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Peterana kindergarten was established in 2013 which provides an elementary education

for children which range from two (2) to six (6) years old kids. In realizing the spirit of
children development in line with national education spirit, Peterana plan to become one
of educational provider specializing on elementary education. At Peterana, children ore
arranged into three classes that is toddle class, pre-kindergarten class, and
kindergarten class. Moreover, Peterana give an opportunity to the intern teacher to
choose the class that they preferred. In this sense, the class selected was kindergarten
class which consists of six children who are two girls and four boys. The average
children ages in this class are from five to six years old. In pre-kindergarten class, the
teaching method is learning through play which is focusing on the games that been
conducted but it different with kindergarten class. The teaching method in kindergarten
class is focusing more on the technique in writing, reading, and listening. Even though,
children in kindergarten class are focusing on the three basic elements, they also have
chance to play and do activity by their own. The major Peterana’s curriculum (objective)
but also include the activity that involving games and art in their module. In achieving
the objective of subject, children show.

Prough (2012) stated that through the curriculum differentiation it allow a variety of
techniques so that the teachers can reach children regardless of their background.
(Prough, C. (2012) Literacy, Language, and Learning: Early Childhood Themes: Space
Teacher's Guide, United States of America: Teacher Created Materials.)

Identify the symptom

Another factor to consider in relation to development is the concept of individual

differences. Children develop at different rates. For children in any preschool classroom
setting, the differences in temperament, personality, intelligence, achievement, and
physical factors such as height and weight, are noteworthy and reflect a wide range of
normal variation. Each of the children has their strength in gaining the knowledge due to
the lesson that they know.In understand each of child, the practitioners should have a
solid understanding how the children learn the more understand why curriculum needs
to be differentiated (Teacher Created Materials, 2009). (Teacher Created Materials
(2009) Literacy, Language, & Learning Early Childhood Themes Transportation, United
States of America: Teacher Created Materials.)

Brief background about the respondent

The respondent that observer choose known as Rayyan which is an only child in his
family. Rayyan was five years old and regard as an active student in his class. Seeing
from his physical outlook, Rayyan look like six year old because his body quite big
compare to his ages with short hair. Of its gross points, Rayyan seem more mature than
other children but in reality he was a spoiled and snappish. Rayyan is a talkative person
and easy to get along with everyone. Most of the language he uses is the Malay
language and the language he uses at home also Malay language. Due to his mother,
most of time of Rayyan plays with his favorite toys. The same behaviourRayyan at
school and at house that we can realize is Rayyan was an easy bored with something.
Rayyan live mostly without his father due to his father work far from him and also not
stay with him, when a weekend his father gather together at house. According to his
mother, Rayyan when with his father, he will follow all the instruction and most of the
time they will spend together. Rayyan are more to close with his father than his mother
that is why Rayyan tend to obey his father instruction.

Justification of situation

According to Rayyan situation in the class and house, observer identify that Rayyan a
person who craves attention of people around him. Sometime in the class, Rayyan act
like misbehave to take teacher attention by disturbing his friend and act like a small
child with screaming and don’t want hear instruction given. Rayyan also looked like
loneliness person and want someone play with him, it because Rayyan always kiss and
hug his friend names Rania. He show lot of love to Rania and we can assume that
Rayyan want sister, and when observer ask him, he also will admit it. Other than that,
Rayyan like to be a leader, when he be a leader, he performed its duties very well. He
heard all the instruction and ensures his friends also follow the instruction.
In term of Rayyan development in the class showed that he are quite slow in gaining the
knowledge. Rayyan hard in reminding the spelling and he quite confuse with some of
words.Rayyan also not too good in his writing and are not like normal children. He using
the right hand for writing but he writes from down to up and from right to left. However,
Rayyan are so respect to his teacher, he really scare if the teacher don’t want friend
with him.

a) Physical development
From the observer view, Rayyan physical already tuff
than other children.Rayyan like a big brother and
looked more mature than his friend. His physical
development in balancing his body suitable with his
age. He has dominated basic physical development
like jumping, running, walking, balancing, crawling,
hopping, skipping, throwing and other.
b) Social development
a. Rayyan can social with different ages with either older
or younger than Rayyan. Additional, Rayyan are more
sweet when he social with young child than Rayyan.
He also will use difference tone when he associates
with different person. He like to be friend with all his
friends when have a problem he will said sorry gently.
Unfortunately, he always takes granted in used sorry
when he make a problem with friends.
c) Emotional development
a. Rayyan was spoiled with people around him even
though he looked like mature than other. He has a
badly feeling when he committed the offense
inadvertently. He automatic will sit at the one corner
for a few minutes as a punishment the mistakes he
has done. Rayyan rarely cry, often he would just sulk
if he can’t get whatever he what, he behave like that
to attract teacher attention. He also easy to angry
when his friend do a slack thing with him like his
friend peril die when he do anything wrong.
d) Cognitive development
a. Rayyan cognitive developments are quite low. It is
because he spendsattentions in the class are low and
easy destructed by not important thing. His
recognition on alphabet and the number are not on a
par with his age. And his writing also starts from down
to up and from right to left. He will have trouble for the
future if it if not corrected this present time. However,
he tried hard to follow the instruction given by teacher
in his writing.
e) Language development
a. Even though Rayyan at his house main language to
communicate is BahasaMelayu, but the speak English
at school. Usually, he will use BahasaMelayu when he
makes conversation with his friend which is able
speak in BahasaMelayu. But most a time, when
teacher heard they are speaking in Bahasa, teacher
will admonishand they will speak in English with
everyone. According to mother Rayyan, there have
one time that Rayyan reach at house, he start speak
in English and he remain his mother “teacher said
must speak in English,” which is actually according to
his mother, he just speak in English when he play with
the toys.

