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Caldron et al.

BMC Health Services Research (2015) 15:380

DOI 10.1186/s12913-015-0980-3


A systematic review of social, economic

and diplomatic aspects of short-term
medical missions
Paul H. Caldron1*, Ann Impens2, Milena Pavlova3 and Wim Groot3

Background: Short-term medical missions (STMMs) represent a grass-roots form of aid, transferring medical services
rather than funds or equipment. The objective of this paper is to review empirical studies on social, economic and
diplomatic aspects of STMMs.
Methods: A systematic literature review was conducted by searching PubMed and EBSCOhost for articles published
from 1947–2014 about medical missions to lower and middle income countries (LMICs). Publications focused on
military, disaster and dental service trips were excluded. A data extraction process was used to identify publications
relevant to our objective stated above.
Results: PubMed and EBSCOhost searches provided 4138 and 3262 articles respectively for review. Most articles that
provide useful information have appeared in the current millennium and are found in focused surgical journals. Little
attention is paid to aspects of volunteerism, altruism and philanthropy related to STMM activity in the literature reviewed
(1 article). Evidence of professionalization remains scarce, although elements including guidelines and tactical instructions
have been emerging (27 articles). Information on costs (10 articles) and commentary on the relevance of market forces
(1 article) are limited. Analyses of spill-over effects, i.e., changing attitudes of physicians or their communities towards aid,
and characterizations of STMMs as meaningful foreign aid or strategic diplomacy are few (4 articles).
Conclusions: The literature on key social, economic and diplomatic aspects of STMMs and their consequences is sparse.
Guidelines, tactical instructions and attempts at outcome measures are emerging that may better professionalize the
otherwise unregulated activity. A broader discussion of these key aspects may lead to improved accountability and
intercultural professionalism to accompany medical professionalism in STMM activity.
Keywords: Medical missions, Short-term, Professionalization

Introduction global basis is the activity whereby physicians who are

Few other direct care non-governmental organizations gainfully engaged in medical or surgical practice in their
(NGOs) enjoy the level of awareness in western nations home countries spend short periods away in lower and
as the French-based Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF; middle income countries (LMICs1), without pay, to
Doctors Without Borders) [1]. Through favorable press provide services directly to the ostensibly poor. Such
and fund-raising materials, MSF is recognized primarily “missions” are planned and represent a highly direct
for its full time deployment of physicians and support expression of transnational aid in a novel format. The
personnel to impoverished areas worldwide where the appellation “short term medical missions” (STMMs) ap-
health of non-combatants suffers by way of conflict, nat- pears to have been informally adopted generally to
ural disasters, epidemics and famine. Less noticed on a distinguish these excursions from ad hoc responses
to domestic or external disasters, compensated full-time
relief practice such as MSF, military and other govern-
* Correspondence:
Maastricht Graduate School of Governance, University of Maastricht,
mental relief expeditions and residency training pro-
Maastricht, Netherlands grams [2–4]. Authors on STMMs commonly conjecture
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

© 2015 Caldron et al. Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to
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Caldron et al. BMC Health Services Research (2015) 15:380 Page 2 of 12

