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SPE 15154

Improvement of Primary Cementing Bonding, Powder River

Basin, Wyoming
by N.K. Reeves and J.F, Wickham, Ha//iburton Services
SPE Members

Copyright 1986, Society of Petroleum Engineers

This paper was prepared for presentation al the Rocky Mountain Regional Meeting of the Society of Petroleum Engineers held in Btllmgs,MT, May 19-
21, 19S6.

This paper was selected for praaentation by an SPE Program Committee followingreview of informationcon!ained in an abstract submittedby the
author(s).Contents of the paper, aa presented, have not been reviewed by the SccieIY of Petroleum Engineers and are subject 10correctionby the
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presented at SPE meetings are subject 10 publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of petfoleum Engineers. PefmMSIOnto copY IS
restrictedto an abalract of not more than 200 words. Illustration may not be copied. The abatract shouldcontain conspicuousacknowledgmentof where
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Historically the major cause of poor In a wellbore? there can be several

cement bonding in the Powder River Basin conditions which can cause poor bonding of
has been the high permeability and low cement to the pipe and to the formation
pressure of some zones. Drastically face. Among these are (1) shrinkage of the
reducing the fluid loss of the cement cement due to loss of fluid to the
slurry gave little improvement in bonding formation~ (2) formation of a microannulus
and increasing fluid loss material levels due to casing contraction and (3) formation
led to undesirably long thickening times of channels due to gas or water migration
and poor strength development. Physical
shrinkage of cement was still suspected through unset cement. The most commonly
even when thixotropic and conventional used techniques to overcome these
expanding cement slurries were used! since conditions and improve bonding include (1)
cement continued to lose fluid to the better mud removal with preflushes and
formation after it was in place. other chemical washes t (2) rotation or
accepted practices for bonding improvement reciprocation of the pipe during cementing~
I such as mud conditioning t rotation of and (3) the design of cement slurries with
the pipe~ centralization~ preflushing, and lower fluid losses. Even when these bond
pumping in turbulent flow improvement techniques are used ~ the
were also used. Even with these techniques cement bond is less than expected.
I logging showed that bonding was less
than adequate.
These problems with cement bonding
have led to the use of a new additive. With regard to field mixingl there is
With this new additivej we have seen no special procedure to be followedl nor
improvement in the bonding of cement to any extra equipment required on location.
the formation faces and to the pipe. This When standard field mixing and pumping
additive (1) can be dry-blended with procedures are used~ there should be no
cement, (2) its reactivity in cement physical evidence of the presence of this
slurries is controllable over a wide range additive (referred to as Component BI)
of temperatures without the use of special during the movement of the cement or any
additives and (3) is also compatible with evidence on the surface of its chemical
most retarders and fluid loss additives. reaction after mixing. This additive does
not cause any change in surface viscosity
and pumpability from that of the same
slurry without Component BI.
References~ S1 Conversion Factors/
Tables and Figures at end of paper.


SPE 15154

From the time dry cement is mixed with

water to the time it becomes a rigid~
I weight slurries.

competent sheath between the formation and I LABORATORY RESULTS

the pipel it passes through three phases of Laboratory data found in Table 1
behavior. After the addition of watert it compares thickening times and compressive
behaves as a liquid, transmitting a strengths of cementing compositions
hydrostatic pressure dependent on its containing conventional expanding
density and the height of the column. A additives with that of slurries containing
short time after the slurry has been placed component BI. Slurries were chosen for
and movement has ceasedt the cement enters comparison based on similar weights and
a transition or pseudoplastic state where
it behaves neither as a liquid or a solid. testing conditions. Tests were conducted
When it sets it behaves as a solidt according to API Spec 10I 1984.
providing a mechanical barrier to the
invasion of gases or liquids into the space These results show that Component BI
can be used over a wide range of slurry
oc5upied between the pipe and formation. It weights and testing conditions and
is the behavior of cement in relationship responds well to retards.
to formation and its properties during the
transition phase that will determine the
In the transition staget hydrostatic
pressure is suspended within the matrix of Figure 1 is a photomicrographic of
the cement. As water is lost from this a :ross-section of set cement containing
matrix decreases in volume are seen. Water the same concentration of Component BI as
is lost to the format!.on and to normal is generally run in the Powder River Basin.
hydration reactions. Since water is not This photo was taken at a magnification of
compressible ~ these ~olu;; decreases 200x and one centimeter equals 20 microns.
result in pressure drops. volume and As the photo showst the viods resulting
pressure decreases are not compensated for from the expansion of Component BI (pointed
by some internal mechanism in the out by the black arrows) are 40 microns or
cement( gas or water may occur in the less in size, spherical in shapel and are
unset cement. completely surrounded by component cement.
This shows $hat the
With the addition of a small amount bubbles do not tend to coalesce. As a
of this expansive additivel a compressible size comparison if sieved through screens~
phase is introduced i 40 micron size particles would be retained
its transition phase? ‘h;h~m~~~o~s!r~~~ on a 325 mesh screen and are smaller than
compensation of the volume decrease and 0.0020 in. in diameter.
pressure drop experienced during transition
phase, helping prevent the intrusion and Since the expansive forces generated
subsequent channeling of formation water by Component BI are so smallt coalescence
and gases. is mechanically prevented. The distinct
separation of the bubbles helps prevent
There are some major differences percolation of the gas and formation of
between this additive~ Component BI1 and channels in the cement. In viewing
other commonly used expanding additives sections of set compressible cementt no
such as calcium sulfate. Expansion caused channeling from percolation has been seen
by Component BI occurs during the in laboratory prepared samples or in
transition phase~ helping prevent volume samples of drilled out cement from actual
and pressure decreases in the cement. The jobs where Component BI has been used.
expansion activity of calcium sulfatet Compressive strength tests also indicate
salt! and others occuts after setting has
occured. If shrinkage and channeling have that no channeling occurs since channels
been severe I this expansion of cement would become shear planest decreasing the
after it has been set may fail to remedy overall compressive strength. Tests show
differences between strengths of cement
the bond of the cement to the formatio8 with or without Component BI.
face or prevent the migration of fluids.
Component BI also has no additional water Effective permeability of cements
requirement~ which allows for the design containing Component BI are less than that
of normal weight slurries~ thereby of comparable non-compressible cements. An
allowing for higher compressive strengths increase in permeability would require the
than can be achieved with slurries interconnecting of voids and channelst and
containing calcium sulfate. Those as stated above~ this has not been
expanding additives have additional water seen. With the addition of selected
requirements which result in lighter quantities of Component BXt the amount of
voids generated is no more than 4% by
~ 15154
N. K. Reevi J. F. Wickham 3