i. LR

2. Problem Analysis
Actually, from observer views Rayyan is a good boy and a spoiled. He is
able to follow all the instruction given if teacher can give attention to him. He also
can talk nicely and be a responsible leader in giving a command to his friends.
Rayyan problem actually, he are lack of love, it is because he can’t get love from
both of his parents due to his father work far and just going back home when the
weekend. Rayyan attachment his parents are lower than other due to his father
work. So, the more spend more time with his toys. He also feel lonely while his
mother have a lot of work and he want someone be with him. It is because, he
want his baby girl cousin stay with him.Rayyan are not too close with his mother
yet he will ask everything to his mother while his father not at home. He spends
lot of time with his toys while his mother busy with her work. His mother always
follows Rayyan ways and it is because Rayyan become pampered and just need
his mother when he needed.

In the class, he want attention from his teacher due to at home he don’t have
anybody that can talk, angry, play with him. He like make a trouble inside the
class to get teacher attention. He can’t give full of attention because at home it
don’t have anybody will make distraction, so when he at school he will distracted
even it just a small thing and it’s don’t have any relate with him.

3. Decision/ Recommendation

He can be a nice and good student but due to his problem, parents should play
hard in solve his problem. If his parents cannot give their cooperation, teachers
should be saviors in improving Rayyan behavior. However, children need full of
love from his people near to him include family, parent, sibling, teachers, and
friend. Each of child get their right in having love from his family, it also supported
by Liao (2005) stated that, “Every child has the right to a family life - to
nourishment, suitable housing, protection, love and understanding”. Parents
should manage their family in order fulfill their responsible in rising up his child
and giving all children need including, love, education, protection and others.
Teacher should play their role in understanding the concept of individual
differences is the basis upon which one child is compared to another. Also, the
existence of these differences constitutes the fundamental premise underlying
the development of standardized educational and psychological tests, (Pons et
al, 2003). An understanding of individual differences provides the foundation for
recognizing normal variations as well as extreme differences among children
and, thus, for identifying those who may have special needs (Revelle et al, 2010).
In general, understanding of the various developmental levels is enhanced by
familiarity with the concept of individual differences.

The first thing that teacher should change is make the more adventure
activity which is like the lesson have a knowledge and also enjoyed movement
are can attract children to learning. This supported by Bruce (2011), stated that,
they can give more attention to active activity and easy in understand the
learning which enjoyed environment. Addition, according to observe, Rayyan is a
active person in class, and observer once done an activity hide and seek which is
find the number and when they found, the should tell to their friend. And an
exceptional, he was recognize that number until now. A lot of number he just only
can recognize that number. Based on Department for children, school and
families (2009), mention that,young children learn through various means such
as playing, being with other people, being active, exploring and new experiences,
talking to themselves, communication with others, meeting physical and mental
challenges, being shown how to do new things, practicing and repeating skills
and having fun. This is a nature of children including Rayyan and teacher should
be creative in create an activity and balancing of academically and playing.

Second thing that observe think can make better attitude’s Rayyan is
make a Rayyan as a leader, but it not for regularly time and it just for stabilize
Rayyan attitude in focusing his work and had managed his responsibility.This is
supported by Velsor and et al (2004), stated that, the purpose in make one
individual be a leader, in see leadership development as the development
capacities within individual and it will make a person effective in a variety of the
leadership roles and processes. Dueto observer experience in conducting
Rayyan, he had been a leader for a first time in the school and he manage that
responsibility nicely. Moreover, his behavior also change be a good boy, heard
the instruction and do the work nicely. Other than that, in being Rayyan as a
leader, he had learnt a few thing which is will change his attitude, by give him
experience in conducting his friend and in same time he get supported and
motivation from his teachers. In addition, according to Saunders and et al (2006),
in be leader, the differences people perceive in any experience and the learning
that this person get is a complex combination of motivation factors, personality
factors, and learning tactics.

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