that the praxis of STMMs has increased over time, al- in the hundreds, are reflective in nature and convey the
though formal evidence of an increase is not readily emotional rewards, sense of renewal and adventure gar-
found [2, 3, 5]. The impact of STMMs on receiving nered by physicians in the course of their participation in
countries’ community health or economics may not yet STMMs [3, 5]. The reviews leave aside the search for
be measurable [6]. Apart from intended direct thera- theory-based exposés on this form of professional volun-
peutic effects sought for individual patients, STMMs teerism as well as commentary on potential spill-over ef-
may be viewed from outside as foreign aid with diplo- fects. Eckhauser and Freishlag suggest that STMM
matic ramifications and as a market for unmet needs on volunteerism proceeds naturally from the elements of the
both sides of the transaction. Hippocratic Oath and serves to restore “personal and pro-
The core competency of medical practice is the reduc- fessional satisfaction” away from the administrative bur-
tion of human physical and mental suffering resulting den of domestic practice [8]. While acknowledging the
from disease and injury. Physicians in rich countries body of literature on volunteerism, Withers et al. accepted
have ample opportunity to execute these competencies that individual motives for volunteering are unknown [9].
domestically, paid or unpaid. Why do some go abroad Taking an alternative viewpoint, we sought an under-
pro-bono in the exercise of STMMs? Do the broader standing of the social, economic and diplomatic conse-
consequences of STMMs influence the propensity for quences on STMM deployment. How do personal
physicians to carry out these expeditions? expenditures factor in? Has STMM activity reached such a
The objective of this paper is to review empirical stud- level of organization that peer influence among licensed
ies on the social, economic and diplomatic aspects of professionals, quality measures and cost-effectiveness influ-
STMMs. For this purpose, the method of systematic lit- ence the manner in which they are carried out? We address
erature review was adopted. The review focused on these questions under the rubric of professionalization, a
studies published from 1947–2014 about STMMs to social process whereby an occupation or trade elevates its
LMICs. integrity and competence through association and scientific
The review is of relevance not only to research, but also advancement, among other steps [10, 11]. Specifically, we
to fostering a more global discourse on social properties refer to professionalization not of the participating physi-
accruing to STMMs that run in parallel to the clinical ef- cians, but rather of the praxis of STMMs. Is the activity
forts. Observing the praxis of STMMs through the lens of conceptualized diplomatically as foreign aid or as strategic
psychosocial, diplomatic and market dynamics may shed persuasion? Do STMM participants consider economic or
light on pathways to maximize its utility and minimize market perspectives such as the market failures that may
negative externalities as the activity expands. be addressed through this kind of philanthropy relevant or
what it is that they seek via the transaction?
Background Among the universe of potential aspects, we focused
Three previous systematic reviews on STMMs have been on a limited selection distilled in our five key questions
published [3, 5, 7]. Martiniuk et al. sought “to better (Table 1) as a framework for meeting our research ob-
understand missions and their potential impact on health jective. We chose these questions because they allow us
systems” in LMICs [3]. Their review identified the most to organize the current literature for commentary on
frequent sending and receiving countries as well as dom- intended or unintended social, economic and diplomatic
inant types of medical and surgical activities and tabulated aspects and their consequences on STMM activity.
the perceived benefits and common criticisms of short Thus, the resulting exploratory, qualitative review did
term medical missions. Their analysis punctuated the not begin from a theory-based perspective nor attempt
paucity of literature providing quantitative data on preva- to generate theory. Rather, we applied a framework syn-
lence, costs, quality, regulation and outcomes. Shrime thesis [12] using categories stipulated by the five key
et al. compared platforms for elective humanitarian sur-
gery, suggesting that the ad hoc service mission was of Table 1 Key Questions of the Systematic Review
value only when self-contained mission vessels, i.e., 1 Have STMMs been critically analyzed with respect to normative
hospital ships or aircraft, and dedicated local operating fa- values of volunteerism, altruism and philanthropy?
cilities were unavailable [7]. More recently, Sykes collated 2 Have elements of professionalization of STMM activity emerged?
articles about STMMs wherein any attempt was made to 3 Have authors addressed basic economic principles that govern
collect data on treatment interventions, costs, cost- transactions between parties, in this context, between physicians and
effectiveness, quality assessment or surveys of perspectives recipients of care, or other market mechanisms in STMM activity?
of involved parties. Sykes concluded that reporting has 4 Are there data on personal costs or cost-effectiveness of STMMs?
dealt largely with “output rather than outcomes” [5]. 5 Spill-over effects: Do physicians view STMMS as foreign aid? Do
These prior reviews have also suggested that the pre- participating physicians view STMMs as diplomacy or as part of
strategic soft power?
ponderance of published articles on STMMS, numbering
Caldron et al. BMC Health Services Research (2015) 15:380 Page 3 of 12

questions. We selected three of our key questions be- Screening process

cause they align conceptually with the three broad, prin- The PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic
cipal reasons suggested by Oxfam2 for US foreign aid: Reviews and Meta-analyses) guidelines were imple-
national security, economics and applying normative mented to standardize the elements of this systematic
values [13]. The two additional key questions regarding review [15]. Additional file 1 provides the PRISMA 2009
professionalization and costs were selected because they checklist. Two authors (PC, AI) independently screened
are relevant to the sustainability of STMM activity, so the search results and concurred on the final relevant se-
cogent in our time when international commissions dis- lections. Eligibility of potentially relevant articles was
cuss the sustainability of development goals and global assessed throughout the entire review process to assure
governance in health at the political level in the post- that enough detail was provided in the article to deter-
2015 agenda [14]. We believe these areas merit attention mine if inclusion and exclusion criteria were satisfied.
because of the global socio-economic and geopolitical For the primary (PubMed) search, the first filter involved
context in which STMM activity occurs. review of titles and abstracts for indications that the art-
icle was related to STMMs per our above description.
Methods The second filter involved review of titles and abstracts
Keywords and databases that passed the first filter for indications that the article
The construction of the chain of key words and the sys- may be relevant to one of the key questions of the sys-
tematic search in the databases were assisted by a uni- tematic review. The third filter involved reviewing the
versity librarian. Articles were identified from PubMed full text of articles passing the first and second filters to
of the US National Institutes of Health Library of Medi- determine if the article satisfied each of our inclusion
cine using key words with MESH terms as the primary and exclusion criteria and was in fact relevant to a key
search database. A search term algorithm similar to that question. For the secondary (EBSCOhost) search, the
used by Martiniuk et al. [3] was used after adjusting for same filters were applied to new titles not found in the
dates to include the 64 years from 1947 to 2014. Add- primary search. Lastly, the bibliographies of the articles
itional terms were added to facilitate the exclusion of selected from the primary and secondary databases were
dental and military based mission articles. No require- then evaluated with the filtering algorithm applied to the
ment for English language was implemented. ESBCO- databases.
host was subsequently searched using more limited
terms for the same period as the secondary search data- Inclusion Criteria
base (see Search Terms text boxes). Finally, the bibliog- Articles published between 1947 and 2014 were selected
raphies of the articles selected from PubMed and if they were available in indexed journals from the data-
EBSCOhost reviews were searched for additional rele- bases and if they discussed medical and surgical missions
vant articles. designed to provide direct patient care in LMICs
wherein the physician participants are principally gain-
Search Terms: fully engaged in their home countries. The scope of this
PubMed study relates to planned and scheduled (non-emergent)

