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Prashna Planetary Auspiciousness - Vimshopaka

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Vargavimshopakam (Vimshopaka Bala)

Vargavimshopakam (popularly known as Vimshopaka Bala) is a comprehensive numerical
indicator of how auspiciously the Graha is placed in its sign. Not only the Rashi in the birth
chart is taken into account, but also the sign in the Navamsha and other divisional chart. If
the Graha is found to be in a greater number of signs that are its own, or at least ruled by a
friendly Graha, the Vimshopaka bala score will be higher. Placement in exaltation and
debilitation signs is not considered in vargavimshopakam.

These are the strengths based on the placement in various dignities

Dignity Strength
Own (or Mooltrikona) 20 (100%)
Great Friend 18 (90%)
Friend 15 (75%)
Neutral 10 (50%)
Enemy 7 (35%)
Great Enemy 5 (25%)

Vargavimshopakam will give a unique relative weight to each Varga, to accurately take
into account that for example the Navamsha is much more important than the

The final score will be a number between 5-20. Both extremes are quite rare, and usually a
score in between is found. Parashara explains the results as following:

"If the result is 5, then it is not capable of giving auspicious results; if it is higher than 5
but lower than 10, the Graha will give some auspicious effects; a score in between 10 and
15 will give mediocre auspicious results; and if it is more than 15 the Graha will give fully
auspicious results."

Even though there are 16 divisional charts defined by Parashara, not necessarily all vargas
are used for the Vargavimshopakam calculation. Four different schemes are offered, each
using a varying number of Vargas. In the Shadvarga scheme, only 6 vargas are used; in the
Saptavarga scheme, 7 are used; in the Dasavarga scheme 10 are used; in the Shodashavarga
scheme all 16 are used. It is not explained in the classics why 4 different schemes are
offered. In some cases the results could vary significantly.

These are the Vargavimshopakam score for your planets, for all 4 schemes:

Vimshopaka Bala

lw;Z pUæ eaxy cq@k xq# 'kqØ 'kfu jkgq dsrq

Shadavarga 10 17 16 12 14 18 11 7 11
Saptavarga 11 17 16 14 14 17 12 7 12
Dashavarga 10 17 14 14 14 16 12 7 11
Shodashavarga 9 16 14 14 15 16 12 7 11
To see all the signs and dignities in the 16 vargas that are used for obtaining these
scores, see the Vimshopaka Bala report.

A complete overview is given in the Shodashvarga Summary report.

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