Medical Librarianship:: Clinical A Review of Literature

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Clinical Medical Librarianship: A Review of the Literature

BY KAY CIMPL, Coordinator of Weston Library*

Clinical Sciences Center
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Madison, Wisconsin 53792

ABSTRACT workers, nurses, nutritionists and psychologists [3].

Librarians saw a place for themselves on the health
The history and evolution of clinical medical librarian- care team. Clinical pharmacists served as an
ship are analyzed and traditional and modified
approaches, including LATCH, are reviewed. Cost and impetus and role-model for librarians. Clinical
evaluation methods are outlined, indicating benefits and pharmacy programs began in the late 1960s [4]. A
disadvantages of clinical medical librarian (CML) pro- correlation already existed between pharmacists
grams. The future of CMLs is explored. and librarians. Both of these professions custom-
arily offered a passive, product-oriented service.
Clinical pharmacists encountered problems chang-
A REVIEW of the literature reveals that clinical ing their image. Mosby and Naisawald [5] state
medical librarianship has not been analyzed from a that "a look at some of the literature reveals
historical perspective. This article reviews the liter- acceptance as the major hurdle-acceptance of the
ature and draws conclusions about the potential for pharmacist's knowledge and education as suffi-
and evolution of clinical medical librarian (CML) cient" to entitle the clinical pharmacist to a place
programs. on the health care team. Librarians would face
DEFINITION OF CML similar problems. CMLs, in the 1970s, were first
defined as medical literature specialists who
CML programs, in part, evolved to meet clinical accompanied physicians and medical students on
information needs better. Immediacy of patient rounds, then returned to the library to search for
care requires that pertinent information be shared pertinent care-related articles [6].
quickly by clinicians. Yet doctors have not always
relied on traditional library services to meet clinical HISTORY OF CML PROGRAMS
information needs. One of the major reasons is that Gertrude Lamb originated the concept of the
doctors' "free time" usually falls between 10:00 CML or the clinical librarian, as it is currently
P.M. and 8:00 A.M., when most libraries are closed called, at the University of Missouri-Kansas City
[1]. Other reasons the library is not the first place (UMKC) School of Medicine. In 1971 Dr. Lamb
doctors visit are: traditional library services take obtained a National Library of Medicine (NLM)
time (more time than conferring with a colleague, grant that enabled her to pioneer clinical librarian-
for example); extraneous or unusable information ship at UMKC from May 1, 1972, to April 30,
may result from the visit; physicians sometimes 1975 [7, 8]. In fall 1973, Dr. Lamb left Kansas
lack the skills needed to locate case-related mate- City to serve as director of the Health Sciences
rials; and physicians' time spent in searching the Library at Hartford Hospital in Connecticut. Vir-
literature may be an unacceptable manpower ginia Algermissen, Lamb's successor, continued
cost [2]. the CML services at UMKC. Under a two-year
In the early 1970s health sciences librarians grant from the U.S. Public Health Service, two
sought new ways to provide clinical information. CMLs at Hartford Hospital accompanied physi-
The emergence of rounding health care teams cians on rounds at the University of Connecticut
offered a new possibility. Inpatient interdisciplin- (Farmington) Health Center Hospitals [9, 10, 11 ].
ary rounds began to include pharmacists, social Other CML programs appeared in various
health care settings after Dr. Lamb spoke about the
*The author initiated a CML program in conjunction innovative UMKC program at the 1972 annual
with the Department of Medicine at Sacred Heart Hospi- Medical Library Association (MLA) meeting in
tal, Yankton, South Dakota, from 1976 to 1977. San Diego. Table 1 selectively lists and describes
Bull. Med. Libr. Assoc. 73(1) January 1985
1967 Washington Hosp. Ctr., Initiated LATCH program; attached articles to charts upon
Washington, D.C. request
1971 U. of Missouri, Kansas City One CML on rounds; two more CMLs added 1972
1973 Cedars of Lebanon, One librarian rounded in surgery; pediatrics rounds late
Los Angeles 1973 and obstetrics six months later
U. of Washington, Seattle One librarian rounded three times weekly in Neonatal In-
tensive Care and second librarian rounded twice weekly
with orthopedics
Cook County Hosp., Rounded weekly with diversified pulmonary health care
Chicago team
1974 Hartford Hosp., Farming- Two librarians rounded with pediatrics and surgery teams
ton, Conn.
Washington U., St. Louis CMLs attended residents' reports; late October CML began
1975 Yale-New Haven Hosp., Four CMLs assigned to pediatrics, psychiatry, medicine,
New Haven and surgery
McMaster U., Hamilton, CML served patients, families, and health professionals, em-
Ontario phasizing the nonphysician
Riverside Methodist Hosp., CML rounded weekly; Riverside not affiliated with medical
Columbus, Ohio school in conjunction with the program
1976 Los Angeles County Har- Weekly patient care ob/gyn conferences attended
bor, UCLA
SIU, Springfield Program grew to encompass seven clinical departments and
two CMLs
1977 Tufts U., Boston Attended daily medicine conferences; in 1980 prepackaged
articles for routine placement on charts-Patient Care
Related Reading Program
1978 UCLA Biomedical Library Two CMLs attended biweekly cancer chemotherapy confer-
ences, rounds and teaching conferences
Stollerman Library, Services offered to clinical branch of University of Tennes-
Memphis see Health Sciences Library
Wake Forest U., Winston- CML program part of subscription information service for
Salem, N.C. radiologists and radiotherapists (INFORAD) at Bowman
Gray School of Medicine
Thomas Jefferson U., Services to nursing staff including daily report with Mater-
Philadelphia nity and Newborn Unit
Framingham Union Hosp., Modified CML services including LATCH and morning re-
Mass. ports
1979 Beth Israel Hosp., New Clinical Information System started with Department of Or-
York thopedic Surgery
St. Luke's Hosp., Cleveland Program started with medicine and psychiatry; two part-
time CMLs
1980 West Suburban Hosp., Attended rounds weekly for three months with rotating
Chicago medical service
U. of Cincinnati Two CMLs attended morning report in conjunction with
Department of Medicine
1981 Roswell Park Memorial Serviced nine oncology nursing units through visits, not
Inst., Buffalo rounds