("medical missions, official"[MeSH Terms] OR "medical missions, official"[MeSH Terms]) OR (((("1950/08/01"[PDAT] : "3000"[PDAT]) AND (("brigade"[All Fields]
OR (("mission"[All Fields] AND "short-term"[All Fields]) OR ("mission"[All Fields] AND "overseas"[All Fields]) OR ("mission"[All Fields] AND "foreign"[All Fields]))
OR (("trip"[All Fields] AND "short-term"[All Fields]) OR ("trip"[All Fields] AND "overseas"[All Fields]) OR ("trip"[All Fields] AND "foreign"[All Fields]))) OR
(("mission"[All Fields] AND "volunteer"[All Fields]) OR ("trip"[All Fields] AND "volunteer"[All Fields]) OR ("short-term"[All Fields] AND "volunteer"[All Fields]) OR
("overseas"[All Fields] AND "volunteer"[All Fields]) OR ("foreign"[All Fields] AND "volunteer"[All Fields])) OR (("foreign"[All Fields] AND "humanitarian"[All Fields])
OR ("short-term"[All Fields] AND "humanitarian"[All Fields]) OR ("overseas"[All Fields] AND "humanitarian"[All Fields])) OR ("medical mission"[All Fields] OR
"medical missions"[All Fields]) OR (("assistance"[All Fields] AND "short-term"[All Fields]) OR ("assistance"[All Fields] AND "overseas"[All Fields]) OR
("assistance"[All Fields] AND "foreign"[All Fields]) OR ("assistance"[All Fields] AND "humanitarian"[All Fields]) OR ("assistance"[All Fields] AND "volunteer"[All
Fields]))) AND "humans"[MeSH Terms]) NOT (("dental clinics"[MeSH Terms] OR ("dental"[All Fields] AND "clinics"[All Fields]) OR "dental clinics"[All Fields] OR
"dental"[All Fields]) OR ("dentistry"[MeSH Terms] OR "dentistry"[All Fields]) OR "dent"[All Fields])) NOT ("military personnel"[MeSH Terms] OR "military
personnel"[All Fields] OR "military"[All Fields]))


[“medical mission” OR “medical missions” AND “short term”]

Caldron et al. BMC Health Services Research (2015) 15:380 Page 4 of 12

missions using unpaid volunteer physicians for short displayed in Table 2. The key findings of the review are
term direct patient care excursions from high income subsequently described.
countries to LMICs. Articles were not excluded on the
basis of peer review if they provided at least one unique Volunteerism, Altruism and Philanthropy
perspective related to a key question. Because the num- While it may be considered a sine qua non that altruism
ber of full articles focused on our key questions was low, and philanthropy motivate medical and surgical volun-
we elected to include editorials, letters or commentaries teerism, our systematic review retained a singular article
in the selection process if they otherwise satisfied all in- that addressed our key question on volunteerism, altru-
clusion and exclusion criteria, consistent with a frame- ism [16] or philanthropy in reference to STMMs. In the
work synthesis. context of an exhaustive paper designed to orient sur-
geons to international volunteerism, Pezzella [17] briefly
Exclusion Criteria referred to proceedings of an October, 2003 symposium
Articles with a primary focus on relief efforts in partici- at Trinity College as reported by Alkire and Chen [18]
pants’ home countries, responsive disaster relief or mis- wherein the motivation for unspecified global health ini-
sions that require effective cessation of the physician tiatives was characterized as deriving from four schools
participants’ home practices were not included in this of moral values3.
review. Articles that dealt with medical services by gov-
ernment sector agencies or the military, the logistics of Professionalization and elements of professionalization
medical supplies, dentistry, nursing, other ancillary ser- Our review identified no journal wholly dedicated to
vices or not related to direct voluntary medical services STMMs. Reports are generally scattered among medical
to patients were also excluded. and surgical specialty and subspecialty publications. Fur-
ther, our online search did not reveal a national or inter-
national periodic congress dedicated to the issues and
Analysis practice of STMMs. The publications in Table 3 convey
The articles included in the final list were thoroughly commentary on or attempts at collectivism beyond a
reviewed and information related to the five questions collaborative project, guidelines or set of instructions.
listed in Table 1 was extracted. Based on this, articles Butler published a worldwide online search for any net-
were classified. When articles similarly touched on mul- works for volunteer pediatric surgery and found none
tiple questions, consensual discretion was used to assign [19]. Fisher and Fisher lucidly describe the need, chal-
the articles to the categories that appeared most rele- lenges and barriers to collaboration among surgical
vant. As articles and studies were primarily qualitative in STMM NGOs [20]. In the enduring competition among
nature, no summary measures were calculated. NGOs for sources of funding, failure to cooperate with
other NGOs and military resources was catalogued by
Results Welling et al. as the third of seven sins of humanitarian
Figure 1 illustrates the search algorithm and results of medicine [21].
the filtering process of the primary and secondary data- In contrast, our literature review pointed to online
base searches and bibliography review of articles selected sites that function as “clearing houses” to direct and
from the databases on the basis of the inclusion and ex- match physicians to planned missions and mission orga-
clusion criteria. Applying the filters and criteria, com- nizations. Examples include the American College of
posite inter-observer correlation approached 1, with only Surgery’s [22] and global-
10 articles in the search algorithm among more than, the Global Paediatric Surgery
4000 initial titles requiring co-deliberation for ultimate Network.
selection or rejection. In composite, 41 unique articles Elements of professionalization are identifiable in our
were ultimately deemed to meet criteria and provide review. Fourteen articles, all from refereed journals, pro-
relevant information on short-term non-compensated moted guidelines for the execution for STMMs. The
medical missions as distributed among the key questions earliest publication by Yeow et al. in 2002 summarized a
(Table 2). One article (Maki et al., 2008) applied to 3 key consensus congress of volunteer cleft palate mission
questions and one article (Chapin and Doocy, 2010) ap- groups from multiple nations and stands out in its inter-
plied to 2 key questions; the remainder applied to a sin- national collectivism [23]. Indeed, half of the articles that
gle key question. Relevant information was extracted espouse guidelines for volunteer missions are found in
from the publications and analyzed as described in the journals of facial plastic and reconstructive specialties.
methods section. Characteristics of the publishing jour- Table 4 tabulates the sets of guidelines from various
nals including country origin, manuscript type, refereed sources identified in this review. One finds sophisticated
status and discipline base of the selected articles are and detailed guidelines, reviewed and approved by
Caldron et al. BMC Health Services Research (2015) 15:380 Page 5 of 12

