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Integrated by Sifat KUET ME 2K12, Email: shehabul.islam.sifat@gmail.


Coal Power Generation Company Bangladesh Limited (CPGCBL)

Post: Assistant Engineer (Mechanical)
Time 10.00AM to I 1.30AM
Date: 23.03.2018
Exam Hall: SUET
I. A h•·o unit coal fired power plant turbine-generator gross generation is 600MW (Cross)
burns 4500tons or coal per day. The coal has a higher heating value (HHV) or 30
M,1/Kg. Ir IS% of gross power is consumed by the power station then, Determine (i)
Cross heat rate (HR) and (ii) Net heat rate (HR).
•sooxio ••
Energy inpul= :: = 5625000 X 106)/hr = 5625 X 106 KJ/hr
(i) Gross heal rate (HR) (ii) Net generation power = 600-600xO. I 5
Energy Input 5625 x 10 6 =SlOMW
= Net heat rate (HR)
Power Gcncration(Gross) 600 X 103
= 9375K)/KWhr (Ans.) Energy Input 5625 x 106
= �-�-"'-----'-�-
Power Generation (Net) 510 x 103
= l1019.6KJ/KWhr(Ans.)
2. T-S diagram of a Rankine cycle corresponding to the pressure and temperature is
shown below. Determine the (i) thermal efficiency and (ii) Back Work Ratio.

3 T3•CZ0°C
ll,� 3UO IWK1

h,= 1150 "'""

Solution: We get,
. Wy-Wp
Them,al Eflic,ency,� = Back Work Ratio, BWR = :;
(h,-h.)-(h,-h,) = (3 120-21S0)-(19S-190) � 195-190
hi-hi 3U0-19S 3120-21S0 = 0.005 (Ans.)
=2910 = 0.32 93 = 32.93% (Ans.)

3. A thermoelectric refrigerator melts 500ml water (Cp = 4. 18KJ/Kg0C) at 30 •c to 5°C in

I hour. The refrigerator consumes electrical power 70W. Determine the COP.
Herc, m=pxV=IOOO Kg/m3 x 5001111=1000 Kg/m3 x 500x10-6m3 =500x10-3 Kg;
Cp = 4.18KJ/Kg °C: AT=30°C; t=1hr=3600s; WR= 70W

Integrated by Sifat KUET ME 2K12, Email:

_ soox1o·•x<.18x1ooox30 _
Then, Qc - - 17·41W
.-.COP= Q, = � = 0.2488 "' 0.25 (Ans.)
WR 70
4. The percentage composition or a sample or coal is found to be as follows.
C H O N S Ash
88% 43% 4% 0.7% 1% 2%
Calculate the minimum air required for complete combustion or 5Kg or coal. Consider the
amount or oxygen percentage at air is 22%.
Minimum air required for complc1c combustion of 5Kg of Coal
1 0
=sx 2: [(ic + 8H2 + s)-0 2] Kg
1 o
=5X : [ X 0.88 + 8 X 0.043 + 0.01 )- 0.04] Kg
=60.469Kg (Ans.)
5. Draw a schematic diagram of velocity compounding of an impulse turbine. Also show
pressure and velocity distribution of the turbine.

6. Draw a block diagram of a coupled GT-ST power plant. Mention the name of the all
components. jslmllar to previous year question I
7. A cenlrifogal pump delh•ers 301/s of water al a height of 26m. A 3-phasc, AC current
supply to the motor voltage and current arc 400V and 17A rcspccth•ely. Determine the
erticiency of the pump considering the power factor value is I.
Integrated by Sifat KUET ME 2K12, Email:
Integrated by Sifat KUET ME 2K12, Email:
Integrated by Sifat KUET ME 2K12, Email:
Integrated by Sifat KUET ME 2K12, Email:
Integrated by Sifat KUET ME 2K12, Email:
Solution: Same as BITAC-2016 (Page QB-72 of this book)
3. Draw the schematic diagram of n vapor absorption refrigeration cycle.
Answer: Same as BITAC-2016 (P•g• QB-70 of this book)
4. Draw a schematic diagram of combined cycle power plant.
Answer: Same as BPDB-2015 (Page QB-26 of this book)
5. A motorcyclist runs his vehicle on a curved path of radius 500m with a constant velocity 70 km/hr.
Determine tbe normal and tangential component of acceleration.
Solution: S11mc as SGFCL-2017 (Page QB-1 13 of this book)
v2 dV
an = -;
a, = -
= 0.
6. A cylindrical shaft Is under a torsional force of IOON-m. inside and outside dia of the shaft is 30mm
and 50mm. Determine maximum shtar stress of the shaft.
Solution: Same as NPCBL-2017 (Page QB-176 of this book)
7. A Oat belt is with two pulleys of equal diom<ter. Maximum nllowable tension in lhe tighl side i .s
800N. The coeOicienl of friction of the pulley is 0.03. Determine 1he maximum force in lhe slack side.
Solution: Same as NPCBL-2017 (Page QB-176 of lhis book)
8. A 2111 long pressure vessel having inner surface and outer surface tempcralure are SO•C and JO•C.
Determine 1hermal s1ress if co-efficient of thermal expansion a=2•10"5ntl m-C and E=200GPa.
a= aEAT
9. A s 1>ur gear having module 6mm and 1he teeth numbers arc 10. If the speed is 1200rpm, Ihen find
the pitch line velocity.
\Ve know� Herc, module�6mm"6.006m
. nON Number of Teeth, TalO
I,.1tCIl 1·tnC VCI OC1ty = 6()
nx0.06Xl200 Module• m=- T
:.D=m•T=0.006• I 0=0.06n1
= 3.76 rn/s (Ans.)
10. A centrifugal pump delivers JOils of water al a height of 26m. A, AC current supply 10 Che
molor voltage and currenl are 400V and 17A respeclively. Determine lhc efficiency of Ille pump
considering the power factor ,•aluc ls I.
Solution: Same :1s CPGCBL-2018 (Page QB-194 of this book)
I J. 1\ furnace wall inside and outside temperature are 30°C and 20°C respectively has a dimension
4mxJmx0.35m and K-4.SW/mK for the material. Determine heat now rate per minutes.
12. Determine head loss in pipe B front 1hc pipe network.

