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The Character :
1. Calon Arang
2. Ratna Manggali
3. King Erlangga
4. Patih
5. Empu Baradah
6. Empu Bahula
7. People 1
8. People 2

` Once upon a time in the kingdom of Daha led by King Erlangga, lived a very cruel
widower. She was named Calon Arang. She lives on Girah village. Calon Arang is a follower
of a black stream. She used that black stream to wickedness. She has a daughter named Ratna
Manggali. She is a beautiful girl, but there’s no man want to marry her.
Calon Arang : “Why you so sad my little girl? Talk to me please.”
Ratna : “I am okay, Mother.”
Calon Arang : “You are a bad liar, Ratna. Just talk to me.”
Ratna : “Mother, am I ugly? Every time they see me, that’s like they scared
with me. What is wrong, Mother? Why there’s no man want to marry
with me?”
Calon Arang : “WHATT!!! (angry) Just calm down, Ratna. I will do something to
Ratna : “What will you do, Mother? Mother...”
Feel her daughter has been shamed, Calon Arang immediately went to find a girl for
ritual offerings in Durga Temple. She intends to make Girah village restless. Exactly dark
midnight, Calon Arang sacrificed the girl to be offered to the goddess Durga, the goddess of
worth. The prospective charcoal curse comes true and there is no cure for the outbreak. Calon
Arang sees it. She embarked with arrogance.
People 1 : “FLOOD!!! FLOOD!!! If the water touch your skin, you will die.”
People 2 : “Flood?!!!”
People 1 : “Come on, we must run! And we must tell it to the king too.”
People 2 : “Yeah you’re right. But we must save our life first. RUN!!!”
The peoples run and try to save their life. They will tell the king about that disaster. So,
they go to the King’s palace.
People 1 : “Your majesty, your majesty!”
People 2 : “Your majesty, your majesty!”
Patih : “Hey! What are you doing in here? Why you want to meet the king?”
People 2 : “There’s important news, Patih.” (barging into the king’s chamber”
People 1 & 2 : “Your majesty.” (curtsey)
Patih : “Your majesty, I am sorry to have let them in.”
King Erlangga : “That’s no problem, Patih. Now, what’s going on?”
People 1 : “Your majesty, in the village accurred a terrible plague after the flood.
This is very troubling. Please help us, your majesty.”
People 2 : “Please help us, your majesty. Many people die because the plague. I
don’t wanna die too. Please help us.”
King Erlangga : ”Okay, I wanna help you. But please be patient. I will find the solution
for this plague.”
People 2 : “Thank you, your majesty. Long life King Erlangga.”
People 1 : “Long life King Erlangga.” (curtsey)
After peoples go away from the palace...
King Erlangga : “What’s happen in Girah village, Patih? Why is there an outbreak here?
Do you know something about that?”
Patih : “I don’t know exactly what’s happening. But many peoples said this
disaster caused by Calon Arang.”
King Erlangga : “Calon Arang? What’s she got to do with the plague?”
Patih : “I am sorry, your majesty, I don’t know. If I can give suggestion, your
majesty, I think Empu Baradah know what should we gonna do. ”
King Erlangga : “I think so, please bring him to me.”
Patih : “Of course, your majesty.” (go away)
Patih come in with Empu Baradah and his student, Empu Bahula.
Empu Baradah : “Your majesty, what’s going on?”
King Erlangga : “Do you hear about plague in the village caused by Calon Arang?”
Empu Baradah : “Yes, I hear that news.”
King Erlangga : “So, do you have any sollutions for this problem?”
Empu Baradah : “I know from other people, Calon Arang is a follower of a black stream.
She created this plague because she broken heart, there’s no men will
marry her daughter. I think to beat her, we must use compassion. If
there’s someone want to marry her daughter, we can find Calon Arang’s
King Erlangga : “I think that’s a good idea. But, who will marry with her daughter?”
Empu Baradah : “(turned to Empu Bahula) I think we got the boy. I suggest Empu
Bahula to marry with Calon Arang’s daughter. Because Empu Bahula
still single. And if Empu Bahula marry with her daughter, Empu Bahula
can deepen and enhance his knowledge.”
King Erlangga : “That’s very great strategy, Empu Baradah. Now, Empu Bahula, will
Empu Bahula : “If that’s the only solution for this problem, I will.”
After that conversation, entourage Empu Bahula go to Girah village to ask in marriage
Ratna Manggali. Calon Arang is very happy if Ratna will get married soon. Then, in Girah
village there’s a big wedding party for seven days. The party was very pleasing to Calon Arang.
Altought the party was over, the feeling of happiness was still felt peoples of Girah village.
One day, Empu Bahula asks his wife about Calon Arang.
Empu Bahula : “Ratna my wife, can I ask you something?”
Ratna Manggali : “Of course my husband, what will you ask to me?”
Empu Bahula : “I just want to know, why your mother so divine power?’
Ratna Manggali : “I want to tell you my mother’s secret. But please, promise me, you
don’t want to tell everyone about this. Don’t you?”
Empu Bahula : “Of course my darling, I promise.”
Ratna Manggali : “Okay, I trust you. My mother has supernatural power by means of the
book of magic from Goddess Durga. With that bookm she can call
Goddess Durga. But, without that book, she is nothing.”
Empu Bahula : “Where is the book now, Ratna?”
Ratna Manggali : “You can’t find it.”
Empu Bahula : “Why? Don’t you know where is she save it?”
Ratna Manggali : “I know. She don’t save it at one place. She always bring that book
wherever she go. But, when she sleep, she will put the book under her
After know Calon Arang’s secret, Empu Bahula strategize the way to stole the book
from Calon Arang. In the midnight, Empu Bahula sneak into the Calon Arang’s place. How
lucky he is, because Calon Arang is sounds asleep. Empu Bahula tries to get the book and he
success. And then he gives that book to Empu Baradah. After that, Empu Bahula and his wife
go away from there.
After Empu Bahula and his wife gone, Calon Arang was very angry when he knew his
magic book was gone. It was like a rhinoceros.
Calon Arang : “Where is my magic book?! Ratnaaaa... Do you see my magic book?
Ratna, where are you?! SHIT!!!”
Meanwhile, Empu Baradah studied the scripture diligently. When ready, Empu
Baradah, challanged Calon Arang. When confronted by Empu Baradah, both Calon Arang’s
hands fired the flames as did both eyes. Empu Baradah confronted her calmly. He immediately
read a spell to restore the flames and flames to Calon Arang’s body. Because the magic of the
magic has not been there, the body of Calon Arang was crushed ash and blown towards the
South Sea. Since then, the Girah village has become as peaceful as ever.

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