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1st Lesson 2nd Lesson 3rd Lesson

Pre- Survey Monkey

Students will participate in a pre-
Solving Quad. Quiz
Students will take a short
Assessment lecture survey in order to quiz in order to determine if
understand student comprehension students can solve for points
of topics related to quadratics that such as x-int, y-int, vertex,
are also found in previous linear etc.

Mid- Think Pair Share

Students will discuss the
Graphic Organizer
Students will map out their
Assessment steps in order to begin to routes in order to be able to
approximate a graph. What solve and graph quadratics.
steps they would use and This will allow to check for
discuss with a partner. understanding before moving
onto finishing the lesson and
final assessment.

Post- Mind Mapping

Students will map out key material
Exit Slip
Students will be asked to
Approx. Movement Assign.
Students will individually
Assessment needed in order to graph a function. assess todays lesson, what approximate an objects
Beginning at the center with a they liked, did not movement. In order to check
quadratic and branching out. Help understand, or had for student understanding of
identify what material students difficulties with. They can the lesson overall, can they
have retained from the lesson. also ask their own questions in represent given quantities for
order to assess if students time and movement with an
will be ready for the next equation.
lesson or if more time will be

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