Fig. 1 Systematic Review Search and Selection Algorithm

multiple specialty societies linked with surgical proce- not addressed by typical world health initiatives, their
dures [24, 25]. Schneider et al. provided check list forms key recommendations emphasized designing trips to
for mission preparation; the content of their guidelines focus on actual local needs, locally coordinated training
draws from collaboration and co-authorship across spe- of host country surgeons and support staff, providing
cialties [25, 26] in alignment with the VIPS Guidelines4. the financial assistance to make the training results sus-
Ethical guidelines for surgical informed consent, surgical tainable and monitoring not only surgical outcomes but
photography in the context of STMMs and pediatric also quality of life outcomes.
craniofacial missions, as well as guidelines for emergency No similar sets of proposed tactical guidelines directed
preparedness and response during STMMs and the per- toward medical (non-surgical) STMMs were found in
formance of special multi-staged reconstructive proce- this systematic review. Following their convenience sur-
dures are available [27–31]. vey of predominately general medicine and pediatric
Grimes et al. recently proposed more general guide- mission participants, Chapin and Doocy blended sugges-
lines for surgeons when going on a volunteer mission tions from the existing literature to reiterate broad stra-
[32]. Drawing attention to the burden of surgical need tegic guidelines for all manner of STMMs [33]. Ethical
Caldron et al. BMC Health Services Research (2015) 15:380 Page 6 of 12

Table 2 Overall description of the articles selected for the Table 3 Professionalization
review Author Journal Year Contribution
Relation to the systematic review Total Used in prior Unique Maki et al. [2] BMC Health 2008 Designed instruments
question areas category(ies) Services Research to evaluate mission
1. Volunteerism, altruism and 1 - 1 quality
philanthropy Butler [19] Journal of 2009 Published Online
2. Professional professionalization Pediatric Surgery Search that failed to
find collaborative
a. Professionalization 5 - 5 volunteer pediatric
b. Guidelines 14 1 13 surgery network

c. Organization – “How To” 9 - 9 Kingham [71] Bulletin of the 2011 Noted absence of
American College mission and volunteer
3. Analysis of market forces 1 - 1 of Surgeons credentialing body
4. Expenditures for STMMs 10 2 8 Welling et al. [21] World Journal of 2012 Argues that
5. Spill-over effects 4 - 4 Surgery effectiveness of
missions suffers from
Year of publication lack of collaboration
1. 1947-1980 - Fisher and Fisher [20] Anesthesia and 2014 Reviews pitfalls of
Analgesia non-integration of
2. 1981-2000 3
effort and discusses
3. 2001-2005 6 solutions
4. 2006-2010 14
5. 2011-2014 18 2008 (58 count by Google Scholar, May 2014). The au-
Journal origin thors point out the absence of national and international
1. USA 36 sanctioning organizations for STMMs as well as the ab-
2. Netherlands 1 sence of standardized quality measurement instruments
for missions or mission organizations. Maki and col-
3. Canada 1
leagues pooled impressions from several mission goers
4. International or nationality 3
to develop a set of instruments designed to assess mis-
sion quality. In addition, the lead author established a
Type of manuscript
web site as a clearing house for mission organizations
1. Journal article 37 and participants to pool their experiences using these six
2. Editorial or letter 4 instruments to serve as templates (
Peer review Despite the prevalence of citations to Maki’s work, we
1. Refereed 37 found only a singular application of the Maki instru-
2. Non-refereed 4
ments [37]. After five years of disuse, the STMMcon- website has been taken down as of May 2013
Discipline of journal
for lack of activity and funding.
1. Craniofacial / plastic surgery 12 Nine articles could be grouped as “How To”, wherein
2. General surgery 9 authors codified single or multiple mission experiences
3. General medical 5 into steps and checklists to assist others in planning and
4. Health science/ public health 5 executing missions (Table 5). These differ from guideline
5. Orthopedics 3
articles in that they address the pragmatics of mission
accomplishment more than concept or propriety. While
6. Dermatology 3
the selected set varied broadly in the level of formality, it
7. Anesthesiology 2 appears likely that each would engage a readership that
8. Pediatric medical 1 other sources might miss and provided at least one
9. Economics 1 unique perspective. Our selection excluded mission re-
ports with anecdotal advice.
guiding principles have been proposed for selecting or Landau exhaustively parlayed his experience from a gen-
organizing pediatric care STMMs by Suchdev et al. [34]. eral and family practice perspective into a concise and prac-
DeCamp [35] insightfully juxtaposed these guidelines tical treatise for primary care missions anywhere [38].
with similar principles governing clinical drug trials in Other reports cater to burn, hand and craniofacial surgery
developing countries [36]. missions, dermatology and the well-being of the mission-
The contribution of Maki et al. [2] has been frequently goer [39–45]. Hoover et al. published extensive operational
cited in the relevant literature since its publication in instructions focused on the preparation for missions to
Caldron et al. BMC Health Services Research (2015) 15:380 Page 7 of 12

