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Practicum Lesson Plan

- I can keep a steady beat to a song
- I can identify different parts of the body
- I can learn a song through call and response

- “Ding Dong I’ve Got the Rhythm” song
Detailed Process
- The teacher will sing through the song “Ding Dong I’ve Got the Rhythm”
while students listen
- The teacher will ask students what they were doing with their hand (tap
their head to the beat)
- The instructor will sing through the song again, but ask students to tap the
beat in their head
- The instructor will ask students what part of the body the were tapping
o The instructor will then ask a student who is sitting quietly another
part of the body they can tap along with
- The instructor will repeat the same songs, and have students sing along this
- The instructor will repeat the last two steps 3-4 times
- Ask students what part of their body the rhythm is in
- Look around and observe whether or not students are participating
- Walk around listen to see if students have learned the words
- Size
- Pacing: Based on how the well the students are learning the song, the teacher
can break the down by phrase and teach through call and response
o The teacher can have students clap/tap a more complicated rhythm
than just all four beats (tap on only 2 and 4)
- Modalities
o Aural: Use call and response to teach all and the rhythms and notes
o Visual : Use pictures to help display all the different rhythms of the
o Kinesthetic: Instead of just clapping the beats, students can
move/dance around the room to keep the tempo

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