Assessment Task 1

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Rudi Yacoub


Geography Curriculum 2

Assessment Task 1:
Geography Literacy

24th August 2017

Geography Curriculum 2:

Personal Reflection:

The two assessments which I have devised both link to the Professional Standards for Teachers
set out by the Australian Institute for teaching and School leadership (AITSL). These include
standards, 5.1 and 5.2 directly linked to assessing, as well standards 1.2, 2.2, 2.3 and 2.6.

The first two standards, as mentioned above, are directly linked to the assessing of students.
Standard 5.1 requires teachers to demonstrate and understanding of assessment strategies,
including informal and formal, diagnostic, formative and summative approaches to assess
student learning. My two assessments both follow a formal setting of assessments within a
secondary school environment, where students are given a formal notice of an assessment
which they must complete before the due date. The two assessments also follow a summative
approach to assess student learning. In relation to the assessments, standard 5.2 requires
teachers to provide feedback to students on their learning, which is reflected in the marking
guidelines and the comment section at the end of the assessment which students would receive
once completed.

In the standard 1.2, there is a requirement for teachers to demonstrate their understanding of
how students learn, as not all students learn in the same manner as one-another. The year 8
Geography assessment task on the topic Places and Liveability, allows students to demonstrate
their ability for students to complete the activity on any suburb in Sydney they desire to
investigate. This does not restrict students and gives them the ability to conduct research on
their own terms. Similarly, for those would find it difficult to come up with a brochure, some
extra help is given to the students to get them started. Whilst in the year 9 assessment on
sustainable biomes, students are given the autonomy to come up with a presentation in any
form they desire which reflects their own learning. The standard 2.2 requires teachers to
effectively organize content into learning and teaching sequences, my two assessment tasks
will be provided once students form some basic understanding of the topics in class and these
tasks will work hand-in-hand with the class content, so students can understand what is
expected of them. Similarly, this also falls in line with the standard 2.3 which asks teacher to
use the curriculum, assessment and reporting to facilitate learning.

Finally, standard 2.6 states teachers should implement teaching strategies for using ICT to
expand curriculum learning opportunities for students. This standard is reflected in both of my
assessments tasks for year 8 & 9 as they both incorporate the use of information and
communication technologies in their assessment. The year 8 assessment requires students to
formulate a digital brochure to present their research, whilst the year 9 assessment asks students
to come up with a presentation using a visual aid of their own desire.

To conclude, I believe this two assessment tasks will be beneficially to provide students the
opportunity to conduct their own learning, whilst also following the standards that are required
to be a proficient teacher.

Syllabus Topic: Place and Liveability

Due Date: 6th April 2017

Date of Issue: 10th March 2017
Weighting: 20%

GE4-1- locates and describes the diverse features and characteristics of a range of places and
GE4-7- acquires and processes geographical information by selecting and using geographical
tools for inquiry.
GE4-8- communicates geographical information using a variety of strategies.

Task Description:
Building on class content, students are asked to research and create a digital brochure which
will be used to advertise the liveability of a specific suburb in Sydney. Students may choose to
complete the brochure on the suburb in which they live or select an entirely different suburb-
as long as it falls within Sydney. The digital brochure can be completed in any style the student
wishes (CREATIVITY IS ENCOURAGED), as long as it is MAX two pages and fits on a
printable A4 paper, which will be submitted with a cover sheet with student’s name & class
and a bibliography at the end by the due date.

Information which should be discussed in the brochure should include:

 Describe its geographical features: area, population and population density, location in
Sydney with labelled map (50 words).
 What services and facilities does this suburb offer to enhance its liveability (About 150
 The suburb as a community: culture, religion, community events etc. (100 words).
 The environmental quality of the suburb. (100 words).
 In the final section of the brochure, students will briefly propose strategies in which
the liveability of this suburb can be improved based on what they think is lacking or is
needed (150 words).

HINT: The Australian Bureau of Statistics website is a very useful website.

For those stuck finding brochure ideas:

Microsoft Word and Publisher have useful brochure templates. Also also has
a wide range of templates which can be edited and saved (sign-up is also free).