volume. Lab tests have shown that there is zone at 6550-65 ft. is thought to be a
no significant increase of permeability more permeable section which either took
in stable foam cements con,tainin9 less cement or allowed fluid invasion.
than 50 % ni&,qy#fn and fJei9h1ng “ore ‘ban 10
Well #2

LOCATION AND HISTORY OF THE POWDER RIVER Well #2 is located in Campbell Countyt
BASIN Wyoming in the Bishop Ranch Field. Five
and one-half inch caeting was set to 9673
The powder River Basin is located in ft. with Class G cement COntai~in9 18%
northeastern Wyoming and extends into saltt 5% calcium sulfatet 0.75% dispersant
southeastern Montana. (See Figures 2 and 0.2% retardert and 0.27% cellophane flakes
3.) The Wyoming portion includes mixed to weigh 15.8
Campbell county and parts of Sheridan! lb/gal. The cement was preceded by 1000
Crook( Weston ~ Niobrarat Converset gal. of unweighed! water-based spacer.
Natronal and Johnson counties. Casting was not rotated. Figure 5 shows a
section of this well’s cement bond logt
Some of the first oil well drilling which is very similar to the log for Well #l,
activity in the Powder River Basin took showing sections of a possible microannulus and
place in the Salt Creek Field in Natrona Logging
water invasion. was performed 11 days
county during the early 1880’s1 but due to after cementin9=
the lack of adequate transportation for Intervals perforated were 9506-50 ft. and
crude oill Wyoming oil production could 9527-34 ft. A 1 ft. section at 9549-50 ft.
not economically compete with the was squeezed due to possible
production in California t the Mid- That
Continent ~ and the East. Not until communication from a zone below. squeeze
the 1940’s and after did explor,~tior and job communicated with a above. The lower
production proceed in earnest. perforated zone was then completely squeezed off
that time such fields as Meadow Creekl and re-perforated.
LanCe Creekt Hartzog Drawl and Brooks
Ranch have been developed and produced.
Well #3

FIELD RESULTS This well is located in Mapes Field in

Five and
Campbell COUntY/ WYomin9= one-half inch
The following are examples of actual casting was set 8900 ft. with Class G containing
10% salt, 0.5%
field jobs in the Pawder River Basin”
Figures 4-7 are sections of the cement bond fluid 10SS additive, Component BIt 0.4%
logs from these wells. The zone of interest retarder) and 0.27% cellophane flakes.
Minnelusa This slurry weighed 15.9 lb/gal and was
in each well is the formation.
preceded by 2000 gal of an unweighed
In theory the producing zones lie beneath water-based spacer. casting was rotated until
higher pressure water sandst and that it is This well was
the pressure from these aquifers that the plug landed.
causes the damage to the cement column. logged eight days after cementing (Figure
Some evidence of this can be seen in two of 6). This log shows much better bonding than
the sample bond logs. do the logs in Figures 4 and 5. A possible
shale section is shown at 8580-90 ft. The
bond shows the possibility of a zone of
Well #1 higher permeability above the zone of
interest. This decrease in bonding is
This well is located in Crook Countyt minimal and not as severe as those shown on
Wyoming in the Little Mo Field. Five and the bond logs for wells #1 and #2.
one-half inch casing was set to 6832 ft.
with Class G cement containing 10% salt~
5% calcium sulfatetflo.k:~.dis~h::nt: and Well #4
0.27% cellophane slurry weighed 16 lb/gal.
Cement was preceded by Well #4 is in the Mapes Field in
2s00 gal of an unweightedt water-based
Campbell countyl Wyoming. Five and one-half
spacer. Casting was rotated until the plug inch casing was set to 8696 ft. with Class G
landed. Figure 4 shows a section of the cement containing 10% salt~
cement bond log from well #1. Logging was 0.5% fluid loss additive~ Component BII
done 10 days after the cement job. The bond 0.6% retardert and 0.27% cellophane
log shows some sections of good bond across flakes. This slurry weighed 15.9 lb/gal
the zone of interestt which is at 6440-53 and was preceded byCasing
2000 gal of an unweighed t
ft.~ but also shows a suspected water-based spacer.
microannulus across cleaner sections above was rotated during part of the job.
the interval that was perforated. The cement bond lag was run nine days after cementing.
This log is very similar to
* .,-u ..”. I... .ti.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .--. ------— — -— —-. ,— -— —--— -—-—.—— –.––-
SPE iC154

