Paradigm of

Education. Revista De Educación a Distancia (RED), (50). doi:10.6018/red/50/1b

Annotated Bibliography: Reference Guide on Instructional Design 10

This article provides valuable insight into customizable, learner-centered instructional

theory. It presents a vision for post-industrial education and training. It also explores the

roles of the educator, learner and technology in the post-industrial educational paradigm.

Some important topics relevant to instructional design covered in the article include

universal methods of instruction, situational methods, core ideas of post-industrial

paradigm of instruction, pros and cons of task-based instruction. This is a great for source

of reference on instructional theory and instructional technology.

Reigeluth, C. M., Beatty, B. J., & Myers, R. D. (2017). Instructional-design theories and models.

New York, NY: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.

This is a book on instructional-design theories and models. It a centered around learner-

centered paradigm in education. It provides valuable insights on principles of learner-

centered paradigm and designs for learner-centered paradigms in education. This book is

an indispensable source on instructional design theories and models.

Steffens, K. (2015). Competences, Learning Theories and MOOCs: Recent Developments in

Lifelong Learning. European Journal of Education, 50(1), 41-59. doi:10.1111/ejed.12102

This article examines competences, learning theories, and MOOCs in the context of

lifelong learning. it discusses the significance of lifelong learning in a knowledge society.

It provides detailed insights on brain-based learning, connectivism, generativism, and

self-regulated learning and digital technologies for lifelong learning and MOOCs. This is

a great source on learning theories and MOOCs.

Vai, M., & Sosulski, K. (2016). Essentials of online course design: A standards-based guide.

New York, NY: Routledge.

Annotated Bibliography: Reference Guide on Instructional Design 11

This book provides a step-by-step guide to online course development. It presents set of

standards based on best practices in the field of online teaching and learning. it models

effective core design principles in terms of pedagogical, organizational, and visual.

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