Integrated by Sifat KUET ME 2K12, Email:

Integrated by Sifat KUET ME 2K12, Email:
Gas Transmission Company Limited (GTCL)
Post: Assistant Enginttr
Time 10.00AM to 11.30AM
Exam Hall: BUET
I. Gas nows at the rate of 0.05 m'/min at 30°C and 202 KPag. Determine the volume now
rate at atmospheric condition. Assume atmospheric pressure is 101 KPa and
temperature is 2s•c.
Solution: Similar 10 Problem-OS ofSGCL-2017. page QB-181 of this book.
N.B.: as it denotes gas now so it also can be use isen1ropic/adiabatic process.
Reference problem: Thermal engineering by Khurmi- 2.1
2. Determine bead loss in pipe B from the pipe network.

Q=O.Sm)s; cp=7Smm
L=40m; f=0.02

Q=0.3m)s; cp:30mm
L=lSm; f:0.02
Solution: Similar to Problem-12 ofDWASA-2017, page QB· of this book.
3. A 250 KW engine has a thermal efficiency of 42.2%. If the calorific value of the fuel is
40.3 MJ/Kg, determine a) Input power of the engine b) specific fuel consumption of the
engine in Kg/KWh.
Solution: Similario Problem-04 ofSGCL-2017, page QB- 181 of this book.
4. Develop an expression for the pressure difference (llP = PA - P8).

Integrated by Sifat KUET ME 2K12, Email:

Integrated by Sifat KUET ME 2K12, Email:
Integrated by Sifat KUET ME 2K12, Email:
13. Draw the TOP VIEW and FRONT VIEW.

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Integrated by Sifat KUET ME 2K12, Email:
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Integrated by Sifat KUET ME 2K12, Email:
Integrated by Sifat KUET ME 2K12, Email:
Integrated by Sifat KUET ME 2K12, Email:
Integrated by Sifat KUET ME 2K12, Email:
Integrated by Sifat KUET ME 2K12, Email:

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Integrated by Sifat KUET ME 2K12, Email:
Integrated by Sifat KUET ME 2K12, Email:
Integrated by Sifat KUET ME 2K12, Email:
Integrated by Sifat KUET ME 2K12, Email:
Integrated by Sifat KUET ME 2K12, Email:
Integrated by Sifat KUET ME 2K12, Email:
Integrated by Sifat KUET ME 2K12, Email:
Integrated by Sifat KUET ME 2K12, Email:
Integrated by Sifat KUET ME 2K12, Email:
Integrated by Sifat KUET ME 2K12, Email:
venue: MIST
BREB Recruitment exam (8th June 2018)
MCQ(Q-1~Q-20: GK types, Q-21~Q-30: Aptitude types): 20*1+10*2 = 40 Marks

1.what's type of reactor will use in rooppur nuclear power plant ? VVER-1200/523, VVER-
1200/521, VVER-1000/523, VVER-1000/521
2. Types of transponder of bangabandhu satellite-1 ? 26(ku-band) & 14(c-band), 24(ku-
band) & 16(c-band), 16(ku-band) & 24(c-band), 14(ku-band) & 26(c-band)
3. If length of a wire is 0.1% increased, resistance will be increased by? 0.2%, 0.3%, 0.4%,
4. If distance between sun and earth decreased by half, how many days will make a year?
130, 139, 125, 129
Ans: Given Data
We know, T1=365 days
Kepler third law, T2 = R3 R1 = R
T2 √(R2)3 T2=?
T1 √(R1)3 R2 = R/2
T2 √(R/2)3
T1 √(R)3

T2= T1 / 2√2 = 365/ 2√2 = 129 days

5. Aspect ratio of a TV screen is 16:9 (width: height), if perimeter of screen is 100, calculate
width of screen ?
2(16x+9x) = 100
Or, x = 2
Width = 9x = 9 x 2 = 18

6. If 5 tickets are sold in price of 3 tickets, what's the amount saved while buying them?
33.33%, 66.66%----- -----

7. If regular price of a book is of 20% discount of its original price and on an occasion 15%
discount is given on regular price, what's the actual discount? 20%, 30%, 32%, 38%
If original price is 100 tk then,
100( 1-0.2) x (1-0.15) = 68 tk , discount = 100 – 68 = 32 %
8. Google's actual company name is- Google Inc, Google Corporation, ------------ , ----------