Table 4 Guidelines (Surgical) Table 5 “How To”

Author Journal Year Contribution Author Journal Year Contribution
Yeow et al. [23] J Craniofacial 2002 International consensus Norton [43] Dermatologic 1999 Planning dermatologic
Surgery guidelines for cleft Clinics missions
Landau [38] North Carolina 2001 Detailed instructions on
Eberlin et al. [24] Cleft Palate 2008 Quality assurance Medical Journala executing primary care
Craniofacial guidelines based on missions
Journal 20 years’ experience
Kightlinger [42] Medical 2003 Self-care for the mission
Hadlock [31] Archives of 2008 Keys to optimizing Economicsa participant
Facial and outcomes in multistage
Plastic Surgery procedures Hoover et al. [46] Journal of the 2005 Operational preparations
National for missions to African
Schneider et al. [25, Plastic and 2011 Guidelines for plastic Medical countries
29] Reconstructive surgery in pediatrics Association
Surgery (Part I); Ethical
Hollier et al. [41] Journal of 2010 Preparation,
Guidelines (Part II)
Craniofacial implementation
Politis et al. [26] Anesthesia and 2011 Guidelines for Surgery
Analgesia perioperative care in
pediatrics (collaborating Boyd [40] Journal of the 2012 Specific therapeutic
American suggestions for
Academy of dermatologic missions
Holt [27, 28] Archives of 2012 Ethical guidelines for Dermatology
Facial and informed consent (I) and
Plastic Surgery case photography (II) Ramirez-Fort [45] International 2013 Planning dermatologic
Journal of missions
Vyas et al [30] Plastic and 2013 Guidelines for surgical Dermatology
Reconstructive emergency
Patel et al. [44] Annals of Plastic 2013 Sustainable burn
Surgery preparedness and
response Surgery missions

Grimes et al [32] World Journal 2013 General guidelines Birman & Kolkin [39] The Journal of 2013 Planning hand surgery
of Surgery applicable to any type Hand Surgery missions
of surgical mission Non-refereed journals
Guidelines (Non-surgical)
Author Publication Year Contribution of public, private and mission partnerships can operate
Suchdev et al [34] Ambulatory 2007 Ethical guidelines for and still avoid a crowding-out effect to local physicians.
Pediatrics sustainable non-surgical Mendoza further discussed the pitfalls that threaten the
pediatric missions
success of such partnerships in developing or corrupt
Maki et al [2] BMC Health 2008 Developed six environments [48].
Services instruments to assess
Research mission quality No articles were found in our search that address
other basic market forces that underlie the transactions
Chapin & Doocy [33] World Health & 2010 Integrated broad
Population guidelines for all that take place between individual providers and recipi-
(surgical/non-surgical) ents during STMMS. Such analysis might inform the
missions concerns regarding distortions between cost and benefit
DeCamp [35] HEC Forum 2011 Aligns ethical guidelines related to STMMs [49].
for STMMs with those
implemented in the
conduct of international Expenditures for STMMs
clinical drug/device trials In parallel to Sykes [5], our systematic review revealed
no identifiable sources or reports on pooled data for ex-
African countries in the Journal of the National Medical penditures for short-term medical missions. Casual ref-
Association, a periodical that advocates the interests of erences to rough estimates of single missions’ and other
African American physicians in the US [46]. cost or cost-effectiveness data occur in isolation
(Table 6). Estimating an average expense of $50,000 per
Economic and Market Forces mission, Maki et al. projected that an annual direct in-
Altruism may be in part a societal response to market vestment in STMMs from the US alone could readily ex-
failures to provide public goods [47]. In our single ceed $250 million [2]. Other unsystematically obtained
retained article for this key question, Mendoza provided single mission costs and round figures from mission
an accessible account of how medical missions arise to organization expenditures are seen in sparse reports
redress market failures for essential medical services. [33, 49, 50].
Using cleft lip/palate interventions in the Philippines as No articles formally tabulated primary or secondary
an example, Mendoza contemplated how the interplay data on physician direct expenditures or opportunity
Caldron et al. BMC Health Services Research (2015) 15:380 Page 8 of 12

