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SMP Negeri 1 Wonokerto is one of the Junior High Schools in Pekalongan. Science
learning about the introduction of the Solar System in class VII of SMP Negeri 1
Wonokerto is still constrained on the lack of supporting media. The media used
currently such as text book and sometimes the Lembar Kerja Siswa (LKS) for
teaching aid. Students tend to be boring of studying the solar system from books or
presented by teachers in the classroom. Therefore, required alternative media
supporters to attract student learning interest, like in the form of games. The
development method used in this implementation is using Sutopo version of
multimedia system development method. This model takes the basic processes like:
Concept; Design; Material Collecting; Assembly; Testing; and Distribution. This
game is designed using HTML5 programming language which is simplified with
Construct 2 software. From the result of testing that has been done by using GUI
(Graphical User Interface) and UAT (User Acceptance Test) method, then it can be
concluded that Educational Game About Solar System Introduction has which is
interesting, and can be used as an alternative media to support learning about the
study of the introduction of the solar system.

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