Integrated by Sifat KUET ME 2K12, Email:

9. An object of 1000 kg entered earth, earth radius 6400 km, gravity 9.81, with what velocity
the object will hit earth? 11.2 Km/s, 12.2 km/s, 12 km/s, 11 km/s
10. A rectangle's length is thrice its width & perimeter is 36 m then find the width?
9 m, 4.5 m, 10 m, 18 m
2(x+3x) =36 or x= 4.5 m, width = 4.5 m
11. There were 8 girls, 20 boys on Thursday Next day girls joined twice the boys left, now
girl: boy ratio is 4:1, how many boys left Thursday?
12, 6, 11, 9
12. নিচের ক োিনিচে অসমোি েতো আচে ? কেোমরো বোনি এচে আনম রওিো নিব।

13. ‘’আমোর নিের বোনিচর অন্তচর অন্তচর আচেো েুনম হৃিয় জুচি’’ – এই গোচির রনেয়েো ক ? Rudra
Mohammad Shahidullah
14. The longest sea bridge of world connected three countries: Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau
15. The opposition if word "Suffrage" ?
16. “PLAY WITH AN OPEN HEART” a slogan from which country in world cup FIFA
2018 ?
17. সনি সনি নবচেি ক োিনি ? ন ম+িুে = ন ম্ভুে

Departmental + (Epic)Written(Q-31~38): 40 Marks

31. Calculate PH value for 2% NAOH solution.

Ans: Given Data

We know, 2% NaOH ~ 2gm NaOH in
1000𝑊 1000 𝒙 2 100 ml solution
Concentration, S=[OH-]= = = 0.5 M
𝑀𝑉 40 𝒙 100 hence,
again, POH = - log [OH-] = - log [0.5] = 0.301 W= 2 gm
V = 100 ml
We have, PH + POH = 14 MNaOH = 23+16+1 = 40
PH = 14 - POH = 14 - 0.301 = 13.699 Concentration,S=[OH-]=?
PH = ?

Integrated by Sifat KUET ME 2K12, Email:

32. a) Determine the area enclosed by y=x2, x axis, x=1, x=3 lines.

From figure, let f(x) = y = x2 & g(x) = y=0
limiting functions, x=1, x=3
By integration,
Area = ∫𝑥=1 {𝑓(𝑥) − 𝑔(𝑥)}𝑑𝑥
= ∫𝑥=1 {x^2 − 0}𝑑𝑥
= ∫𝑥=1 x^2𝑑𝑥
𝑥3 33 13 27 1 𝟐𝟔
= [ ] 31 =[ ]-[ ]= - =
3 3 3 3 3 𝟑

b) A car running at 72km/h and taking U turn in 4 sec. what is the acceleration of the car?

Ans: Given Data

Acceleration while taking U-turn, V = 72 Km/hr = 72 x 1000/3600
a = v2/r = 20 m/s
= 202/25.464 t = 4 sec
= 15.07 m/s2 distance travelled, s = vt = 20 x
4 = 80 m
again , s=rꝊ
hence, r = s/Ꝋ = 80/π = 25.464

33. a) Steel pipe of 120mm dia rests horizontally having temp of 25 degree Celsius, K=0.05
W/m.k, nusselt number =30, calculate heat transfer coefficient.
Given Data
Ans: Lc= Characteristic length=
We know, hydraulic dia for pipe=
4A/P = 4 x (πD2/4)/ πD =
Nusselt number, D=120 mm = 0.12 m
Nu = h Lc / K T= 25+273=298 K
h = Nu.K / Lc K=0.05 W/m.k
= 30 x 0.05 / 0.12 Nu = 30
= 12.5 W/m2 . K h= ?

Integrated by Sifat KUET ME 2K12, Email:

b) Sum of two numbers is 20, If cube of one number multiplied by other is a maximum,
calculate the two numbers.

x+y=20 ----(1) and x3y is maximum
Now take the value of y from equation (1).
= x3 (20-x)= 20x3-x4
Now differentiate in terms of x and putting it equal to 0 which is the slope of the graph at the
maxima or minima
0=60x2- 4x3 , which gives x = 0 or 15
as if x = 0 here comes minima thus x = 15 which makes the numbers as 15 & 5

34.a) A gas with 27 degree Celsius temperature, atmospheric pressure, suddenly compressed
to half of its original volume, calculate final temperature and pressure.

Ans: Given Data

Sudden compression = isentropic process
Again, T1 =27+273= 300 K
T2 / T1 = (V1/ V2)(γ-1) P2 / P1 = (V1/ V2)γ P1 = 101325 Pa
T2 = T1 x (V1/ V2)(γ-1) P2= P1 x (V1/ V2)γ V1= V (let)
300 x (V/ 0.5V)(1.4-1) = 101325 x (V/ 0.5 V)1.4 V2= 0.5V
300 x (2)0.4 = 101325 x (2)1.4 T2 =?
395.85 K = 267398.3 Pa P2 = ?
γ = 1.4

b) Single point cutting tools having Taylor Exponent 0.25, if cutting speed is halved, what
will be the tool life?
Ans: Given Data
We have, n= Taylor exponent = 0.25
Taylor’s equation for tool life expectancy , V1 =cutting speed= V (let)
VTn= C T1 = tool life= T (let)
which gives us, V2 = 0.5 V
V1 T1n = V2 T2n T2 = ?
or T2 = T1 x (V1/ V2)(1/n) = T x (V/ 0.5V)(1/0.25)
= T x (2)(1/0.25) = 16T
So, cutting speed is halved then tool life will be increased by
16th times