programs that followed Lamb's lead. These pro- Excerpta Medica, Science Citation Index, and
grams are further described throughout the paper. textbooks [19]. Steen [20] reported on the use of
interlibrary loans to fill CML information needs.
PURPOSE OF A CML PROGRAM Often information needed was only available via
Published reports agree on reasons that CML interlibrary loan, adding another dimension to the
services were offered: to provide information CML network.
quickly to physicians and other members of the Completed searches were kept in various file
health care team; to influence the information- locations. Using the library as a storing place,
seeking behavior of clinicians and improve their Greenberg et al. [21] circulated a newsletter
library skills; and to establish the medical librar- announcing searches. Roach and Addington [22]
ian's role as a valid member of the health care filed a subject card for each search in the card
team. In addition, there was a need for a core of catalog. At the Harbor-UCLA Medical Center,
user-oriented rather than subject-oriented infor- Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) terms were
mation [12]. used to classify the CML-generated searches, and
CMLs attended rounds and/or patient-informa- the searches were recorded in a loose-leaf notebook
tion conferences to identify information needs. with an alphabetic subject list [23]. White et al.
Once these needs were targeted, they ran a manual [24, 25] started a departmental library for the
or computer search for information on specific Orthopedics Department while Claman [26] kept
topics. Searches were also run for information on files in an outpatient clinic and nursing stations.
basic patient care management, therapy and com- The CML at Thomas Jefferson University set up a
plications, the possibility for original investigation, reprint file at the Maternal and Newborn Care
and for a more complete patient medical history Nursing Station, posted selected abstracts, and
[13, 14]. copied articles of interest for nurses [27]. Upon
return, the articles were placed in a vertical file.
Coliainni [28] attended three different rounds
APPROACHES TO CML SERVICES groups and each group housed their material differ-
CML services, although dependent on staff size ently: pediatrics kept its own resource file; surgery
and financial resources, were successfully per- had a notebook in its departmental library; and
formed by both hospital and academic libraries. obstetrics and gynecology requested articles from
Some larger libraries established more than one the CML.
CML position or had two half-time CMLs. Hospi- Marshall and Hamilton [29] started a unique
tal librarians with little or no support staff attended CML program for patients, their families, and
rounds in addition to regular library duties. A health care professionals with special emphasis on
clinical library branch offered a CML program to the nonphysician. A few photocopied articles were
meet the information needs of clinicians who posted on the appropriate wards, bulletin boards, or
couldn't get to the main library [ 15]. in conference rooms. Articles were removed after a
CMLs averaged three hours per week on rounds. week, placed in folders by MeSH descriptors, and
Clinical conferences and reports took less time, filed on the ward.
depending on the number attended per week. Com- Beth Israel Hospital in Boston integrated its
puter or manual searches averaged another four approach to clinical medical librarianship [30, 31].
hours. CMLs chose and distributed pertinent arti- The library, in conjunction with the Orthopedic
cles or a topical bibliography to appropriate health Surgery Department, developed the Clinical Infor-
care members. Hutchinson et al. [16] suggest four mation System (CIS). The Clinical Information
criteria for literature selection: 1) currency, 2) Coordinator (CIC) attended daily X-ray confer-
abstracted articles, 3) review articles, and 4) dis- ences, weekly grand rounds, biweekly hand and
cussions of diagnosis or therapy. fracture conferences, and monthly spine complica-
In most cases, MEDLINE searches answered tions conferences. The CIC then provided a sum-
patient-care questions quickly and efficiently. mary and copies of relevant readings to the physi-
Greenberg et al. [17] report that MEDLINE was cian or team member responsible for follow-up.
used 95% of the time. The CML program at Los Other components of the CIS included: an auto-
Angeles County Harbor-UCLA Medical Center mated clinical file with Prospective Clinical Stud-
Library generated an average of 100 extra searches ies (PCS) data and an online index of patients; a
per year [18]. Other searching resources included departmental library providing access to reprints