Table 6 Expenditures for Short Term Medical Missions and receiving party perspectives [54, 72]. Using DALYS
Author Journal Year Contribution analysis, Gosselin found that cost-effectiveness of trauma
Propsner [50] New Jersey 1998 $147,000 spent on one surgery in planned STMMs was not favorable compared
Medicinea US facial reconstruction to disaster-related short-term excursions [55].
surgical mission to Africa.
$28M in free services
annually by one Spill-over effects: Diplomacy, national security and
organization attitudes toward aid
Crown [49] Tennessee 2005 $40,480 in direct and In a chilling tale of perverse consequences in
Medicinea opportunity cost for 24 Afghanistan, Fowles’ 1989 editorial punctuated the po-
persons for five days
tent effects that the mere presence of foreign medical
teams might have politically [56]. Chiu (non-US) noted
Dupuis [51] Plastic and 2006 $78 average cost of
Reconstructive operations if local staff that 71.9 % of Taiwanese mission goers saw STMMs as a
Surgery utilized (“minimalist means to advance Taiwan’s foreign relations [37]. Gorney
approach”) editorialized incisively on this concept in the context of
Wolfberg [52] The New 2006 Dramatically higher a facial plastic surgery mission [57]. In describing the
England expenditures if full role of surgical volunteerism globally, Casey specifically
Journal of surgical team travels (in
Medicine contrast to minimalist examined survey data and diplomatic literature that sup-
approach) ports the concept of medical diplomacy in the domain
Maki et al. [2] BMC Health 2008 $50,000 per mission; of counter-terrorism and evolving American security
Services $250M annually from US strategy [22] (Table 7). With the exception of Chiu’s sur-
vey results from Taiwanese volunteers, other direct con-
Magee et al. [53] World Journal 2010 Proposal for re-valuing nections between diplomatic concerns and STMMS are
of Surgery DALYS
not forthcoming from the literature.
Chapin & Doocy [33] World Health 2010 $22,647 average cost for We discovered no articles that explicitly link STMMs
and Population a medical mission
(convenience survey) to effects on the attitudes of physicians, their families
Gosselin et al. [55] World Journal 2011 Orthopedic relief mission
or communities toward any kind of foreign aid or that
of Surgery costs not more than focus on STMMs as meaningful foreign aid. Commen-
planned mission costs in tary on changes in attitudes was confined to other
relation to DALYS
dimensions. For example, Van Tilburg reported a large
Chen et al. [72] World Journal 2012 Activity based costing for majority of mission goers responding to a survey felt
of Surgery a 5 day orthopedic
mission cost effective in that their mission experience “broadened their views of
relation to DALYS the world” and would be willing to repeat the activity
Moon et al. [54] World Journal 2012 Cleft lip/palate mission [58]. Campbell et al. discuss their own and other
of Surgery cost effective in relation published survey results of surgical residents-in-training
to DALYS regarding the value of an overseas experience in the de-
Non-refereed journals velopment of cross-cultural competency [59]. Results of
a similar small survey published by Aziz et al. of trainees
costs. Pointedly, Crown conjectured that with a visiting on cleft missions indicated an increase in “awareness of
non-surgical team’s costs “it would be possible to recruit, global healthcare” [60].
educate and retain a local doctor, nurse and support staff
to man the same clinic for a year” implying that the trade- Table 7 Spill-over Effects – National Security
off for a five-day “feel-good” experience is unjustified [49]. Author Journal Year Contribution
Platform and local staff integration appear to be fac- Fowles [56] Orthopedic 1989 Cautionary report on
tors in mission cost. Arguments suggest that a single Review geopolitical ramifications
physician or small teams of surgeons utilizing local of STMMs
nursing and support staff, i.e., a “minimalist” approach, Gorney [57] Plastic and 2005 Recognized STMM
has a cost efficiency per procedure advantage over fully Reconstructive activity as a potential
Surgery element of diplomacy
functional travelling teams [51, 52].
Casey et al. [22] Surgical Clinics of 2007 Attitudes in LMICs
Reports are beginning to accumulate wherein activity North America towards US improved by
based costs per disability affected life year saved medical aid
(DALYS) methodology to assess cost effectiveness is ap- Chiu [37] Evaluation and 2012 Prevalent foreign
plied [53]. Seminal reports of a one week orthopedic the Health relations motivation in
trauma surgery mission and a cleft lip/cleft palate mis- Professions Taiwanese STMM
sion asserted their cost effectiveness from both sending
Caldron et al. BMC Health Services Research (2015) 15:380 Page 9 of 12