Integrated by Sifat KUET ME 2K12, Email:

35.a) A pump having head of 50 m, flow rate 60 liter/sec. if the suction line is 100 m long &
diameter 100 mm, pump has overall efficiency of 70%, the find power required to drive the
pump. f=0.003

Ans: we know, Q =AV Given Data

we know,power , V=Q/A=Q/(πD2/4) H = 50 m
𝛾𝐻𝑄 =0.06/[π(0.1)2/4)] = 0.764 m/s Q = 60 liter/sec =
𝜂 0.06 m3/s
Total head =H+Hd+Hf
p= 𝑣 2 4𝑓𝑙𝑣 2
9.81𝑥1000𝑥50.40475𝑥0.06 = H+ + d=100 mm=0.1 m
2𝑔 2𝑔𝑑
0.7 ηpump = 70% = 0.7
(0.764)2 4𝑥0.003𝑥100𝑥(0.764)2
= 42.383 KW = 50+ +
2𝑥9.81 2𝑥9.81𝑥.1 f=0.003
= 50+0.2975+0.375= 50.40475m power, P = ?

b) Automobile engine has weight of 240 Kg, rested on four springs, front spring has spring
constant of 16 MN/m, other springs having 32 MN/m. Find frequency at which resonance
will occur.
Ans: Given Data
We know, frequency m= 240 Kg
at which resonance K=Equivalent spring
will occur, constant
1 𝐾 = Kf1+ Kf2+ Kb1+ Kb2
f= √
2𝜋 𝑚 = 16+16+32+32
1 96 𝑥 106 = 96 MN/m
= √ f= ?
2𝜋 240
= 100.618 Hz
36.a) A tyre is designated 145/70 R 12 69 S. What do you understand by "145/70 R" ?
145/70 R means ,
 The section width or thickness
of tyre from shoulder to
shoulder is 145 mm.
 The aspect ratio is 70%, aspect
ratio is defined as the ratio of
section height to section width
of the tyre. In this case it means
section height is 70% of
section width I,e. 101.5 mm.
 R represents that the tyre is

Integrated by Sifat KUET ME 2K12, Email:

b) A hydroelectric turbine having head of 24.5 m, flow rate 10 m3/s, efficiency 90% and
speed 4 rps, which type of turbine to be used.
Ans: Given Data
We know, turbine power H=24.5 m
Pturbine = γHQη = 9.81 x 1000 x 24.5 x 10 x 0.9 = 2163.105 KW Q = 10 m3/s
Again turbine specific speed, η = 90 % = 0.9
N = 4 x 60 rpm = 240 rpm
N√P 240√2163.105 Types of turbine = ?
Ns = (5/4)
= = 204.78
(H) (24.5)(5/4)

As specific speed is between 50~250 so Francis turbine should be used.

37 .a) Solid circular shaft having diameter 60 mm & torque 2000 Nm. Find maximum
shearing stress in that shaft ?
Ans: Given Data
We know, D = 60 mm = 0.06 m
16T 16 x 2000 T = 2000 N-m
τmax = =
πD π x (.06)3 τ max = ?

= 47.156 Mpa

b) In a coal fired power plant boiler consuming feed water 215 Kg per hour, having enthalpy
change of 150 KJ/Kg, having coal consuming rate 50Kg/hour (data may differ) , coal having
calorific value of 2000 KJ/Kg. Find boiler efficiency.
Ans: Given Data
We know, ms=Mass of water evaporated into
steam = 215 Kg/hr
mf = Mass of fuel used = 50Kg/hr
ηBoiler =
ms (h-hf1) Change of enthalpy = enthalpy of
mf . C steam – enthalpy of feed water
=h-hf1 = 150 KJ / Kg
215 x 150 C= Calorific value of fuel = 2000
= KJ/Kg
50 x 2000
Boiler efficiency, ηBoiler = ?
= 32.25 %

Integrated by Sifat KUET ME 2K12, Email:

Venue: BUET
TITAS GAS (27.04.2018)
Marks distribution (aptitude – 20, GK – 30, Dept. - 50)
1. A pipe has inner & outer radius of ri & ro and a fluid is passing through it with heat transfer
co-efficient hi . Surrounding air heat transfer co-efficient is ho, thermal conductivity and length
of pipe is K & L, If area is A then draw the thermal resistance network and write down the
equation of heat loss.

2. In a vapor compression refrigeration system enthalpy at suction of compressor is 192 KJ/Kg

and enthalpy at exit part of compressor is 212 KJ/Kg and enthalpy at the entry port of
evaporator is 81 KJ/Kg. Determine the COP of this system.