Bull. Med. Libr. Assoc. 73(1) January 1985 23


through PAPER CHASEt; a patient education granting Category 1 Continuing Medical Educa-
collection of orthopedic conditions and procedures; tion (CME) credits."
and manuscript preparation assistance based on the Norris Medical Library created another pre-
PCS data. packaged outreach information approach with the
Schools of Medicine and Pharmacy at UCLA [40].
ADDITIONAL CML ROLES This program was a "noninvasive continuing medi-
CML roles altered or expanded according to cal education project focused on the physician's
perceived need or existing resources. These modi- office practice." A review committee of one M.D.
fied programs took various forms. and two clinical pharmacists analyzed the prescrib-
In 1967 the Washington Hospital Center started ing behavior of 100 practicing physicians. A project
the first program that took patient-related litera- librarian participated in the review meetings,
ture to clinical staff [33, 34]. Sowell defines Litera- noting information needs. Each physician received
ture Attached To the CHart (LATCH) as a "col- an information packet prepared by the librarian.
lection of a few good articles on some aspects of a Emphasis was on education rather than regula-
patient's illness which is attached to the chart at tion.
the request of any health care person attending the Harmon et al. [41] compiled ten comprehensive
patient." By 1975, requests resulted in 1,000 "in- preclinical primers for CMLs on major disorders,
formation packages" that were kept and updated in disease states, and body systems. These primers
the library for future use. Clevesy [35] combined were based on the assumption that a "small core of
LATCH with a CML program at a small teaching health care knowledge and printed literature serves
hospital. LATCH was introduced, at the request of as a base for solving a high percentage of clinical
the chief medical resident, six months before CML problems." Primers were used before, during, or
services began. Clevesy attended morning report after rounds.
but not rounds and provided answers to questions Response to "packaged" programs was positive,
through manual or computer searching. At UMKC although Sowell's observation about LATCH may
three CMLs each utilized a different information apply to all CML efforts:
dissemination technique [36, 37, 38]. The CML The basic assumption underlying the LATCH program is
who used LATCH attended house staff morning that the patient receives better care if the personnel
rounds each day. Each LATCH included bibliogra- treating him are familiar with information in his
phies for further investigation. A publication called LATCH. At present no method has been devised to
Current References developed as a result of determine whether the LATCH has this desired effect
LATCH. A master file of the LATCH searches
called "Latest Topics" was also maintained. Babish and Warner [43] provide a comprehensive
Three community hospitals in Boston started a plan for providing LATCH services, although the
Patient Care Related Reading Program (PCRRP) method would be useful in estimating value of any
[39]. Unlike other CML or LATCH programs, this CML service.
one eliminated on-demand service. Articles were
prepackaged for routine placement on patients' CML PROGRAM EVALUATION
charts or for delivery to a particular clinician. Each CML or LATCH programs need to be evaluated
packet dealt with one preselected topic. The pur- for several good reasons: to determine the quality of
pose of the PCRRP was to "assess the relevance of the service; to assess information delivery methods;
preselected literature to current cases, to study to measure costs; and to gain user feedback [44].
physicians' use of literature routinely attached to Evaluation also measures educational benefit to
charts ... to determine if reading this literature
would have a direct effect on patient care, to clinicians, medical students and other users. Table
2 illustrates types of CML evaluation and cost
ascertain if evidence of such reading could be
documented, and if so, to provide a basis for studies.
Surveyed recipients of CML services cited many
benefits, which included: enhancement of patient
tPAPER CHASE is a computer program set up by care; physician, health care team, and medical
Gary L. Horowitz and Howard L. Bleigh at Beth Israel student education; greater awareness of library
Hospital in 1981 to "allow users to search medical services and resources; time saving for physician
literature by author's name, journal of publication, title
word or medical subject heading (MeSH)" without rely- and health care team; exposure to a wider variety of
ing on a trained librarian [32]. journals; and information sharing among col-

