Daily Log

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Observation Log

Andrew Gauvreau

Sheva Leon

Oct 10th 2018

Humber College
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DOB: O6/09/2006

DOA: 03/06/2017

Name: Evan Smith

Date. 01/10/2018

Medical: as prescribed

Evan woke up late today. His alarm was unplugged by another resident. Evan and the

other resident got into a verbal altercation that seemed to be escalating until another CYC

stepped in. After talking to the CYC Evan apologized and the two made up, the other

resident shared some breakfast due to Evan’s late start. At 8’00 hours Evan left for school

on the bus and mentioned a lack of sleep due to worrying over a math test. While getting

on the bus Evan tripped. After tripping Evan said he “heard laughing and got mad” at the

other students on the bus. The bus driver made Evan sit at the front of the bus. At 11’00

hours while at school Evan said he found out his friend was being bullied. Evan

encountered the student his friend told him about in the hallway and pulled down the

other student’s pants. Evan was given detention for his action. While in class after the

incident the class’s CYC told me that Evan heard another student was struggling to ask

for help and approached the CYC with the student for support, the CYC gave Evan a

sticker. At 11’30 hours Evan was playing on his phone and another student stole it. Evan

and the other student struggled for the phone in a physical manner and were stopped by a

CYC who took the phone away. Evan told me he was mocked for losing his phone and in

retaliation spilled juice on one who mocked him. The CYC on duty brought the students
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together to stretch and clear their minds. After school at 17’30 hours Evan was

complimented on how well he plays basketball and decided to help set the table. As a

reward for Evan being helpful everyone got chocolate ice-cream for desert. During dinner

the residents were discussing their math test and Evan expressed his annoyance based on

his grade, following this the residents discussed an upcoming party. During the discussion

of the party Evan got quiet and showed closed off body language before he started

throwing things and walking away. The CYC on duty recommended more time with his

therapist based on the outburst. At 18’45 hours Evan joined a group of residents playing

cards. During the game Evan started to throw away his cards. The other residents

expressed the fact they did not like that Evan did that and did not let him play with them

anymore. After being removed from the group Evan encounters a CYC and the CYC

helped him realize why the other residents did not like what he did. Evan apologizes to

the group and was allowed to rejoin. At 20’00 hours before bedtime, Evan calls his

mother. After the call Evan says his mother cannot come to visit as previously planned

and he hits a vase causing it to break. As a CYC tells Evan that it is time for bed Evan

pushes the CYC and the CYC gives him attention.


Evan had called his mother before bedtime at 20’00hrs. Evan told me she is unable to

visit as previously planned.

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Evan had a scheduled meeting with his mother tomorrow, but she has informed Evan,

who told this writer, she is no longer able to keep these plans and therefore Evan has no

plans. This writer suggests making new plans with his mother for the near future.

Additional Questions:

1. Did you make assumptions about the resident you were observing or about their

behaviour? Give one example of an assumption you made (something that you

thought but did not write down).

One assumption I made about Evan is that he is very quick to anger and

potentially has Bipolar disorder. I noticed a lot of mood swings causing him to go from

what I thought was being happy and helpful to what looked to me like angry or sad. This

may be due to the changing circumstances of his life coupled with becoming adolescent. I

felt like Evan had a lot of pent up aggression coupled with issues relating to other people

which I feel was expressed through different aspects such as on the bus when he lashed

out and when he reacted to his mother canceling the plans. Another assumption I made

was surrounding his reaction to his grade on the test as well as not being invited to the

parts. The reaction to those events made me believe Evan has self-worth issues, he may

value himself less than others and not doing well or not being included causes him to lash

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2. What did you learn about your own observation skills from this assignment and in

what way could you improve?

I learned from my own observation skills that while I can write relatively

objectively, I feel like I lack in my details. I know I kept track of the ABC’s but because I

was focusing on that I probably missed other smaller details that may be just as important

or have an impact later on. Body language is something else I feel I need to pay more

attention to. The best way for me to improve is to take smaller, but more abundant notes

on the youth, giving me a larger scope to draw from. If I focus more on quantity I will

also be able to pick out pieces that may be emotionally driven as opposed to objective

notes as they will be about smaller details.

Time – Date-Location Antecedent Behaviour Consequence

Another resident Evan and the other CYC talks to him
7’00hrs wake up unplugs Evans alarm resident get into a
clock verbal altercation
Residential Treatment
Evan talks to the Cyc Evan apologizes for Evan gets a smoothie
his earlier behaviour to make up for
missing breakfast

Even is worried about Even didn’t get Evan trips on the bus
8’00hrs bus his math test enough sleep

On the bus ride to

Evan hears other Believing the Evan is forced to sit at
students laughing students are laughing the front of the bus so
over a video at him Evan reacts the driver can keep an
harshly and yells eye on him

11’00hrs school
At Evans school
My group
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Evan plays games on Evan gets into a fight Evans phone gets
his phone and it gets with another student confiscated
11’30hrs Recess stolen over his phone

At Evans School
Evan is mocked for Evan spills juice on Evan and the other
losing his phone the student who students stretch to
mocked him clear their heads and
calm down
Evan is complimented Evan decides to help Evan is given
on his basketball set the table chocolate ice-cream
17’30 Dinner abilities for helping

Residential Treatment
Center Evan finds out the Evan lashes out and Evan is given more
other residents did throws things off the time with his therapist
better than him on a table while cussing
test and were invited
to a party he wasn’t

Evan Joins a game of Evan cheats and Evan is accused of

cards throws his cards to cheating and kicked
18’45hrs Free Time win out of the group

Residential Treatment Evan Talks to the CYC Evan realizes his Evan is allowed to play
Center about the game mistake and with the others again

Evan calls his mother Evan shoves a vase The vase breaks
20’00hrs Bed Time off a table

Residential Treatment
Center CYC tells Evan it is Evan Pushes the CYC Evan Gets attention
time for bed from the CYC

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