According to the figures,
h1= enthalpy at suction of compressor = 192 KJ/Kg
h2= enthalpy at exit part of compressor = 212 KJ/Kg
h4= enthalpy at the entry port of evaporator = 81 KJ/Kg

We have,
𝐶𝑜𝑜𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑒𝑓𝑓𝑒𝑐𝑡
𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑜𝑟 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑘

ℎ1−ℎ4 192−82 110

= = = = 5.5
ℎ2−ℎ1 212−192 20

This solution is done by

Engr. Md. Al-amin, ME, BUET.
(Obviously with the help of some talented people)
If any mistake/wrong solution is found please feel free to comment/discuss at

Integrated by Sifat KUET ME 2K12, Email:

3. Determine LMTD from following system:
Ans: Given Data
We have,
∆ T1− ∆ T2
LMTD = ∆ T1
∆ T2

115− 58
= 115
∆ T1 = 140 – 25 = 115
∆ T2 = 118 - 60 = 58
LMTD = ?
= 68.664

4. Why draft tube is used in hydro-electric power plant? Show its position in a hydroelectric
power plant with sketch.
Draft tube is used in hydro-
electric power plant

 to ensure installation
the turbine above the
tail race level without
any loss of head.
 to increase net
working head of

5. Define viscosity? Write down Newton’s law of viscosity.

Ans: Newton’s law of viscosity,
Viscosity is defined as the 𝑑𝑢
property of fluid which 𝑑𝑢
offers resistance to the => τ= 𝜇
movement of one layer of 𝐹 𝑑𝑢
=> =𝜇
fluid over another layer of 𝐴 𝑑𝑦
fluid. Where,
τ = shear stress
F = force
A= area
μ = viscosity
du/dy = rate of shear strain
= velocity gradient
This solution is done by
Engr. Md. Al-amin, ME, BUET.
(Obviously with the help of some talented people)
If any mistake/wrong solution is found please feel free to comment/discuss at
Integrated by Sifat KUET ME 2K12, Email:

6. Draw T-s diagram of rankine cycle showing different processes name. Also draw it’s block

7. A pump delivers 0.050 m3/s water to a total height of 15 m. Length and diameter of pipe is
20m and 155 mm respectively. Overall efficiency of the pump is 65%. Find the power
required to drive the pump. Take friction factor co-efficient f= 0.054
Ans: we know, Q =AV Given Data
we know,power , V=Q/A=Q/(πD2/4) Q = 0.05 m3/s
𝛾𝐻𝑄 =0.05/[π(0.155)2/4)] = 2.65 m/s H = 15 m
Total head =H+Hd+Hf l=20m
p= 𝑣 2 4𝑓𝑙𝑣 2 d=.155mm=0.155 m
9.81𝑥1000𝑥25.336𝑥0.05 = H+ +
2𝑔 2𝑔𝑑 ηpump = 65% = 0.65
(2.65)2 f=0.054
= 19.117 KW = 50+ +
2𝑥9.81 power, P = ?
= 15+0.3579+9.975= 25.336m

8. Write down the test name for following properties of material.

Properties Name of test needed to be conducted

Ductility Tensile test
Toughness Charpy and Izod notched impact strength test
Tension compression testing
Endurance limit
Tension tension testing

This solution is done by

Engr. Md. Al-amin, ME, BUET.
(Obviously with the help of some talented people)
If any mistake/wrong solution is found please feel free to comment/discuss at
9. Determine the extension (mm) for the following condition.

Ans: Given Data:

1 1 1
Spring system-1(series), = +
𝐾𝑠 𝐾1 𝑘2
1 1 1 8 8
⇒ = + ⇒ KS = KN/ m = N/ mm
𝐾𝑠 2 8 5 5

Spring system-2(parallel), KP = K1+ K2 =2+8

⇒ KP = 10 KN/ m = 10 N/ mm

Load, F= W Newton

Spring System Extensions (mm)
1⇒ series x1= =8 = mm
𝐾𝑠 N/ mm 𝟖
2⇒ parallel x2= = = mm
𝐾𝑝 10 N/ mm 𝟏𝟎

10. Write down the results of the following conditions:


Conditions Results

4 KN
Reactions at the end
4 KN

Max. shear force 4 KN

Max. bending moment 6 KN-m

Integrated by Sifat KUET ME 2K12, Email:

This solution is done by

Engr. Md. Al-amin, ME, BUET.
(Obviously with the help of some talented people)
If any mistake/wrong solution is found please feel free to comment/discuss at
11. Draw all the orthographic views of the following isometric block.

12. Draw the load vs. deflection curve for the following.

13. A pressure vessel of 60 mm ID have thickness of 2 mm. Determine the bursting pressure
when strength of vessel material is 350 MN/m2.
Ans: Given Data:
𝑃𝐷 Inner dia, d = 60 mm = 0.06 m
Tangential stress, σt =
thickness, t = 2 mm = 0.002 m
which gives,
σt.2t 350 x 1000000 x 2 𝑥 0.002 strength, σ = 350 MN/m2
P= = = 23.33 Mpa Bursting pressure, Pb =?
𝐷 0.06
Longitudinal stress, σL =
which gives,
σt.4t 350 x 1000000 x 4 𝑥 0.002
P= = = 46.667 Mpa
𝐷 0.06
As it is seen that tangential stress is critical, so bursting
pressure is 23.33 Mpa

Integrated by Sifat KUET ME 2K12, Email: shehabul.islam.sifat@gmail.comThis solution is done by

Engr. Md. Al-amin, ME, BUET.
(Obviously with the help of some talented people)
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14. Write down the difference in table for Welding, soldering & Brazing.