24 Bull. Med. Libr. Assoc. 73(1) January 1985




U. of Washington, Survey 6 mo. after service Educational value; clinical Cut cost 51% by reducing
Seattle began; 3 p. question- importance in diagnosis rounds to I less time per
naire and cover letter and treatment; recip- week after survey
listing sample of re- ients saved time; library
quested topics; follow- awareness increased
up survey 1 mo. later
Yale Medical Closed-question survey CML well-accepted; edu- N/A
Library, New with room to explain cation and patient care
Haven negative responses enhanced; saved time;
changed info-seeking
McMaster U., Picked 8 health care team Study groups' info-seeking Cost-effective model;
Hamilton, groups-4 control and 4 behavior changed; arti- useful for community
Ontario study; both groups im- cles and patient care hospital
partially interviewed af- packages used after ser-
ter 6 mo. service and vice ceased
again 3 mo. after service
ended; follow-up surveys
UCLA Medical 1st questionnaire 1976; Department usage in- $1,440/yr. for 10% CML
Center, Los 2nd in 1978 after pro- creased by 120%; in- time and $2,940 for
Angeles gram revision creased library consulta- searching
tions and awareness
Houston Academy Attached questionnaire to CML did not restrict free- Dept. Med. paid 15¢/copy
of Medicine- CML materials; usage dom of discussion; team or $2.1 1 /request; CML
Texas Medical statistics kept and asked more questions; cost $10/hr. for 1 hr.
Center analyzed saved time; educational conference and 1.5/hr.
impact; service con- follow-up; no searching
tinued on permanent charges
U. of Missouri, Questionnaire sent to med- CML available and help- N/A
Kansas City ical school graduates 6 ful; enhanced ability to
mo. into their residen- grasp problems and find
cies; followed up 3 mo. information; personal-
retrospective study of ized instruction; overde-
CML impact and pres- pendence on CMLs not
ent library behavior evident
U. of Cincinnati Log kept of: topic; reques- High-quality information Avg. 3.5/hr./request with
ter; research and as- received; patient care morning report; packet
sembly time; MED- management and educa- cost $50-75 (salary and
LINE and copying tion value; program per- materials including
costs. Follow-up manently adopted with MEDLINE)
questionnaire subsidization from De-
partment of Medicine
Washington U., Resident interviews; ques- Information useful; shar- $17/mo./resident includ-
St. Louis tionnaire w/ea. search; ing tool; found service ing staff time
service offered alternat- useful but not willing to
ing months, with call-in pay for it
service through library
intervening months;
usage statistics

