Philippine and China Relation Under Dutuerte

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Over the years, several major bilateral agreements were signed between these two countries such as
Joint trade Agreement on 1975, Scientific and Technological Cooperation Agreement on 1999, Cultural
Agreement on 1979, Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement on 1992, Agreement on
Agricultural Cooperation on 1999, Tax Agreement on 1999 and Treaty on Mutual Judicial Assistance on
Criminal Matters on 2000.

Political Relations

Philippines and China established diplomatic relations on June 9, 1975 with the signing of the Joint
Communiqué by the leaders of the two countries. Since the diplomatic relations started, there has been
frequent exchange of high-level visits between China and Philippines. the Philippines-China relations
have attained a smooth development and remarkable achievements in all areas of bilateral cooperation
over the 34 years.

Over the years, several major bilateral agreements were signed between these two countries such as
Joint trade Agreement on 1975, Scientific and Technological Cooperation Agreement on 1999, Cultural
Agreement on 1979, Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement on 1992, Agreement on
Agricultural Cooperation on 1999, Tax Agreement on 1999 and Treaty on Mutual Judicial Assistance on
Criminal Matters on 2000.

Trade between the two countries

In year 2007, the Bilateral trade volume was 30.62 billion USD. And by year 2008, from January-October
the bilateral volume reached 25.3 billion USD, an increase of 1.4 % compared with the same period last

In year 2000, government agencies signed an agreement whereby China offers the Philippines 100
million USD credit facility. And on March 2003, the China aid project the China-Philippines Agricultural
Technology Center was then completed.

Philippines and China established diplomatic relations on June 9, 1975 with the signing of the Joint
Communiqué by the leaders of the two countries. Since the diplomatic relations started, there has been
frequent exchange of high-level visits between China and Philippines. the Philippines-China relations
have attained a smooth development and remarkable achievements in all areas of bilateral cooperation
over the 34 years.

China’s hybrid rice and corn have been growing in the country. Both sides also signed the
Memorandum of Understanding on Fisheries Cooperation, year 2004 while on January 2007, Chinese
and Philippine Ministries of Agriculture signed Memorandum of Understanding on Broadening and
Deepening Agriculture and Fisheries Cooperation.

Furthermore, the two countries also signed the Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in
Constructing the Northern Luzon Railway Project on August 2003. Aside from this, they also signed the
Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in the field of infrastructure between the Ministry of
Commerce of the People’s Republic of China and the Department of Trade and Industry of the Republic
of the Philippines.

China-Philippines Military Exchanges

The Chief of the General Staff of the Philippine Armed Forces (AFP), Narciso Abaya and Secretary of
Defense Avelino Cruz paid visits to China respectively where both decided to established mechanism pf
annual Defense and Security Consultation.

North China Sea also visited the Philippines on October, conducting a join non-traditional security
exercise. And on May 20017, The deputy Chief of General Staff of PLA, Zhang Quinsheng visited the
Philippines and both sides held the Defense and Security Consultation for the 3rd time. State Councilor,
Chinese Vice Chairman of the Central Military Commission and Defense Minister Cao Gangchuan paid
visit to the Philippines as well in September.

Territorial Disputes

These two countries have disputes over the sovereignty of some shoals and islands in the Spratly
Islands. The Spratly’s issue has indeed always been a crucial one since it directly affect the state’s
national interests on profit and security.

For many years, the tension have been high in the South China Sea, perhaps nothing spurred the
Philippine case against China as much as Scarborough Shoal standoff. However, the Philippines claimed
a number of Spratly islands since it is within the 200 NM distance from Palawan. On the other hand,
China also claimed most of the Spratly Islands based on its historical background. Both countries deploy
ships to take turns in guarding their claimed areas.

Thus, this action caused to increase tensions between the relationship of the two countries. Recently,
Chinese ships were spotted in the Benham Plateau or also known as Benham Rise, an internationally
recognized territory of the Philippines.

The diplomatic relations between the Philippines and China was established on 9 June 1975. Since then,
the bilateral partnership between the two countries has reached unprecedented levels in terms of
politico/security and regional cooperation, trade, investment, agriculture, tourism, cultural and people-
to-people exchanges, which have benefited the two countries and peoples. As stakeholders in the peace
and prosperity of the Asia-Pacific region, the two countries have also cooperated closely in various
regional and international issues that have profound effects to the stability and economic development
of the region.

Over the past 40 years, Philippines-China bilateral relations continue to strengthen. The relations are
multi-faceted and involve the three branches of government – executive, legislative and judiciary, and
the various sectors of society. Since 1975, the two countries have concluded almost 100 bilateral
agreements that cover a wide spectrum – political, defense, trade and investments, judicial
cooperation, infrastructure development, energy cooperation, air services, cooperation in combating
transnational crimes, consular cooperation, tourism, culture, sports, media exchange, agriculture,
science and technology, sister cities, and people to people exchanges – reflecting the breadth and depth
and the growing cooperation between the Philippines and China.

