A Democradura in Expansion.: Venezuela Case

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Venezuela case :

A democradura in expansion.
Rabany Marguerite / Roger Camille

Introduction :
Nowadays, a economical, social and political crisis in the country.
● More than 3 million1 of inhabitant left the country
● An inflation of 340.000%2 in one year
● Murder rate is 116 for 100 000 inhabitants3 (in 2013 it was 81)
On the 16 of september 2018, six countries asked the CPI to open a investigation against the
President Maduro for crime against humanity and violation of human right.
How the President came to power and why the situation seems to be politically blocked ?

I. The rise to power of Maduro in 2013

a.​​ The illegitimate takeover of Maduro (PSUV) : ​According to the Constitution, the
President of National Assembly, Diosdado Cabello, should be the interim President of the
country, but Maduro took over the power.
b.​​ Economical and social crise : ​Petrol crisis and a huge inflation created a social crisis.
Extreme poverty rose from 23,6% in 2014 to 61,2% in 20174.
c.​​ The violent response from the government : ​Strong military repression to the protestors
→ 115 dead5 in 4 month of protest in 2017.​

II. The “coup d’Etat” of Maduro, supported by the Supreme Court

a.​​ March 2017, the Supreme Court decision : ​took over the legislative power from the
b.​​ July 2017, Election of the Constituyente : ​This national assembly is elected and has the
responsibility to write a new constitution. Yet, all its members are part of the same
coalition : Great Patriotic Pole (GPP). Which PSUV is a part of.
c.​​ The Truth commision, and the law “contra el odio y por la tolerancia” : ​A law that is
against the “enemy of the state”. But how to define an enemy ?

III. Presidential Election of 2018, a very contested result.

a.​​ A situation which block the opposition: ​Opposants cannot present themselves for the
presidential elections. Is that democracy ?
b.​​ Lack of objectivity from the CNE (National Electoral Committee) : ​2013, On 5 members,
4 came from PSUV, in 2017 on 14 members, 10 came from PSUV → Neutrality ?
c.​​ Position of the international community toward the venezuelan political situation

Restricted freedoms in several domains → Is Venezuela a democracy now?

​according to the UN
according to a report from the Venezuelan Parliament
according to Observatorio Venezolano de la Violencia (OVV)
​according to Encuestas condiciones de vida (ENCOVI) 2015 - UCA-USV-UCV, 2014-2017
​according to ​Gaspard Estrada, director of the Political Observatory of Latin America and Caraïbes of Sciences-po

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