Bull. Med. Libr. Assoc. 73(l)
73(1) January 1985 25

leagues. The library gained increased visibility, like a lab test, rarely leads to new diagnostic or
which promoted library services. Clevesy [45] therapeutic interventions, both may serve as a
noted that "as library services increased so did the "stop function in reducing patient risk, discomfort,
expectations of library clientele." The CML and overall medical costs." Grose and Hannigan
acquired new knowledge of medical terminology [53] liken CML costs to other educational expendi-
and procedures and was exposed to the clinician tures in a Family Medicine Program. At $10.00 per
and health care setting. hour, the authors conclude, a CML program offers
Objections to CML programs also appeared in a "cost-effective customized support service for
evaluations. A CML on rounds added to an already problem-specific continuing education" when com-
overcrowded situation. Sometimes the CML pared to the costs of speakers, continuing education
misunderstood questions during rounds and pro- courses, subscriptions to journals, or Audio-
vided irrelevant or unsolicited information. The use Digest-Family Medicine.
of a CML as a primary source of information was Clearly CML programs need to be constantly
questioned, as well as CMLs' medical terminology evaluated by both the librarian and users. The
knowledge [46, 47]. Some users identified with the service must provide mutual gain for the library
CML as an individual rather than part of the and the departments employing the service. There
library team [48]. Traditional library services at are many factors to consider in each individual
Southern Illinois University School of Medicine library situation before offering a CML service.
(SIU-SM) suffered because of a CML program Lamb sees a need for more objective analyses of
there [49]. CMLs spent 19% of their time on the the clinical librarian, although she adds that "ten
service during the five-year period. Reference ser- years provides adequate time for clinicians and
vices decreased by 38%. After a survey, SIU-SM other health professionals to accept the CML"
discontinued the program. [54]. Lamb describes CML programs as a three-
part "linear progression of events" from acceptance
COST CONSIDERATIONS to affecting patient care to influencing the informa-
Cost was often another problem for CML pro- tion-seeking behavior of health professionals
grams. Halbrook [50] notes that "the few reports through teaching information skills. The fourth
of discontinued programs indicate the lack of a stage is a "system (with) elements of the first three
budgetary support for the clinical librarian is the stages utilized to evaluate and extend clinical
major reason for a program's demise." In all but a librarianship." The concept and future of CMLs
few cases, the library subsidized the entire pro- has reached the fourth stage.
gram, including personnel, searching charges, pho-
tocopying, and file storage. The Washington Uni- THE FUTURE OF CML PROGRAMS
versity School of Medicine evaluation showed that The CML can continue to bring information to
residents would not pay for CML services [51]. the health care team. CML service rose out of a
The majority said they considered such a service desire to meet clinical information needs by com-
part of their education. plementing traditional library services [55]. Even
But cost-effectiveness can be taken one step modified services that do not include rounds fulfill
further, assuming that CML services promote edu- the original purpose set forth by CML programs.
cation that aids patient care, as surveys strongly New technology and more sophisticated means of
indicate. Scura and Davidoff [52] compared the information transfer need not eliminate CML ser-
cost of CML services and standard laboratory vices but program mechanics must be studied care-
testing for case-related patient information. Their fully to best employ new technology in a CML
report states that CML services cost $8.00-20.00 program.
for a MEDLINE search, $10.00 for one hour of the The Matheson and Cooper report [56] specu-
librarian's time, and another $2.00 for photo- lates that in the next five to ten years as a result of
copying-for a total cost of $20.00-32.00. This LATCH and CML services "specialized literature
cost, the authors point out, is much less than one reference files for all clinical services" will be
chest X-ray or one set of electrolyte studies.t The developed for call-up at any time on terminals in
authors state that while a review of the literature, offices, nursing stations, and elsewhere. The librar-
ian will participate in updating files by reviewing
tAccording to University of Wisconsin Hospital and the literature. As files become more complex, sys-
Clinics a standard chest X-ray costs $36.40 and one set of tem integration occurs and the physician and
electrolyte studies costs $22.00. librarian continue their close working relationship.
26 Bull. Med. Libr. Assoc. 73(1) January 1985