China and Philippines Relations


1. China respects Philippines national sovereignty and do not intervene in its domestic affairs.
2. China offers loans, assistance and investments without political conditions attached, and sometimes
even cancel the loans.
3. It is more possible for the two countries to jointly develop South China Sea due to the cordial
relationship which is being cultivated. Reed Bank is a potential starting point.
4. Bilateral trade will increase (especially trade of bananas), infrastructures (like the North Rail) will be
built, transportation in Manila will be improved and Philippine people’s livelihood will improve
(especially the Davao citizens).
5. Less and less Mindanao people will want to separate from the Philippines as they realize that being
in the Philippines can bring them more benefits, instead of handing in more revenue.
6. China may possibly offer military assistance as big as or even bigger than that offered by the U.S.
7. China and Philippine coast guard will cooperate in managing fishing in SCS and confrontation there
will become less possible.


1. The U.S. will take counter-measures, maybe even conspire with anti-Duterte oligarchs to assasinate
2. An increasingly firerce struggle between the pro-Duterte big families and the con-Duterte big
families is taking shape. Many are jealous of the high public support and achievement Duterte has
made within such a short time.
3. Assistance from the U.S. will be reduced or even cancelled.
April 26 2018
Duterte proposes a “60-40” proceeds distribution with China on joint exploration of the West
Philippine Sea, amid fervent criticism that sharing the region would effectively negate the Philippines’
milestone win in the Hague and violate the Philippine Constitution. (READ: Joint development in EEZ
‘prohibited’ – Carpio)

His administration previously expressed its desire to pursue joint gas and oil exploration, citing the 2005
Joint Seismic Marine Undertaking between the Philippines, China, and Vietnam as “precedent.” The
JMSU, however, was challenged in 2008 and remains an open case in the Supreme Court.

July 23 2018
During his 3rd State of the Nation Address, Duterte vows to defend the West Philippine Sea amid
"reenergized relations with China."

"Our improved relationship with China, however, does not mean that we will waver in our
commitment to defend our interests in the West Philippine Sea," the President says.

Here’s a list of what Duterte was able to accomplish in China:

'Full recovery' of Philippines-China bilateral relations

Agreement with President Xi Jinping to discuss West Philippine Sea dispute through bilateral talks

Agreement with President Xi Jinping for both China and Philippines to exercise 'self-restraint' in
conducting activities in the West Philippine Sea

$24 billion (P1.16 trillion) worth of business-to-business contracts ($15 billion or P724 billion) and public
financing agreements ($9 billion or P434 billion)

Some of these deals are listed below:

Memorandum of understanding (MOU) between Columbus Capitana and China CAMCE Engineering Co.,
Ltd. involving joint projects in renewable energy, major infrastructure and real estate ($100 million)
Strategic Cooperation Agreemnet to infuse $200 million to build a Generation Steel Mill Plant (Mannage
Resources Tradign Corp and SIIC Shanghai International Trade Hongkong)
MOU to invest about $500-700 million to construct a steel plant (Global Ferronickel and Baiyin
International Investment Ltd)
MOU to jointly pursue development and construction of renewable energy products in various locations
(Trademaster Resources Corp, Servequest Inc. and TBEA Xinjing Sunoasis Co., Ltd worth $97 million US
MOU involving Davao Coastline and Port Development Project (Mega Harbour Port and Development,
Inc and China Harbour Engineering Co., Ltd, worth $780 million)
MOU involving Manila Harbour Center Reclamation Project (R-II Builders and China Harbour Engineering
Co., Ltd, worth $148 million)
MOU involving Cebu International and Bulk Terminal Project ( Mega Harbour Port and Development Inc,
and CCCC Dredging Co., worth $328 million)
MOU worth $2.5 billion (MVP Global Infrastructure and China Railway Engineering Corp)
MOU to invest $ 3 billion to build cabling manufacturing facilities (MVP Global Infrastructure and Suli
MOU to develop Manila EDSA Bus Transportation program and for other places with initial investmenf
of $100 million (Philippine State Group of Companies and Yangtse Motor Group and Minmetals
International (H.K) Ltd.)
Cooperation agreement to invest $160 million to produce hybrid rice enough to plant in 2 million
hectares of rice fields (SL Agritech and Jiangsu Hongqi Seed Co., Ltd)
Letter of Intent (LOI) to invest $300 million to build a manufacturing facility (Zhuhai Granton Bus and
Coach Company)
MOU to invest $100 million in Banana Plantation (AVLB Asia Pacific Conglomerate Inc. and Shanghai
Xinwo Agriculture Development Co., Ltd)
MOA on development of 300 MW Pulangi-5 Hydro Project (Greenergy Development Corp and
Powerchina Guizhou Engineering Corp., worth $1 billion)
MOU on Pasig River, Marikina River, Manggahan Floodway Bridges Construction Project (Zonar
Construct and SinoHydro, worth $600 million)
Ambal Simuan Sub-River Basin of the Mindanao River Basin Flood Control Project (One White Beach
Land Development Corporation and Sino Hydro, worth $325 million)
Nationwide Island Provinces Link Bridges for Sustainable Development (Zonarsystems Solutions Inc and
Powerchina Sinohydro, worth $800 million)
$9 billion (P433 billion) in soft loans for development projects or programs ($15 million or P724 million
will go specifically to drug rehabilitation programs)

