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Matric No : M112047401

Group : S1



Today, we can see around the world especially Malaysian people were busy to show their
support to the Palestinian people by many ways and among them is to boycott an Israel
product, donation and moral support. Palestinian people are suffering and we must show our
support to them so that they remain enthusiastic to defend their homeland.

Boycott means withdraw from commercial or social relations with a country, organization
or person as a punishment or protest. To support Palestinians we must boycott all product
from Israel, because it can affect them in terms of financial which became a source to buy
more weapons to attack on Palestine. “For the detail, we can see to the speech from Prime
Minister of Israel itself, Benjamin Netanyahu. He said that boycott campaign can be a big
problem to Israel,” his word refers to his speech in New York earlier this year. We as
Malaysian need to boycott any product from Israel and any product who is clearly contribute
to Israel economy especially to the four large companies such McDonalds, Nestle, L’Oreal
and Coca-Cola.

Donation is one of the ways we can support the Palestinians so that they can continuous
their lives and to rebuild back what they had lost. There is many NGO in Malaysia that work
hard to raise funds for channeled to Gaza such Aqsa Syarif, Aman Palestine, Haluan
Palestine, Viva Palestine and Muslim care. So through them we can donate anything useful to
help Palestinians, for example for who want to donate their money they can bank in into the
NGO’s account. Clothing, foods, medicines also we can donate hopefully can lighten their
misery because we cannot go there to give them individually.

As we know today, Israel continues to increase their attacks on Palestinians land either by
airstrike or ground attack. They continuous killing an innocent people everyday does not
matter day or night. However the Palestinians never surrender until their last breath, their
warriors like bridged Al-Qassam always fight back. So, we need to give them moral support
so that they know there are many people support them. Through the media social especially
we can show our moral support to them by Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and the others
medial social. Let them know that we always support them to protect and defend their

Palestinians today without our realizing they are suffering from this war. So, we as a
Muslim or non-Muslim should show our support to them because this is not on basis to
religion but on the basis of humanity. Boycott, donation and moral support is the way we
show to them our support, and for the last, Muslim especially continue to pray for their

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