Welding Soldering Brazing

Similar/ dissimilar Similar/ dissimilar dissimilar Similar

Temp. range 900~3800 deg. c < 450 deg. c 450~900 deg. c

15. A spur gear having diameter 400 mm & teeth no 50, Determine the following parameters.
Given data:
Circular pitch 𝐷 400 Diameter , D = 400 mm
PC = πm = π =π = 8π
𝑇 50 Teeth no, T = 50

Diametric pitch 1 𝑇 50 𝟏
(PD) PD = = = =
𝑚 𝐷 400 𝟖

Module 𝐷 400
(m) m= = =8
𝑇 50

16. The following table contain some operations. Write down the name of the tools used to
perform those operations.
Operations Machine tools name

Shaping perfectly circular work piece Lathe

Shaping perfectly rectangular work piece Shaper

Surface finishing of metal Grinder

Milling, boring & drilling Drill press

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Engr. Md. Al-amin, ME, BUET.
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(For Practice)

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Integrated by Sifat KUET ME 2K12, Email:

Jamuna Oil Company Ltd Question pattern:

Exam date: 5th July 2018 MCQ = 50*0.5 = 25 Marks
Exam Time: Dept. Written (12 question) = 4*10+5*2 = 50
3.30 PM ~ 5.00 PM ( 1Hr 30 min) Marks
Exam venue: BUET -------------------------------------------------------
Total = 75 Marks

1. Where cash memory is placed?
2. Who is the writer of “love and prejudice”?
3. if 𝑒 6𝑙𝑛2 = x , then find the value of + 9 ?
4. বাাংলাদেশ ভারদের মদযে পানি চুনি কদব সাক্ষনরে হয় ?
5. নিউনিয়ার পাওয়ার প্লান্টে Coolant নিসান্টে নি েযেিার িরা িয় ?
6. মুনিযু ন্টের সময় ঢািা িত িম্বর সসক্টন্টর নিল ?
7. জন্টয়ে স ান্টসের সসক্টর িমান্ডার সি নিন্টলি ?
8. বঙ্গবন্ধু কদব জেল জেদক মুনি পাি ?

Departmental Question:
1. For the following hydraulic block diagram draw energy gradient line (EGD) & Hydraulic
gradient line (HGD).

2. For pipe flow having diameter 8 cm, flow rate 15L/s, length of pipe 20 m find the flow
whether it is laminar or turbulent ? f= 0.032
3. If area of a square pipe and a circular pipe is same & parameters like density of flow, velocity
& viscosity if flow is same then in which pipe Reynolds number will be larger?

This solution is done by

Engr. Md. Al-amin, ME, BUET.
(Obviously with the help of some talented people)
If any mistake/wrong solution is found please feel free to comment/discuss at
Integrated by Sifat KUET ME 2K12, Email:

4. Write down the three dimensional heat transfer equation in Cartesian co-ordinates & state
its boundary conditions.
5. A pressure vessel having dia 400 mm, internal pressure 50 MPa, Max. value of tangential
and longitudinal stress is 140 MPa and 190 MPa, find out the thickness of the pressure vessel.
6. The bob of a 2m simple pendulum describes an arc of a circle in a vertical plane. If the
tension in the cord is 2.5 times the weight of the bob for the position shown, find the velocity
of the bob at this position.

7. Derive the equation for elongation of bar due to its own weight hanging vertically having
length L, mass m, area A, modulus of elasticity E.
8. A parallel flow pipe heat exchanger is to heat water by ethanol of 10000 Kg/hr from 64.5 ֯C
to 38.2֯C having specific heat 1905 J /Kg.K. Water at a rate of 7000 Kg/hr is heated. If water
enter at 8֯C and have specific heat 4180 J/Kg.K then find out the exit temperature of water &
9. Draw the T-s diagram of a vapor compression refrigeration cycle. Calculate COP of the
bellow p-h diagram.

10. A steel pipes is under load of 2000N, length of the bar is 2m & is under maximum stress
of 150MPa. For those condition maximum deflection is 30 mm, then find the required
11. For a belt system initial pull is 2500N, angle of smaller pulley is 150 degree, coefficient
0.25, velocity 6.5 m/s. then find the power transmitted.
12. Draw top view and front view of the following drawing.

This solution is done by

Engr. Md. Al-amin, ME, BUET.
(Obviously with the help of some talented people)
If any mistake/wrong solution is found please feel free to comment/discuss at
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Let’s solve it together…

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This solution is done by

Engr. Md. Al-amin, ME, BUET.
(Obviously with the help of some talented people)
If any mistake/wrong solution is found please feel free to comment/discuss at
Integrated by Sifat KUET ME 2K12, Email:

Departmental Question:

1. For the following hydraulic block diagram draw energy gradient line (EGD) & Hydraulic
gradient line (HGD).

2. For pipe flow having diameter 8 cm, flow rate 15L/s, length of pipe 20 m, specific weight
0.8 then find loss in KPa & the flow whether it is laminar or turbulent ? f= 0.0032
We know, Given Data:
Q=AV⇒ V= Q/A = Q/(πD /4)=4Q/ πD 2 2
dia, d = 8 cm = 0.08 m
= 4 x 0.015/π x 0.08 = 2.984 m/s
flow rate, Q = 15 L/s = 0.015 m3/s
4𝑓𝑙𝑣 2 4 𝑥 0.0032 𝑥20𝑥2.9842 length, l = 20 m
Head loss, Hf = =
2𝑔𝑑 2𝑥9.81𝑥0.08
sp. wt = 0.8
= 9.558 m of H2O density , ⍴ = sp. wt x 1000 Kg/ m3
head loss in KPa, = 800 Kg/ m3
𝐻⍴𝑔 9.558𝑥800𝑥9.81
P= = = 75.24 KPa f= 0.0032
1000 1000
loss , Hf = ?
flow type: flow type= ? ?
need to determine reynolds no, not enough is
data was provided.

This solution is done by

Engr. Md. Al-amin, ME, BUET.
(Obviously with the help of some talented people)
If any mistake/wrong solution is found please feel free to comment/discuss at
Integrated by Sifat KUET ME 2K12, Email:

3. If area of a square pipe and a circular pipe is same & parameters like density of flow, velocity
& viscosity if flow is same then in which pipe Reynolds number will be larger?
we know, Reynolds no , Re=
if area, density of flow, velocity&
viscosity of a square & circular
pipe is same then reynolds will
vary only for hydraulic diameter
= D’
hydraulic diameter for square
4 𝑥 𝑐𝑟𝑜𝑠𝑠 𝑠𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎 4𝑥𝐴
D’ = =
𝑤𝑒𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑚𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑃
4 𝑥 𝑎2
= = a = √πr = 1.77248r
⇒ As the hydraulic diameter for circular pipe (=2r) is
hydraulic diameter for circular greater then the hydraulic diamtere for square pipe (=
pipe, 1.77248r) So Reynolds no will be greater for circular
4 𝑥 𝑐𝑟𝑜𝑠𝑠 𝑠𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎 4𝑥𝐴 pipe.
D’ = =
𝑤𝑒𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑚𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑃
4 𝑥 𝜋𝑟2
= = 2r

4. Write down the three dimensional heat transfer equation in Cartesian co-ordinates & state
its different boundary conditions.
Three dimensional heat conduction equation in Cartesian co-ordinates is

δ2T δ2T δ2T egen 1 δT Where,

+ + + = .
δx 2
δy 2
δz 2
k α δt k= thermal conductivity
α = thermal diffusivity =

Different boundary conditions are given bellow:

Conditions Equation
1. Steady state δ2T δ2T δ2T egen
+ + + = 0
(Poission equation) δx 2
δy 2
δz 2
2. Transient, no heat generation δ2T δ2T δ2T 1 δT
+ + = .
(diffusion equation) δx 2
δy 2
δz 2
α δt
3. Steady state, no heat generation δT
+ + = 0
(Laplace equation) δx 2
δy 2

Integrated by Sifat KUET ME 2K12, Email: This solution is done by

Engr. Md. Al-amin, ME, BUET.
(Obviously with the help of some talented people)
If any mistake/wrong solution is found please feel free to comment/discuss at
Integrated by Sifat KUET ME 2K12, Email:

5. A pressure vessel having dia 400 mm, internal pressure 50 MPa, Max. value of tangential
and longitudinal stress is 140 MPa and 190 MPa, find out the thickness of the pressure vessel.
𝑃𝐷 𝑃𝐷 Given Data:
we know tangential stress, σt = ⇒ t =
2𝑡 2σt
50 𝑥 400 D = 400 mm
t= = 71.42 mm
2 x 140 P = 50 MPa
we know longitudinal stress, σL = ⇒ t = σt = 140 MPa
4𝑡 4σL
50 𝑥 400 σL = 190 MPa
t= = 52.63 mm
4 x 190 thickness, t = ?
safe thickness for the pressure vessel = 71.42 mm

6. The bob of a 2m simple pendulum describes an arc of a circle in a vertical plane. If the
tension in the cord is 2.5 times the weight of the bob for the position shown, find the velocity
of the bob at this position.
Ans: Given Data:
We know, r=2m
∑Ft = mat T = 2.5W = 2.5 mg
⇒ mg sinꝊ = mat v=?
⇒ at = g sinꝊ = 9.81 x sin30֯
⇒ at = 4.9 m/s2

an = v2/r
∑Fn = man
⇒ v= √( an . r)
⇒ T- mg cosꝊ = man
⇒ v= √( 16.03 x 2)
⇒ 2.5 mg- mg cosꝊ = man
⇒ v= 5.66 m/s
⇒ 2.5 g- g cosꝊ = an
⇒ an =2.5g-gcos30֯= 2.5x9.81 -
9.81xcos30֯ = 16.03 m/s2
⇒ an = 16.03 m/s2

7. Derive the equation for elongation of bar due to its own weight hanging vertically having
length L, mass m, area A, modulus of elasticity E.
As the Self weight works on centroid of the bar then for
elongation active length will be half if the total length.
length for elongation L’= L/2
Load = W = mg
We know,
𝑃𝐿′ 𝑚𝑔𝐿/2 𝑚𝑔𝐿
elongations , δ = = =