Discussion Bulletin of the American College of Surgeons (ACS), may

Martiniuk et al. identified the USA as the largest among be the most proximate example in the US to a burgeoning
the four leading sending countries for STMMs, ahead of STMM guild, even though we found no evidence of any re-
Canada, United Kingdom and Australia [3]. We ex- curring congress or membership specifically related to the
tended our literature retrospective beyond the reviews of initiative. Similarly, Volunteers in Plastic Surgery (VIPS),
Martiniuk (25 years) and Sykes (20 years) with the ob- through the affiliation of six major related STMM NGOs,
jective of capturing any existing seminal publications have collaborated on guidelines as noted5. No discernable
from near the origins of US hegemony and subsequent evidence of a correlative centralization of effort in family
trends in the praxis. Whereas Kickbusch pointed to the medicine, internal medicine and pediatrics is found. An ap-
need to examine US hegemony in global public health in pealing explanation for the disparity between surgical and
2002 [61], we found no indication from literature that non-surgical cohesiveness trends may be that surgical mis-
US hegemony is correlated with the greater representa- sions tend to be limited to a finite set of discrete procedures
tion of US physicians in STMMs. Our review does indi- within the scope of more focused skill sets and are more
cate that the most impactful articles of the last 64 years amenable to overall process and outcome assessments.
on guidelines, and hence on the effort to improve quality Congruently, the developing world’s burden of surgical dis-
of volunteer short-term medical missions, have been ease is less amenable to global public health measures and
published in the current millennium, preceded almost policy remedies than non-surgical disorders and thus sum-
exclusively by descriptive articles of a reflective nature. mons the direct relief that surgical STMMs can provide.
This has coincided with the increase in attention to, The direct costs and opportunity costs of surgical missions
scrutiny of and physician participation in STMMs. may be generally more sizable than non-surgical missions
While most published articles are rejected from this and and a higher potential for serious adverse events may war-
previous systematic reviews for lack of objective or rant greater circumspection.
quantitative contribution, the hundreds of articles re- Crown argues with clarity that the “feel good” reward
garding STMMs that constitute reflections or productiv- accruing to mission-goers hardly justifies the itemized
ity reports in print, whether in high or low impact, and total costs and that the funds are misapplied [49].
refereed or non-refereed journals, indicate a palpable af- Such a position overlooks the realpolitik that most such
finity among editors and medical readership concerning expenditures are discretionary to the mission-goer. This
this activity [3, 5]. The attribution that these missions “feel good” sentiment may equate with the concept of
are charitable and altruistic and thereby valid in their “warm glow” popularized in current theory on philan-
own right may interfere with the inclination for data col- thropy [47, 64]. In the context of the face-to-face inter-
lection and objective analysis [62]. actions occurring in pro-bono medical missions, the
It is notable therefore that professionalization remains intangible reward system may indeed be layers more
limited. As industries, movements and enterprises rise complex, more habit-forming and compelling than other
and eventually obsolesce, one measure of viability and forms of philanthropy and begs to be better understood.
vitality is the evidence of guilds or associations. Partici- Indeed, marketers of products and services as well as
pants in professions and stable industries cooperate in sending and receiving country mission organizers
such collectives formally to share new ideas, scientific recognize the monetized value of these experiences and
advancements and formulate principles and credential- emotions and will almost certainly expand ways to ex-
ing by means of repeating focused congresses and jour- ploit them. In this milieu, the first key question of this
nals for the benefit of both participants and society [63]. review regarding normative values should be as rigor-
STMM participation is indeed not a remunerative activ- ously analyzed as outcomes measures, accounting and
ity. The licensed professionals who participate may impact of STMMS since this may be where the discon-
already endure substantial national, local and specialty nect between the clinical practice of STMMs and the
regulation in addition to peer pressure to join, partici- due diligence is rooted. Ultimately, the execution of
pate in the congresses of and pay dues to perhaps mul- STMMs is critically dependent on the motivation of and
tiple organizations. We therefore intuit that the non- decision by physicians to participate in them among
monetary rewards sought and accumulated through other domestic opportunities for physician volunteerism
STMM activity may be made even more attractive be- and philanthropy. This issue remains vague and not elu-
cause of the absence from layers of regulation, creden- cidated by the results of any of the five key questions of
tialing and formality. this literature review. More prospective analysis of the
Most detailed reporting on mission collaborations, issu- influence of these aspects on participation would be
ance of guidelines and leanings towards professionalization warranted.
come from surgical literature and surgical organizations. In an era of asymmetrical warfare, western strategic
Operation Giving Back [22] with its publication, the defense is migrating from emphasis on conventional
Caldron et al. BMC Health Services Research (2015) 15:380 Page 10 of 12