The report concludes that "eventually ... the son. A comprehensive bibliography on clinical medical
knowledge bases of medicine become available for librarianship has been compiled and is available from the
instant recall . . . information that is stored in files author. Please include a self-addressed, stamped envelope
with each request.
can be retrieved by human speech commands
instead of keyboard instructions and the output is REFERENCES
displayed either visually or in audioformat." The
physician receives the most current information 1. Gibson CD. The role of the medical library in a
teaching medical service. Bull Med Libr Assoc
available as a result. Winant [57] adds that the 1949;37:247-50.
library with the terminal will be the access point to 2. Scura G, Davidoff F. Case-related use of the medical
all this information. literature: clinical librarian services for improving
Many libraries are already involved in setting up patient care. JAMA 1981 Jan 2;245(l):50-2.
3. Lincoln JA, Werblun MN. Interdisciplinary family
or cooperating with a telecommunications network. practice rounds. J Fam Pract 1978;6(4):889-91.
Other libraries are struggling to maintain and 4. Mosby MA, Naisawald G. Clinical librarianship.
justify already inadequate staffing situations. (Continuing Education course text 668-81) Chica-
There is no homogeneity among health sciences go: MLA, 1981 May:56.
libraries; resources, including money, vary widely. 5. Ibid.
6. Anonymous. New roles for health science librarians.
The needs of health care personnel, especially MLA News 1974 Nov 5:5.
clinicians, however, do not. Evaluations clearly 7. Lamb GE. A decade of clinical librarianship. Clin
show that CML services cost money and are a Libr Q 1982 Sep;l (1):2-4.
luxury reference service. Arcari voices support for 8. Algermissen V. Biomedical librarians in a patient
the future of CMLs based on cost-recovery for the care setting at the University of Missouri-Kansas
City School of Medicine. Bull Med Libr Assoc
service: 1974 Oct;62(4):354-8.
9. Anonymous. New roles, p. 5.
In the early 1970s clinical librarians were the link 10. Anonymous. And now, "clinical librarians" on
between the inpatient service, online computer citations rounds. JAMA 1974 Oct 28;230(4):521.
and the photocopy machine. In the 1980s, with user- 11. Anonymous. Clinical librarians participate in medi-
friendly access to full-text databases, the instructor role cal education project. Hospitals 1975 Apr 1;
of the clinical librarian may supersede that of the coor- 49:127.
dinator for earlier telecommunications and copying tech- 12. Anonymous. New roles, p. 5.
nologies. What would not be lost is library entree into the 13. Roach AA, Addington WW. The effects of an infor-
information searching process. Clinical librarianship can mation specialist on patient care and medical
serve to maintain the presence of an information specialist education. J Med Educ 1975 Feb;50(2):176-80.
in a clinical setting even when this presence is on a fee 14. Farmer J, Guillaumin B. Information needs of clini-
basis [58]. cians: observations from a CML program. Bull
Med Libr Assoc 1979 Jan;67(l):53-4.
If CMLs are to survive, the service must be 15. Selig SA, Grave KJ. The clinical librarian program
integral to the library, must be in step with the as an integral component of graduate medical
times, and must include a cost-recovery plan. Tra- education. Clin Libr Q 1983 June;1(4):7-10.
16. Hutchinson S, Malamud J, Stearns NS, Moulton B.
ditional reference services must not dwindle Preselecting literature for routine delivery to phy-
because of specialized outreach programs. Legal sicians in community hospital-based patient care
issues associated with CML and LATCH services related reading program. Bull Med Libr Assoc
need to be taken into account [59]. Future efforts 1981 Apr;69(2):236-9.
17. Greenberg B, Battison S, Kolisch M, Leredu M.
to offer CML services must be viewed in light of Evaluation of a clinical medical librarian program
new technological advances to maximize and insure at the Yale Medical Library. Bull Med Libr Assoc
a rapid clinical information dissemination. This, 1978 July;66(3):319-26.
after all, is the original objective of clinical medical 18. Gunning JE, Fierberg J, Goodchild E, Marshall JR.
librarianship. Use of an information retrieval service in an ob-
stetrics/gynecology residency program. J Med
Educ 1980 Feb;55(2):120-3.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 19. Schnall JG, Wilson JW. Evaluation of a clinical
medical librarianship program at a university
The author wishes to acknowledge the following people health sciences library. Bull Med Libr Assoc 1976
and to thank them for their continued assistance in July;64(3):278-81.
preparation of this manuscript: Gary Byrd, Univerity of 20. Steen H. ILL and CML: communication is the key.
North Carolina, Chapel Hill; the staff at the University of Clin Libr Q 1983 June; 1 (4):6.
Missouri-Kansas City (UMKC), including Jeanne Sar- 21. Greenberg B, et al. Evaluation of a CLM program,
kis, Marilyn Sullivan, Susan Case, Maureen Theobald p. 320.
and Diane Haskell; and Virginia Holtz, Middleton 22. Roach AA, Addington WW. The effects of an infor-
Health Sciences Library, University of Wisconsin-Madi- mation specialist, p. 178.