Marking Criteria:

Students will be assessed on their ability to:
 locate and describe diverse features and characteristics of a specific suburb in Sydney
and its environments.
 Acquiring geographical information by selecting and using geographical tools for
inquiry into place and liveability of Sydney suburbs.
 Communicates geographical information using a variety of strategies and resources
through the use of a clear and visually engaging digital brochure.
 Includes a list of works citied throughout their research
Marking Guidelines:
A student in this range: Range:

 Effectively locates and describes diverse features and

characteristics of a specific suburb in Sydney and its environments.
 Demonstrates refined knowledge when acquiring geographical
information by selecting and using geographical tools suitable for
inquiry into place and liveability of Sydney suburbs. 17-20
 Sophisticatedly communicates geographical information through
the use of an engaging digital brochure and using a variety of
 Provides a list of works citied in a bibliography.
 Adequately locates and describes diverse features and
characteristics of a specific suburb in Sydney and its environments.
 Demonstrates knowledge when acquiring geographical information
by selecting and using geographical tools suitable for inquiry into 14-17
place and liveability of Sydney suburbs.
 Clearly communicates geographical information through an
engaging digital brochure and using a variety of resources.
 Provides a list of works citied in a bibliography.
 Locates and describes diverse features and characteristics of a
specific suburb in Sydney.
 Uses geographical information by selecting and using geographical
tools suitable for inquiry into place and liveability of Sydney
suburbs. 10-14
 Communicates geographical information through an engaging
digital brochure and using a variety of resources.
 Provides a list of works citied in a bibliography.
 Locates and describes diverse features and characteristics.
 Uses some geographical tools for inquiry.
 Communicates geographical information. 5-9
 Includes bibliography.
 Demonstrates a basic understanding about the concepts of factors 1-4
influencing place and liveability in a specific area



Mark: _____/20

Syllabus Topic: Sustainable Biomes

Due Date: 29th August 2017

Date of Issue: 1st August 2017
Weighting: 25%

GE 5-3: Analyses the effect of interactions and connections between people, places and
GE 5-5: Assesses management strategies for places and environments for their sustainability.
GE 5-7: Acquires and processes geographical information by selecting and using appropriate
and relevant geographical tools for inquiry.
GE 5-8: Communicates geographical information to a range of audiences using a variety of

Task Description:
Students will complete a class presentation on the issues being faced globally regarding food
security. Students will select one of the following food crops and focus their presentation on
the four guided questions below. The presentation must be 3-4 minutes and will presented
along with a visual aid- this can be a PowerPoint or whatever the student wants. Students also
need to include a bibliography of works citied.

 Rice  Barley  Quinoa

 Potato  Wine  Yams
 Maize  Sugar  Soybeans
 Cocoa  Wheat

Guided Questions:
 Overview of crop production including, where it is grown and why it requires specific
environments. Please include a labelled map of where the crop is produced.
 How has global population growth resulted in global demand for the production of
this crop?
 In what ways have advancements in technology had an impact on the production of
this crop?
 What management strategies have been implemented to help make this crop
production more sustainable for the future?

Marking Criteria:
Students will be assessed on their ability to:

 Analyse the effect of interactions between people, places and environments on the
production of a specific food crop.
 Assess management strategies of food crops in specific places and environments for
their sustainability.
 Acquire and process geographical information by selecting and using appropriate and
relevant geographical tools for inquiry into global food security.
 Communicate geographical information to a range of audiences through the use of a
suitable visual aid
 Include a bibliography of works citied.
Marking Guidelines:
A student in this range: Range:
 Effectively analyses the effects of interactions and connections between
people, places and environments on the production of a specific food
 Demonstrates refined knowledge when acquiring geographical
information by selecting and using geographical tools suitable for 17-20
inquiry into global food security.
 Presents coherent management strategies for the sustainability of food
crops and their environments.
 Sophisticatedly communicates geographical information through their
presentation and the use of an engaging visual aid.
 Provides a list of works citied in a bibliography.
 Adequately analyses the effects of interactions between people, places
and environments on the production of a specific food crop.
 Demonstrates knowledge when acquiring geographical information by
selecting and using geographical tools suitable for inquiry into global 14-17
food security.
 Clearly discusses management strategies for the sustainability of food
crops and their environments.
 Clearly communicates geographical information through their
presentation and the use of an engaging visual aid.
 Provides a list of works citied in a bibliography.
 Analyses the effects of interactions between people, places and
environments on the production of a specific food crop.
 Uses geographical information by selecting and using geographical
tools suitable for inquiry into global food security.
 Outlines management strategies for the sustainability of food crops and 10-14
their environments.
 Communicates geographical information through their presentation and
the use of an engaging visual aid.
 Provides a list of works citied in a bibliography.
 Effectively analyses the effects of interactions.
 Uses some geographical tools for inquiry.
 Presents management strategies. 5-9
 Communicates geographical information.
 Includes bibliography.
 Demonstrates a basic understanding about the concepts which influence 1-4
global food security.


Mark: _____/20

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