13 bilateral cooperation agreements with the Chinese government

All the agreements are listed below:

Agreement on Economic and Technical Cooperation between the Government of the Republic of the
Philippines and the Government of the People's Republic of China
Memorandum of Understanding between the National Economic and Development Authority of the
Republic of the Philippines and the National Development and Reform Commission of the People's
Republic of China for Developing Cooperation on Production Capacity and Investment
Memorandum of Understanding between the Department of Transportation and the Department of
Public Works and Highways of the Republic of the Philippines and the National Development and
Reform Commission of the People's Republic of China on Transportation Infrastructure Cooperation
Project List
Memorandum of Understanding between the Department of Trade and Industry of the Republic of the
Philippines and the Ministry of Commerce of the Government of the People's Republic of China on
Strengthening Bilateral Trade, Investment and Economic Cooperation
Memorandum of Understanding between the National Economic and Development Authority of the
Republic of the Philippines and the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China on
Formulation of the Development Program for Economic Cooperation
Memorandum of Understanding between the Department of Finance of the Republic of the Philippines
and the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China on Supporting the Conduct of Feasibility
Studies for Major Projects
Action Plan on Agricultural Cooperation between the Department of Agriculture of the Republic of the
Philippines and the Ministry of Agriculture of the People’s Republic of China 2017-2019
Memorandum of Agreement between the State Council Information Office of the People’s Republic of
China and the Presidential Communications Operations Office of the Government of the Republic of the
Philippines on News and Information Exchange, Training and for other Purposes
Memorandum of Understanding between the Department of Agriculture of the Republic of the
Philippines and the General Administration of Quality Supervision Inspection and Quarantine of the
People’s Republic of China on Cooperation of Animal and Plant Inspection and Quarantine
Memorandum of Understanding between the Philippine Coast Guard and the China Coast Guard on the
Establishment of a Joint Coast Guard Committee on Maritime Cooperation
Implementation Program of the Memorandum of Understanding on Tourism Cooperation between the
Department of Tourism of the Republic of the Philippines and the National Tourism Administration of
the People’s Republic of China 2017-2022
Protocol on Cooperation between the Philippines Drug Enforcement Agency and the Narcotics Control
Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security of the People’s Republic of China; and
Memorandum of Understanding on Financing Cooperation between the Export-Import Bank of China
and the Government of the Republic of the Philippines, represented by the Department of Finance
Lifting of travel advisory for Chinese travelling to Philippines

Permits given back to 27 Philippine companies exporting tropical fruits

Agreement for China to open a consulate in Davao City

4 MOUs on infrastructure in former military bases

MOU on establishment of the Manila-Clark Railway, a cargo train connecting Subic Seaport and Clark
Airport (Bases Conversion and Development Authority and China Harbour Engineering Company Ltd.)
Fort Bonifacio-NAIA Bus Rapid Transit System (BCDA and China Road and Bridge Corporation)
Industrial park in Clark Green City (BCDA and CFLD Investment Pte. Ltd.)
Smart Cities in Fort Bonifacio, Taguig and Clark, Pampanga (BCDA and Huawei Technologies Phils. Inc.)

PH ON GENDER GAP REPORT. 7TH in the world, highest in East Asia and the Pacific.
Screengrabbed from WEF Website

Based on the report, the Philippines maintained its respective ranking as the highest performer in the
East Asia and the Pacific region. In the Global Gender Gap Index, it ranked number 21 in the economic
participation and opportunity, 1st in educational attainment, 1st in health and survival, and 17th in
political empowerment.

“Since 2006, the country has fully closed its gender gap on the Health and Survival subindex,” said
WEF.WEF measured key areas including the country’s economy, politics, education, and health. Part of
the top 10 are Nicaragua at 10th, New Zealand at 9th, Slovenia at 8th, Ireland at 6th, Rwanda places 5th,
Sweden on number 4, Norway at 3rd, Finland on the second spot, and Iceland taking the top spot for
eight consecutive years.
Based on the Gender Gap report, the top spots are claimed by smaller European countries particularly
Nordics, and only two countries come from the East Asia and the Pacific region. Other countries part of
the list come from the Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America, and the Carribean region.

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