Bull. Med. Libr. Assoc. 73(1) January 1985 27


23. Gunning JE, et al. Use of an information retrieval 41. Harmon G, Victory M, Harvey S. Anticipating clini-
service, p. 121. cal information needs: preclinical primers for the
24. White AA, Kolisch ME, McBride ME. Clinical clinical medical librarian. Bull Med Libr Assoc
information coordinator: new information special- 1982 Apr;70(2):239-41.
ist role for medical librarians. Bull Med Libr Assoc 42. Sowell SL. LATCH at Washington Hospital, p. 221.
1980 Oct;68(4):367-9. 43. Babish JM, Warner ER. LATCH: initiating a pro-
25. White AA, Kolisch ME, McBride ME. A system for gram and addressing legal concerns. Med Ref Serv
the management of clinical information in ortho- Q 1983 Summer;2(2):17-30.
pedics. Clin Orthop 1982 Apr;(164):154-9. 44. Harmony SE. Evaluating a clinical librarian pro-
26. Claman G. Clinical medical librarians: what they do gram: a necessary evil or valuable tool? Clin Libr
and why. Bull Med Libr Assoc 1978 Oct; Q 1983 June;1(4):1-5.
66(4):454-6. 45. Clevesy SR. A modified CLM program, p. 71.
27. Cohen B, Timour JA. A clinical program for in- 46. Byrd GD, Arnold L. Medical school graduates:
service nurses: a preliminary report. Bull Med Libr Retrospective evaluation of a clinical medical
Assoc 1980 July;68(3):293-4. librarian program. Bull Med Libr Assoc 1979
28. Coliainni LA. Clinical medical librarians in a private July;67(3):308-1 2.
teaching-hospital setting. Bull Med Libr Assoc 47. Halbrook B. Clinical librarian programs: reflections
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29. Marshall JG, Hamilton JD. The clinical librarian Sep;2( 1 ):9-1 2.
and the patient: report of a project at McMaster 48. Hulkonen DA. Implications for clinical library ser-
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30. White AA, et al. Clinical information coordinator, 49. Kidder AJ. Clinical librarian program (letter). J
p. 367. Med Educ 1982 June;57(6):503.
31. White AA, et al. A system for orthopedics, p. 154. 50. Halbrook B. Clinical librarian programs: reflections,
32. Horowitz GL, Bleich HL. PAPERCHASE: a com- p. 10.
puter program to search the medical literature. N 51. Staudt C, Brodman E. A clinical librarians' pro-
Eng J Med 1981 Oct 15:305(16):924-30. gram-an attempt at evaluation. Bull Med Libr
33. Sowell SL. LATCH at the Washington Hospital Assoc 1976 Apr;64(2):236-8.
Center, 1967-1975. Bull Med Libr Assoc 1978 52. Scura G, Davidoff F. Case-related use of literature,
Apr;66(2):21 8-22. p. 62.
34. Anonymous. LATCH-ing on to information. Hospi- 53. Grose NP, Hannigan GG. A clinical librarian pro-
tals 1973 Mar 1;47:26, 30. gram in a family medicine residency. J Fam Pract
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28 Bull. Med. Libr. Assoc. 73(1) January 1985

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