that of Nell #31 showing very good Q. Wyoming Geological Association/ 13th
bonding. Formations at 7832 ft. and 7952 Annual Field Con~erenc:>,1.953,
ft. are suspected to be silty shale zones “Powder Rover 13asin”,p. 19.
with higher permeability than the
surrounding sections.

These four bond logs were examined by

a well logging company employee without
revealing the cementing compositional He S1-~\~~l:I:;}:qN.[:t\!:l-h:AaC’l’ORS-(\V.
judged the cements on Well #3 and Well #4 ...—
as being light weight cements. It is lb/gal x 1.?.9S264 M+02 = k~/fil
interesting to note that the response of psi K 6.:394757 ~.()(). kpa
cement containing the small amount of voids
generated by Component BI to the signal f:: K 3.04?.* D-ol = m
transmission in cement bond logging is
similar to the response of light weight OF (or- 32)/1..3 = “c
slurries. The majority of light weight
cements contain pozzolan which! when set~ g.~1 x 3,7$3541P J-!)3 = 3
will contain small voids due to the hollow :;1
silica spheres in pozzolan. These voids * COrlti?C:jj. 011 EdCbi>r~S @X.aCtO
from the pozzolan would correspond to the
voids in the compressible cement.


1. Halliburton Field Training Cementing

Manualt Sec 17? pol.

2. David L. Sutton~ Fred L. Sabinst

Ronald Fault “Preventing Annular Gas
Flowt New Evaluation for Annular
Gas-Flow Potential”t Oil and Gas
Journal, Dec 17, 1984.

3. David S. Kulalofskyl “Cement Leakage

Diminished”t Well Stimulation and
Completion, July 1982, PP. 50-51.

4. John M. ‘1’iniieylFred L. Sabinsl

David L. Sutton~ and Eric C. Miller~
“Study of Factors Causing Annular
Gas Following Primary Cementing”?
1979, SPE 8257.

50 Larry T. Watters and Fred L. Sabinsl

“Field Evaluation Method to Control
Gas Flow Following Cementing”~ 1980/
SPE 9287.

6. M. P.Bozichl R. C. Montmanl W. M.
Harmst “Application of Foamed
Portland Cement to Deep Well
Conditions in West Texas”t 1984t
SPE 12612.

7. C. H. Tanner~ W. M. Harms/ “Unique

Ultra Light-Weight Cement Slurry
Compositions for Use in Unique Well
Conditional Laboratory Evaluation/
and Field Performancenl 1983t
SPE 11486.

8. R. Montman~ D. SUttOn~ W. Harms~ B.

Modyt ‘Low Density Foam Cements
Solve Many Oil Field Problemsnt
World Oil Magazine/ June 1982.


LaboratoryTest Results
Slurry Weight Thickening Time Compressive
SlurryComposition (lb/gal) ~Hr:Min to 70 Bc) Strength
14.5 4:49
2% Bentonite
0.4x Fiuid Loss Additive 2409 psi in
Component BI 24 hr @ 1130°F
0.3% Retarder
4% Bentonite
10.64%CalciumSulfate I
0.75%FluidLossAdditive 14..4 3:19 659 psi in
0.2XAir Reducer 24 hr e 195°F
0.2% Retarder

Pozzolcn-cement blend 6;\

13.1 5:05 508 psi in
0.5% Fluid Loss Additive 24 hr @ 150”F
Component BI
0.3% Retarder

Class C
3% sodiummetasilicate 11.8 5:11 91 psi in
1.5%FluidLossAdditive 24 hr @ 150”F
0.4% Retarder
Class G
35% Silicii
0.75%Dispersant 16.0 5:33 3445 psi in
0.5% FluidLossAdditive 24 hr @ 2708F

Class G
35% Silica
18% Salt 16.0 3:48 2563 psi In
0.75%Dispersant 24 hr @ 270”F
0.5% FluidLoss
Additive 0,32Retarder
ME 15154

Photomicrograph of Set Cement

Containing Component BI


Cement Bond Log Ceme;:,~o$rJLog

Well #3

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