expeditionary might towards counter-terrorism and accounting of direct physician outlays and how such
counter-insurgency supported by robust intelligence and costs may affect the decision to go is yet unattended.
diplomatic soft power [65]. It is implied that pre- With the possible exception of Taiwanese missions, dip-
empting conflict will depend on skilled diplomacy and lomacy, foreign aid and projection of soft power do not
influence linked to managing perceptions of the West appear to be expressed determinants of participation.
among peoples of developing countries where unrest Professionalization appears underdeveloped, though ele-
may erupt. Nye points out in The Future of Power that ments of professionalization such as guidelines, codified
the sources of soft power wherein the elements of attrac- instructions and implementation of cost benefit analysis
tion and persuasion lie are socially constructed [66]. are accumulating.
McInnes has skillfully interwoven the concepts of inter-
national healthcare strategies with modern concepts of Policy and Practice Implications
soft power [67]. The Cuban physician diaspora, while STMMs may perform a function of providing needed
controversial, may be the most acknowledged example services where markets have failed. As rich and poor
of a nation providing direct medical assistance as a lever economies converge, the inclination for this and other
of diplomacy, though it is not voluntary on the part of forms of aid should obsolesce. In the meantime, it is
the physician, nor short term nor uncompensated [68]. likely that the call for value, meaning a rational return
Done well, STMMs may have the makings of an effective on investment measured by dollars per DALYS or
civil outreach as one fiber of western ground-level diplo- similar unit, will continue in the medical and social
macy to undermine popular support for terror and in- science literature and media [3, 21]. Mitigation of po-
surgent groups. tential externalities such as crowding-out local health
care provision and adverse medical events related to
Bias and limitations inadequate follow-up, among others, is another target.
Bias may be expected in several forms beginning with As western security policy evolves, the social percep-
our selection of relevant articles. The limitation of the tion elements of soft power may render cross-cultural
selection to medical and surgical mission focus may acumen on the part of participating physicians and
omit some closely related input of value from ancillary their support teams an inescapable requirement. Such
activities such as dentistry, nursing and medical educa- improvements need not diminish the “warm glow” so
tion. Most articles on STMMs are qualitative in nature precious to the providers and embedded in the answer
and thus bias is inherent; such bias may carry over into to why they go. Achieving accountability and cross-
this review. Selected articles originate almost exclusively cultural skills commensurate with the medical profes-
from authorship within a high-income sending country sionalism displayed in STMMs may better advance
such that bias may arise from a rich country set of from greater interchange among disparate actors.
values. Peer pressure and peer acknowledgment as motivators
A manifest limitation in our analysis is the relatively compounded through professionalization would also
few articles that satisfied our criteria. The usual danger be unlikely to dim the glow. Formation of a national
of such a review as ours is that the absence of evidence or international organization specifically focused on
would be misconstrued as evidence of absence of a par- STMMs with a dedicated journal and repeating
ticular effect. The actual impact of these social, eco- congresses need not add to the regulatory burden on
nomic and diplomatic aspects on the decision of physicians and could serve as a platform for quality
physicians to participate in STMMs should be assessed enhancement.
prospectively through well designed surveys beyond the An economist would reasonably ask if the composite
published retrospective surveys. expenditures on STMMs worldwide are material, then
conclude from the lack of data and sources of data, as
Conclusions well as the inattention to the regulation of the activity,
Our objective to assess certain social, economic and dip- that it is not. Nonetheless, there exists at least the im-
lomatic aspects of STMMs reveals little attention from pression that this socioeconomic activity is expanding
the literature we reviewed. Scant analyses exist in the and the cumulative expenses including expenditures and
current literature wherein normative concepts of volun- opportunity costs may be consequential. As aid, Marti-
teerism, altruism and philanthropy is applied specifically niuk et al. amply characterize this transfer of skilled
to the praxis of STMMs. Transactional analysis and labor as opposed to cash transfers in their title “Brain
study of other market dynamics is wont; the enlightened Gains…” Changing the present US tax code that pro-
self-interest of the parties in the exchange, a universal vides indirect support of STMMs by allowing deduction
motivator, is not openly explored. Estimations and com- of all applicable costs from taxable income could have a
mentary over related expenditures are found, but potential dampening effect on participation. A broader
Caldron et al. BMC Health Services Research (2015) 15:380 Page 11 of 12

consideration of STMMs as a grassroots expression of Additional file

foreign aid and a potential instrument of security policy
may therein be justified. Additional file 1: PRISMA 2009 Checklist. (DOC 63 kb)
As non-state actors, volunteer physicians’ profes-
sional acumen in the concepts of effective foreign Abbreviations
aid and promotion of peace could benefit from a col- STMM: Short-term medical mission; LMIC: Lower and middle income country;
NGO: Non-governmental organization; MSF: Médecins sans Frontières;
laborative approach. Educational interaction with ac- DALYS: Disability affected life year saved; ACS: American College of Surgeons;
tors in diplomatic and security sectors could bring VIPS: Volunteers in Plastic Surgery.
further value to STMM activity. Facilitating a broader
awareness of the role of the STMM among overall Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
foreign aid objectives could benefit similarly. Absent
these perspectives, the unattractive consequences that Authors’ contributions
sometimes adversely stigmatize STMM activity may PC conceived of the study and drafted the initial manuscript. PC and AI
expand in similar dimension to growth of the activity independently performed the searches, identified relevant articles according
to selection criteria and concurred on their inclusion. MP and WG provided
itself. critical revision for important intellectual content and structuring of the
content for cohesion. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

Future research implications Acknowledgements

Neither this nor previous reviews profile “who” goes on We thank Catherine Lencioni of the Midwestern University medical library for
uncompensated medical service trips; that may hold assistance in constructing the search terms with MESH for PubMed and
online search technology advice.
much insight into “why”. Further perspectives from
care-receiving patients and communities beyond the Author details
paucity of on-site surveys available are needed to refine Maastricht Graduate School of Governance, University of Maastricht,
Maastricht, Netherlands. 2Midwestern University Institute for Healthcare
mission sophistication and prescription [2, 70]. Quantifi- Innovation, Downers Grove, Illinois, USA. 3Department of Health Services
cation and impact of personal costs on physician partici- Research; CAPHRI, Maastricht University Medical Center, Faculty of Health,
pation should be explored. Recipient communities’ Medicine and Life Sciences, Maastricht University, Maastricht, Netherlands.
attitudes towards “the West” as well as western attitudes Received: 23 September 2014 Accepted: 29 July 2015
towards service aid are potential positive externalities of
STMMs that could be better informed through exchange
with the diplomatic corp. References
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