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02MTKNX Electromagnetic Fields

Assignment no. 5 – Use of the scattering matrix

Assigned: Wednesday, November 7, 2018
Due: Thursday, November 15, 2018 (beginning of the lecture)

Exercise no. 1
The two-port device inserted between section A and B in the following circuit is characterized by
its scattering matrix [S] with reference impedances Zr1 = Zr2 = Z0, with Z0=50Ω . Compute the
power delivered to the load ZC.

(peak value) Zg= Z0/2

Exercise no. 2
The two-port device inserted between section B and C in the following circuit is characterized by its
scattering matrix [S] with reference impedances Zr1 = Zr2 = Z0 = 50 . Assuming that the generator
can withstand a maximum reflected power equal to Pmax, which is the maximum power PC that is it
possible to deliver to the load RC?

Exercise no. 3
In the network shown in the following picture, the two port device between B and C is
characterized by its scattering matrix [S] (constant vs. frequency) with 2Z∞ as reference impedance
at both ports; Z∞ is real and constant vs. frequency.
a) At a frequency f0, design the conjugate matching circuit between A and B realized with ideal
transmission lines with characteristic impedance Z∞ and with an open circuit capacitive
shunt stub.
b) Compute the ratio between the power delivered to the load at a frequency f1 and the power
delivered to the load at the frequency f0.

Vg C.M.


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