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SAP CO Transaction Codes ( Controlling - CO ) | SAP TECHNICS


June 15th, 2014

SAP CO Transaction Codes ( Controlling - CO

SAP CO Transaction Codes

- General tcodes

SE16N General Table Display
V Quickstart RKCOWUSL
KB11N Enter Manual Repostings of Costs
KSII Actual Price Determination: CCtrs
KB21N Enter Direct Activity Allocation
QISRSCENARIO Customizing Szenario
KB15N Enter Manual Allocations
KB31N Enter Statistical Key Figures
KB61 Enter Reposting of CO Line Items
QISR1 Internal Service Request - Forms
BATCHMAN Transfer of External CO Data
COCPCPR Cockpit for Controlling Integration
KB11 Enter Reposting of Primary Costs
KB21 Enter Activity Allocation
WUSL Where-Used List
IAOMC Object Link Analysis Acct Management
GTDIS General Table Display
WUSLTABL Table Display
KB23N Display Direct Activity Allocation
KB34N Reverse Statistical Key Figures
KB41N Enter Manual Repostings of Revenue
IAOM0 Business Scenario Translator
FM_SETS_FICTR1 Create Funds Center
KJH2 Change WBS Element Groups
KB23 Display Activity Allocation
KB51N Enter Sender Activities
KB33N Display Statistical Key Figures
QISR_SM29 ISR Customizing: Table Transfer
SURAD Survey Administration
QISRTRANSPORT ISR Customizing Transport
KB24 Reverse Activity Allocation
KB24N Reverse Direct Activity Allocation
KB31 Enter Statistical Key Figures
KB14N Reverse Manual Repostings of Costs
KB41 Enter Reposting of Revenues
KB44N Reverse Manual Repostings of Revenue
KB14 Reverse Reposting of Primary Costs
KB51 Enter Activity Posting
KB16N Display Manual Allocations
KB13 Display Reposting of Primary Costs
IAOM4 Business Scenario Extension
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SAP CO Transaction Codes ( Controlling - CO ) | SAP TECHNICS

KB53N Display Sender Activities
June 15th, 2014 KB34 Reverse Statistical Key Figures
KB43 Display Reposting of Revenues
KB54 Reverse Activity Posting
… KB43N Display Manual Repostings of Revenue
IAOM1 Maintain Controlling Scenario
… IAOM2 Maintain Controlling Integration
KB65 Enter Indirect Acty Alloc.Reposting:
KB64 Reverse Reposting of CO Line Items
… KVA5 Transfer Actual Stat. Key Figure
IAOM_SOURCE CRM Assgnmnt of Settlement Receiver
CRMSRVCOCP Cockpit for Controlling Integration
FM_SETS_FUNCTION1 Create Functional Area Group
IAOMA Log for Account Assignment Manager
SURSY Assignment: application - system
KB17NP Reverse Manual Allocations

Posted 15th June 2014 by Young zen

Labels: controlling, sap co, sap transaction codes, tcodes

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