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Engr. Md. Al-amin, ME, BUET.
(Obviously with the help of some talented people)
If any mistake/wrong solution is found please feel free to comment/discuss at
Integrated by Sifat KUET ME 2K12, Email:

8. A parallel flow pipe heat exchanger is to heat water by ethanol of 10000 Kg/hr from 64.5 ֯C
to 38.2֯C having specific heat 1905 J /Kg.K. Water at a rate of 7000 Kg/hr is heated. If water
enter at 8֯C and have specific heat 4180 J/Kg.K then find out the exit temperature of water &
Heat released by ethanol = heat absorbed by water Given Data:
me Se∆ Te = mw Sw∆ Tw me =10000 Kg/hr
⟹ 10000 x 1905 x 26.3 = 7000 x 4180 x (t-281) Te,in = 64.5 ֯C = 64.5+273 = 337.5 K
= 281 + 17.1 = 298.1K Te,out = 38.2 ֯C = 38.2+273 = 311.2 K
10000 x 1905 x 26.3
⟹ t=281 +
7000 x 4180
∆ Te = Te,in- Te,out = 337.5 – 311.2 = 26.3
t= 298.1 K = 25.1 ֯C
Se =1905 J /Kg.K
Now ,
mw =7000 Kg/hr
for LMTD ,
Tw,in = 8 ֯C = 8+273 = 281 K
∆T1 = 64.5-8 = 56.5
Tw,out = t (let) = ?
∆T2 = 38.2-25.1 = 13.1
∆ Tw = Tw,out- Te,in = t- 281
we know,
∆T1−∆T2 56.5−13.1
Sw =4180 J /Kg.K
LMTD = ∆T1 = 56.5 LMTD = ?
ln ln
∆T1 13.1
43.4 43.4
= 56.5 =
ln 1.46
= 29.7

9. Draw the T-s diagram of a vapor compression refrigeration cycle. Calculate COP of the
bellow p-h diagram.

We have,
𝐶𝑜𝑜𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑒𝑓𝑓𝑒𝑐𝑡
According to the P-h figures, COP =
h1= enthalpy at suction of compressor = 234 KJ/Kg 𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑜𝑟 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑘
h2= enthalpy at exit part of compressor = 290 KJ/Kg
h4= enthalpy at the entry port of evaporator = 65.5 ℎ1−ℎ4 234−65.5 168.5
KJ/Kg = = = = 3.0089
ℎ2−ℎ1 290−234 56

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Engr. Md. Al-amin, ME, BUET.
(Obviously with the help of some talented people)
If any mistake/wrong solution is found please feel free to comment/discuss at
Integrated by Sifat KUET ME 2K12, Email:

10. A steel pipe is under load of 2000N, length of the bar is 2m & is under maximum stress of
150MPa. For those condition maximum deflection is 30 mm, then find the required diameter.
We know, Given Data:
𝑃 𝑃 4𝑃 4𝑃 4𝑥2000 load, P = 2000 N
σmax = = ⟹D=√ =√ =√
𝐴 𝜋𝐷2/4 𝜋 𝑥 σmax 𝜋 𝑥 σmax 𝜋 𝑥 150x1000000 L= 2 m
= 4.12 mm σmax = 150 MPa
Again, δmax = 30 mm
𝑃𝐿 𝑃𝐿 4𝑃𝐿 4𝑥2000𝑥2 E = 200 GPa
δmax = = 𝜋𝐷2 ⟹ D = √ = √ 200𝑥1000000000𝑥30
𝜋 𝐸δmax 𝜋𝑥 1000
dia , d = ?
= 0.92 mm
Required dia = safe dia = 4.12 mm

11. For a belt system initial pull is 2500N, angle of smaller pulley is 150 degree, coefficient
0.25, velocity 6.5 m/s. then find the power transmitted.
We know, Given Data:
𝑇1 𝑇1 2500 2500 T1 = 2500 N
= 𝑒 𝜇Ꝋ ⇒ T2 = 𝜇Ꝋ = 0.25𝑥150 x 𝜋 =
𝑇2 𝑒 𝑒 180 1.92418 𝜋
Ꝋ = 150֯ = 150 x
= 1299.25 N 180

again, power , μ= 0.25

p = (T1-T2) v v= 6.5 m/s
= (2500-1299.25) x 6.5 Power, p = ?
= 7.804 KW

12. Draw top view and front view of the following drawing.

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Engr. Md. Al-amin, ME, BUET.
(Obviously with the help of some talented people)
If any mistake/wrong solution is found please feel free to comment/discuss at
Md. Iqbal Hussain
B. Sc in Mechanical Engineer, RUET
Senior Cooling Engineer, R&D Refrigerator
Walton Hi-Tech Industries Ltd.

Tafhimul Hossain Siddiqi

B. Sc in Mechanical Engineer, CUET
Senior Cooling Engineer, R&D Refrigerator
Walton Hi-Tech Industries Ltd.

Abdul Aziz
B. Sc in Mechanical Engineer, IUT
Product Engineer

Arnab Das
B. Sc in Mechanical Engineer, KUET
Senior Design Engineer, R&D Refrigerator
Walton Hi-Tech Industries Ltd.

Wasek Ahmed Atul

B. Sc in Mechanical Engineer, RUET
Creative Design Engineer, R&D Refrigerator
Walton Hi-Tech Industries Ltd.
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